lunes, 30 de septiembre de 2019

Teachers! Please help me!

If you know a better place to post this, please let me know. It's real late at night as I post this and I can't get the thought of childhood activity out of my head. In Elementary school I very specifically remember a set of pictures that we were told to write a short story on. These images were very surreal and seemed similar to a Rene Margritte painting. I remember one being a series of birds as a wallpaper, however some seemed to be flying away. I must find these images because they left such a uneasy feeling in my brain and one that still lasts today.

Please i'm losing sleep thinking about it

Submitted September 30, 2019 at 11:28PM by brummmyy

Any guidance for a teacher who wants to leave the classroom and move "up" in the world?

Hi everyone. I'm not sure if anyone would have any insight into this, but I figured I'd ask. I've been in education for fifteen years, primarily as a teacher. My Masters is in English teaching. I have some experience in the US and Asia. I do not want to teach anymore. I would like to move up in the world. I'm open to going back to school if need be, but I'm not quite sure what a good step upwards would be. I originally set my sights on administration, and have applied to admin programs. But I'm reconsidering now because there seems to be lots of people with admin licenses that are still in the classroom. This would be my nightmare. I don't doubt I'd be a good leader, as I work in that capacity overseas, but I do not have any connections in the American school system, which seems to make getting admin jobs a lot easier (I would dare say it's almost a 'requirement'). Are there any other jobs to pursue that may have a higher likelihood of finding a position? Maybe ones in high demand that would connect to my education background?

Submitted September 30, 2019 at 09:48PM by MystaED

@EducacionFutura : #Destacado - Nace oficialmente la Comisión Nacional para la Mejora Continua de la Educación, organismo que sustituye al INEE

@EducacionFutura : #Destacado - Nace oficialmente la Comisión Nacional para la Mejora Continua de la Educación, organismo que sustituye al INEE (via Twitter

He begins telling about his morning adventures

What part of speech is “about” in this sentence? Why?

Submitted September 30, 2019 at 08:00PM by TOFUelemental

Issues and Solutions

I know this has probably been done here multiple times, but I want to start an issues in education thread and see what kinds of solutions we can come up with as a community.

I’ll start.

As teachers, we are expected to teach to certain standards that are grade-level specific. However, at least at the middle school I teach at, most students can not even read “on grade level”. The problem I am struggling with is this; how can we as teachers teach the content we are required and expected to teach, when we have students in our class who can not grasp the concepts due to reading capability? And how can we expect our students to grasp these concepts and perform when they do not have the capability (at least at the present time) to understand said concepts?

Ex: we must have seventh graders write an informative essay and back up their writing with facts and the content we give them to write about is deemed appropriate for seventh graders, but the students can only read on a fourth grade level.

Submitted September 30, 2019 at 07:30PM by coachg17

Schooling while travelling?

So my family and I are planning an around the world trip and I am curious how we do this in regards to schooling. Some countries require the children to be enrolled in public schools. Where they do not speak English. Some countries, it is VERY expensive! Have any of you parents taken your kids abroad? Thanks!

Submitted September 30, 2019 at 07:37PM by pagpag0pekpek

Mini survey - Paras/IAs

Our district recently cut the hours of our IAs (they don’t call/recruit them as paraprofessionals) to 7hrs/day, and they are therefore denied benefits. Even though these people work from ~8 to ~3, they cannot qualify for full time benefits. Meanwhile the same district is breaking IEP laws (not enough IAs in collaborative classrooms to address each student’s IEP required minutes). Union is aware and doing this common across the country?

Submitted September 30, 2019 at 07:18PM by eggplantmctwist

Is there an equivalent VMOCK for Cover Letters?

VMOCK is an excellent tool for inputting CV's and having it corrected by an automated computer. Includes format, works choice, grammar, and a whole load of other things.

Is there something similar for cover letters?

If not I'm essentially trying to find some software that would tell me how good/bad my cover letter is.. Thank you

Submitted September 30, 2019 at 03:59PM by Evothiago

Any advice for a future Running Start student?

Hello, I'm currently a homeschooled sophomore planning on doing Running Start next school year. In case you don't know, Running Start is a program in Washington State that allows 11th and 12th graders take dual-credit, college-level classes at a community college.

Basically I'll be earning the second half my high school diploma and an associate's degree at the same time.

I've been homeschooled my entire life, and I'm already getting nervous about attending.

Do you have any advice for me?

Submitted September 30, 2019 at 04:55PM by Dragonbookworm1

@ManuelGilAnton : Este 3 de octubre, en El Colegio de Sonora, continua el diálogo sobre Las Reformas Educativas.

@ManuelGilAnton : Este 3 de octubre, en El Colegio de Sonora, continua el diálogo sobre Las Reformas Educativas. (via Twitter

Looking for help finding Mindfulness activities for an 8th grade high functioning ASD students!

Hey all- I’m in school to become a teacher, and just got a long term sub placement in an 8th grade self contained autism classroom. It’s all been very last minute that I’ve been thrown into this class for an undetermined amount of time (until a new teacher is hired), and I just found out that every Tuesday the students do something called “mindfulness Tuesday’s” and I’m not sure entirely what to do. Anyone have any suggestions?

