martes, 5 de octubre de 2021

Tell me about Schools Cubed

This year our district hired an outside consulting firm called Schools Cubed that works throughout the U.S. to implement the science of reading principals 5k-12.

Looking for feedback from anyone with experience wuth them. So far, their rollout has been disorganized and has piled the workload onto Elementary classroom teachers with no PD or background knowledge to support SOR practices. We're also a public school and it's clear they don't understand the legalities of RtI and meeting IEPs, so my district has some concerns and would like to know if any other teachers out there have experience with them, positive or negative! We're juat trying to figure out what we're in for and so often admin asks admin and nobody asks teachers about their experience. Please help qith any insights!!

Submitted October 05, 2021 at 05:02PM by ahtanamsoj

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