sábado, 25 de julio de 2020

I’m of those students who do the bare minimum and make high grades (92+). College is coming up very quickly and In scared shitless because I don’t know how to study properly, etc. Any tips please ?

Honestly, I thought that I’d be pretty fine with the way I work now: rarely study, use big words on essays, and rely on my memory. However my mind changed about all of that as I continue to see and read posts/blogs about how people “like me” basically are in for a huge wake up call when college comes and we’re more likely to fall flat on our asses pretty quickly. Which is why I decided to reach out to the redditors on this sub to ask for help. Any tips and advice would be greatly appreciated !!

Submitted July 25, 2020 at 12:07PM by mountainfailures https://ift.tt/2WVVK8Y

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