Submitted September 30, 2019 at 10:49AM by Engardia

@EducacionFutura : Se han publicado en el Diario Oficial de la Federación los Decretos de las Leyes Secundarias en materia Educativa. Descarga el documento aquí

@EducacionFutura : Se han publicado en el Diario Oficial de la Federación los Decretos de las Leyes Secundarias en materia Educativa. Descarga el documento aquí (via Twitter

Bloomberg Opinion piece critical of ed-tech

This was published last week in Bloomberg Opinion. I have a love/hate relationship with technology and its use in the classroom (and in life). This piece seems to be part of the anti-tech trend that is now surfacing after school districts have unleashed so much tech into the classroom. Is it possible to make the case that classroom tech has to be truly thoughtful without sounding like a curmudgeonly Luddite?

Submitted September 30, 2019 at 07:30AM by realchicagomama

Pro school tip

Never study to your test by reading Wikipedia articles, teachers could easily accuse you of cheating in the test

I learnt this the hard way

Submitted September 30, 2019 at 04:03AM by 69xXThotSlayerXx777

Which energy drink actually makes you study harder?

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Submitted September 30, 2019 at 02:24AM by cchgray

domingo, 29 de septiembre de 2019

Anybody got notes for AP World History Unit 1.1-1.6 The Global Tapestry c. 1200 to c. 1450

This shit is mad annoying I'm tired of writing down hours of notes and not actually learning the shit.

Submitted September 29, 2019 at 11:11PM by Ace_Degenerate

How to know if a college major is good?

How do you figure out whether or not a college has a good rigorous major that you’re interested in? Like if I were to go into engineering, how would I tell if _________ university had a good engineering program?

Submitted September 29, 2019 at 09:09PM by meanttosaygoodbye

@ManuelGilAnton : En las aulas o en palacio...

@ManuelGilAnton : En las aulas o en palacio... (via Twitter

@EducacionFutura : @EducacionFutura en colaboración con el @cea_mope de la Universidad Iberoamericana abrimos la convocatoria para asistir al Laboratorio de Periodismo y Política Educativa 2019. Las sesiones son completamente gratuitas. Consulta sedes y fechas en

@EducacionFutura : @EducacionFutura en colaboración con el @cea_mope de la Universidad Iberoamericana abrimos la convocatoria para asistir al Laboratorio de Periodismo y Política Educativa 2019. Las sesiones son completamente gratuitas. Consulta sedes y fechas en (via Twitter

@EducacionFutura : #LoMásVisto - Las letras chiquitas de las plazas automáticas / Un análisis de @proferoger85

@EducacionFutura : #LoMásVisto - Las letras chiquitas de las plazas automáticas / Un análisis de @proferoger85 (via Twitter

@EducacionFutura : #PlumaInvitada - La simulación de las Leyes Secundarias Educativas

@EducacionFutura : #PlumaInvitada - La simulación de las Leyes Secundarias Educativas (via Twitter

@EducacionFutura : La formación ¿integral? de los maestros de educación básica en las leyes secundarias (Primera parte)

@EducacionFutura : La formación ¿integral? de los maestros de educación básica en las leyes secundarias (Primera parte) (via Twitter

What are requirements for Masters of CS in the US?

Hi there, I am thinking of doing my masters degree in the US but don’t have any clue about the application process/requirements and online search results seemed pretty vague. So I would appreciate if someone could help me with the questions I have. What would be the requirements for an ideal candidate to get accepted to a fairly good school for IT security major with some scholarships/fellowship? How much do you think it will cost? Thank you!

Submitted September 29, 2019 at 01:00PM by 1kgpotatoes

@EducacionFutura : #Agenda -Recuerda que este 9 de octubre en el @INIDEdelaUIA se realizará la Cátedra Carlos Muñoz Izquierdo

@EducacionFutura : #Agenda -Recuerda que este 9 de octubre en el @INIDEdelaUIA se realizará la Cátedra Carlos Muñoz Izquierdo (via Twitter

Interactive technology

My units involve a lot of practicals but the weather is so unpredictable. R there any apps where the students whos turn it is to observe could answer questions I post during the session?

Submitted September 29, 2019 at 10:00AM by Rufus_8319

@EducacionFutura : Ley de Carrera, artículo 35 / No te pierdas el análisis de Roberto Rodríguez

@EducacionFutura : Ley de Carrera, artículo 35 / No te pierdas el análisis de Roberto Rodríguez (via Twitter

College Transfer Question

Hi all! Sorry in advance for a wall of text, but have been mulling this over for a few weeks's the situation:

Despite not having a degree, I have a very busy, and promising career in IT in a respected leadership position (in my late 20's now). However, to take things to the next level, I definitely know a degree (of any sort, really) will be a differentiator. Despite being busy with travel and projects, this next step is a priority.

With that being said, I do have 3 semesters (around 90 credits) under my belt from when I was an undergrad in a PA state college, which i was enrolled straight out of high school. I left school when my father passed away in order to help my mother out since we had lost almost everything financially.

At this point, I'm considering talking to some admissions folks, but I wanted outside opinions as well. I feel I have 3 options:

  1. Pick up where I left off with my B.S from 5 years ago and hope I can do it remotely. HOWEVER I am not a fan of my old this could require more than 1 more year ( 2 semesters) of schooling.

  2. (Not sure if I can do this but..) transfer my credits from the 4 year school to a nearby community college, and put even less time in to get a similar degree, or a full year for something like an A.S in Engineering.

  3. Transfer credits over to another school that will take as many as possible, and do a completely remote (virtual) program for a different degree.

