miércoles, 31 de agosto de 2022

Library Science related work after teaching

Have any of you pursued a career related to library sciences after teaching? The screaming children are driving me a bit batty some days and I'm thinking of pursuing a master's in library science to achieve a quieter work environment. How did you go about getting your master's in library science? What kind of work did you pursue with that degree? Any anecdotes or wisdom is appreciated.

Submitted August 31, 2022 at 09:00PM by TerribleDin https://ift.tt/TRZyWVa

The Real Reason Teachers are Quitting | Robert Reich

Great video on the chronic underfunding and undermining of our school teachers:


Submitted August 31, 2022 at 05:12PM by giantyetifeet https://ift.tt/a0iHWFS

Need Ideas for a new teacher first online education platform

Hello Teachers,

I am working on an idea for a new product to help educators who do not have adequate IT support and infrastructure to build classes and classroom activities in an online or hybrid setting. I would love to know what teachers are looking for in an integrated online education platform as well as any issues that you might have with your current setup. Don't hold back and hit me with your wishlist of whatever features you might want in a Learning management system or online education platform.

Submitted August 31, 2022 at 02:49PM by ShadowOfDeath1994 https://ift.tt/j9xMISA

Colorado Teachers Struggle To Live Where They Work

Submitted August 31, 2022 at 12:19PM by KGNU_news https://ift.tt/7ilIVaZ

Learning Lithuanian

Submitted August 31, 2022 at 05:50AM by Adriaugu https://ift.tt/NWbA1qc

How To Achieve Good Grades in Finance Exams?

Students always find exams difficult, regardless of what subject it is. But now, getting good grades in all these problematic examinations is made easy with the help of ExamsInsight. You can quickly get online finance exam help directly from exam-helping experts at affordable rates.

Submitted August 31, 2022 at 05:21AM by Lilycollins90 https://ift.tt/OyJAZnH

martes, 30 de agosto de 2022

Almost 70 percent of Los Angeles teachers have seriously considered quitting, says this report.

Many educators take side gigs and can’t afford to live where they teach, as ‘teacher pay penalty’ grows (that is the wage gap between teachers and other professionals with similar education experience), hitting a new high, reaching 23.5 percent in 2021. Nearly 60 percent of educators with 20 or more years of experience reported not being able to afford to live in the communities where they teach.

The report was published by UTLA.

Submitted August 30, 2022 at 11:34PM by sciencebasis https://ift.tt/IDNFc0x

How can I improve my Spanish exponentially?

Are there any websites, apps, etc. that can help? I want to improve in grammar, vocabulary, reading, hearing, writing, etc. for school, but I find it hard because my teacher doesn't teach and just keeps on throwing quizzes.

Submitted August 30, 2022 at 06:47PM by lettucepenguin https://ift.tt/sYj2O9h

Education system

Our education system needs a major re-vamp and I’m hoping our current president could be the one to start this change. The same way the world is always evolving, so should our education system. We should focus on developing adaptable skills that will ensure future success. If we want to do well, we have to learn critical skills that will help us in our current fast-paced world. We should focus on the 6Cs: Collaboration, Communication, Content, Critical Thinking, Creativity, Confidence. This is a research proven model on student growth and development that addresses the 6 main skills that are required in a good education. Check out: Dreamers Abyss . com if you want to learn more.

Submitted August 30, 2022 at 06:19AM by Puzzleheaded_Arm5508 https://ift.tt/DzelX90

lunes, 29 de agosto de 2022

Why don't we use taser drones to stop school shootings?

I've seen the crazy maneuvers some of these pro-competitive drone pilots can pull off. Put a taser on their drone and they'd be able to sweep the entire school, find the shooter and have him incapacitated within seconds. Why has this not been a thing for years already!?

Submitted August 29, 2022 at 04:09PM by TheMightyThimble https://ift.tt/Z63M7NH

I wish my students were owls

Do you agree?

