lunes, 31 de agosto de 2020

If you're looking to learn about event planning, I came across this great UDEMY course!

Came across this new course in Udemy and it was really good! It was definitely above my expectations. The videos are very clear and easy to follow, because the course is structured very well. You learn exactly what the title says: event planning, how to get sponsors and managing relationships.

Perhaps you'll find it useful too. And it's currently 90% off:

Submitted August 31, 2020 at 11:25PM by Klaudia-SFE

Getting another degree at 30 years old?

I have been working for 8 years now, of which 6 were in the events industry. And as we all know, that industry is in a shithole now.

I have a diploma in aerospace, and a degree in public relations, and was considering taking up a part-time degree in Computer Science.

The thing now is, i'll be 35 when I graduate. will I be too old then? shouldnt I have already achieved some progression in my career by then? is it too late?

Submitted August 31, 2020 at 10:38PM by Back2Futures

Can you refuse homework for your child as a whole?

The title is all the question I have but I figured I might as well rant a tad while I’m here!

I don’t have children currently but I plan on it in the future. My husband and I despise the US Education system as a whole, we believe that it needs to be completely reconstructed to fit modern times.

I strongly do not believe in any type of homework for k-12. I think what they are learning should be done during the 7-8 hours they are in school. I remember going to school all day and sometimes having 5 hours of homework in middle school with my parents assistance! Us adults aren’t working for free after we clock out of work! So why expect our children to basically do the same thing?

I plan on raising my child as a person and not as a child in the traditional sense. I want to respect their interests and goals and opinions and just kinda coexist while obviously guiding them to be kind and respectful of all.

That being said if my child is interested in an educational subject and wants to learn more about it while at home I will listen to them talk about it all night and read about it with them and try to help them learn. I just want my children to have the freedom to be children while they can and spend their time out of school being able to grow their personal interests.

Submitted August 31, 2020 at 10:44PM by dazedandconfuseddawg

@ManuelGilAnton : RT @PearlJavs: Gracias a @Profelandia por el espacio y la publicación.

@ManuelGilAnton : RT @PearlJavs: Gracias a @Profelandia por el espacio y la publicación. (via Twitter

Double Major?

So I plan to apply to a university in Japan but I want to study both mechanical engineering and political science. Do I apply to only one department as both of them are in totally different departments or do I apply to both departments. If I get accepted to only one can I still study the other? My parents want me to have 2 degrees. I'm still in year 11 so I have another year to start. Appreciate any feedback.

Submitted August 31, 2020 at 09:32PM by ShinichiSD

Trade school after school debt

Hey all, long story short. I have alot of student loan debt. Will take years to pay off to finish getting my degree. Looking to start HVAC. Their are technical schools around me I'd like to start at . Does me owing a university matter for technical school? My major is unrelated so I dont see why I'd even need my transcript anyway.

Any advice appreciated.

Submitted August 31, 2020 at 07:36PM by battleonjay

@EducacionFutura : Todo indica que @ElbaEsther_G regresa. Fuentes cercanas a "La Maestra" revelan que se ha reactivado en el servicio y reintegrado al Centro de Trabajo para Comisionados del @SnteNacional con CCT 15AGS0001S / Un artículo de @elErickJuarez

@EducacionFutura : Todo indica que @ElbaEsther_G regresa. Fuentes cercanas a "La Maestra" revelan que se ha reactivado en el servicio y reintegrado al Centro de Trabajo para Comisionados del @SnteNacional con CCT 15AGS0001S / Un artículo de @elErickJuarez (via Twitter

Why does the academic school year in much of the Northern Hemisphere traditionally start on September 1st?

It’s that time of the year again and schools are starting again in much of the northern half of the globe. Though this year COVID19 may make things different as some schools go virtual.

I be curious why traditionally students begin their new grade around September and end sometime in June.

As with just a handful of exceptions school systems in much of Europe and Asia follow this pattern. Japan and Korea seem to begin the year at Spring but follows a similar summer break pattern until September 1st. While China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macau, seem to always start the new school year on September 1st sharp and end it on June 30th. Vietnam and cambodia likely runs on a similar schedule but ends a bit earlier.

Britain’s school term runs week or two into July before summer break but restarts at September 1st

North America used to mostly follow this pattern it as well except during the last two decades more and more local districts especially in the US decided to experiment with an year round or modified calendar schedule which may start as early as July but has breaks in between the year. Though the fiscal year starts at July 1st.

I am always curious why students begin their new grade around September and end it in June. In some areas they have to take end of year tests/exams under sweltering heat before the advent of A/C which seem to hinder their test performance.

Submitted August 31, 2020 at 05:53PM by Jcs609

Covid 19 Qualitative Study: Teacher Perspectives

Hi fellow educators,

I am a former physics teacher, now I'm an education policy researcher. Please fill out this survey about your return to the classroom during a pandemic, help me share your voice with education policy stakeholders!

Submitted August 31, 2020 at 05:35PM by MrRonnoc32

Any online schools out there with no virtual meetings?

And is it too late for me too enroll. I have looked everyone online and on Reddit and I never get a definitive answer on any online schools with no virtual meetings. So this is like my last shot.

Submitted August 31, 2020 at 03:17PM by dd_trewe

Help me with grad school by taking a survey!

I am writing a research paper for grad school about social emotional learning and public policy. If you could take just a couple minutes of your day to fill this out, it would really help me!

Thank you in advance. :)

Submitted August 31, 2020 at 02:18PM by redassaggiegirl17

Any website that offers online degrees in publishing/media?

No text found

Submitted August 31, 2020 at 01:44PM by AdultBeyondRepair

Are there any alternatives of job Corp ?