Excuse any ignorance here too for rules around transfer this isn't what I'm keen to!

Submitted September 29, 2019 at 09:33AM by fullchooch

Need all the books for grade 1-12 English in pdf any idea how to get them?

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Submitted September 29, 2019 at 04:38AM by sonofabitchgoku

Why do schools persist in teaching students factually incorrect information about the world?

So I have a foster brother, I cannot recall what year he is in on school, but I think he's about to start grade 7.

Anyway, when I was in school, I was taught there are 3 states of matter, solid, liquid, and gas.

Now I'm damn near 30, and so that was nearly 2 decades ago I was taught this.

I now know about Plasma, Liquid Crystal, Bose–Einstein condensates, neutron-degenerate matter, and quark–gluon plasma and such.

Now, this many years on, it surprised me that schools are still teaching that there are "only" three states of matter.

Now upon him telling me this and me pulling up some information, I gave him a rough understanding of the other states of matter, which he now has used to blow his teacher, and classmates, minds. He's a bright kid and found it interesting.

They also told him that humans have "only" 5 senses, completely ignoring senses like Proprioception, neuron sensors in the brain, kinaesthetic senses in your muscles that help you with actually coordinating your limbs, senses that tell you that you are suffocating, etc.

So my main question is, with our massively increased, and increasing, understanding of science, the world around us, and the human body, why are curriculums not reflecting this kind of information?

I mean, I would call myself dumb, but the building blocks I built my life off are now decades out of date, I'm still learning as humanity learns, and I'm wondering why we aren't giving kids these days the benefit of the sum of knowledge that we as a collective have now learned, giving them a bigger and more fundamental understanding of the world?

And don't get me started on the way they taught him maths, he asked me to help him do something called "The common core" one night, I taught him old school long addition, subtraction and division which he found super easy compared to the common way they taught, however he's been told by his teacher to do it "the hard way" because "that's what the other kids know and what he's been taught by the teacher" and she "didn't understand how he got to his answer, even though it was correct"

I mean, when it comes to stuff like maths, there are a few ways to skin a cat, so as long as he shows his working, and the answer is right, shouldn't he be good to go? That's how it was when I was in school.

Anyway, I kind of went off on a tangent there with the math bit at the end, I'm interested to hear what educators say about the how's and the whys.

Submitted September 29, 2019 at 04:07AM by Rumbuck_274

sábado, 28 de septiembre de 2019

I wrote an article about applying to and winning some of the best scholarships and fellowships

I wrote about my experience applying for and winning some of best scholarships and fellowships and what it was like to interview with others like Schwarzman Scholars and Stanford’s Knight Hennessy Scholars program. I hope this helps someone.

Submitted September 28, 2019 at 11:41PM by midoriringo

@EducacionFutura : #Opinión - La mala educación y las leyes secundarias / No te pierdas el análisis de @EduardoBackhoff

@EducacionFutura : #Opinión - La mala educación y las leyes secundarias / No te pierdas el análisis de @EduardoBackhoff (via Twitter

A web app helping you learning your lessons by heart

Hi, i came here to introduce you , a web app available in english and french who helps you learning your scholar lessons (or any other texts) .

Its using different methods to optimize the learning session : repetition, audios, keywords, images, rewriting and more..

All you have to do is to insert your lesson in the specified text area (copy/paste it) and follow the instructions !

Submitted September 28, 2019 at 02:10PM by RogueXVI

viernes, 27 de septiembre de 2019

@EducacionFutura : #Opinión - Nuevas Leyes Secundarias: entre descalificaciones y preocupación

@EducacionFutura : #Opinión - Nuevas Leyes Secundarias: entre descalificaciones y preocupación (via Twitter

@EducacionFutura : Ordena Corte al CONACyT entregar recursos al Foro Consultivo Científico y Tecnológico

@EducacionFutura : Ordena Corte al CONACyT entregar recursos al Foro Consultivo Científico y Tecnológico (via Twitter

@EducacionFutura : #LoMásVisto - Con 78 votos a favor, 26 en contra y seis abstenciones, el Senado de la República aprobó en lo general la minuta que contiene el proyecto de decreto que expide la Ley General de Educación y que abroga la de Infraestructura Física Educativa

@EducacionFutura : #LoMásVisto - Con 78 votos a favor, 26 en contra y seis abstenciones, el Senado de la República aprobó en lo general la minuta que contiene el proyecto de decreto que expide la Ley General de Educación y que abroga la de Infraestructura Física Educativa (via Twitter

@EducacionFutura : #Análisis - Escuelas Normales en México: Opinión de docentes y directivos / Un texto de @EduardoBackhoff

@EducacionFutura : #Análisis - Escuelas Normales en México: Opinión de docentes y directivos / Un texto de @EduardoBackhoff (via Twitter

Is it possible to be a computer engineer while being weak in math?

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Submitted September 27, 2019 at 08:16AM by _Porinju_

Stephen Hicks: Why is Marxism Returning?

Submitted September 27, 2019 at 07:17AM by knockingsparks

Oracy focus task help!!

Hey everyone

I am studying a PGCE and we have been set the task of making a focus group for a year 2 class of 5 pupils.

Their topic is sport, focusing on rugby for the week.

I have 30 minutes to complete a task with them that hits the outcomes of oracy

Any ideas?? I'm stuck for thoughts!

