sábado, 15 de mayo de 2021

Weird Worry -- my son reads really fast. I feel stupid even writing this.

So, I homeschool, so I focused on teaching him to read as soon as he could, so around 4, I found this great book: "Teach your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons". 15 minutes a day and that's it, I had to break up some of the lessons into 2 days and such but we got through it, zero tears... Well, it took me a year to get through it, but by the end, he was reading at 2nd grade reading level. And he loves to read! He's read more books than I ever did when I graduated highschool. And not easy short books, 2 years ago he read, "Astrophysics for Young People in a Hurry" He picks them out from the library. (sorry about the proud mama rant)

With the coronavirus, the libraries are closed, so only when I buy him a book or find some that are in those free libraries that he likes he reads it. But we worry about the Velocity at which he reads and if it is bad for him is some way.

We found him, "The Hunger Games" which is 450 pages, once he finds a book he likes, he doesn't put it down unless we make him or until he is done. He read it in less than 3 days! " Ready Player One" has like 500 pages, and again 2-3 days. Any book he finds interesting, he will do this with. I make him read other books, and he does, slower, (1-2 weeks). He likes video games and we make him take breaks but I feel bad about being worried about his reading. I feel like I shouldn't worry, but my spouse disagrees and we are a team when it comes to parenting, but I don't know even how to search for an answer on this. He just turned 10.

Anyway, thank for letting me rant, I hope someone can give me some insight into this or where to look up similar cases and their outcome.

Submitted May 15, 2021 at 11:07PM by OptionImportant https://ift.tt/3yh75Bu

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