No text found

Submitted August 31, 2020 at 01:46PM by DeathB4Dinner

@ManuelGilAnton : La esperanza está de luto...

@ManuelGilAnton : La esperanza está de luto... (via Twitter

@ManuelGilAnton : Lalo, gracias, ya lo borré...

@ManuelGilAnton : Lalo, gracias, ya lo borré... (via Twitter

@ManuelGilAnton : Disculpen, ya he eliminado el tweet y agradezco su apoyo para no difundir aspectos falsos..

@ManuelGilAnton : Disculpen, ya he eliminado el tweet y agradezco su apoyo para no difundir aspectos falsos.. (via Twitter

@ManuelGilAnton : Ofrezco una disculpa. Creí en la fuente que me lo pasó.

@ManuelGilAnton : Ofrezco una disculpa. Creí en la fuente que me lo pasó. (via Twitter

@ManuelGilAnton : RT @psolisaqui: Sigo recibiendo solicitudes para esta posición como investigador/a asociado/a. Es una plaza con un pago equivalente a un post-doctorado, trabajando directamente conmigo en la agenda de investigación sobre racismo y desigualdad social en México. Por favor ayuden a difundir.

@ManuelGilAnton : RT @psolisaqui: Sigo recibiendo solicitudes para esta posición como investigador/a asociado/a. Es una plaza con un pago equivalente a un post-doctorado, trabajando directamente conmigo en la agenda de investigación sobre racismo y desigualdad social en México. Por favor ayuden a difundir. (via Twitter

I (14M) got Double science what do I do?

Hi all,

I'm 14 years old and I'm going into year 10 (9th grade) . Due to Covid 19, I was forced to be graded with teachers inputs. In science, I always got above 90 percent. Today I was told I have got double science for my GCSEs.

I'm really disappointed and my parents are frustrated. Is it the end of the world as I would like to go into the engineering field?

Is it really that bad to do Double science?

Please let me know.

Kind regards, Naliin

Submitted August 31, 2020 at 11:17AM by n4l11n

@EducacionFutura : Todos aquí / Un análisis de @DavidResortera

@EducacionFutura : Todos aquí / Un análisis de @DavidResortera (via Twitter

@EducacionFutura : La academia del divo / Un texto de Pedro Flores Crespo

@EducacionFutura : La academia del divo / Un texto de Pedro Flores Crespo (via Twitter

@ManuelGilAnton : RT @EducacionFutura: Aprende en Casa II: ¿La televisión, el maestro o ambos? / Un análisis de Rogelio Javier Alonso Ruiz

@ManuelGilAnton : RT @EducacionFutura: Aprende en Casa II: ¿La televisión, el maestro o ambos? / Un análisis de Rogelio Javier Alonso Ruiz (via Twitter

Need to find the right topic for my skilled work/labour. Working as an curative teacher.

Hey there guys,
I'm in a bit of a struggle right now. I'm in the last year of my apprenticeship and need to write a skilled work about a specific topic regarding people with mental/physical disabilities.I don't have problems with work like this normally, but I'm overwhelmed by the possible topics to chose from while beeing afraid not to pick the best one to write about.
This will have quiet a huge impact and I want to get a good mark. I don't struggle writing alot, neither I struggle in terms of specialized knowledge, but I do struggle starting things and picking the right subject.I hope to find someone here who maybe has an idea I can identify with and would like to use as the topic of my work.Everthing regarding people with mental/physical disabilities can be chosen here. Their lifestyle or specific issues in interaction with society in that regard should be a subtopic.I could list some to let you guys know what could be chosen.

Sexuality of people with mental/physical disabilities and the coherent difficulties.The rights of people with disabilites and/or issues regarding the self-determination/self-fulfilment.

I hope to find people here to give me some thoughts/ideas to go with, it's just to get some more perspectives from others and what they maybe think is interesting to write about.Is there anything you maybe questioned yourself regarding people with disabilites?Anything specific that made your thought about certain situations and asking yourself how people with disabilites cope with them?

Iam happy about everyone participating here.



Submitted August 31, 2020 at 07:06AM by thehybris95

domingo, 30 de agosto de 2020

@ManuelGilAnton : RT @EducacionFutura: Un garabato colorado / Un texto de Abelardo Carro Nava

@ManuelGilAnton : RT @EducacionFutura: Un garabato colorado / Un texto de Abelardo Carro Nava (via Twitter

@EducacionFutura : Aprende en Casa II: ¿La televisión, el maestro o ambos? / Un análisis de Rogelio Javier Alonso Ruiz

@EducacionFutura : Aprende en Casa II: ¿La televisión, el maestro o ambos? / Un análisis de Rogelio Javier Alonso Ruiz (via Twitter

@EducacionFutura : #Análisis - Un grano no hace granero, pero ayuda al compañero

@EducacionFutura : #Análisis - Un grano no hace granero, pero ayuda al compañero (via Twitter

An Interesting Early Literacy Program

I have been working as a social worker with children of special needs, including language pathology and developmental issues. There are so many concepts and components to cover when it comes to early literacy: phonics, phonological awareness, phonemic awareness, reading comprehension, grammar, to name a few. And there’s this website saying they’ve got a lot of good stuff to teach language and early reading. Apparently they developed the curriculum for over a decade now, and they’re starting a new subscription-based service for homes and classrooms amid the pandemic.

In a nutshell, their curriculum is all evidence-based. Meaning, they studied what should be taught, when and how, and created materials including books, activities, and no-prep lesson guides, so that anyone, if you can read and understand basic English, can teach language and early reading. They also have short teacher tip videos where you can learn important concepts that you can apply to your lessons. It’s all online, so you can teach wherever you are — very timely one whether you’re a parent with your little ones at home or a teacher with students on screen.

