lunes, 31 de mayo de 2021

Question for PE teachers: how much should students be expected to know and do after a 30 minute lesson?

I'm taking an elementary PE class and I'm writing a lesson plan about gymnastics, geared towards 4th graders. I'm trying to figure out how much information and how many expectations I can fit into that timeframe. I want it to serve as an introductory lessons for a gymnastics unit, so I feel like it shouldn't be too much, but I want it to have some good expected outcomes for students for my learning objective. How much can students learn in that timeframe and is teaching 3 introductory gymnastics skills appropriate for that frame?

Submitted May 31, 2021 at 09:10PM by Neroliprincess

math class

For backstory when before I was in kindergarten I taught myself how to do multi-digit addition and subtraction and I've always had a thing for math. I know there a people who are way more advanced than me but I like to think what I was doing was pretty advanced. Well as time went on and I went to a public school I was challenged enough to not be bored but I definitely wasn't be pushed to what I could do. In second grade the entire grade was required to take an IQ test (wasn't actually but in theory was) I got accepted to a gifted school for third grade but it happened I had to move cross country that year. In third grade, I was going to one of the best school districts in Connecticut (already an overall good state for education) but they lacked a lot in the gifted area. I was in a regular classroom all day and there wasn't even a gifted teacher at the school. I grew completely frustrated and would be extremely mad every day coming home from school. In fourth grade, they brought in a teacher (after much demand) for the gifted group of kids at my school. Let's just say not much help but in the school's eyes, it was much help. I started hating math (something I always loved) and life became miserable. In fourth and fifth grade I cried myself to sleep almost daily because of how much I hated life and felt hopeless there would ever be change. Both my parents are surgeons and have intense work schedules so they were not able to homeschool. I went to school every day and that was it. In sixth grade I let loose and the school finally let me skip a grade in just math although I'm ahead in all subjects (reading at 11th-grade level in 2 grade for example). There were already three other kids in my grade in the group but they honestly aren't that great at math. Then this year in 7th another one moved here. To put it in perspective one is being kept back another year. I did two of their classwork completely and was able to get all three of us an A+. The other two are smart but I hate to say this but I think I am a bit more advanced. You see I'm can do geometry and algebra 2 (taught myself from an online program) yet I'm stuck in the class. My question brings me to should I attempt to go to Precalculus this year or stay in "advanced" math and do geometry in 8th grade? Although it is advanced it doesn't feel advanced to me. What are your opinions on this?

Submitted May 31, 2021 at 08:30PM by QuickWish7037

Critical Race Theory

How do you expect this to impede teaching facts around race?

My whole gig is empowerment of our brown and black students. I see language in SC CRT bill that I guess could be turned into something. Like, what is someone going to try to say—that blacks weren’t enslaved? That Jim Crow didn’t really happen?

What do teachers expect to encounter?

Submitted May 31, 2021 at 03:13PM by LianaCorr

I put together a lesson on Author's Purpose using the video game Before Your Eyes

Hey everyone. I recently put together a lesson on Author's Purpose using the video game Before Your Eyes. It is a really wonderful game that can be completed in about an hour an a half. While playing it, I thought it would be a perfect text to teach author's purpose. There is a specific gameplay mechanic that I think students would love analyzing. Here is a write-up about the game with my lesson plan and slides attached. The materials are free.

This is my website Hey Listen Games where I make all of my curriculum around teaching with video games available for free. Hopefully some of you can find something useful.

Submitted May 31, 2021 at 01:20PM by somefuzzypants

Anyone who used computers at school from 2005 to 2010 remember this education social media game?

It’s difficult to remember it but when I was in 3rd grade we would play this game where you’d play against people around the world. This game had the capability to create your own avatar and even buy clothing/random items. When you played it would show your country origin.

( I’m pretty much rambling because I really want some nostalgia and I can’t seem to remember it)

I’m from western Canada but I’m pretty sure that a lot of public schools had this. I think it was more exclusively for people who were in resource classes.

Anyone remember with me?

Submitted May 31, 2021 at 12:21PM by hehe80

Is getting a Loan Worth it?

Taking a Loan for pursuing a degree or education.

is it worth it?

how does the process work?

how much is a stable loan? USD or EURO

how do I know if I'm not messing myself up in the long run?

ways to pay it off?

or are there other ways you can get funds for your education?

Submitted May 31, 2021 at 09:47AM by mararjew

I got a perfect score...

I'm in a country where quarantine has been lifted. I have taken the SAT, and I have taken the ACT as well; perfect scores in both. My high school grades are absolutely meaningless internationally, but I still got an exceptional grade. I'm poor compared to the average american student, and so I would need a full scholarship in order for me to study in the USA/abroad. I don't really have any exciting extracurriculars... I think the only EC that I am considering writing in my college application is that I have won a trophy in soccer.

Do you think any of the ivy leagues/top schools would be interested in me?

Submitted May 31, 2021 at 10:23AM by Pick_Lazy

I really want to get into Harvard. Do I have any chances?

Hey everyone. So I'm an european 20year old guy who has been accepted into an university in the UK. But what I really want is to be accepted into Harvard, I never applied because I never thought I'd have any chances but lately I've realized I'm making a huge mistake. I'm not one to settle down for the easy way, I want to be at the top of my field, I don't just want to be another guy in the field, I want to be the best. Sure there's very few chances I'll ever be the best but I'm ambitious and I like to give my all to the things I really care about.

If I must be honest I haven't exactly finished highschool. I originally failed Physics-Chemistry (it's only one subject in my country) and Maths but then I passed maths. But I got accepted into an university in the UK so I had just let it stay like that.

I had some really good grades in other subjects which led to an average of 14 (out of 20) which according to a webpage I read is equivalent to a B? I know Harvard accepts students with B (also I have 19 in both English and the subject related to the field I want to study) and I know they focus more on SATs and ACTs for international students so I was hoping to try and do those after a really intense studying. I don't know if I would be able to enter this year as I don't know how the academic calendar is in the US that's something I'd have to look at but I'm not in a rush, if I have to wait 1 or 2 years until I have things in shape I don't mind.

And then they want interesting people, I've seen this guy who studies/studied there recommending a YouTube channel because it shows creativity and if you monetize it entrepreneurship as well. I always wanted to make a YouTube channel, I actually had a few but in my parents house it was really difficult to commit to a schedule because I liked to record when no one was home.

And I had also thought of starting my own charity/charities, I have one in mind, for people with neurological disorders. I have recently realized I might have ADHD which if true surely affected my grades since I could barely study at all. On the other side things related to my field are extremely interesting and I could study those 24/7, this is what hyperfocus is. I never knew exactly what ADHD is so I thought maybe starting a charity for people with neurological disorders who can't afford treatment, and in a way do some volunteer work spreading awareness and stuff.

Let's say I do these last two (YouTube channel and a charity), I get about the minimum average for the SAT and/or ACT and if necessary (is it necessary?) I finish my last subject of highschool and maybe even try to raise my Maths grade (it would be difficult to do these however since I'm not in my country anymore and going back is not much of an option). Would I have any chances of getting into Harvard?


Submitted May 31, 2021 at 07:38AM by typicalBACON

Education and class divide within the United Kingdom

I come from a lower-class background, neither of my parents works and they both live on benefits. There's been government statistics correlating links between poverty and poor educational attainment. I've heard this is quite a big issue in the US too but it is also prominent in the UK as well. Do any students or teachers have anything to say on this? I'd be interested to hear what others think of this.

Submitted May 31, 2021 at 05:09AM by ScotMcScottyson

Do you know that Justin Bieber once cut his iconic hair to raise money for charity. The winning price at auction was a whopping $40,000!

Submitted May 31, 2021 at 01:43AM by CheckThis_4Me

domingo, 30 de mayo de 2021

Is this allowed in middle school teachers?

My teacher who is in her mid 50s and had around 15 years of teaching seem like just graduated from middle school. Literally ALL of works we did are from the internet. I get it, internet is a must need. But I doubt the board of education for my state (Nevada and should be for all states) does not give teachers permission to ONLY use materials from the internet without extra explainations. Yes, EVERYTHING we have done are from the internet. For example we learning about chemicals such as radium. She would find a post about that and let us copy the whole thing and then repeat the whole passage without extra notes. Just the passage its own. She even make the simplest mistakes daily such as spelling, grammer, calculation etc on a daily basis.

I exceed at math, but during math classes I felt like a dumbass in like grade 2. Im in grade 8 and when we do "complex" equations she would treat us like we in grade 2. Like fr we dont need to do 36÷6 and skip count by 6 and count the sixes. Even when she stated stuff like 51 is a prime number and someone proves her wrong and give accurate information and how it is not she would still let them do a legit research. Why tf in the world do u need a research for figuring out if 51 is a prime number or not.

Is my teacher even a teacher? Is this allowed in the US/Nevada? If not, we education boards do tests on teachers on yearly basis to see if they are still cabable for teaching? If not, why not do it so we can avoid stuff like this.

Submitted May 30, 2021 at 11:45PM by CommonStick8834

Is it a child academic success attributable to strict parenting?

What do you think? Give me some views of you.

Submitted May 30, 2021 at 05:41PM by Strawberrydamn

Anyone know any TRUSTABLE websites where you buy used calculators and textbooks and whatnot?

I am personally looking to try to buy the TI-84 Plus CE calculator and I do not want to buy like a hundred dollars for it...

Submitted May 30, 2021 at 03:41PM by bobanana8

Why was poetics considered so important in the past?

Poetics (the study of poetry) used to be one of the bigger parts of academia in the past. Why was this the case?

