domingo, 26 de mayo de 2019

Helping people with difficulty choosing college majors

(posted on r/Showerthoughts as well)

So I had a lot of difficulty with picking majors/classes in college and so have been thinking about a couple of ways to help people. I am wondering about the following potential solutions:

1) Would it be effective for an individual to be exposed to the foundation of every potential major they could have in college, to standardize test them on the basis of their success in learning that foundation, and then incentivize them to pick the things they are good at? Say have a foundation for computer science, computer engineering, sociology, and psychology, see how much a person learns in these subjects compared to other people their age, and see if giving them bigger scholarships based on their best results is predictive of their success later in life? Same could be true for testing in success in entry courses in college as it relates to upper level specialized courses and upper level courses as it relates to graduate school.

2) Is an individual's internet history (even when anonymized and scanned by machines) throughout their childhood predictive of things they are good at later at life?

3) Is difficulty with picking courses a symptom of things like ADHD and Aspergers and should people who have such difficulties be referred for screening for such services?

Submitted May 26, 2019 at 06:31AM by vissar2g

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