Submitted September 27, 2019 at 05:32AM by penini12

jueves, 26 de septiembre de 2019

@ManuelGilAnton : Gracias por estas palabras y preguntas, @warkentin Hace falta una mirada humana para ver lo que Greta significa.

@ManuelGilAnton : Gracias por estas palabras y preguntas, @warkentin Hace falta una mirada humana para ver lo que Greta significa. (via Twitter

Earn scholarship and get GED?

I’m a junior in highschool. I want to dropout, get a GED, go to community college, and transfer to a university. CC would be free, but idk how I’d pay to go the university. I feel like it’d be impossible to get any scholarships with this route. Would a scholarship earned before I drop out be revoked because of me dropping out?

Submitted September 26, 2019 at 04:28PM by t_dog77

Sick of charities squeezing families at Title I public schools

Maybe IATA here but please hear me out. My husband and I send our kids to our neighborhood title I public school out of choice. We are hugely involved in the school and have been since even before our kids started there. This is my 2nd year as ptsa President. I work (volunteer) tirelessly for the school because I love the community and believe to my bone that education should not be a privilege.

Our school is title I which means more than 90% of our families qualify for free or reduced lunch. Our families are well below the poverty line for the most part. The PTSA helps fund everything from kids who can’t afford uniforms to paying for kids lunches to covering field trips or school supplies for those that can’t afford it. I spend so much time filling out grants because the reality is, our community of families can’t be squeezed for a single extra dime.

However, every October, it’s mandatory that we let United Way come in and host a variety of fundraising events. We are pressured to give—teachers are expected (I believe required) to give. We have to raise a min of $1,000. So they have us do spirit weeks, dances, penny wars and other ideas. This requires volunteers, flyers and asks on average about $5-$12 per family for that month. That may not seem like a lot, but it’s more than we get usually for the entire year from our families.

None of this goes back into our school. It goes to United way. I wouldn’t be upset at all if it weren’t for the fact that we are a title I school—in other words, we are akin to a charity and many of our families rely on charity. Our school also needs every penny the ptsa raises but we aren’t allowed to fundraiser or hold any events in October. And if we try and do anything the months after, our families are usually maxed out from United way.

The principal tells me we have no choice. We are around the corner from a top-tier, for profit, private school and yet United way isn’t there.

I really feel this needs to change but I’m not sure how to make that happen. I’m willing to listen if I’m in the wrong here. I just want a solution that doesn’t take what our families can’t spare. Or at least that benefits the school and students directly.

Submitted September 26, 2019 at 05:00PM by Pajarito_6180

Andrew Yang's answer to: "What kind of education reform would be most beneficial to the U.S. right now?"

In a Quora session, Democratic Presidential candidate Andrew Yang answered the above question.

Yang's proposals for K-12 education include:

  • Move away from property taxes as primary funding source for public schools.
  • Deprioritise standardised tests.
  • Increase teacher salaries.
  • Strengthen families and reduce financial burden with his freedom dividend proposal to boost the out of home factors that determine most of student's academic performance.
  • Life skills education (financial literacy, managing technology, positive psychology and relationships).

Yang's proposals for higher education include:

  • Deprioritise college.
  • Promote vocational education.
  • Reduce student debt (e.g a 10 by 10 forgiveness plan where no one is pays more than 10% of their income for more than 10 years) and make it easier to discharge through bankruptcy.
  • Tie access to federal money (grants and loans) to administrator to student ratio in order to curb runaway inflation in college costs.

Submitted September 26, 2019 at 12:36PM by DragonGod2718

Education resouces of the future? [a question]


I am trying to find, or get a clear idea of the possible future of education with focus on education resouces.

What are the teaching materials of the future?
What are the teaching tools of tomorrow?

Is it interactivity, if so, how?
Is it authentic learning, or learn by doing via augmented or virtual reality.

I am looking for anything, peer reviewed articles, books, anything to help me get a more comprehensive view of the possibility of tomorrow in education and education resources.

Submitted September 26, 2019 at 09:08AM by atius

Anybody experienced an Open University course? I have completed two years at a UK University and am curious if it's worth trying Open University? Would other institutions accept me for a Master's after that?

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Submitted September 26, 2019 at 08:28AM by rhalifakih

I’m looking for a good mix between public education and Montessori

I love teaching, but hated teaching just for tests at the public schools I was at. I loved how Montessori schools let kids self direct, but all the schools I was at/interviewed with had virtually no structure. I’d like to find a good balance between the two.

Submitted September 26, 2019 at 07:49AM by spykids420

@EducacionFutura : Mensaje del Secretario de Educación Pública, Esteban Moctezuma Barragán, con motivo de la aprobación de las Leyes Secundarias en materia Educativa.