I wish my students were owls

Submitted August 29, 2022 at 02:54PM by Happy_Hamdah https://ift.tt/biBUXIq

5 graders are illiterate…

I just graduated from University of Southern California in film production. I went back to my hometown in Chicago to teach 5th grade Creative Media Arts in a predominantly black and brown district.

These kids cannot spell (or read or write) to save their lives, for example, “ocean” “Illinois” “downtown” “sometimes” “nevertheless” “Ashley” “Italy” “because” “ computer” “bridge” they do not know pronunciation…and the words they write out are backwards. I am baffled and completely flabbergasted. Maybe because I come from a very privileged background and went to private school all my life. So I never encountered lack of educational equality and equity.

However, at what age are these children supposed to be RESPONSIBLE for their own education? At some point we are all RESPONSIBLE for our own BRAIN!! I know that sounds harsh but it’s true. Right now they are children. So it’s up to us adults (mainly their parents) to teach them to be literate. But when will they step up? This is just so horrific TO WITNESS!! JUST HORRIBLE!! Watching these kids struggle with words like “BECAUSE”😭😭😭😭 so sad!!

How am I suppose to teach them ANYTHING if they are all illiterate?

I’m suppose to be teaching them photoshop and broadcasting….how am I supposed to do that???

On TOP of that…when I speak BASIC words like “pertain” or “fruition” or “duration” they think I’m speaking GERMAN😭😭

Submitted August 29, 2022 at 02:20PM by Ashwasherexo https://ift.tt/McyELGb

Kid is sick today, where can I see documentaries for kids about robots, or science or music? From a kids point of view?

No text found

Submitted August 29, 2022 at 09:46AM by surfingNerd https://ift.tt/gDCSK1W

Product ideas for self-directed studying / at home learning


I was wondering if anyone here would find a tool whereby you can switch on your video camera as you study so other people who are studying, too, can watch and motivate each other?

Submitted August 29, 2022 at 09:06AM by 8bitrenderboy https://ift.tt/Z6WtAIx

University isn't hard

I don't know if this applies to all fields of study and it is the same everywhere in the world but from my experience (having finished the 1st year of bachelors in IT) it seems awfully simple to get a degree and it doesn't require you to be intelectual or smart at all. I feel like the most challenging part is wasting 4 more years being boreded after doing so in High school. After doing barely any work at high school and finishing it with about 80% average grades I thought that Uni would be way more difficult than HS and that I would have to start doing something. But to my dissapointmet it is more boring and generally easier than High school. You have to do less work and learn less new information (although it being a tiny bit more complicated), the rules are much more loose, generally teachers don't care if you miss a lesson as long as you have something to be graded for, your work can be done poorly and it will get accepted no problem. I felt like Uni would be challanging and a great motivator to work harder and learn new things but instead I find myself being unmotivated to do anything since there is really no point in doing so. Thinking about dropping out and learning everything I want/need by myself. That way it would be way faster and cheaper. It saddens me that this is how my Uni experience is like. Maybe its just me or the school/profession I chose? Any thoughs/experiences you're willing to share are greatly appreciated. :)

TL:DR Uni is way easier and more boring than High school. Imo anyone can afk trough Uni at most professions and get a degree.

Submitted August 29, 2022 at 05:59AM by Kjobis https://ift.tt/qpoHlRs

domingo, 28 de agosto de 2022

Is prestige a big concern for university?

Hey I currently go to a school in Australia called Charles Darwin University.

This is where I do my LLB, the program itself is very difficult to get into you need at least a 70-80% grade to get in.

Anyway, this means the students currently there are much smarter than me.

I feel like when I tell people that I went to that university, there is a tinge of embarrassment that I went there. I also went to another university called UniSA (where I dropped out of and it was a double honours law degree). It also wasnt a top Go8 school in Australia either though.

That being said I was selected to do a psychological science degree at ANU and that ranks as number one in Australia. I didnt end up going to it because of some weird reason at the time a few years back.

