miércoles, 26 de agosto de 2020

Given that research indicates that reforming the English spelling system would speed up the attainment of literacy by 2.5 years and that teachers like doctors should do no harm, are teacher advocating for a reform?

2.5 years conclusion given on page 167 of the Seymour research pdf.

Excerpt: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1HzkFZF8kSW0Yu5M1ONrpXPK4fwXuuloM/view?usp=drivesdk

Moreover, the irregularities of the orthography force a teacher-led pedagogy and pedagogies centered on repetitions and rote memorization, which are all frowned upon by most gurus.

Finally, there is evidence that the complexities of the system adversely affect lower socio-economic groups who don't have access or time to read to their children, tutors,... and who don't have higher literacy skills (immigrants/migrants included), if any.

It begs the question. Why aren't teachers actively advocating for a reform? Are there any proofs and evidence (research) that any other advocacy or change can impact literacy attainment by 2.5 years?

Submitted August 26, 2020 at 10:56PM by gray-matterz https://ift.tt/34FoTtM

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