Check it out. I’ve recommended my clients (parents) to try the free 7-day trial.

Submitted August 30, 2020 at 09:04PM by mureup

@EducacionFutura : #PlumaInvitada - El valor de la Educación Física

@EducacionFutura : #PlumaInvitada - El valor de la Educación Física (via Twitter

@EducacionFutura : #PlumaInvitada - Más allá del inicio escolar 2020-2021. La propuesta de la @cntemx para hacer frente a la pandemia

@EducacionFutura : #PlumaInvitada - Más allá del inicio escolar 2020-2021. La propuesta de la @cntemx para hacer frente a la pandemia (via Twitter

@ManuelGilAnton : Mensajes a la maestra explicando demoras en la entrega de tareas... "Maestra cuando pueda poner una recarga le mando las tareas"; "Maestra, fui hacer unos trabajitos y con lo que gane puse una recarga, por eso no había podido contestar"

@ManuelGilAnton : Mensajes a la maestra explicando demoras en la entrega de tareas... "Maestra cuando pueda poner una recarga le mando las tareas"; "Maestra, fui hacer unos trabajitos y con lo que gane puse una recarga, por eso no había podido contestar" (via Twitter

@EducacionFutura : No hay fórmulas mágicas, pero sí saberes pedagógicos / Un artículo de Erica Lavín

@EducacionFutura : No hay fórmulas mágicas, pero sí saberes pedagógicos / Un artículo de Erica Lavín (via Twitter

@EducacionFutura : Pedagogía violeta: el feminismo es un acto político y pedagógico / Un análisis de Delma Cecilia Martínez Muñoz

@EducacionFutura : Pedagogía violeta: el feminismo es un acto político y pedagógico / Un análisis de Delma Cecilia Martínez Muñoz (via Twitter

@EducacionFutura : ¿Marcha atrás la educación? Los peligros de la masificación en la era de la personalización

@EducacionFutura : ¿Marcha atrás la educación? Los peligros de la masificación en la era de la personalización (via Twitter

@EducacionFutura : Pide MEJOREDU atención prioritaria a abandono escolar

@EducacionFutura : Pide MEJOREDU atención prioritaria a abandono escolar (via Twitter

@EducacionFutura : Regreso a clases 2020: bondades y bemoles / No te pierdas el texto de Sylvie Didou Aupetit

@EducacionFutura : Regreso a clases 2020: bondades y bemoles / No te pierdas el texto de Sylvie Didou Aupetit (via Twitter

Top 10 Anger Management Activities for kids | Child Education

No text found

Submitted August 30, 2020 at 01:23PM by ChildEdu

@EducacionFutura : Un garabato colorado / Un texto de Abelardo Carro Nava

@EducacionFutura : Un garabato colorado / Un texto de Abelardo Carro Nava (via Twitter

@EducacionFutura : La banda educativa del pacto gris / Un análisis de Manuel Gil Antón

@EducacionFutura : La banda educativa del pacto gris / Un análisis de Manuel Gil Antón (via Twitter

@EducacionFutura : #Agenda - No te pierdas el foro de análisis "En la COVIDIANIDAD la Escuela Privada en riesgo: reflexiones y propuestas". Inscripciones en:

@EducacionFutura : #Agenda - No te pierdas el foro de análisis "En la COVIDIANIDAD la Escuela Privada en riesgo: reflexiones y propuestas". Inscripciones en: (via Twitter

Free Tutoring for Online School

We understand that prepping for online school and standardized tests such as the SAT, ACT and/or AP exams can be stressful, and that is why we would like to invite you to the Summit Tutoring discord! Summit Tutoring seeks to bridge education and offers a peer to peer review service for all students. Our tutors are available at different times of week, and cover subjects such as SAT ER/W, Math, AP Bio, AP Spanish, Calculus, and much more! Do not hesitate to join our discord server, for we will be happy to help you! FYI: We also offer live sessions and study halls from 8:30 pm to ~ 10:30 pm EST

Submitted August 30, 2020 at 10:44AM by Wooden-Product

How To Cartoonize a Live Video Footage Using Computer Vision

Today we are going to use it, to create something cool and interesting. We are going to cartoonize live video footage. Keep in mind that you can not only cartoonize video footage but you can cartoonize an image as well. Read more at:

Submitted August 30, 2020 at 10:45AM by argothecat

3K Program and COVID-19, attend or not?

We have our 2 1/2 year old son enrolled in a 2.5-3 program for this school year, starting mid-September. We’re conflicted as to whether to send him or not as we were primarily looking at this program to grow his social skills. My question for the group is, if we don’t send him, should we be concerned about any developmental delays, particularly around social skills? Thanks all!

Submitted August 30, 2020 at 09:00AM by _bartleby_

This is what it is like trying to teach in 2020. Zoom class goes off the rails...

Submitted August 30, 2020 at 09:13AM by ronopolis

Schools are an important part of the infrastructure of communities and play a critical role in supporting the whole child, not just their academic achievement.

Schools also provide critical services that help to mitigate health disparities, such as school meal programs, and social, physical, behavioral, and mental health services. School closure disrupts the delivery of these critical services to children and families, and places additional economic and psychological stress on families, which can increase the risk for family conflict and violence.

Submitted August 30, 2020 at 08:07AM by int3rs3ction -- Improve your touch typing by practicing on classic books

Hi there! Here's something I've been working on since graduating college that makes the process of learning to type and practicing a more engaging experience. The idea is that you re-type entire classic (aka public domain) books like the Jungle Book or Sherlock Holmes.

You can check it out here if you like:

I'm hoping that educators on this board might find something like this useful. Between learning to type and reading the classics, maybe this could be a kill two birds kind of thing.

Anyhow, thanks for reading/typing!

