lunes, 31 de agosto de 2020

Need to find the right topic for my skilled work/labour. Working as an curative teacher.

Hey there guys,
I'm in a bit of a struggle right now. I'm in the last year of my apprenticeship and need to write a skilled work about a specific topic regarding people with mental/physical disabilities.I don't have problems with work like this normally, but I'm overwhelmed by the possible topics to chose from while beeing afraid not to pick the best one to write about.
This will have quiet a huge impact and I want to get a good mark. I don't struggle writing alot, neither I struggle in terms of specialized knowledge, but I do struggle starting things and picking the right subject.I hope to find someone here who maybe has an idea I can identify with and would like to use as the topic of my work.Everthing regarding people with mental/physical disabilities can be chosen here. Their lifestyle or specific issues in interaction with society in that regard should be a subtopic.I could list some to let you guys know what could be chosen.

Sexuality of people with mental/physical disabilities and the coherent difficulties.The rights of people with disabilites and/or issues regarding the self-determination/self-fulfilment.

I hope to find people here to give me some thoughts/ideas to go with, it's just to get some more perspectives from others and what they maybe think is interesting to write about.Is there anything you maybe questioned yourself regarding people with disabilites?Anything specific that made your thought about certain situations and asking yourself how people with disabilites cope with them?

Iam happy about everyone participating here.



Submitted August 31, 2020 at 07:06AM by thehybris95

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