The knee jerk reaction of sending kids to school is making pawns of them, but no surprise you have always used kids as pawns for their own education. ie standardized testing is for fund allocation i’m congress and has no correlation to learning.
Hi my name is Taco Steve and I’m an expert in distance education.
My research and practical experience would only allow me one piece of advice for the DOE. Take this time to learn how to utilize 21st century tools, use the next year to master online tools and techniques, learn how to supplement extra services such as food, medical, and counseling while keeping students home.
Come back in fall of 2021 and be ready to use a hybrid learning approach.
If students missed a year of school, they would be at a disadvantage from whom? Other students who also missed a year.
I was always taught to turn a negative into a positive; I teach this as life philosophy.
Instead of reactively sending kids back to a subpar learning environment on the best day, take the time to analyze and train. Train learners how to learn online, train teachers how to teach hybrid.
This is one of the best opportunities we could have asked for; instead cry about more funding for PPE and physical education!!! It is my expert opinion that sending anyone to any physical class during a pandemic is stupid, counter productive, dangerous, and simply policial at this point.
Online education research demonstrates that the learning outcomes are as good if not better.
take away attendance, busy work, recess, lunch, and two bus rides. students get at best 3 hours of instruction per day. Now add PPE- new protocols and social distancing. You might get 1 hour of solid education.
The inefficiency in American education has a real opportunity to jump out of the 1800s and into the 2020s.
Please urge your educators to retire if they resist hybrid education.
First comment: But what about socialization?
My answer: Ever seen kids today? They stare at their phones. Also that’s what sports and extra curricular activities are for; plus with all the extra time they have not wasted on a bus that can afford to socialize with their friends.
Any physical only instruction in 2020 is WRONG!!!
Submitted July 26, 2020 at 11:16PM by tacosteve100
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