Submitted May 30, 2021 at 03:03PM by Simple_Tunda

How is grade 6 different when its in elementary instead of junior high?

How do you think grade 6 differs in terms of the social impact on the kids, when it is housed in elementary rather than middle school?


For me grade 6 was like a high school but with younger kids. I went to the junior-high type of middle school where you have grades 6-8 together. No separation of the grade 6 kids in a different building, and no grade 5. Everyone was together. Socially it was like being accelerated to a mini adult world. Popularity was a big deal, who was dating who, the kids were all listening to rap music and pop, wearing adult style clothes, makeup, etc., the whole deal. You had the same problems with drugs and alcohol as in highschool but not as extreme.

Have you observed this while teaching? Have you seen the opposite where the 6th graders are similar to 5th graders? What kind of school were you at: grades K-6, grades 6-8, or grades 5-8?

Submitted May 30, 2021 at 10:16AM by traumabind

sábado, 29 de mayo de 2021

To old for school?

20 years ago i dropped out of college after 1 quarter, My fasfa says Im in default 1000 on a pell grant. If i pay this back right now can i reapply for financial aide/grant/loans again? Now that I'm a old man with no responsibility, I think i would like to try again

Submitted May 29, 2021 at 11:47PM by Enkisaveme

Someone said that doing a master for free without bachelor is possible but where is this possible?

No text found

Submitted May 29, 2021 at 10:54PM by Amira224

Imagine if we were taught that creativity isn't just a tool to make money, but a force we can use to transform ourselves and the world.

I am currently a graduate student who is using pursuing a Master's degree in Educational Psychology. I decided to create a TedTalk for Ted-Ed's Imagine If tribute to Sir Ken Robinson. In this talk I raise the current problems that schools, parents and students have in terms of creativity. I believe we need to question the current goals, curriculum and structure of schools. Also, we need to help children to become their authentic selves, to be in their element and to foster their creativity. Finally, I present a new narrative for schools to promote creativity as an outlet for change in our world. If you are interested please check out my TedTalk on Youtube by looking up: Creativity: Money vs Transformation | Iris Yu | TED-Ed Imagine If.

Submitted May 29, 2021 at 03:20PM by irisy211

SOS interview lesson plan prep

I need some guidance/help on where to start. I have an interview coming up next week for a FIRST GRADE teaching position (I would be a first year teacher) I’m panicking because I have until Tuesday night to submit what’s below via email: “For your lesson plan please develop a lesson plan for 5 consecutive lessons that focuses on small group instruction: ✓ Choose a text that you will share with struggling readers. ✓ What the 30-minute block of time will look like. ✓ How will you determine students for the group ✓ How will you progress monitor the group”

I’m struggling because this is SO broad and I student taught 3rd grade, currently a para with 5/6 grades and I’m not even sure where to begin. ANY help would be appreciated. Thank you!!!!

Submitted May 29, 2021 at 01:32PM by g1ngersnap79

Can I learn math in a year?

I'm currently 17 y.o and I've always been mainly interested in Humanities such as history, geography, English etc.and I was never good in math but I'm thinking of changing career path and I need math, in your opinion, can I learn advanced math in a year (before I go to university) if I work really hard? I obviously already know basic math. Please be honest

Submitted May 29, 2021 at 11:12AM by Academic-Air-3376

Do year 11s in England go to college after the six weeks off??

No text found

Submitted May 29, 2021 at 09:42AM by Psychological_Ice642

Homeostasis in animals

Submitted May 29, 2021 at 08:39AM by AdImaginary5808

Attend an online American high school in a foreign country as a non-American citizen?

Hi! Asking for a friend. I have no idea how to research this other than going on a list and to each school's site to see if foreigners can register.

Submitted May 29, 2021 at 08:48AM by drunksciencehoorah

traditional(on-campus) VS video/audio (Udemy/YouTube) recorded VS one on one coaching (Zoom/Online) classes. Which do you prefer?


Submitted May 29, 2021 at 04:51AM by InternetBroad

viernes, 28 de mayo de 2021

The Teachers Union Keeping Schools Shut Down Is Funding Virginia’s Democrat Candidate For Governor

The Teachers Union Keeping Schools Shut Down Is Funding Virginia’s Democrat Candidate For Governor

Thomas R McIntyre A LORD of Olgrinmore

Submitted May 28, 2021 at 11:37PM by deefswen

Is it a good idea to double major?

I’m just curious, wondering if double majoring in two separate majors other than a major and a minor. Thank you so much!

Submitted May 28, 2021 at 06:47PM by BoyTikToker

Switching from american to British system

I was wondering what happens if I miss one year of gcse' due to being in the American system and moving to the British system during the second year of gcses? Do they fill in the gap with my GPA? Or do they only count that one year of gsce's

Submitted May 28, 2021 at 04:55PM by AliHakky

Switching from american to British system

Hey guys, I'm currently a student I'm grade 8 in an American school, this means that next year, grade 9, my GPA starts to count cumulatively for my university. However, I was wondering what would happen if I switched to British system in grade 10, meaning I would go into year 11. Would the GPA have an effect on my university application or are they going to count the British system only. And since i missed the gsce's, what would happen

Submitted May 28, 2021 at 04:09PM by AliHakky

AU grade in the grade book

hey, i had a rough school year and was failing a handful of classes, i decided to abandon 1 class and retake it over summer, to give myself time to make sure i don’t fail any of my other classes. i passed all of my classes except for the one class i abandoned, and my teacher marked my grade as AU instead of F. i did some research and learned that this means Audited but i’m not quite sure what that means exactly in this context, is it just a nicer way of saying i failed the class and will have to retake it?

Submitted May 28, 2021 at 02:38PM by BigBoy3131

Academic advising for teacher looking to branch out into other fields.

Hello everyone,

I am a teacher in Quebec, Canada looking to pursue studies in social work or counselling psychology. I have done my due diligence in terms of admissions and program requirements. I would like, however, to speak with an academic advisor who can help me develop a school schedule / graduation track best suited for someone working full time.

Would a particular school’s academic advisor suffice, or should I consult with a private advisor? I don’t mind paying for a private advisor.

Thanks for the help!

Submitted May 28, 2021 at 11:56AM by snofocolis

jueves, 27 de mayo de 2021

Does three A's and a P equal an A for the year?

I'm most likely gonna get a P for this term in english, I want to know if it will drop my grade to a B for the entire year. I know that 2 B's and 2 A's is equal to an A for the year.

Submitted May 27, 2021 at 11:04PM by LordKobby

Native Americans want atonement from universities | NewsLooks

No text found

Submitted May 27, 2021 at 07:37PM by Newslooks

Will Colleges decline me because of late assignments when I'm applying

I have good grades but many of my assignment grades are marked as "late" by my teachers. Well because I turned most of them in late. Will colleges see this and not accept me because of it?

Submitted May 27, 2021 at 08:07PM by ricecracker233

Anybody had dealings with Performance Fact Consulting in Oakland CA?

Hi everybody, the lead administrator in the district I work in is also a consultant for this company. To me it's kind of strange that he would continue to work for them while employed as a superintendent and I am not allowed to even sell on TPT.

If anyone has experience with them I would be interested in hearing it!

Submitted May 27, 2021 at 06:50PM by Educational-Monk1835

Advice request for adult education

Hi everyone, I’m a youngish medical doctor looking to fill in some childhood educational gaps in myself. My schooling was heavily focused on the sciences. I still barely know where most countries are on a world map and I have a love for literature and philosophy I haven’t indulged. I really want to make up for these gaps. Does anyone have a recommendation for quality online courses or books? Thanks in advance

Submitted May 27, 2021 at 05:25PM by BreadDoctor

Freedom of speech and student profile pics

a parent complained because a student uses a political message as their profile picture in Google Meets instead of turning their camera on (we don't require students to turn on their cameras; most students have anime characters or memes as their profile pics). I've been asked to ensure that profile pics are not political in nature. Thoughts? I worry that this flirts w/ violating freedom of speech and could expose me or the school to legal trouble.

Submitted May 27, 2021 at 03:13PM by jfshay

What do you think about the solvers like google solvers and Gauthmath app which helps in solving maths questions?

Is it helpful for kids to use these apps rather than solving the questions themselves,but if they are solving it by help it might be right. I mean they just want to be confirmed about if they are doing it right or wrong. Please share your views on this.

Submitted May 27, 2021 at 01:41PM by bigdaddyhot

Is the applying process to world's best universities that hard? What about the first year?

I'm a 17M in Turkey, I'll graduate from high school next year, I want to study Molecular biology and genetics and I kinda want to take every chance I can. I've surfed around the best universities' sites and most don't even have restrictions like "you should have an English proficiency or even taken an exam to prove you're the level they want you to be" (Harvard to be specific, Oxford wants an English test result, which isn't a big deal but it's pricey) My grades are nice and so is my English, I've checked University of Cambridge UK's last year's admission test and the questions are literally simple compared to what we see here, I feel like I can do it, and I may be able to get a scholarship (I have to in order to study) but I don't know how tough it'd be to study in there, considering they're the best I might have to waste another 4 years studying, plus without my family nor a lot of money. It seems I have to work about 10hours a week after all the study, which seems like quite the thing.

My thoughts are crammed up, so please excuse me if what I wrote here is as well, I'll try and answer all questions.

Submitted May 27, 2021 at 02:03PM by mgumusada

Share your best opinion to grow your knowledge

How To Discuss is a Q & A platform that empowers people to share their opinion and grow the world's knowledge. People use How to Discuss to ask questions on any subject and category.

In the event of a critical issue or urgent matter affecting this site, please contact us to get the proper solution.