Submitted August 30, 2020 at 03:58AM by Octouroboros

sábado, 29 de agosto de 2020

Canvas Quiz Log

Hey everyone. So I know Canvas can report your quiz log activity to teachers by reporting how much time spent on a question, if you left the quiz and opened a new tab, or by what answers you chose and when during the time frame. Does Canvas also log if students went to open or switched to a new desktop screen while the Canvas quiz was running on another desktop screen? Im a TA and I wanna know some details before I try initiating a Canvas quiz. Thanks!

Submitted August 29, 2020 at 07:59PM by ToasterStrudel134

My government sent me masks and said thank you for teaching! :)

We don't have classes at school, but for personal use and in case we need to go to the school to get anything, the government here gave every single teacher a few sets of masks.

"Thank you to all of the teachers of the school. We respect you and thank you for making the future of Korea."

"Not for resale."

Submitted August 29, 2020 at 07:55PM by RichardATravels

Was education better in the past or present?

In the past, education was centred around life skills which were necessary to thrive socially and not mandatory for all.

Now education focuses on concepts and information which may or may not be useful in life, yet are still mandatory. In addition to this, many aspects of school have now been standardised so that all public schools must follow the same curriculm and few private schools exist, whereas in the past, most schools were private. So which is better?

Submitted August 29, 2020 at 04:53PM by OriginalUsername253

Laws for keeping kids home?

I have a kid at home that can't go back to school during this pandemic. Not because she is unable or unwilling but because her grandmother is on a medication called humira which bottoms out the immune system. If she goes back to school, catches Covid-19, and brings it home her grandmother will most likely die. This is a risk we are not willing to take considering every time we have ever been sick in this house is because she brought something home from school.

We are in Wyoming and the kid is 16. The teachers keep trying to force her to go back even after we explained her situation. We asked for an online alternative or the option to maybe skip a year but the teachers are unwilling to work with us.

What are the laws on this? Can we keep her out of school? Are there any legal alternatives?

Submitted August 29, 2020 at 03:11PM by MordeoMortem

About to enter the 2nd year of senior high school in Greece.

In about a month or so I am entering the 2nd year of senior high. And I was concerned about the future. I am writting this, with the hope that there are Greek graduates here who are willing to accept some questions. It would be preferable if they are accustomed to formal sciences. I am not writing this in Greek because i don't know wether this sub accepts any other languages.

Submitted August 29, 2020 at 03:13PM by Beardlodger

Consumer Behavior Buying, Having, and Being 12e Michael R. Solomon

I have the PDF textbook Consumer Behavior: Buying, Having, and Being PDF 12e by Michael Solomon in PDF form. If anyone needs it please shoot me a message.

Submitted August 29, 2020 at 12:40PM by StreetMeat5

First Day of School

What I was Told a Month Ago:

Half of my students are virtual and the other is face-to-face. Simultaneous teaching is occurring for the first time in the school’s history. Face masks are provided and the six-foot rule is required . Let us hope for the best.

None of the above sounded great. The fear of the pandemic hits everyone differently, but the thought of teaching students in a room elevates concerns. It may have been the news that installed fear within me or listening to the school district board meeting. The meeting where our leaders wanted to heed the advice of medical experts to keep schools shut physically, but could not follow through due to the state’s penalties for not opening.

What in the world is going on? Fortunately, I can say that my first day back at school went very smoothly.

First Day Went Well:

To be frank, if I were asked if schools should be open I would say no. It is too dangerous, especially not knowing the long term effects of the virus. With all the possible negativity, I am trying to stay positive. My first day of school went very well. All of my students were respectful, no one ever took off their mask, no one made a motion to be near another student. Can we take a deep breath within our masks, which we have to do anytime we do any amount of physical activity, and say ‘wow!’ I feel very fortunate, and no I will not be surprised if tomorrow is terrible, but baby steps.

What I am Teaching:

I am lucky to have only one prep (class to teach) this year. Normally, I have three. I am teaching Geometry. My school is a title one school and we have a blocked class schedule. I see 3 classes each day and they alternate.

How I am Managing Simultaneous Instruction:

With my new found time of only teaching one class, I am pre-recording all of the practice problems or notes we do in class for the virtual students.  If you teach multiple subjects this year, I do not know how you do it. I am avoiding the true “simultaneous instruction” by having my virtual students watch the videos while I teach my face-to-face students a similar lesson. The final thirty-five minutes of class, I get on Microsoft Teams. During this time, students virtually and physically are working on their homework or practice problems and have the opportunity to ask me questions about their work.

Lessons were recorded, because I did not feel as though managing students in person and on Microsoft Teams was going to be a well oiled machine. I am also not confident I can be a great “regular” teacher and a great online teacher at the same time. I am not sure if my choice is the best for every student, but it is the best choice for my sanity.


I met with half of my students today, let’s hope my other half is just as good as today’s!

Submitted August 29, 2020 at 09:37AM by mattsnotes

@EducacionFutura : RT @elErickJuarez: ¡Atención ⚠️! Todo indica que @ElbaEsther_G regresa al escenario educativo y sindical. Fuentes cercanas a Gordillo revelan que se ha reactivado en el servicio y reintegrado al Centro de Trabajo para Personal Comisionado al @SnteNacional con CCT 15AGS0001S

@EducacionFutura : RT @elErickJuarez: ¡Atención ⚠️! Todo indica que @ElbaEsther_G regresa al escenario educativo y sindical. Fuentes cercanas a Gordillo revelan que se ha reactivado en el servicio y reintegrado al Centro de Trabajo para Personal Comisionado al @SnteNacional con CCT 15AGS0001S (via Twitter

Are there any online tests I can write to get a scholarship?