@EducacionFutura : Mensaje del Secretario de Educación Pública, Esteban Moctezuma Barragán, con motivo de la aprobación de las Leyes Secundarias en materia Educativa. (via Twitter

miércoles, 25 de septiembre de 2019

@EducacionFutura : #ÚltimoMinuto - Se aprueba en lo general y en lo particular el dictamen por el que se expide la Ley General del Sistema para la Carrera de las Maestras y los Maestros. Se remite al Ejecutivo Federal. Continúa la discusión del tercer Dictamen

@EducacionFutura : #ÚltimoMinuto - Se aprueba en lo general y en lo particular el dictamen por el que se expide la Ley General del Sistema para la Carrera de las Maestras y los Maestros. Se remite al Ejecutivo Federal. Continúa la discusión del tercer Dictamen (via Twitter

@EducacionFutura :

@EducacionFutura : (via Twitter

@EducacionFutura : #ÚltimoMinuto - Se aprueba en lo general el Dictamen de la Ley General del Sistema para la Carrera de las Maestras y Maestros

@EducacionFutura : #ÚltimoMinuto - Se aprueba en lo general el Dictamen de la Ley General del Sistema para la Carrera de las Maestras y Maestros (via Twitter


Well, I am a student. My school is always violating my IEP and GIEP. Our GATE program is basically non-existent. Which isn't okay. There are barely any rigorous courses to meet my academic needs since I'm an advanced student. Not many clubs are offered either. The school barely has any money to provide for the students, so they can't afford to get resources for us. And I live in a small town where EVERYBODY knows everybody. Majority of the teachers are form the area, and aren't that well educated. My school will literally hire anybody, that's how desperate they are. My counselors and teachers are zero help, please trust me when I say this.

Charter schools don't work because they don't have to follow IEPs/GIEPs. They also don't have programs such as GATE and cheer which I'm involved in, so charter is out of the question. I would like to go to a public school that is 10 minutes away from my house, but it's in another district. I feel like I haven't learned anything at my school in the past two years, and I don't want to attend my school anymore because I'm not reaching my full potential.

Submitted September 25, 2019 at 08:13PM by CassandraM2702

@EducacionFutura : Inseguridad, pobreza y educación / No te pierdas el análisis de Eduardo Andere

@EducacionFutura : Inseguridad, pobreza y educación / No te pierdas el análisis de Eduardo Andere (via Twitter

@EducacionFutura : #ÚltimoMinuto - Senado aprueba en lo general y en lo particular la Ley General de Educación; y se abroga la Ley General de la Infraestructura Física Educativa. Se remite al Ejecutivo Federal. Continúa la discusión de los otros Dictámenes

@EducacionFutura : #ÚltimoMinuto - Senado aprueba en lo general y en lo particular la Ley General de Educación; y se abroga la Ley General de la Infraestructura Física Educativa. Se remite al Ejecutivo Federal. Continúa la discusión de los otros Dictámenes (via Twitter

@EducacionFutura : #ÚltimoMinuto - El Pleno del Senado ha aprobado en lo general la Ley General de Educación y la abrogación de la Ley de Infraestructura Física Educativa

@EducacionFutura : #ÚltimoMinuto - El Pleno del Senado ha aprobado en lo general la Ley General de Educación y la abrogación de la Ley de Infraestructura Física Educativa (via Twitter

@EducacionFutura : #Opinión - Las letras chiquitas de las Plazas Automáticas

@EducacionFutura : #Opinión - Las letras chiquitas de las Plazas Automáticas (via Twitter

@EducacionFutura : Día Internacional de la Alfabetización, UNESCO 2019 / Un texto de Gregorio Hernández Zamora

@EducacionFutura : Día Internacional de la Alfabetización, UNESCO 2019 / Un texto de Gregorio Hernández Zamora (via Twitter

@EducacionFutura : #Video - Manuel Gil Antón y Marco Fernández analizan las Leyes Secundarias

@EducacionFutura : #Video - Manuel Gil Antón y Marco Fernández analizan las Leyes Secundarias (via Twitter

Is College Worth It?

Submitted September 25, 2019 at 12:11PM by knockingsparks

Homeschool / Online School for a troubled middle-schooler.

I hope this is the right place for this... If not I apologize, please redirect me to a more appropriate sub.

Looking for some advice from educators, teachers, parents, anyone really who has insight on my troubled daughter.

I'll give a brief background, but will happily answer questions.

My daughter is 11, starting 6th grade this year. Diagnosed with anxiety and currently medicated for that. Some markers for ADHD, but not diagnosed, and not being treated for it. Seeing a child therapist for anger management. My ex husband and I share custody and get along great and work together as a team to parent our kids. Her older sister is a gem and is doing great.

My daughter Laya started having increasingly bad panic attacks in the second half of 4th grade. Started refusing to go to school, saying it was impossible, too hard, scary, overwhelming. We immediately investigated and eliminated any chance of teacher or student abuse, bullying, or any kind of accident or danger. She just simply no longer wanted to go anymore, and started to have major crying breakdowns in the morning. Full blown panic attacks, screaming, yelling, throwing things. Unheard of behavior for what used to be a really awesome, dedicated little kid.

We stated to investigate other medical possibilities like PANDAS, or sleep apnea. Had tonsils removed, and did sleep studies, but no apnea. PANDAS is difficult to diagnose, but he didn't seem to be showing symptoms except for panic attacks and fear of transitions (but only around school). Continued to try to work with the school and eventually got Special Ed accommodations under the title of "emotional disturbance", and a partial PANDAS diagnosis.

My daughter says she doesn't want to talk to people, doesn't want to go to school, doesn't want to go to classes. She says she would rather be homeschooled. She's extremely intelligent, but has a terrible work ethic now. It's very difficult to motivate her to do anything she deems unimportant or not fun.

I work from home full time in IT, her father works full time. We cannot homeschool while we do that too. Furthermore, I don't trust that I personally will be able to motivate her to adhere to a homeschool regimen at the house any more than I can get her to do her existing assignments or what little homework she has. I'm not a teacher. I love my kids like crazy, but I don't know how to teach them these things, and their academics are getting increasingly beyond what I could reasonably learn myself.