Submitted May 27, 2021 at 12:53PM by delwoer24


Anyone have experience earning microcredentials? I'm researching them now, but Googling only gets me so far. I want to hear from people with actual experience earning microcredentials, not just generic info on them.

Let me know if you've earned one before. I'd love to hear how it worked and what you've done with it. Thanks!

Submitted May 27, 2021 at 11:48AM by Jen_Co-CreatED


Cant decide on robotics or software engineering. 🤔

Submitted May 27, 2021 at 12:24PM by garrett2116

Who takes care of the Online cybersecurity?

In your school, college, university etc who takes care of cybersecurity? Do you

  1. outsource
  2. have in-house IT
  3. head of faculty takes care of it
  4. don't have anything or don't know
  5. Other (please state)

I'm working in IT and we work with many different education providers and at the moment i'm trying to gage from this forum, who is the person that takes charge of cybersecurity for staff, students and visitors.

thanks in advance for your response.

Submitted May 27, 2021 at 08:55AM by cupriferouszip

How to tackle massive student debt and college costs: Part 1

I don't know why this issue is being overcomplicated by corporate media and politicians. They think if they forgive student debt the real problem will go away and everyone will be happy (to vote for said sponsors of such policy) Federal cancelation of all student debt is one of the worst ideas and will only set up future students for disaster.

To tackle the problem, let's legislate this:

1 - End federally guaranteed loans guaranteed for every student to go to any school. Allowing the fed to universally guarantee this not only hurt real banks, but spurred a massive corruption of universities and enabled students with no commitment or educational goals to go to college so they could get away from their parents.

replace this with requirements for that incentivize students to choose cost effective schools.

Ban federal student loans to any academic program that teaches a list of "studies" that are not in any way relevant to an industry or profession, any studies that teach anything that is based entirely around "theories" or "subjective modes of thinking" - namely - gender studies and social theory studies and all of the programs that fall into that category.

you get the just of it - the fed needs to act like a real bank with incentive to have people be able to pay back their loans by not getting poor education or degrees that are not viable.

this in turn makes universities actually have to focus on real academics: science, biology, engineering, technology, economics and mathematical programs - and the quality of these programs will increase as competition between universities actually centers around quality of education and not how big the swimming pool on campus is, how nice the dorms are, or things irrelevant to the core function of education.

the feds guarantee of loans and payment to universities has spurred massive corruption in these schools and the administrators are as corrupt to the core - expanding the bureaucracy of their institutions and offering completely useless "degrees" to students that not only give them little to no career outlook, but teach subjective things that are completely made up by people and used to indoctronate a worldview to groups. Not only is it corrupt, but extremely unethical, and they are free to charge massive tuitions because students don't need to actually consider the costs since the loans are guaranteed no matter what, and the fed enjoys interest rates that would put any real bank out of business.

a reform based on this outline would have a very positive effect on students and education quality as well as private banks. it would be bad for corrupt universities and Washington cronies.

Submitted May 27, 2021 at 09:15AM by cloud665

Gamification in education

I've been interested in gamification for several years. I wanted to share my experience and get feedback. Benefits of gamification for your app or website

Gamification in education serves several purposes when it comes to educating students or educating employees.

School education:

  • Create engagement and motivation to learn.
  • Make the process interactive and fun.
  • Improve your learning skills, as well as the acquisition and retention of knowledge.
  • Learn how the real world works – there are rules, and every decision has consequences.
  • Encourage healthy competition and self-improvement.
  • Teach psychological practices, such as how to be resilient to failure.
  • Increase your creativity.
  • Learn to work in a team and collaborate.

Reduce stress. Do you agree with me? Do you think gamification is important in education?

Submitted May 27, 2021 at 07:59AM by AnnaBodina_VNNV

What was Your First day at University Like???

First day at University as a BSc, Academic Series Episode 1

Submitted May 27, 2021 at 03:02AM by DaithiOScolaidhe

Physics Electricity video

I made a video on series and parallel circuits, Ohm's law and Electrical Power and Energy. The video cover's everything in 3 minutes. Please check it out and share it with anyone who might find it useful.

Submitted May 27, 2021 at 01:22AM by SamuCalculus

miércoles, 26 de mayo de 2021

Moving during School Year

We are planning on moving from PA to FL in a few months, but it is likely that school will have started already in FL (Aug 10th) by the time we arrive however school will not have started yet in PA (Sept 8th)

I heard you are only allowed to miss up to 18 days of school in FL but I'm worried due to the the start time difference we may not have an option as we probably will not be moved into our new home within that time period.

Submitted May 26, 2021 at 08:16PM by borski88

You should be able to test for a degree with no formal (paid) education.

I've always thought the concept of requiring college to get a degree strange for a couple reasons.

I have an idea, albeit I admit I'm probably not the first one to have it, but I have not seen it as detailed as I have thought, I would love to hear y'all's (southerner here) opinions!

As the title alludes to, I believe you should be able to go through a series of tests/interviews to obtain a degree. Consider the following scenario:

Jim is a bright kid. He loves plants. In 6th grade, he has his first focused biology course. In this course, he discovers his passion and enthusiasm towards the subject, and begins to devote large amounts of personal time to low-level research. Towards the end of middle-school, he already is much more educated than his peers in the subject, and continues to get easy straight-As in it. In high school as well, he excels and is much more educated than his peers, and in some more particular instances, more so than his teachers. By the end of high school, he's has a level of knowledge on the subject that could compare to that of a bachelor-degree college graduate that skimmed by with Cs and Bs, but passed and obtained the degree nonetheless.

In this situation, I believe there should be test and series of available interviews availed by a (currently non-existing) non-government educational entity, wherein this individual's knowledge is tested via a rubric created by the experts of this field.

My stance is that this would allow many exceptionally bright individuals quicker access to the job market and affordably so, increasing success rates in otherwise potentially less populated fields, which could also potentially push colleges to lower tuition.

I encourage polite debate and discussion, and am sincerely excited to here some fresh opinions.

Submitted May 26, 2021 at 06:39PM by xStayCurious

Dunbar High School After 100 Years

Submitted May 26, 2021 at 06:07PM by DuncanIdahos9thGhola

Books on education..

Looking for books to read on the history of education. How education systems were created, how different cultures approach educating its population, how different approaches to education affect children, etc.. anything along these lines. Thanks in advanced for any recommendations!!

Submitted May 26, 2021 at 02:58PM by Any-Depth8796

10 Best Educational Science Movies for Kids To Watch

These exciting educational science movies motivate the kids to learn science with fun.

Submitted May 26, 2021 at 12:52PM by ChildEdu

Emergency grades

Hi can someone help me out I had a 14 quarter one I had a 82 quarter two Will I pass the semester?

Submitted May 26, 2021 at 12:59PM by Virg0_wh0re

Biology/Physics & Chemistry in high school and biochemistry in university

I would like to study biochemistry when I go to university. My favourite subject in high school is chemistry but I also quite like physics and biology. The problem is I don't know whether to choose physics or biology for my last year. I prefer physics just a bit over biology (at least at high school level) and would like to know if it is possible to do a major in biochemistry and a minor in mathematics (topic for another question but I just thought I could include it here).

What's your opinion on this?

Thanks a lot,

Submitted May 26, 2021 at 01:07PM by Cbreaker_

Florida University Launches a Degree Program to Train 'Social Justice' Activists

Florida University Launches a Degree Program to Train 'Social Justice' Activists

Thomas R McIntyre A LORD of Olgrinmore

Submitted May 26, 2021 at 12:25PM by deefswen

The New Normal

Hello everyone, I am wondering if you are an educator how do you cope in teaching a new normal classroom situation. Is there any specific problems that you found it hard to solve? As an educator and a parent this is really challenging situation. If you are a student, what do you wish for your teacher to be able for you to learn more?

Submitted May 26, 2021 at 10:36AM by ShiningTVKIDZ

After this hectic past school year, what projects/initiatives/programs will you be working on over the summer to help set up the next school year for success?

Looking for answers from admin or teachers! Thank you!

Submitted May 26, 2021 at 11:18AM by verysadgirly


It has been a perennial American obsession for more than 50 years. It provided a shadowy backdrop for the shows like "The X-Files" and movies like the 1996 summer blockbuster "Independence Day.

Check out for more-

Submitted May 26, 2021 at 06:23AM by chenobell

Would it be wise to take a year after high school and prepare for competitive exams for college?

I'm sorry if this isn't the right subreddit... I'm in the final year of high school and I want to sit for a couple of competitive exams- JEE, NEET among others... should I take a year to prepare for them properly? Both JEE and NEET are incredibly difficult...

Submitted May 26, 2021 at 05:21AM by Coffee_Intentions

Investing in Early Childhood Education now like private Montessori school vs higher education later

Hi! I'm a parent wondering about the opinions and experience of teachers/educators on this subject!

Do you think ECE provides invaluable benefits? Are private Montessori schools inherently better than state run pre-k? And, if a parent would take from the college fund to pay for these programs(most pre-k cost money here,) is it worth it to potentially take from higher education?

Of course my kid will still have something.. But private education is expensive like college! I don't want to squander money that could help more if I saved it.

Any thoughts, insight, or research links is appreciated!

Submitted May 26, 2021 at 04:14AM by ImperiousPrefect

martes, 25 de mayo de 2021

Summer Reading Recommendations

Very new here so forgive me if I'm off topic. I recently graduated and received my credential and am looking for some useful reading for a beginner teacher. Is there anything you have read that you wish you had sooner? Anything that would make a difference? I'm going into art education and I want to teach middle or high school.