No text found

Submitted August 29, 2020 at 08:59AM by C4NN0n_REAL

Looking for information on how gender informs adolescent development and teaching practices.

I know this is a potentially wide body of information, and I was just hoping to be pointed in the right direction. I am especially interested in anything related to educating young women and gender non-binary or non-conforming individuals in a gender informed and non-limiting way.

I found some information compiled by the UN, and was hoping to find other texts that are more targeted to methods for minimizing gender difference in the classroom, or in outreach/enrichment contexts.


Submitted August 29, 2020 at 09:06AM by R_Mutt_

@ManuelGilAnton : ¿Es neta?

@ManuelGilAnton : ¿Es neta? (via Twitter

Information technology programming help

A prerequisite I need to meet is precalculus. I know I’ll be able to. I just need to know a good website so I can self teach myself. I’m out of high school so I have to go searching on my own but I figured I could get a good response about the best way to solve this issue.

Submitted August 29, 2020 at 01:06AM by HisokaMIW

viernes, 28 de agosto de 2020

@ManuelGilAnton : ¿Así o más clara la cosa?

@ManuelGilAnton : ¿Así o más clara la cosa? (via Twitter

@ManuelGilAnton : Vaya potencia de imagen...

@ManuelGilAnton : Vaya potencia de imagen... (via Twitter

@ManuelGilAnton : ¡Qué manera de escribir con las manos llenas de gis, y los zapatos gastados en las aulas! Gracias por la lección, Profe Rogelio. @proferoger85

@ManuelGilAnton : ¡Qué manera de escribir con las manos llenas de gis, y los zapatos gastados en las aulas! Gracias por la lección, Profe Rogelio. @proferoger85 (via Twitter

Cengage Unlimited is BS

This post is for any student who, like me has been forced into using Cengage. Cengage should be a last resort for all students and instructors alike. The program is $120 of BS full of typos and wrong information. your best option if you need Cengage is their eTEXTBOOK option however you can not simply add that to your cart as you would with the $120 plan. You will need to search Cengage Unlimited eTEXTBOOK on your browser and search under the shopping tab. This option is only $70 and comes with everything the Unlimited plan has EXCEPT for Mindtap. Unless your instructor specifically uses Mindtap for assignments, you will have full access to your textbook for a much better price. Best of luck to anyone reading this, I hope you could find another option. Consider contacting your school's administration if Cengage unlimited is required for your class because any "teacher" who uses Mindtap/ Cengage ISN'T A REAL TEACHER!

Submitted August 28, 2020 at 09:57PM by DasFish117

Make Nevada STEM Courses and Programs More Accessible - Sign, Share, Support. Thank you!

This petition is an effort to make STEM courses and programs available online in Nevada. Working fulltime while trying to be a fulltime college student is difficult enough, but then to be told that STEM lectures like physics, calculus, chemistry, engineering, ect.. are only avaliable during your working hours, and labs are not held at night or on the weekends. This can be discouraging and detours working students from this ever growing field. Let's get these lectures online and more weekend/night labs available. Nevada has shown that during the pandemic we're capable of remote learning, lets make these courses accessible for those who aren't able to physically be in class because they are working hard to pay for their own education. Please sign and share. We need your support. Thank you!!

Submitted August 28, 2020 at 05:50PM by rosiiegiirl

The Easiest Way to Implement and Understand Linear SVM (Linear Support Vector Machines) Using Python

Learn how to implement Linear Support Vector Machine in Python. A Support Vector Machine (SVM) is a very powerful and versatile Machine Learning model, capable of performing linear or nonlinear classification, regression, and even outlier detection. It is one of the most popular models in Machine Learning, and anyone interested in Machine Learning should have it in their toolbox. SVMs are particularly well suited for the classification of complex but small or medium-sized datasets.

Read more here at:

Submitted August 28, 2020 at 04:41PM by argothecat

$1,000 for back to school

I work for an education search website. We create content to help students match with college programs. We have spent the last 4 months working to grow our email program. To boost this, we are doing a $1,000 sweepstakes. Giving away a $1,000 to a student just for filling out 6 questions. If anyone here knows someone going to college, I’m working to grow this. It ends September 30. Sharing here in the hopes you or someone you know will enter, and retweet.

Submitted August 28, 2020 at 08:45AM by caitlinmcaninch

Research career in Education

I graduated with my masters in computer science and my undergraduate in Childhood Studies and Education.

I have experience in research through one module and two thesis but they are extensive.

Submitted August 28, 2020 at 07:11AM by throwback772

jueves, 27 de agosto de 2020

Top 10 Free Online Science Games For Kids | Child Education

Science is important for kids in many ways. The world around us is full of scientific facts. Science is base on observations and experiments. These observations and experiments build up the discovery powers of the children and motivate them to learn science.

Submitted August 27, 2020 at 06:23PM by ChildEdu

Girlfriend is crushed over chromebook + zoom limitations, please help!

I learned recently that the chromebook version of Zoom doesn't support remote control and my girlfriend's entire educational strategy for this school year was to use this to empower students to interact with her course materials. Without it, her class will be mostly un-interactive. She needs a solution where students can control drawing tools, dragging and other features on websites, but also display that website to the whole class. Her idea was to allow the students to click/drag on the screen using remote control, and have the website loaded in chrome on her side.

This way she could ask the kids to update the days of the week etc and make it interactive.

It's really heart wrenching to see her get really excited about her classroom experience, dump tons of work into it, and then have it all be cancelled when her administration decided to buy chromebooks and the kids can't use the feature. She went from happy and upbeat to depressed pretty much instantly. To make matters worse, no one knows the best practices or good tools for online education, so she has the burden of doing all of this research into tools while also preparing curriculum and doing parent-teacher conferences etc.

