martes, 24 de septiembre de 2019

Masters Program Advice (California)

Hello, I am currently in my 3rd year of teaching at the middle school level. I am starting to look at Masters programs in order to move across the pay chart. I am wondering what programs people have had good experiences at? I know that there are several roads to take. I'm just looking for some advice and hopefully a program that really made an impact on you as an educator.

I didn't feel like my credential, or undergrad really prepared me for what the world of education really requires. So, in a perfect world I wan't a program that is going to give me the skills to be the best teacher/ educator I can be. I know that is asking a lot, many people simply tell me to go to the online program and get it done. But, that's just not me. Are there masters programs that you really feel impacted and made you better?

Submitted September 24, 2019 at 10:54PM by ncardet9

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