On top of that, she would miss out on a lot of elective opportunities, socialization, and resources the schools provide.

She is currently enrolled in public school in an SEA (social emotional achievement) class. She goes to the main class, and they work with her to try to get her calm and ready each day. She's supposed to go to other out-classes, but right now they only send her to 1. While there, she sits on the floor and refuses to engage. She won't do assignments, won't talk to teachers, just completely shuts down.

When she comes home, she's a totally different person. She's funny, making jokes, being affectionate, doing chores, playing games, being a fun kind of goofy 11 year old kid. When it gets close to the evening, she starts to go downhill. Starts to worry, get anxious, gets up at all hours of the night, can't sleep. Then the morning rolls around and she's irritable, grumpy, shouting, yelling, crying, trying anything in her power to avoid going to school.

I don't know how to help her. She's completely against the idea of school, and I feel like homeschooling would be a disaster and giving in to what she wants instead of helping her learn how to be a part of a team, socialize, follow rules, take responsibility, etc.

Can anyone offer any insights, advice, or words of hope?

Submitted September 25, 2019 at 11:52AM by ThrowAwaySink913

@EducacionFutura : Ser docente hoy: de lo fácil a lo más fácil / No te pierdas el análisis de Miguel Ángel Pérez

@EducacionFutura : Ser docente hoy: de lo fácil a lo más fácil / No te pierdas el análisis de Miguel Ángel Pérez (via Twitter

@EducacionFutura : Sigue en vivo la Sesión Ordinaria del Senado de la República donde se discutirán las Leyes Secundarias en materia Educativa

@EducacionFutura : Sigue en vivo la Sesión Ordinaria del Senado de la República donde se discutirán las Leyes Secundarias en materia Educativa (via Twitter

@EducacionFutura : Avanza en Comisiones del Senado la aprobación de las Leyes Secundarias en materia Educativa. Hoy se debate en el Pleno

@EducacionFutura : Avanza en Comisiones del Senado la aprobación de las Leyes Secundarias en materia Educativa. Hoy se debate en el Pleno (via Twitter


Please, I need advice. My school is literal trash. I can't go to a charter or a private school because they won't provide what I need.

Submitted September 25, 2019 at 09:53AM by CassandraM2702

@EducacionFutura : Y cuando desperté estaban ahí: los 43 / Un texto de Abelardo carro a 5 años de la desaparición de los estudiantes Normalistas de Ayotzinapa

@EducacionFutura : Y cuando desperté estaban ahí: los 43 / Un texto de Abelardo carro a 5 años de la desaparición de los estudiantes Normalistas de Ayotzinapa (via Twitter

@EducacionFutura : L´affaire Lazcano y el Sistema Nacional de Investigadores / No te pierdas el análisis de Sylvie Didou Aupetit

@EducacionFutura : L´affaire Lazcano y el Sistema Nacional de Investigadores / No te pierdas el análisis de Sylvie Didou Aupetit (via Twitter

What are your thoughts on private schools?

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Submitted September 25, 2019 at 04:48AM by shalomjackie101

martes, 24 de septiembre de 2019

Masters Program Advice (California)

Hello, I am currently in my 3rd year of teaching at the middle school level. I am starting to look at Masters programs in order to move across the pay chart. I am wondering what programs people have had good experiences at? I know that there are several roads to take. I'm just looking for some advice and hopefully a program that really made an impact on you as an educator.

I didn't feel like my credential, or undergrad really prepared me for what the world of education really requires. So, in a perfect world I wan't a program that is going to give me the skills to be the best teacher/ educator I can be. I know that is asking a lot, many people simply tell me to go to the online program and get it done. But, that's just not me. Are there masters programs that you really feel impacted and made you better?

Submitted September 24, 2019 at 10:54PM by ncardet9

@EducacionFutura : #ÚltimoMinuto - Las Comisiones Unidas de Educación y de Estudios Legislativos Segunda del Senado aprobaron las Leyes Secundarias de la #ReformaEducativa

@EducacionFutura : #ÚltimoMinuto - Las Comisiones Unidas de Educación y de Estudios Legislativos Segunda del Senado aprobaron las Leyes Secundarias de la #ReformaEducativa (via Twitter

@EducacionFutura : #EnVivo - Discusión de las Leyes Secundarias desde la Comisión de Educación del Senado

@EducacionFutura : #EnVivo - Discusión de las Leyes Secundarias desde la Comisión de Educación del Senado (via Twitter

@ManuelGilAnton : Una conversación, hoy, sobre las Leyes Secundarias en #Botepronto, un debate sobre la marcha. Agradezco a Carlos Puig @puigcarlos, @scherermar Maria Scherer y @Marxvan51 Nacho Marván su generosidad para pensar juntos.

@ManuelGilAnton : Una conversación, hoy, sobre las Leyes Secundarias en #Botepronto, un debate sobre la marcha. Agradezco a Carlos Puig @puigcarlos, @scherermar Maria Scherer y @Marxvan51 Nacho Marván su generosidad para pensar juntos. (via Twitter

How could we change the educational system?

No text found

Submitted September 24, 2019 at 11:35AM by iwokeupabillionare

@ManuelGilAnton : @profr_paco @almaldo2 @marco_fdezm Profesor Paco. No he sido profesor de educación básica, y la experiencia en Veracruz con 25 niños no ha sido la mía. Procuro hablar y escuchar a profesores como usted para guiar mi mirada y respetar la complejidad de su trabajo. Eso se lo aseguro, aunque a veces no lo logre.