Submitted May 25, 2021 at 11:47PM by ZKDrums

Grammar ?

I have a question for any English teachers on Reddit I feel as if everybody’s grammar has been getting worse because of the pandemic can any English teachers confirm this for me is this something you happen to witness in your day to day lives

Submitted May 25, 2021 at 10:53PM by Mercedes3344

Any Australians here who have studied with Open Colleges or other online providers?

So I enrolled in a Diploma of Community Services with Open Colleges in March. With their discount the total price ended up being about $7000.

I thought I did my due diligence but I'm kicking myself right now as I've found other providers who are offering the same Dip. for $1500.

I've already paid off $900 in my payment plan with Open so I didn't waste that by dropping out. So I thought I'd transfer to another Open Colleges Diploma like Business and enrol in the cheaper Community Services Dip. with the other provider.

But upon researching the Diploma of Business I found that Mentor Education is running a deal for their Dip. of Business that's just under $1000. L

I will have to do more research but I'm still quite confused as to why the prices are so drastically different. The course codes are the same and all the providers are self-paced and online. I called them up and asked why the prices were cheaper and they claimed there was no government subsidy, they just think thats the appropriate price.

Can someone smart explain to a dummy like me why Open Colleges is so much more expensive?

If you were in my shoes would you just quit the program and payment plan, wasting the $900 or follow through with the payment plan?

(I know that being confused about this means I probably don't have any business in studying business but please don't judge me 😅)

Also does anyone know if the University course pathways from Open Diplomas are exclusive to them, or is it just a matter of completing the same units?

Submitted May 25, 2021 at 10:03PM by PidgeonBoy

Tips for an adult learning working full time while at school for time

Hello all! I'm a 29 year old going back to school to get my first bachelor's after having my associates for years. I work full time and will be at school full time so I can get it done at in reasonable time! Does anybody have some tips on how to not lose my mind with it all and what are some of the best places for loans to people with credit scores over 750? Thank you!!

Submitted May 25, 2021 at 05:48PM by ya_boi_el_reyes

Admin included another students name in a referral. FERPA? Question.

Academic dishonesty; Private sector; Secondary school: Dean accidentally left (failed to omit) another students name in an email sent to parents for their child’s referral. How serious is this?

Submitted May 25, 2021 at 03:57PM by coolerofbeernoice

question about bachelor and masters

hi everyone. i will start my bachelors program in business administration soon. can i study law (corporate law) at masters after this?

Submitted May 25, 2021 at 02:00PM by milliondollaputhayy

UCLA Mathematics of Computation or Berkeley L&S CS?

I recently got accepted into Mathematics of Computation (my second choice of major) at UCLA and L&S CS at Berkeley. I have always wanted to go to UCLA and right now I do not know what to do. If you guys were me what would you do? Please list out the PROS and CONS too!

Thanks guys!

Submitted May 25, 2021 at 12:52PM by aalifiaangel

Method vs Technique

Hello everyone. I'm trying to understand Anthony's model in language teaching. Now I know what approach means as traditional Approach and the Reform Movement. Also I know methods derive from it as the direct method deriving from the Reform Movement. But I can't understand what technique is about in teaching language . Can you please give me a concrete example?

Thank you for your help

Submitted May 25, 2021 at 11:45AM by Snoo_94679

Method vs Technique

Hello everyone. I'm trying to understand Anthony's model in language teaching. Now I know what approach means as traditional Approach and the Reform Movement. Also I know methods derive from it as the direct method deriving from the Reform Movement. But I can't understand what technique is about in teaching language . Can you please give me a concrete example?

Thank you for your help

Submitted May 25, 2021 at 11:46AM by Snoo_94679

Hi folks , I just received conditional offer in Msc in Construction Project Management at Oxford Brookes University. What I wanted to know was what are career opportunities after I complete the course .

If anyone is from same field or practices same profession please help me .

Submitted May 25, 2021 at 11:47AM by ArchiTawss69

Where’s can I download free textbooks that are reliable and virus free.

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Submitted May 25, 2021 at 11:43AM by Equivalent_Ad744

[Research] How do you feel in educational-related subreddits (All Welcome)

I apologize to re-post this information in this subreddit. I do need more participants for my doctoral research about “Member’s perceptions and participation in informal social media-based learning communities”. It aims to understand members’ participation and perceptions on educational-related subreddits and learning. I'm wondering how do you feel when you join these communities, whether you feel supported or not, whether you feel you learned or not, will you feel frustrated, etc. I have already found some interesting findings and would be really willing to share the results in the future.

If you are interested in this study and as long as you are currently a member of any educational-related subreddits, (Education, Learning, Answers, AskReddit, History, Science, TodayILearned, etc...), please take 5-10 minutes to fill out the survey Only 11 questions, including 27 statements through 5-Likert scales. Age above 18, please. Your response will be confidential.

Thank you very much! If you want Reddit Award, feel free to comment "done". :)

Submitted May 25, 2021 at 10:20AM by alianazhu

Need volunteers to exchange or ask Information about the Education themes. (investigation for my Final Project Career)

Hello everyone!! Firstly, thank you so much for read me! 😊 (Sorry for my bad English) I am 27 years old, I'm a student of Interior Design Career from Spain, and I'm doing the theoretical project of a High School. (students ages from 12 to 17 years) In these next months i will develop the project and i will need opinions about your experience as teachers. Probably i will ask you un this community with more information. I will be grateful for your answers.

At the moment, i questions some things. 1. Wich country do you live? 2. What courses do you teach? 3. What subjects do you teach? 4. What is your teaching methodology? (Traditional, projects, challenges...) 5. What do you value the most in a classroom? 6. What excites or motivates your students? 7. Do you need more space for teachers 8. Could i ask you more questions in the next few weeks? (Or i can contact with you)

Thank you all, i wish makes better your experiences

Submitted May 25, 2021 at 03:01AM by SchwarzBlack

lunes, 24 de mayo de 2021

Really think schools should prioritize cooking, cleaning, and exercise

Watching documentary on fast food in third world. Fast food is expensive and flavorless. The main reason to get it is sheer laziness and lack of education (not knowing how to cook). Have to wonder how many health problems could be solved if schools taught everyone how to cook and clean in a thorough and diligent manner. Additionally I am bewildered at the lack of emphasis on fitness in schools. One idea I had was that each class would have to go on a walk once a week in a rotating schedule. Or make an exercise class a required credit for graduation the way languages are in some areas. Definitely I think a school system that every graduate was capable of running a kilometer would produce a much wiser population. Have to wonder why schools think english, math, history, and science are more important than simple fundamentals of life like how to take care of your body. I 100% think I would have had a much more productive, fun, and social experience in school if each day featured an hour of coordinated outdoor exercise and an hour of cooking/housework.

Submitted May 24, 2021 at 10:48PM by Icy_Ad2505

Question regarding a some form of personal student testing

I'm a US student, and back when I was in the younger grades of elementary school around 2009-2013, i was called down to what I'm pretty sure was a counselor's office, and they asked me to arrange some blocks with patterns into some specific was as to arrange them like the little note card which had an arrangement. My parent's don't exactly remember this, and I am wondering if this was some sort of test for a learning deficiency or something. I like, vividly remember this and I'm still not sure what that was. Could someone kindly enlighten me as to calm the curious fire inside me?

Submitted May 24, 2021 at 07:43PM by JanDerion47

What's the one statistic you've seen highlighting problems in higher education that really concerns you and suggests something needs to change?

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Submitted May 24, 2021 at 07:04PM by beats0409

How one student changed the school’s culture

First off, let me say how honored I am to have the opportunity to be where I am, doing what I am. Teaching is a wonderful, horrible, faith-destroying, faith-restoring, uplifting and downtrodden experience. There is no other way to describe my teaching career. The following story is true, original, and came to fruition this semester.

This school year our school district has handled this pandemic not just "as good as can be expected" (lameville), but an immeasurable amount better. Our superintendent, administration, staff, parents, and especially students handled the pandemic's accompanying disruptions with a nuanced maturity, one that doesn't look like a three-year-old wearing a suit so much as a 14-year-old wearing a suit, speaking to a crowd of 1,000 like he's done it all his life. Needless to say, everyone stepped up and over at every twist and turn, not unlike Dance Dance Revolution. Full Combo!

This, one and a half paragraphs later, is not what this is about, though I'm proud of them all. The one I'm truly proud of is the quiet kid, all alone by himself, starting a revolution of his own; the revolution of a return to normalcy. The time before the pandemic, my middle school's playground was your typical playground, with groups of people huddled together in different areas, some playing sports, some talking with each other, blissfully unaware of the shirt-show soon to begin.

When the pandemic hit hard in March our district was at home for the rest of the year, but was one of the first to come back in person (allowing any families who wish to stay online to do so). Protocols were in place, and gradually loosened and updated accordingly. During lunch now the kids have been in the cafeteria area, inside and outside seating. The playground and fields was another option as well. Students found, however, that the enjoyed just sitting and eating lunch together, whether inside or outside.

At first this was a great thing to see, kids dealing with the pandemic the best way they knew how, having interesting discussions about the "feast or famine" of it all, how some companies, schools, restaurants, people, <anything> either succeeding well or failing spectacularly, etc. Eventually, however, I noticed just something interesting in the collective behavior and mood... it just seemed to dampen day after day. Even after the masking regulations outside of school (Arizona) had scaled back, and after the students had adjusted and gotten used to the masks as second nature, it just seemed to take a toll on the kids over time. The conversations stopped. It was so quiet it was weird. I mean a middle school cafeteria, and it sounds like we're testing.