Can anyone think of any workarounds or alternative solutions?

Submitted August 27, 2020 at 06:51PM by tyrspawn

Free College Tuition - A List of Countries

Can someone provide a list of all the countries with some form of free college tuition?

Submitted August 27, 2020 at 06:31PM by Throwwwawwway98765

Not sure how to proceed in schooling/career

So I have a bachelors degree in social work, worked for two years in child protective services and 6 months teaching therapeutic foster kids coping skills. Im now in a job for marketing that I got because I just needed the extra money. It’s a good gig but it’s not what I want. I want to move forward into doing counseling for kids and families as well as getting a job in that field but everything I see requires a degree in early childhood education. I kind of feel like I’m stuck and really not sure what my next step is. Thanks reddit!

Submitted August 27, 2020 at 04:01PM by petite-renard

Why do U.S. politicians endorse charter schools when statistics show they underperform more often then public schools? Why can’t we just improve the conditions of currently open public schools?

At first I thought it was just Republicans that endorsed charter schools because they admire school choice but then I realized there’s many Republican and Democratic presidents and candidates that endorse charter schools. Why is it that charter schools are put in such a positive light? Why are we putting money into charters rather than just improving the schools we currently have open? I’m also in undergrad studying the sociology of education so I’m very interested to know more about this topic.

Submitted August 27, 2020 at 03:24PM by drowsyokaga

@EducacionFutura : #EnVivo - Foro Internacional "Editoriales Alternativas y su incidencia en el campo de la Educación" , donde participa @elErickJuarez , director editorial de @EducacionFutura

@EducacionFutura : #EnVivo - Foro Internacional "Editoriales Alternativas y su incidencia en el campo de la Educación" , donde participa @elErickJuarez , director editorial de @EducacionFutura (via Twitter

@ManuelGilAnton : Presentación del libro: En voz alta, de David Fernández, exrector de la Ibero, rector que rebasa a su institución y llega (no solo llegó) al país. Habrá que leerlo. Estoy viendo el broadcast en vivo de hsgz5wamhv8. ¡Míralo conmigo !

@ManuelGilAnton : Presentación del libro: En voz alta, de David Fernández, exrector de la Ibero, rector que rebasa a su institución y llega (no solo llegó) al país. Habrá que leerlo. Estoy viendo el broadcast en vivo de hsgz5wamhv8. ¡Míralo conmigo ! (via Twitter

@ManuelGilAnton : Es necesario apoyar esta demanda.

@ManuelGilAnton : Es necesario apoyar esta demanda. (via Twitter

WVU students show concerns with in-person classes

Some students at West Virginia University began classes last week, and one student in the dentistry program is sharing what concerns her while being back in classrooms. She sat down with 5 News and asked to remain anonymous to avoid any conflict from the within the program. WVU has put out guidelines to help provide in-person classes, but some students do not think it’s enough. “I just don’t understand why there’s 47 people in a classroom plus six teachers and then we’re suppose to be six feet a part but we’re only one chair a part,” the student said.

The way the classroom is organized, the student believes it hasn’t been a successful set up. “There’s been two of my classmates who’ve tested positive and they only quarantined people that were around them based off of one seating chart.” Right now, the student says 16 students are currently out of class quarentining, but she still see’s flaws in the guidelines. The school of Dentistry provided 5 News with a statement regarding the protocols they are following. It states they are coinciding with the WVU ‘Return to Campus’ guidelines and following guidance from the American Dental Association.

The full statement is as follows:

“At the West Virginia University School of Dentistry, student, faculty, staff and patient wellbeing is our first concern. Upon the return of students for the fall semester, we are following WVU’s Return to Campus classroom guidelines. As a professional school, we also consider guidance from the American Dental Association. Our classes have fewer than 50 students and are small enough for use of just half the seats in a classroom while socially distancing students in the remaining seats. As curriculum allows, faculty can teach online. In all on-campus settings, personal protective equipment requirements include the wearing of masks at all times. Plexiglass screening is used where necessary and enhanced disinfecting and cleaning procedures continue to be in place. We appreciate the cooperation of our dental school community in paying especially close attention to preventing the spread reminders.”

Submitted August 27, 2020 at 10:49AM by MountainsMan55

@ManuelGilAnton : Genial!

@ManuelGilAnton : Genial! (via Twitter

@ManuelGilAnton : @zepecaos Gracias a ti.

@ManuelGilAnton : @zepecaos Gracias a ti. (via Twitter

@ManuelGilAnton : ¿Cuántos quedan fuera de la educación remota porque no tienen acceso a dispositivos diversos? Para tener una idea de la cobertura, este reporte ayuda. Con las puras gráficas y tablas de advierte la desigualdad. Datos "duros": pedradas.

@ManuelGilAnton : ¿Cuántos quedan fuera de la educación remota porque no tienen acceso a dispositivos diversos? Para tener una idea de la cobertura, este reporte ayuda. Con las puras gráficas y tablas de advierte la desigualdad. Datos "duros": pedradas. (via Twitter

@ManuelGilAnton : Raúl Zepeda Gil revisa lo que se sabe sobre educación y tele. Nos ofrece nuevas pistas, referencias y preguntas. Uno aprende. Lo comparto. @zepecaos

@ManuelGilAnton : Raúl Zepeda Gil revisa lo que se sabe sobre educación y tele. Nos ofrece nuevas pistas, referencias y preguntas. Uno aprende. Lo comparto. @zepecaos (via Twitter

@ManuelGilAnton : Relato breve de una mamá: "Mira, cosas interesantes. Con el tema de aprende en casa , ayer mi hija ya no quiso finalizar el programa porque no entendía. Me dice es que no entiendo, hablan muy rápido: eran argentinos." (Preescolar)

@ManuelGilAnton : Relato breve de una mamá: "Mira, cosas interesantes. Con el tema de aprende en casa , ayer mi hija ya no quiso finalizar el programa porque no entendía. Me dice es que no entiendo, hablan muy rápido: eran argentinos." (Preescolar) (via Twitter

I need someone who has a portfolio in Physical Ed and is willing to be interviewed.