@ManuelGilAnton : @profr_paco @almaldo2 @marco_fdezm Profesor Paco. No he sido profesor de educación básica, y la experiencia en Veracruz con 25 niños no ha sido la mía. Procuro hablar y escuchar a profesores como usted para guiar mi mirada y respetar la complejidad de su trabajo. Eso se lo aseguro, aunque a veces no lo logre. (via Twitter

Applying for scholarship w/o HS diploma?

I’m planning on dropping out of HS, getting a ged, and going straight to community college and then transferring to a university. Do scholarship applications (for transferring) ask for HS transcripts? Would it be hard to get a scholarship with a GED? CC would be free, I just dont know how I’d pay once I transfer.

Submitted September 24, 2019 at 08:18AM by t_dog77

lunes, 23 de septiembre de 2019

@EducacionFutura : Este martes 24 de septiembre la Comisión de Educación del Senado debatirá los Dictámenes en Leyes Secundarias en materia Educativa

@EducacionFutura : Este martes 24 de septiembre la Comisión de Educación del Senado debatirá los Dictámenes en Leyes Secundarias en materia Educativa (via Twitter

Here is a write-up, with student work, on week 2 of my video game ELA elective class.

You can read about it here at Hey Listen Games.

I'm teaching a new ELA class this year using the video games Gone Home and What Remains of Edith Finch, as the main texts. I'll be writing about its progress each week. You can find links to the previous weeks and my full curriculum in the post above. The curriculum and subscribing to the site for updates is completely free.

Submitted September 23, 2019 at 05:58PM by somefuzzypants

@EducacionFutura : Advierten investigadores de RED riesgos en Leyes Secundarias en Educación

@EducacionFutura : Advierten investigadores de RED riesgos en Leyes Secundarias en Educación (via Twitter

@ManuelGilAnton : La conversación de hoy en la mañana en #despierta de @NTelevisa_com por si quieren verla.

@ManuelGilAnton : La conversación de hoy en la mañana en #despierta de @NTelevisa_com por si quieren verla. (via Twitter

@EducacionFutura : Crítica a la normativa educativa: Mejora continua / Un análisis de @flores_crespo, Investigador de la @UAQmx y Académico Visitante de la Escuela de Posgrado en Educación en Harvard @hgse

@EducacionFutura : Crítica a la normativa educativa: Mejora continua / Un análisis de @flores_crespo, Investigador de la @UAQmx y Académico Visitante de la Escuela de Posgrado en Educación en Harvard @hgse (via Twitter

@ManuelGilAnton : La Ley General del Servicio para las Maestras y Maestros es perfectible. No es correcto incumplir el reglamento de la Cámara y así ocurrió. Hay que impulsar una discusión suficiente en Senadores para eliminar inconsistencias y tener un mejor marco normativo.

@ManuelGilAnton : La Ley General del Servicio para las Maestras y Maestros es perfectible. No es correcto incumplir el reglamento de la Cámara y así ocurrió. Hay que impulsar una discusión suficiente en Senadores para eliminar inconsistencias y tener un mejor marco normativo. (via Twitter

@ManuelGilAnton : En #despierta de @NTelevisa_com coincidí en la crítica a la propuesta de apoyo a las Normales que indica la Ley, pues no es consistente con la propuesta presupuestal de reducir su asignación en 40%. Necesitamos que el dinero público apoye a las palabras.

@ManuelGilAnton : En #despierta de @NTelevisa_com coincidí en la crítica a la propuesta de apoyo a las Normales que indica la Ley, pues no es consistente con la propuesta presupuestal de reducir su asignación en 40%. Necesitamos que el dinero público apoye a las palabras. (via Twitter

@ManuelGilAnton : En #despierta de @NTelevisa_com expuse que la asignación inmediata a una plaza para los egresados de Normales, UPN y Centros de Actualización del Magisterio, podría tener procesos de equivalencia con los que propone la Ley. No sería "automatico" sino reglamentado.

@ManuelGilAnton : En #despierta de @NTelevisa_com expuse que la asignación inmediata a una plaza para los egresados de Normales, UPN y Centros de Actualización del Magisterio, podría tener procesos de equivalencia con los que propone la Ley. No sería "automatico" sino reglamentado. (via Twitter

@ManuelGilAnton : En #despierta de @NTelevisa_com argumenté que los factores que se tomarán en cuenta para la admisión a la docencia son adecuados: preparación pedagógica, experiencia docente, capacidad para coordinar procesos de aprendizaje. Y que eso apoya a los educandos.

@ManuelGilAnton : En #despierta de @NTelevisa_com argumenté que los factores que se tomarán en cuenta para la admisión a la docencia son adecuados: preparación pedagógica, experiencia docente, capacidad para coordinar procesos de aprendizaje. Y que eso apoya a los educandos. (via Twitter

@ManuelGilAnton : En #despierta de @NTelevisa_com esta mañana, expresé que la actual reforma educativa tiene una orientación mucho mejor que la de EPN pues apuesta por la formación del magisterio, y no por la evaluación reducida a examinación.