I was selected into many good universities but ended up studying the program I wanted at Charles Darwin University, which is giving me anxiety.

Submitted August 28, 2022 at 01:12PM by mpath95 https://ift.tt/501EIce

If you could wave a magic wand and make your favorite subject available to every child in the world, what would it be?

I'm an artist and educator (20+ years teaching art and digital media to university and secondary students) living in Malawi. I recently made a large drawing of a girl representing every girl in the world getting an education. Around her are circles with icons of the different school subjects she is studying. I got lots of great suggestions. I'm going to make one for boys as well. What do you think are the most important things for boys in the 21st century to learn?



Submitted August 28, 2022 at 06:57AM by kaypee4 https://ift.tt/ymZ6j3E

Advancing schools and learning

Advancing schools and learning

Are there anyone here knowledgeable on the below topic?

Looking for grad program ideas

And looking for people that have done things related to transforming schools and learning


Are there anyone here that has done things related to transforming schools and learning

Who here has done things when it comes to creating educational insulations or/and related to education reform in different places and countries

What are some key things you learned?

Who here has done things to innovate learning and education? Interested in talking with anyone who has done things on this topic, could send a chat or link

Are there anyone interested in this topic and are there anyone on this site that has done things when it comes to creating educational insulations or/and related to education reform in different places and countries

Do you know of other sites or forums with talented people to recommend?


And Looking for grad program ideas on this topic. Just send all ideas you know of that relates to the below

Send all Programmme ideas you know of that relates

And send all great links on the topic you've seen

Submitted August 28, 2022 at 06:29AM by Codeb-Brefast301 https://ift.tt/qskD7wh

sábado, 27 de agosto de 2022

Dismissal solutions needed for car riders

My school (K -5) has about 80 kiss and ride students at dismissal. The kids wait in the gym and adults scream on the top of their lungs a number (each child has a number) and the child exits to the car line. The noise level is unbearable and this process needs to be improved. I thought about a pager system like in the restaurants, but it very pricey. Although we have some funds. What does your school do ? Any suggestions? Thank you

Submitted August 27, 2022 at 07:21PM by SuspiciousSpecific71 https://ift.tt/WkxH08a

Transforming schools and learning

Transforming schools and learning

Are there anyone here that has done things related to transforming schools and learning

Who here has done things when it comes to creating educational insulations or/and related to education reform in different places and countries

What are some key things you learned?

Who here has done things to innovate learning and education? Interested in talking with anyone who has done things on this topic, could send a chat or link

Are there anyone interested in this topic and are there anyone on this site that has done things when it comes to creating educational insulations or/and related to education reform in different places and countries

Do you know of other sites or forums with talented people to recommend?

Submitted August 27, 2022 at 04:20AM by Codeb-Brefast301 https://ift.tt/ocrBOFK

Gap year ideas (computer engineering)


I’m an 18-year-old student from the UK. I’m starting a gap year now before going to university. I’m applying to competitive universities, (oxford, imperial, etc.) to do computer engineering. I took a gap year mostly so that I could focus on studying for my exams (A-levels) rather than juggling both that and university applications. I want to make the most out of this year to develop myself academically/professionally so I have something impressive to talk about if questioned in university/job interviews and also to have something worthwhile to add to my CV.

I’m thinking along the lines of placements, courses or certifications but I was looking for ideas for what would be some of the most impactful things that I could do. As long as its in the IT sector and challenging I’m happy with anything.