Enter the quiet kid. This guy has been absent a lot of the year, but came back full force the past two months. When he came back he asked our principal if he was "allowed to go out in the field" (because noone was out there). Principal goes "sure". So he goes out there on day 1, just kind of walks the space, not looking particularly lonely by any means, just walking the grounds. On day 2, one of the students kind of takes notice, but doesn't step on the field. Day 3, a group of about four kids decide, after watching this kid that they were going to go out on the field and toss the football around (the one that wasn't touched in about two months). Before you know it, (day 5, so I guess I do know it), every kid is out there, and all of a sudden everyone's talking and laughing again. The best part was watching the quiet kid's bewilderment as he sees group after group brave their way out to the field with each passing day.

Submitted May 24, 2021 at 06:22PM by Ancient_Educator_76

Climate change & ocean education

Why do you think that many schools and national curriculums do not cover climate change, environmental and ocean education?

This is our future we are talking about and it could be a great way for teachers to relate the content to a local context to help students grasp the ideas easily.

Some underlying root causes I see in my own country are: the lack of textbooks that cover these topics on the list of books allowed for the government, outdated info in textbooks, lack of public interest, lack of parent interest in their children participating, and difficulties for teachers to find resources in native language.

What other root causes can you think of? What great examples have you seen in the past where these topics were covered?

Submitted May 24, 2021 at 03:49PM by savetheunderwater

Why does my school want me to attend summer school for ELA when my grade isn’t failing?

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Submitted May 24, 2021 at 01:59PM by GiosGio

What math curriculum, tried and true, is the best for Elementary School Kids?

Hello! I have a child who will be entering public elementary school soon. I am having trouble navigating all the different math curriculums, and gaining an understanding of what the children will actually be learning AND retaining.

I struggled significantly in elementary school math because they had just implemented the "Saxon" Math approach to teaching. We did multiple math subjects every day so I never was never able to fully grasp and master one math subject at a time. How can you multiply and divide if you don't even have a full understanding of addition and subtraction at 6 years old? This then left me in a cycle of their special education program for math, which was just as terrible and I really didn't need it.

I fear the same issues for my children's math education, as it seems each elementary school has its own math curriculum and I'm struggling to know which one is actually researched and the best way to learn math. I am not a teacher but I feel spending a generous amount of time on one math concept is the best way to lay a foundation into more advanced concepts. Example: First-grade addition, Second-Grade subtraction, and so on with exploration into more advanced problems within those subjects per the child's ability.

I would be so thankful if someone could help break down the differences between some of the current Kindergarten-4th grade math teaching styles/curriculums and what you personally have found that children really succeed with. Would a charter school be better?

Thank you for reading!

Submitted May 24, 2021 at 12:49PM by BasRouge1221

Neuromythologies in education

Many popular educational programmes claim to be ‘brain-based’, despite pleas from the neuroscience community that these neuromyths do not have a basis in scientific evidence about the brain.

Purpose: The main aim of this paper is to examine several of the most popular neuromyths in the light of the relevant neuroscientific and educational evidence. Examples of neuromyths include: 10% brain usage, left- and right-brained thinking, VAK learning styles and multiple intelligences

Sources of evidence: The basis for the argument put forward includes a literature review of relevant cognitive neuroscientific studies, often involving neuroimaging, together with several comprehensive education reviews of the brain-based approaches under scrutiny.

Main argument: The main elements of the argument are as follows. We use most of our brains most of the time, not some restricted 10% brain usage. This is because our brains are densely interconnected, and we exploit this interconnectivity to enable our primitively evolved primate brains to live in our complex modern human world. Although brain imaging delineates areas of higher (and lower) activation in response to particular tasks, thinking involves coordinated interconnectivity from both sides of the brain, not separate left- and right-brained thinking. High intelligence requires higher levels of inter-hemispheric and other connected activity. The brain's interconnectivity includes the senses, especially vision and hearing. We do not learn by one sense alone, hence VAK learning styles do not reflect how our brains actually learn, nor the individual differences we observe in classrooms. Neuroimaging studies do not support multiple intelligences; in fact, the opposite is true. Through the activity of its frontal cortices, among other areas, the human brain seems to operate with general intelligence, applied to multiple areas of endeavour. Studies of educational effectiveness of applying any of these ideas in the classroom have failed to find any educational benefits.

Submitted May 24, 2021 at 09:44AM by NICEDR95

Hi guys please could you fill out this short survey! Much love and appreciation

Submitted May 24, 2021 at 09:01AM by ThoughtBright

posting students' pictures - consent

so we're currently creating a consent form for parents/guardians re: posting their child's photos on the school's official page. we've made these options so far. do you think it's appropriate? or should we add an option that explicity says NO? here are some of them:

a. I allow SCHOOL to share pics/ vids of my child given that his/her face and name are

° visible (his/her name and face are recognizable)

° blurred (some parts of the pic/vid are blurred beyond recognition)

b. I allow SCHOOL to share pics/vids of my testimonials given that my name is



what do you feel about this?

Submitted May 24, 2021 at 09:13AM by quakeroatsistasty


” The disease was also terrifyingly efficient. People who were perfectly healthy when they went to bed at night could be dead by morning.

Check for more-

Submitted May 24, 2021 at 06:00AM by chenobell

Student Makes The Most Of Time Behind Bars, Finishes College With Honors

At Pitzer College's graduation, a student spoke about forgiveness, perseverance and seizing future potential. He drew from his experience of being incarcerated for more than 10 years.

Submitted May 24, 2021 at 06:07AM by zsreport

domingo, 23 de mayo de 2021

How Technology is Taking Education to Next Level?

Submitted May 23, 2021 at 10:03PM by Divya-2395

Why are there so many states where children are allowed to drop out of high school before they're 18?

I can understand someone starting their ideal career without a diploma, it's certainly possible, but given that it's relatively rare shouldn't dropping out before 18 only be permitted on a case-by-case basis?

The available evidence says that "extending the age of mandatory school attendance reduces lifetime crime involvement" (pdf). Given the way that politicians and the public at-large valorize education, why is it that there are so many states where kids are allowed to drop out?

Submitted May 23, 2021 at 03:27PM by VauntedSapient

I made a presentation to teach privacy to children in 40 minutes

If you're an educator/teacher and looking to make children more aware about online privacy (but you haven't found the time to do so, don't know how etc.), I would love to share my presentation with you.

Here's what it covers:

  • Importance of owning your data
  • Corporate (Google & Facebook) and state (NSA) influences on our privacy
  • Societal aspects (filter bubbles, importance of keeping the web free, fair & open)
  • Alternatives (DuckDuckGo, Firefox, Signal & Lockdown, a tracker-blocker for iOS and MacOS)

The presentation is targeted at students in Grades 7-10 and features a total of three video clips and some MCQ questions to engage students. There is a full script available as well. If you'd like, I can also make the accompanying booklet available to you (can be handed out to students), which summarizes the importance of using alternatives (acts as a sort of quick guide) and includes a dedicated section for parents. I also have lots of other material, too (a PDF that can be sent out parents after the presentations and flyers).

PM me if you're interested! ​ Some additional info:

  • Yes, I'm giving this away for free! You're free to use it for educational purposes. All rights reserved (to the extent possible, regarding some content which I don't have the rights to).

Here's why I’m not posting it publicly:

  • Copyright (I don't have the rights to the video clips, for example)
  • I put in a decent amount of effort into this and I don't want to just dump this on the web; it feels a little impersonal.

Submitted May 23, 2021 at 01:05PM by TechD123

PLEASE HELP !!! Looking for NYS p-12 Science Standards

Hello my wife is interviewing for a position and the NYS education website is having issues. Every time she clicks to download the science standards the website says this website is temporarily unavailable. If any of you have it downloaded on your computer and could send me a copy that would be a huge help!! thanks

Submitted May 23, 2021 at 09:14AM by nickdep17

Critical Race Theory in K-12 Education: An IG LIVE conversation Should CRT be in the classroom

Submitted May 23, 2021 at 04:39AM by DuncanIdahos9thGhola

sábado, 22 de mayo de 2021

Teachers and Professors: Would you want an app that randomly generates student groups with the highest degree of diversity?

From talking to some of my teachers, one insight that I gained is that they all are looking to find ways to improve classroom diversity.

One way I think teachers could improve classroom diversity easier is through an app that, given the students' gender, ethnicity, religion, etc., uses an intelligent algorithm to automatically generate homework/project groups with their students having as diverse backgrounds as possible, to foster intercultural understanding :D. Would you want such an app?

Submitted May 22, 2021 at 07:09PM by arcialga

Alternative to google form

Hi, I've had earlier an issue with glitch and google form arent backed up. So I tried with Microsoft form but they are all open ended. Due to financial restrictions I'm not using survey monkey. I need a free alternative

Submitted May 22, 2021 at 12:10PM by distant-world

Third Culture Kid (TCK) is a term describing people who spend a significant part of childhood living outside their passport countries. I’m Australian and spent two years of high school living in the USA.

Submitted May 22, 2021 at 10:01AM by curaFUN

Staying in a bedroom for 20 hours a day. Being constantly plugged in online. These are just a few of the stressors that youth have faced over the last year due to the pandemic, leading to heightened anxiety and depression, among other new or worsening mental health struggles.

Submitted May 22, 2021 at 10:00AM by curaFUN

In 2011, Google set out to engineer the perfect team, or at least understand it. In an internal analysis known as Project Aristotle, they surveyed hundreds of teams of engineers and managers, to isolate characteristics that made them efficient and effective.