It's a short interview, only four questions. It's for one of my college classes, you may remain anonymous if you wish to, I just need the portfolio to confirm that you are a true Physical Ed teacher/professor.

Submitted August 27, 2020 at 07:26AM by Wild_Roamer

miércoles, 26 de agosto de 2020

Given that research indicates that reforming the English spelling system would speed up the attainment of literacy by 2.5 years and that teachers like doctors should do no harm, are teacher advocating for a reform?

2.5 years conclusion given on page 167 of the Seymour research pdf.


Moreover, the irregularities of the orthography force a teacher-led pedagogy and pedagogies centered on repetitions and rote memorization, which are all frowned upon by most gurus.

Finally, there is evidence that the complexities of the system adversely affect lower socio-economic groups who don't have access or time to read to their children, tutors,... and who don't have higher literacy skills (immigrants/migrants included), if any.

It begs the question. Why aren't teachers actively advocating for a reform? Are there any proofs and evidence (research) that any other advocacy or change can impact literacy attainment by 2.5 years?

Submitted August 26, 2020 at 10:56PM by gray-matterz

@ManuelGilAnton : Un regalo para quien tenga que atender a pequeñas personas, como maestra, maestro, padre, madre, abuela, abuelo, tía o tío... Y para cada uno. Un vínculo de la maestra de preescolar para su banda...

@ManuelGilAnton : Un regalo para quien tenga que atender a pequeñas personas, como maestra, maestro, padre, madre, abuela, abuelo, tía o tío... Y para cada uno. Un vínculo de la maestra de preescolar para su banda... (via Twitter

Help me decide on a research topic!

I am pattering around some ideas for a grad school research project. What is something that you think should be looked into more OR what is a question that you've been wanting the answer to in the field of : Education ; Music ; or Music Education?

Submitted August 26, 2020 at 07:55PM by southcastillio

AP Bio Opinions

To anyone and everyone that has taken or currently taking AP Bio be honest how hard is it? I have mine next year and I’m starting to worry a little bit about it.

Submitted August 26, 2020 at 07:15PM by AhmadRM5

This article from 8 months ago shows how effed up our educational system is

Original article: Violent kids take over Florida’s classrooms, and they have the law on their side from Sun Sentinel. You may search it on Google

It's a really long article, so here's the reader's digest's reader's digest version of it. So, pardon me if there's any inaccuracy

  1. Schools in lower income-level areas tend to have more behavioral problems than the ones in higher-income areas, but a vast majority of teachers universally are saying that behavioral problems and violence (such as beating up teachers and other students, throwing things, and threatening to kill another student) from students are getting more rampant
  2. A lot of the schoolchildren with disabilities that contributes to their violent behavior are essentially ignored, and federal and state laws are prohibiting the schools from expelling the students or sending them to alternative schools. They are required by law to keep the violent students in the classrooms unless they are committing a felony (no, punching a teacher is not a felony)
    1. The more effed up thing is that the teachers cannot tell the bullying victims' parents that their children were bullied. One teacher decided to break the law to tell the victim's parent to move her child to another school

That's what happened with Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School when Nikolas Cruz was kept in the classrooms despite his violent past, and the rest is history.

This article showcases:

  1. How effed up our educational system is by a.) mixing individuals who otherwise should be in alternative schools or even psychiatric wards at other countries in regular classrooms and b.) not having the resources to take care of the children with disabilities. When I say disabilities, I mean schoolchildren who are clinically violent. Some just don't understand that children can be very violent
  2. How public policy shapes everything in our lives
  3. Last but not least, how our government, media, and politics are not even talking about this 24/7. It is essentially what every other Americans are facing or faced, including yours truly, but no one is talking about reforming our educational system to make sure everyone is having a safe learning environment because the policymakers do not care about anything as long as they can send their children to private schools

Submitted August 26, 2020 at 06:57PM by kevinbevindevin

Who published CAHSEE?

I'm looking into the history of standardized testing in the state of California and I'd like to know who published the now obsolete California High School Exit Exam (CAHSEE). Somebody out there had to physically put the test material onto consumable media (i.e. print it on paper) and distribute it to schools for students to take, but I can't find any information anywhere as to who that entity was. Does anybody out there know?

Submitted August 26, 2020 at 06:03PM by CardCrisis

Home Schooling Increasing as are Pod Classrooms

Home schooling has become increasingly popular in ordinary times, but especially in this pandemic year, there is a higher number of students who will be in the classroom only part time or not at all with learning done at home. Technology which has slowly been incorporated into education at school will become increasingly in high demand now. It stands to reason that there will be more effort to produce more new software & devices to accommodate teachers to go online for students & for parents to use for their children during this year of the virus. "Pod classrooms" have already been set up whereby students share someone's home in a small group and are taught by a hired teacher. Is this right? What about those families who cannot afford to pay extra? This venture may only be temporary for this year but some big changes may be permanent. For all the millions of schools that will be fully operational next month, one can only hope that the virus case number will not jump upward. We need to be prepared for whatever eventuality.

Submitted August 26, 2020 at 05:27PM by janjinx

@ManuelGilAnton : RT @dj3mb: Estas restricciones no tienen ninguna relación con la formación académica o las aptitudes de los postulantes. Exigen una linealidad académica y de vida solo accesible a unxs pocxs. Por lo tanto, deberían ser removido. Confío en que el @CES_COLMEX lo hará!