Thank you

Submitted August 27, 2022 at 02:10AM by iam_asdf https://ift.tt/fdyEQzi

viernes, 26 de agosto de 2022

New School Model Idea

Hey fellow humans! I just had an idea about a new school model. What if school weren't called schools they would be called learning centers and school administrators/ support staff are called directors/coordinators. Teachers are called subject instructors and grades are called groups. Classes will become subjects and there will be no bell instead each subject will last 50 min to 80 min. Every student no matter what group they are in will get a recess. Every 4 years students will take a placement assessment to see what subject they struggle , what they want to learn and what subjects thay are good at. We will place the kids who are good at one step equations with kids who don't understand them. These tests will show how the kids think. And finally here are the start times of each school. Letter grades are based on tiers. For an example T1 is no knowledge, T2 basic knowledge, T3 intermediate knowledge and T4 advanced knowledge.

Elementary 7: 40 am - 2:15 pm

Middle 8:30 am - 2:30 pm

High 9:00 am - 3:00 pm

Let me know your thoughts

Submitted August 26, 2022 at 07:18PM by SignificancePlane275 https://ift.tt/LAuW41X

Rule against correcting first grader’s writing?

My son just entered the first grade in San Francisco public school. My wife and I were surprised when his teacher told us that the school wouldn’t be correcting his writing, and that we shouldn’t either. That the goal is to get kids writing, and that in doing so the kids would learn proper spelling and grammar as they go along. She also said that correcting kids at this age is counterproductive because it just gets them frustrated. Has anyone heard of this approach? Does it actually work? Is there any research on this?

Submitted August 26, 2022 at 05:08PM by seno2k https://ift.tt/MIL4gsF

Anyone know of a great college/ university with online courses or individual classes on Holistic health, Tradition Chinese Medicine, Naturopathy, as well as the Arts ( fine art, communications, media etc…) ?

I need to invest in a online education that’s just as interactive as in-class, very informative, up to date & advanced, as well as able to keep my attention.

Submitted August 26, 2022 at 01:50PM by SourrrCandyyy https://ift.tt/jaT6NYG

[NYTimes] Affirmative Action Was Banned at Two Top Universities. They Say They Need It.

Link: https://www.nytimes.com/2022/08/26/us/affirmative-action-admissions-supreme-court.html?smid=nytcore-ios-share https://www.nytimes.com/2022/08/26/us/affirmative-action-admissions-supreme-court.html?referringSource=articleShare

It has been more than 15 years since two of the country’s top public university systems, the University of Michigan and the University of California, were forced to stop using affirmative action in admissions.

Since then, both systems have tried to build racially diverse student bodies through extensive outreach and major financial investment, well into the hundreds of millions of dollars.

Those efforts have fallen abysmally short, the universities admitted in two amicus briefs filed this month at the Supreme Court, which is set to consider the future of affirmative action in college admissions this fall.

Among the data points: In 2021, the entering freshman class at the University of California, Berkeley, included 258 Black students and 27 Native American students out of a class of 6,931. That same year, Black enrollment at Michigan’s flagship campus in Ann Arbor was 4 percent, even as the university maintained a special admissions office in Detroit to recruit Black students.

The outreach programs are extremely costly. The University of California system says it has spent more than a half-billion dollars since 2004 to increase diversity among its students.

In the briefs, lawyers for the universities argue that, without affirmative action, achieving racial diversity is virtually impossible at highly selective universities.

“Despite persistent, vigorous and varied efforts to increase student body racial and ethnic diversity by race-neutral means,” the brief from Michigan stated, “the admission and enrollment of underrepresented minority students have fallen precipitously in many of U-M’s schools and colleges” since the end of affirmative action.

Justin Driver, a professor at Yale Law School, said the stories of California and Michigan illustrate the fallout that can take place when affirmative action is banned in admissions.

“Despite incredibly valiant, sustained efforts to navigate the realities of a post-affirmative action world, the flagship campuses in California and Michigan have been unsuccessful in enrolling members of marginalized racial groups,” said Mr. Driver, who is considered an expert on the impact of the high court’s education decisions.

The Supreme Court is scheduled on Oct. 31 to hear the lawsuits brought by the anti-affirmative action organization Students for Fair Admissions that challenge the race-conscious methods that Harvard and the University of North Carolina use to pick freshman classes.