Submitted May 22, 2021 at 10:00AM by curaFUN

Sleep problems commonly plague individuals with ADHD — particularly during the teen years, when sleep hygiene and patterns go haywire in even the most neurotypical brains and households. Studies estimate that up to 70 percent of children and adolescents with ADHD have problems with sleep that stem

Submitted May 22, 2021 at 10:00AM by curaFUN

Sleep problems commonly plague individuals with ADHD — particularly during the teen years, when sleep hygiene and patterns go haywire in even the most neurotypical brains and households. Studies estimate that up to 70 percent of children and adolescents with ADHD have problems with sleep that stem

Submitted May 22, 2021 at 10:00AM by curaFUN

“A Cross Cultural Kid (CCK) is a person who is living/has lived in – or meaningfully interacted with – two or more cultural environments for a significant period of time during the first eighteen years of life.”

Submitted May 22, 2021 at 10:01AM by curaFUN

In April 2021, Understood’s “Pandemic Learning Impact Study” surveyed a total of 1,500 parents of both neurotypical children and children who learn and think differently across the U.S. to understand how the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted children academically and emotionally.

Submitted May 22, 2021 at 10:01AM by curaFUN

May 18, 2021 - Offering interventions to young people in the general community can prevent the emergence of certain mental health disorders , according to the first comprehensive systematic review to address this question.

Submitted May 22, 2021 at 10:01AM by curaFUN

Do the new NGSS Chemistry standards include a section in organic chemistry?

No text found

Submitted May 22, 2021 at 09:03AM by Yes-Wifi-5006

How many teachers here have misdemeanor arrests?

How has having a misdemeanor affected your teaching career? How often do you have to explain your past to your future employers? How do you prepare for that conversation? Minor in possession of alcohol, cannabis possession, contributing to a minor.....

Submitted May 22, 2021 at 01:55AM by capn_kirkl

viernes, 21 de mayo de 2021

are high achieving students disadvantaged in mixed ability groups?

Currently researching mixed ability classes in schools, and was wondering of there were any studies done on the effect it has on the higher achieving students. are they affected at all? do their grades stay the same or do they decline? is it unfair on them?

Submitted May 21, 2021 at 11:57PM by abby42779

Watching TV during class time - kinder (4yo)

I found out today that my son (4 almost 5) has been watching TV at school. For months now he has been having meltdowns that I won’t put on our TV or let him watch different cartoon shows. I wasn’t sure how he knew about these shows as we watch no regular TV and rarely (less than once a week) I let him watch a film or show on Disney or Netflix. I am not sure what to do. I don’t know how to raise it with the teacher without sounding really rude or upset. But I feel that watching TV during school is really inappropriate. They also watch while they eat their food which I strongly disagree with. Especially because the weather here is so lovely and the kids should be outside. What would you do? Is this ok and normal? I don’t even know anymore. Maybe I’m just being a difficult parent.

Submitted May 21, 2021 at 11:09PM by cheekymeecy

British VS American Education

[For context] The time for me to go into higher education (university) is coming around and I’ve been presented with multiple opportunities, I am eligible to go some British universities and many American universities.

My question is: Which is more highly regarded internationally?

I would like to work abroad, I don’t know what specifically but I would like to travel, to do this I need international recognition and respect for the degree I acquire and so which is regarded as superior or more respected American or British degrees? I understand the US doesn’t have as much of an abundance of internationally recognized universities like the UK but I’m talking about the ones that do have a reputation on the international stage.

Submitted May 21, 2021 at 08:45PM by Foreign-Opening

So could I study online “abroad” for free college?


Submitted May 21, 2021 at 01:55PM by cinoya

Would you like to join my class?

Hello there, I teach English to Moroccan adults over zoom and this week's topic is ''the Moroccan Educational System Vs the U.S Educational System'' So I thought that it would be a great idea to have a guest that have gotten firsthand experience from the American system in order for him/her to share with us his/her experience and also so as students can learn from it. So if you are a person (Moroccan or not) who have had experience studying in America, I would love if you could join us for the next session and share with us your experience.
There are 2 groups, first group's session is on **Saturday the 22nd of May from 9:00 p.m. (GMT+1) to 10:30 p.m. (GMT+1)** and the second group is on **Sunday the 23rd from 9:00 p.m. (GMT+1) to 10:30 p.m. (GMT+1)** So if you are free on this time and you would like to join us, please shoot me a message or leave a comment.

Submitted May 21, 2021 at 10:41AM by a9zo3

Human voice is a rich medium with which we not only communicate our wants and needs and intent but it’s also a very special way of expressing our emotions and identity in emerging times where AI is increasingly becoming part of our lives, people want to use that to interact with other digital

Submitted May 21, 2021 at 10:01AM by curaFUN

A critical way we maintain relationships is by being in tune with others—reading facial expressions, interpreting emotions, and responding. But this has been tough over the last year. We haven’t seen each other as much, so we may be out of practice.

Submitted May 21, 2021 at 10:01AM by curaFUN

What if one of the answers to reducing inequality and addressing mental health concerns among young children is as simple as providing more opportunities to play? A growing body of research and several experts are making the case for play to boost the well-being of young children as the pandemic

Submitted May 21, 2021 at 10:01AM by curaFUN



As we know, in today’s world, the most problem of scholars is the way to consider their studies. they need many sources of distraction that don’t allow them to study. And one if that source may be a mobile . albeit there’s online study nowadays, students should learn from books too. they ought to make handwritten notes of their chapters rather than learning written notes from mobile phones as learning from mobiles will damage your eyes.

Read more..

Submitted May 21, 2021 at 09:34AM by shashikant558

Teaching is a Work of Heart

This is my favorite quote about teaching. What's yours?

Submitted May 21, 2021 at 08:24AM by JoAndAna

Coursera - HR Specialization - Does it have credibility?

For a humanities graduate working in HR for the last two years without any HR degree, does the above mentioned course make sense? Is it worth adding to LinkedIn and resume?

Submitted May 21, 2021 at 06:49AM by AeEnAeEnWaiAe

E-learning Trends During 2021 Pandemic

The year 2020 has been an exceptional one. The COVID pandemic led to the worldwide shutdown of schools and other educational systems, leaving 1.6 billion learners without traditional teaching. And for the first time in history, there have been so many changes, challenges, and growth tendencies to the E-learning industry. The previous year gave a lot of opportunities and challenges for E-learning startups. Now it’s time to discover what to expect in 2021 – trends, technologies, and perspectives. Are you planning to build an E-learning app or website? Read further to find out the most exciting ways to attract and engage your future users.

Submitted May 21, 2021 at 06:17AM by AnnaBodina_VNNV

Good IQ?

I recently took an IQ test and got an IQ of 132, is that good?

I am a 13-year-old Australian boy.

This may or may not be an ego boost ;)

Submitted May 21, 2021 at 05:06AM by Niqhtmvre

Man vs Machine in Education

70% of people hit the snooze button of an alarm clock. What does this tell us about the future of education?

As AI/ML engulfs the world, will machines replace the teachers as well? Anyone who has tasted the stock market knows well how we humans can be over-bullish or over-bearish. On this topic, there are people on both the sides.

Submitted May 21, 2021 at 04:29AM by Neetin_A

Please share your positive and negative views on online classes

I just want to know about the good and bad things about online classes and your experiences with it.

Submitted May 21, 2021 at 04:30AM by userboiredditor123

How to Prevent Cheating in Google Forms

Submitted May 21, 2021 at 03:32AM by Dr-Tahir-Yaqub

Choice between master’s programs

I’ve been conditionally accepted into curriculum and instruction programs (online) at ASU and Virginia. Both institutions have the same requirements for me to be fully admitted, and they are not issues. ASU’s program specializes in early childhood while Virginia’s program will focus on educational innovation. I want to use this experience to do more research into developing my own educational framework and supplemental curriculum. Virginia is also a bit more affordable than ASU. Both would take me the same amount of time to complete. What do you think Reddit? Which one should I go with?

Submitted May 21, 2021 at 12:58AM by SeymourJFry

jueves, 20 de mayo de 2021

How to get CA 30 day Sub Permit.

Hello all I am a recent college graduate and have signed up to take the CBEST paper test in July 10. Afterwards how do to get the California 30 day substitute permit? Is it all just one giant online application?

Submitted May 20, 2021 at 11:36PM by bigslug2021

I believe this to be true, do you?

The education system is structured in a way where most lucrative forms of education are nearly out of reach for a huge chunk of society. This kind of system keeps us uneducated and poor unless we decide to go into debt for, sometimes, our whole lives. If, and that’s a big if, we are even able to go to college. I believe trades in high school that immediately would be useful respected degrees in the real world should be mandatory for all students. This would boost the economy but also balance power back into the blue collar Americans favor, where it was made to be in the first place, which is why I would assume the government would push back to stop this from happening. I’m posting this to see if people agree, and if so, should we make it happen? And how? Let’s talk about it.

Submitted May 20, 2021 at 05:19PM by Beezodatruth

How would a person who is cut off from society and had been mute would learn a language without knowing one?

I understand that there was a feral child name Genie, but I am looking for a more in depth answer.

Submitted May 20, 2021 at 12:26PM by International-Pie911

Credit: Alison Seiffer Here is a parable for our time: There once was an adult who wanted to encourage eighth graders to eat healthier food. The adult designed a lesson plan full of nutritional information—why fruit and vegetables are good for you, why junk food is bad for you, and so on.