@ManuelGilAnton : En #despierta de @NTelevisa_com esta mañana, expresé que la actual reforma educativa tiene una orientación mucho mejor que la de EPN pues apuesta por la formación del magisterio, y no por la evaluación reducida a examinación. (via Twitter

Who is stealing your time? People who should be discarded

  1. Constantly late. Force majeure happens, and everyone can be delayed due to circumstances beyond his control. But there are people who just do not know how to arrive on time. And the most unbearable thing is that they really do not see anything special in it. Just think, only half an hour had to wait.

  2. Manipulators. Such people you can meet from school. They ask to decide an example for them, because "it’s hard for you, or something." They play on our sense of self-importance, because they "will not succeed, not like yours." Suffer and complain. It’s not always possible to immediately bite through the manipulator, and you really want to help. And then it turns out that you were just doing someone else's work.

  3. Whiners. We’ll immediately decide: you can’t take any complaints, the desire to share and other expressions of emotions as nagging. Each person has the right to experience their feelings, this is the key to psychological health. But there are people who clearly abuse this right. Their problems are always more important than yours. They can complain about life without stopping. And you don’t really understand what is needed from you. Attempts to help solve the problem rest on the endless "yes, but ...".

By the way, join new interesting subreddit where you can find help with your homework: r/BestEssayWritingHelp

Submitted September 23, 2019 at 07:39AM by MigrantDixie

@ManuelGilAnton : Sobre las plazas ¿automáticas?

@ManuelGilAnton : Sobre las plazas ¿automáticas? (via Twitter

domingo, 22 de septiembre de 2019

@ManuelGilAnton : RT @jcma23: Comparto textos y opiniones: @levmx666 @inclan66 @MaurroJarquin @angeldiazbarrig @flores_crespo @sociobservermex @julioastillero @ManuelGilAnton @lhan55 @arceliambordon @REobservatorio @elErickJuarez @JamG_CliO @SergioDunstan @EducaHistorica @canalesa99

@ManuelGilAnton : RT @jcma23: Comparto textos y opiniones: @levmx666 @inclan66 @MaurroJarquin @angeldiazbarrig @flores_crespo @sociobservermex @julioastillero @ManuelGilAnton @lhan55 @arceliambordon @REobservatorio @elErickJuarez @JamG_CliO @SergioDunstan @EducaHistorica @canalesa99 (via Twitter

@EducacionFutura : #Opinión - Echando a perder se aprende: Continuidad en política de promoción a Cargos de Dirección y Supervisión Escolar

@EducacionFutura : #Opinión - Echando a perder se aprende: Continuidad en política de promoción a Cargos de Dirección y Supervisión Escolar (via Twitter

@EducacionFutura : #Opinión - La CNTE y la Nueva Escuela Mexicana. Dos piezas que no encajan en un proyecto educativo

@EducacionFutura : #Opinión - La CNTE y la Nueva Escuela Mexicana. Dos piezas que no encajan en un proyecto educativo (via Twitter

Coping | Psychology Today

No one sets out to get stressed; you just arrive there. These self-regulation techniques may offer some relief.

Submitted September 22, 2019 at 01:05PM by WinterDay115

@EducacionFutura : #Análisis - ¿Por qué no, en vez de pase “automático”, pensar en una asignación reglamentada cuyos criterios, públicos, hagan redundante el proceso previsto, pues aportan constancia clara que satisfacen sus condiciones?

@EducacionFutura : #Análisis - ¿Por qué no, en vez de pase “automático”, pensar en una asignación reglamentada cuyos criterios, públicos, hagan redundante el proceso previsto, pues aportan constancia clara que satisfacen sus condiciones? (via Twitter

Education later is limiting

My thoughts are that when you start working 40 hours a week to survive, you can no longer progress academically to your fullest extent. Either to due funds or mostly the time constraints needed to survive, it would make it impossible to do the best you could have done. You may be stuck with your dead end job forever or a slightly better position if the debt accrued is payable and you graduated

Submitted September 22, 2019 at 11:22AM by loader-man

STAR reading test results - how to use?

One of my private students has a result of IRL = 3.1, ZPD = 2.7-3.8. Lexile is around 250-400L. The test tells me that he "understands ~80% of 3rd grade material".

I have searched a lot and cannot find how to use this result in any way including how to find appropriate reading material for him. I can see that the STAR reading test seems to be popular in the USA so I'm hoping someone here might be familiar with it.

What can I do with this test result?

Submitted September 22, 2019 at 04:44AM by Fkfkdoe73

Help for synopsis if anybody has access to this article then please help me. This is the best quality article that I require. Thanks in advance.

Submitted September 22, 2019 at 12:43AM by Gagandeep_

Scholarships for Masters

I'm an undergraduate student following a computer science degree(part time) from university of westminster(in a local institute in sri lanka) while working as a mobile application developer in a reputed company in Sri lanka. I'll graduate in 2023 with 5 years of industry experience in mobile application development.

I'm thinking to do masters in a foreign country. I need help to find scholarships for masters in computer science related degrees. I'm willing to take my wife too. she's doing the same degrees as me and she's going to do masters in a related area of study.

I need help finding scholarships and the countries we should try for our situation.


Submitted September 22, 2019 at 01:56AM by madushalakruwan

sábado, 21 de septiembre de 2019

@ManuelGilAnton : Sobre las Orquestas y la SEP. Reflexión oportuna de Roberto Rodríguez Gómez.

@ManuelGilAnton : Sobre las Orquestas y la SEP. Reflexión oportuna de Roberto Rodríguez Gómez. (via Twitter