@ManuelGilAnton : RT @dj3mb: Estas restricciones no tienen ninguna relación con la formación académica o las aptitudes de los postulantes. Exigen una linealidad académica y de vida solo accesible a unxs pocxs. Por lo tanto, deberían ser removido. Confío en que el @CES_COLMEX lo hará! (via Twitter

@ManuelGilAnton : Palabras de quien sabe!

@ManuelGilAnton : Palabras de quien sabe! (via Twitter

@ManuelGilAnton : ¡La neta!

@ManuelGilAnton : ¡La neta! (via Twitter

@ManuelGilAnton : De acuerdo.

@ManuelGilAnton : De acuerdo. (via Twitter

I would love to hear from a history major what college text books you had to read regarding the history of women and minorities in the USA.

I don’t want a bunch of political biases or opinions thrown in my face, I just want a documentation of the history of these groups of people in the USA.

Submitted August 26, 2020 at 11:36AM by KevMontana

@ManuelGilAnton : Para no dudar del compromiso y creatividad de las y los profes. Una nota que me mandó @HdezGarciadieg Gracias carnal!

@ManuelGilAnton : Para no dudar del compromiso y creatividad de las y los profes. Una nota que me mandó @HdezGarciadieg Gracias carnal! (via Twitter

@ManuelGilAnton : A Bruno y otras personas que, con razón, se extrañaron por este requisito inadecuado:estoy seguro (y sé)que,muy pronto, las autoridades del Centro de Estudios Sociológicos avisarán que será revisarado ese aspecto, y lo resolverán de acuerdo a la lógica academica. @psolisaqui

@ManuelGilAnton : A Bruno y otras personas que, con razón, se extrañaron por este requisito inadecuado:estoy seguro (y sé)que,muy pronto, las autoridades del Centro de Estudios Sociológicos avisarán que será revisarado ese aspecto, y lo resolverán de acuerdo a la lógica academica. @psolisaqui (via Twitter

@ManuelGilAnton : Bruno @BrunoPriego Ahora averiguo lo que compartes. Creo que urge revisar eso de "es un requisito formal". En cuanto pueda, te informo.

@ManuelGilAnton : Bruno @BrunoPriego Ahora averiguo lo que compartes. Creo que urge revisar eso de "es un requisito formal". En cuanto pueda, te informo. (via Twitter

@ManuelGilAnton : ¿Las y los profes apoyan a la SEP, o la SEP apoya a los y las profesoras? De eso se trata: se les escucha o se les ordena. Orden y Progreso para controlar, diversidad y confianza para educar.

@ManuelGilAnton : ¿Las y los profes apoyan a la SEP, o la SEP apoya a los y las profesoras? De eso se trata: se les escucha o se les ordena. Orden y Progreso para controlar, diversidad y confianza para educar. (via Twitter

@ManuelGilAnton : El dilema educativo hoy: ¿la SEP federal exige apoyo del magisterio para SU proyecto único e infalible, o la SEP federal aprende que su papel es apoyar las iniciativas pedagógicas diversas y de acuerdo a diferentes contextos que ha generado el magisterio?

@ManuelGilAnton : El dilema educativo hoy: ¿la SEP federal exige apoyo del magisterio para SU proyecto único e infalible, o la SEP federal aprende que su papel es apoyar las iniciativas pedagógicas diversas y de acuerdo a diferentes contextos que ha generado el magisterio? (via Twitter

@ManuelGilAnton : Aprende en casa II no retomó la experiencia de muchísimos colectivos escolares... Por eso su esterilidad muy probable...

@ManuelGilAnton : Aprende en casa II no retomó la experiencia de muchísimos colectivos escolares... Por eso su esterilidad muy probable... (via Twitter

Regional Studies

I am going to apply to regional sciences (southeast asia studies) next year. I'm wondering if anyone has any experience with this? What kind of job can you work after graduation?

Submitted August 26, 2020 at 09:27AM by dioderoid

An academic survey on loot boxes (for videogamers)

Hi everyone,

I am a university student from Rome and I would like write my Master Degree Thesis on loot boxes.

In order to do so however I need some contribution from the community. For this reason I submit to you a very short survey to understand what is your opinion on the matter.

As all of you probably know the discussion on whether they should be considered as another form of gambling is still open in many countries and I would like to understand which are the reason that move players to purchase loot boxes in the first place.

For this reason if you could spare a couple of minutes of your time I would greatly appreciate your contribution to the topic.

Click here to participate!

If you have any questions or suggestions please feel free to comment.

Thank you a lot!

Submitted August 26, 2020 at 04:06AM by LSS_Ldg

What should I study? Don’t ask just answer.

No text found

Submitted August 26, 2020 at 03:17AM by Yezzurrrrrr

martes, 25 de agosto de 2020

@ManuelGilAnton : @BrunoPriego Gracias a ustedes. Les comento lo que aprenda.

@ManuelGilAnton : @BrunoPriego Gracias a ustedes. Les comento lo que aprenda. (via Twitter

Question About Prose

Hello! I'm a freshman in college and I'm just getting used to things. We didn't do anything with "prose" during high school so I'm not sure how to go about it.

My Music and Art Appreciation Professor wants me to write 150 words of prose as a response to a devotional. Does this mean he wants 150 words of my thoughts in one sentence? Is that what prose entails? Thank you very much for your time.

Submitted August 25, 2020 at 09:35PM by Gubbidy

@ManuelGilAnton : Creo que es muy importante leer estos materiales, gracias al equipo investigador.

@ManuelGilAnton : Creo que es muy importante leer estos materiales, gracias al equipo investigador. (via Twitter