Submitted May 20, 2021 at 10:00AM by curaFUN

I’m a parent of three children, ages 8, 10, and 13, with mixed identities. We’re Brown first- and second-generation Americans descended from Indian and Pakistani immigrants.As a result, I’ve been keenly aware of how my kids are relating to their identities as they engage in their own paths of

Submitted May 20, 2021 at 10:00AM by curaFUN


Hey so i recently took a Geometry EOC test and im afraid I failed it, I also know that my final grade in geometry is a C how much by would this affect my grade? and also if I fail an EOC do i have to take summer school? and one last question If u get a D in florida do you have to do summer school?

Submitted May 20, 2021 at 10:02AM by diegothboi

Eoc question

if I fail a biology EOC do i have to take summer school?

Submitted May 20, 2021 at 10:07AM by diegothboi


if i have a D do i have to take summer school in florida?

Submitted May 20, 2021 at 10:09AM by diegothboi

acceptance question

Do your grades matter after you get accepted into a high school?

Submitted May 20, 2021 at 10:29AM by diegothboi

Can I get into a good collage?

hi, I'm a sophomore going into the junior year next year my GPA freshmen year was at 3.3 my GPA for my Sophomore year was 3.2 because of the new addition of online school. I take multiple honor classes and I'm going to have an Ap class next year. I also played football freshmen year and was in multiple clubs and I'm planning on running track this year. however, I was wondering if it was too late for me to enter a good college because I'm planning on trying to go but I feel like me having an average student GPA would hurt my chances of going into a good school. Please give your advice and opinion on this and thanks for reading.

Submitted May 20, 2021 at 10:30AM by Billyboy2Hard

Electric Currents, Voltages and Resistance explained in 5 minutes

I made a video which explains Electric Currents, Voltages and Resistance in 5 minutes.

I started this channel called " Flourishing Exams" to support the students studying maths and physics.

I make videos mainly on maths, physics and aviation. I also other sciences and humanities.

The videos I make are for all levels of people

Please check it out and share it with anyone who might find it useful

Here is the link

Submitted May 20, 2021 at 08:18AM by SamuCalculus

miércoles, 19 de mayo de 2021

I still believe spoon feeding kids is still the best way to learn. Heck I can still see adults don't know the difference between you're and your when used in sentences😂..

You're = you are your = means ownership , your food your rules your mind etc. Simple things like these. I still think the ones being spoon fed having the best education but still depends on the level of IQ of a person.

Submitted May 19, 2021 at 06:00PM by ZombieTofuu

Can you teach college level classes with a M.S and some/ongoing experience working in the field?

Specifically something related to statistics, data science, computer science, math, or information/technology.

I don’t wanna pursue academia as a career but I’ve always wanted to teach college classes!

Submitted May 19, 2021 at 04:52PM by mowa0199

Sana Mustafa In 2013, Mustafa's life suddenly ended. At twenty one, she finally received notice that her father had been obstructed by officials in Syria. Her mother and sisters had fled to Turkey, and haven't heard from him since.

Submitted May 19, 2021 at 09:06AM by curaFUN

I started a Physics Youtube channel to help teachers with fun home experiments

Hi guys! I wanted to help as many teachers as possible so I hope it's okay to post here. I made a video that shows a fun science experiment with my DIY 2-way pulley system. It's for anyone teaching Archimedes' Principle (mechanical advantage), work, force, & friction

I really want my videos to be helpful for students so if it's not too much to ask, can yall watch it and tell me your thoughts? :) Also, I'd love to know which topics you need help with so I can feature them in my next video :) And if you liked the video, a sub would mean a lot to me :)

Submitted May 19, 2021 at 08:17AM by thereinaset

Scheduling Help

I'm not sure if this is the correct subreddit, but I'm about to literally pull my hair out (and I can't afford to lost anymore than I've already lost)

I'm trying to complete a master schedule for the upcoming school year and I (and several other people) CANNOT get it to work. Our issue is that we have several teachers who have only agreed to work part time, and due to our location (very rural south) we can't just go out and find someone to fill the hole so our schedule has to be very precise. I'm wondering if anyone has any suggestions for software that would help fix this issue. There has to be something that will easily clear this up right?!

Thanks in advance!

Submitted May 19, 2021 at 08:01AM by gigapudding43201

martes, 18 de mayo de 2021

As a part of our new remote learning life I played the video game Valiant Hearts: The Great War with one of my classes to learn about World War I.

As a part of our new remote learning life I played the video game Valiant Hearts: The Great War with one of my classes to learn about World War I. I had a student stream it online on twitch while the rest of us watched and conversed in the chat.

You can read about how it went here. The full lesson plan and teaching materials are also attached inside for free for those interested.

Submitted May 18, 2021 at 03:29PM by Small_Ad3407

If it is known to significantly improve students' results, why is concept mapping not used widely in education?

Concept mapping (don't mix with mind maps, although there are similarities) has been proven to help students a lot - with understanding, engagement, critical thinking, reading, writing essays etc. It's also said to be a great tool for assessment. It helps me to learn and I use it for teaching all the time. Yet, e.g., in my country virtually no one else use concept maps. Why is that? Is it that concept mapping is not so well-known, or people run into some problems when they try to use it?

Submitted May 18, 2021 at 01:08PM by m4r3k42

Four Things You Must Look International Education Consultant

Four Things You Must Look International Education Consultant

Looking for a study abroad/international education consultant to take your educational endeavours to next level?
We truly understand that deciding on an educational consultant is the first and most important step. When you have the support and right guidance of a consultant, the process becomes quite smooth and easy.

Submitted May 18, 2021 at 11:41AM by Shoddy-Leg1301

Math diagnostic test?


I'm looking for a thorough diagnostic test that covers the basics up through pre-Algebra. I want it to be very thorough, though: going from the basics of a concept and then adding layers of complexity. Does anyone know of anything like that?

Submitted May 18, 2021 at 12:22PM by TimeFourChanges

What is considered an average university?

We all know there is a university ranking but which universities are considered average?

If we have the QS world ranking on hand which universities on there will be the average ones Is it after the 100th or the 500th And how do you determine it.

For example the uni I am looking into is around 500-700 on the worlds ranking and I have no clue if that’s too far down.

Submitted May 18, 2021 at 09:43AM by highkeyxoxo

Would you be interested in speaking to students struggling to get an education due to domestic terrorism?

I am hoping that this is okay to post based on the r/education rules. I am running out of options to find interests on a current project that I am working on.

I am working with students in Kabul to provide them a safe and obtainable education. We have zoom meetings every 2 weeks. In our most recent meeting it was requested to have more students come on and share their education experiences.

Although I am located in the US, I would love to find students and educators from around the world. Secondary and university students are welcomed.

Next meeting is this Sunday, let’s talk!

Submitted May 18, 2021 at 09:56AM by BoronYttrium-

Overseas Education Consultant | World Class Universities | Study In USA, UK, Australia, Canada, Europe and Asia

Visit the for more details

We provide a end to end solution for your overseas admission needs

Regards The Rathis

Submitted May 18, 2021 at 09:17AM by Kushaalrathi

Misguided Moves in Ed-tech, yet Un-realized, Un-rectified

In 2013, I happened to interact with a top professor of a top US university who was deeply involved with MOOCs. As we know, many MOOCs based companies were founded in 2012.

"Next 4-5 years, the best education will reach all”, he said, fully confident.

I said in a low slightly under confident voice, “Sir, the intention behind this is awesome but, with all due respect, I see major issues which may disappoint all”.

But as expected, he seemed disinterested to listen. I happened to interact with him again a few months back, this time, I had more of his attention. It was great of the prof to listen to me, to disagree with me, to dwell further on it and then to come back after 20 odd days nodding in agreement.

Submitted May 18, 2021 at 08:09AM by Neetin_A

10 year old kids are too young for middle school

TLDR: I became a social outcast when I had to do sixth grade in a middle school filled with teenagers and preteens. Can anyone provide their experience about the social problems very young kids can have in middle school?

The trouble for me began when my city turned the junior high into a middle school. This meant that sixth grade was now together with 7th and 8th, and there was one less year of elementary. When grade 6 is in elementary the kids do not imitate older preteens and teenagers and it's basically a repeat of grade 5. I really needed that last year of elementary to mature socially and physically before being with older kids.

The reason why is that I was only 10 when I got to grade 6, having started kindergarten a year early. For reference, this was back in the 90's when it was allowed to start kids early and elementary schools were still k-6. I wasn't ready for the adult social dynamics of middle school. I liked dinosaurs, lasers, and military stuff, I didn't understand why everyone was interested in sex, dating, sports, popularity, and adult stuff. Whereas things had been fine at school before, I got ostracized on my first day of middle school and I didn't know how to adapt and recover.

Many other skipped kids had trouble like I did, while others were fine. It's on a case by case basis and each kid needs to be watched. But blindly skipping gifted kids is a terrible idea because kids are not ready for middle school at 10 years old (or even younger) and they may not be able to cope.

This social trouble didn't ruin my whole life on its own. A lot of kids have problems in middle school for whatever reasons. However, in my case it set me up for abuse by a sociopathic parent who took advantage of my destroyed self-esteem. It may sound improbable, but this wouldn't have been possible if I hadn't been forced to do my last year of elementary in middle school instead.

Submitted May 18, 2021 at 04:54AM by traumabind

lunes, 17 de mayo de 2021

Why isn't this Mexican Border delousing stuff taught in schools?

So, I homeschool, but I went to public school all through out elementary, private highschool and public university, even as a child: I LOVED HISTORY!!

YET, I NEVER EVER heard about this until today! I don't understand why the educational system refuses to show the ugly side of the States?! I believe that if they did then people would be more understanding and less racist. Can someone explain?

(4) The dark history of "gasoline baths" at the border - YouTube

Submitted May 17, 2021 at 11:05PM by OptionImportant

Elpa test

How do I pass the elpa test o suck at writing

Submitted May 17, 2021 at 11:13PM by Xxst4yclutchxX

Must create a LinkedIn account

Here is why you should create a LinkedIn profile and why it's important in your professional career. So, must create account on the largest professional social media platform on the planet.

Step-by-step guide to create a LinkedIn account

Submitted May 17, 2021 at 10:19PM by techyatri

How to stand out on college applications?

I’m 19 looking to apply to some universities. I will graduate with a 3.30 GPA and it’s making me nervous that nobody will accept me. I messed up my freshman year and didn’t take my grades seriously and I really regret that. In what ways can I stand out and impress on applications to colleges?

Submitted May 17, 2021 at 09:16PM by icynx

Education Specialist

Is it worth it? Any affordable online programs?

What is your job

My school just created a Ed. Specialist on the salary scale and I’m wondering if it’d be worth the time.

Submitted May 17, 2021 at 08:00PM by namedafterabean

Looking for research on repeating HS courses

Like the title says, I'm looking for any research that has been done on repeating high school courses (specifically math, if possible).

Anything that shows (or doesn't show) an effect on self-efficacy, behavior, graduation rates, or access to higher level content.

Articles or abstracts are welcome, but even if all you do is point me in a direction, that would be great. Thanks!

Submitted May 17, 2021 at 06:34PM by dyerrhea54

Teacher looking to continue education

Hello fellow educators,

I am currently working as a high school Resource/Remedial teacher in a remote First Nations community in northern Canada. Much of my job, I'm beginning to realize, is to deal with crises and students' personal issues. Having done this for almost 4 years now, I'm beginning to realize that getting into a counseling psychology program could be a great route for me professionally. As such, I've inquired about such programs with a few Universities in Canada. Unfortunately, none of these universities offer such a program online, thus I would have to move 1500km away from work to the nearest city to study.

I'm curious if anyone of you out there have done this before - enroll into a University program in the middle of a career. What did that look like for you? Was it difficult financially? Did you have to take out loans? Lastly, do anyone of you out there know of a counseling psychology program offered online?!

Thanks for the help! <3

Submitted May 17, 2021 at 05:01PM by snofocolis

i need help with a essay about globalization

i have to write an essay for a subject in college about “globalization and the tourism experience”. I already read a book by anthony giddens about globalization. I wanted to ask y’all if you know any articles about this theme (or just globalization in general). Preferably the sources are academic/scientific, but id appreciate any help i can get.

Submitted May 17, 2021 at 03:55PM by Accomplished_While30

Retained, Help?

TLDR at the bottom.

Hello, I am a 14F in 8th grade, and I live in the state of Maryland with one week left of school. With COVID-19, my parents have made me stay home to do distance-learning.

I have been diagnosed with ADHD, and constantly zone out and struggle with work. I have gotten warnings upon warnings to do said work, albeit nothing was enough to bring my motivation up. I have insomnia, and struggle to sleep well and consistently, causing me to sleep through the whole school day and not attend any of my online classes.

About two months ago, I had a meeting with the principal of the school. We had an hour long discussion about how I can bring my grades up and pass this grade. The start of third trimester, if I had good grades, I would pass to freshman year and get into highschool.

Now, we made an agreement that I would work harder and be more focused. Speaking for itself, clearly I did not meet up to the expectations we had set. I told myself I would finally concentrate, though I did not. It went well in the beginning, with me attending classes, but soon after, I had fallen behind again and lost all care for my education and academic scores.

When I try to do my work at home, I get restless. I feel overwhelmingly bored, and feel the need to move. P.S. I do a thing called Maladaptive-Daydreaming. I have always been a creative and hyper child in my youth, and to this day nothing about that has changed. Starting about a year or two ago, I developed a pacing problem. When I daydream, I get restless, and pace around my entire house for longer than 5 minutes until I either run out of breath, or lose my train of thought— which causes me to retreat back to my laptop and working space. I feel the need to mention that no longer than three minutes after going back to my room, I get up and the cycle repeats.

There is nobody but my grandfather at home to watch over me, which he does not do. He is retired and mainly gardens outside. He also has a plethora of anger issues, so having him helicopter me would not end well.

Recently, I got news from my mother that I would be held back for my grade, I was devastated. I had brought this upon myself, seeing as I had many chances to redeem myself and prove to my educators that I had enough knowledge to pass on to the 9th grade.

At first, I felt like a failure. I was very dissapointed in myself, and became severely depressed. Then, I felt less like a failure, and more bummed out that I would not be graduating with my best friends in the future. That part really took a toll on me, seeing as it had been my dream to graduate happily with my friends whom I have known for years.

I am also very much upset with the fact that I am going to start over this grade and be in a class with new people, which I feel is important to mention that I severely do not like being around. I have met these people before, and I simply do not like them, for reasons that aren’t too important.

I have also been informed that summer school is not an option, and quoting my school, there is nothing that I can do, absolutely nothing.

What I would like to know is, is there any way I will be able to skip a grade in further years so I may be back in the grade I was originally supposed to be in, or even despite what they said, be able to not be held back? I have gotten too many chances before to even have a chance with convincing my teachers this year.

TLDR; One week left of school and retained, no summer school available and would like to know of any way to prevent me being held back, or a way to skip my grade in the future to be back on track in the grade I am supposed to be in.

Submitted May 17, 2021 at 10:36AM by SpinelIsPrecious

Is 2 years at boarding school worth it?

Does any bonding take place and is camaraderie able to develop? Also, how does it play out in college admissions?

I am sorry if this isn't the correct place to post this.

Thank you.

Submitted May 17, 2021 at 07:02AM by jesterxD_

Teaching during COVID-19.

I am a resident physician conducting research regarding the teacher experience during the COVID-19 pandemic. The inspiration for this research is my mom, a teacher for 31 years. 

If you are interested in participating in this dialogue, please follow the link above to complete the short survey. Participation is completely voluntary and anonymous. I appreciate any responses. Thanks! 

Submitted May 17, 2021 at 06:56AM by Benditlikebek

Sport courses

Hi there,

I’m not sure if this is the right sub for it but I’m hoping you could give me a hand.

A friend of mine is in a dead end job and is on a slippery slope to damaging his life. He’s told me he’s only really interested in football and would love any sort of background role in the sport.

Now, he isn’t the sharpest tool in the shed so I’m asking what sport courses at college are manageable and can lead to a job in the sector he is actually interested. (UK)

Submitted May 17, 2021 at 05:13AM by AndiiCP

Got my first glimpse of someone who is poorly educated in the workforce today

It's kind of sad really. I was in line at a local dollar store this evening buying something to snack on. I got behind a guy who was paying for his item with change (coins). The kid at the register was slowly picking up the coins (presumably counting them) and he picked up the last coin, thought about it for a moment and handed it back to the customer saying he couldn't do it. The customer sort of laughed and said 'come on man, are you kidding'? So the customer counted it out for him and the cashier still couldn't process it. The guy had to dig into his wallet and pull out a dollar bill and then add the 34 cents which the kid still had issues counting the 34 cents...

What's happened to our educational system? I learned how to count change in elementary (grammar) school. How do people budget their own money if they can't count out $1.34 in change?

I'm completely baffled by this now. Was this kid 'special'? I mean if he is then that's fine. But don't put him in a position where he has to do something that he can't do. If the kid is not 'special', why can't he count change? At first I thought he was just a little slow. I didn't want to say anything because I wasn't sure. But after conversing with him as a customer, I kind of got the sense that no, he's not special. He was pretty normal. He just doesn't know how to count change. Not a great idea to put him on a register then.

This store usually only has one, maybe two people working at a time so he may have been the only one there which tells me that he's not 'special'.

At this point, I'm willing to believe that this young man was not special. Nice kid, very pleasant talking to. But really shouldn't be in a position to count change.

Submitted May 17, 2021 at 01:13AM by Phydoux

domingo, 16 de mayo de 2021

In Tennessee, they offer the Tennessee Promise/Reconnect programs, are these the same thing? Couple other questions.

With this Tennessee Promise they say they offer "free" two year scholarships community college for all graduates of an established home school or high school. When they say this, what does this include? Do they cover all school costs, like textbooks, the cost of the actual programs and courses you will take? I keep seeing something that's saying something like "will cover all remaining balances after first fees" on the webpages talking about these two programs.

How would one even begin to find a way to enter into these schools and get the benefit of the Tennessee Promise? I don't have to many resources to ask or start from, being a home school grad.

Submitted May 16, 2021 at 11:40PM by MattyMacGotDope

Need help with my future LMFAO

Alright, so I'm in ninth grade right now(yea IK young af). But the first semester I averaged all A's in school and got a 4.0 but this semester, I was really slacking and I'm probably gonna end up with B's and C's even though I know I can do better. I was wondering if me slacking like this completely screwed all my chances at any good colleges and did it maybe screw my life in any way? If so, what can I do to come back? This is probably a very weird post in this sub but i couldn't find another one

Submitted May 16, 2021 at 11:28PM by iamfailure321

Has anyone done a summer school foreign language through apex?

I'm still deciding on whether or not I would like to take a Spanish II through apex this summer and After reading through the course description I was left with a couple questions. My first question is:

how the speaking assignment/test are executed using apex? Will we perform speaking assignments via video chats, video recording, or audio recordings? 

my second question is: Can the course be completed at your own pace? 

and my last question is: Will we need a camera or microphone to complete the course?

Submitted May 16, 2021 at 09:57PM by Logan_Simon