The organization says that Harvard discriminates against Asian Americans and that North Carolina gives an admissions boost to underserved racial minorities. And the group argues in its own brief, filed this week, that ending affirmative action nationwide would help improve diversity at the University of California and the University of Michigan, “because they could better compete with universities who currently use race.”

With the Supreme Court’s recent shift to the right, the affirmative action cases could upset 40 years of precedent that says race can be considered as one factor in determining university admission.

Such a shift could have significant implications for universities, many of which have argued that diverse environments enhance learning by exposing students to a variety of perspectives.

Affirmative action is banned by local edict in nine states, including Michigan and California. Some states without affirmative action programs, like Oklahoma, have taken the opposite position in briefs to the court, arguing that the University of Oklahoma “remains just as diverse today (if not more so) than it was when Oklahoma banned affirmative action in 2012.” Thirteen other states joined the Oklahoma brief.

Oklahoma’s freshman class in 2020, according to data released by the university, was 61 percent white, 12 percent Hispanic, 3.7 percent Black and 2.1 percent American Indian. The state’s brief points out that a large number of students identified as “two or more races” and that the number of those who were part Black would increase the Black percentage to more than 6 percent. Black residents make up 7.8 percent of the state’s population.

A brief filed by last year by Ken Paxton, the Texas attorney general, also takes the side of Students for Fair Admissions, arguing against race-conscious admissions, even though the University of Texas uses a form of them.

The brief criticizes not only affirmative action, but diversity itself, stating, “Indeed, the very justifications for ‘diversity’ require invidious racial stereotyping.”

Michigan and California are both known for highly rated schools that receive thousands of applications from across the country. With admissions extremely competitive, applicants from underrepresented groups face higher obstacles to enrollment.

At the University of Michigan, a voter referendum known as Proposal 2, Affirmative Action Initiative, was adopted in 2006, resulting in a state constitutional ban on race-conscious admissions. That prompted sharp drops in enrollment of Black and Native American students. Since then, Michigan has worked to diversify its student body through outreach programs.

They include a college advising corps of young Michigan alumni, as well as a recruitment office in nearby Detroit, a predominantly Black city. Additional incentives include generous scholarships.

Calling Proposal 2 an “involuntary experiment” imposed on the university and acknowledging that its diversity profile has since suffered, a Michigan spokesman, Rick Fitzgerald, said that the university’s experience should serve as a “cautionary tale that underscores the compelling need for selective universities to be able to consider race as one of many background factors about applicants.”

Black undergraduate enrollment declined to 4 percent in 2021 from 7 percent in 2006, the brief said, even as the total percentage of college-age African Americans in Michigan increased to 19 percent from 16 percent. At the same time, Native American enrollment, once as high as 1 percent, dropped to 0.11 percent in 2021, the brief said.

What’s more, fully one-quarter of underrepresented students surveyed felt they did not “belong” at Michigan, a 66 percent increase in a decade, the brief said.

At Michigan’s Ross School of Business, Rita Brooks was one of 74 Black students among the 2,421 undergraduates enrolled in 2021.

“While I’m thankful for the incredible resources and the education, it’s difficult to ignore the isolation felt in classroom settings where you’re one of two Black students at the most,” said Ms. Brooks, who is from the Detroit area.

Some prospective students have said they view the low undergraduate Black enrollment at Michigan as a reason to go elsewhere, illustrating how low numbers can further deter the enrollment of students of color.

Aniya Caldwell, of Jackson, Mich., was president of her high school’s National Honor Society in 2020, but she chose to attend Howard University, the historically Black college in Washington, D.C.

“The diversity at the University of Michigan is minuscule,” Ms. Caldwell said in a LinkedIn message. “Overall, I chose to go to Howard because I knew I’d be surrounded by people of color and not have to worry about additional racism and discrimination.”

In California, Proposition 209 was adopted in 1996, banning racial preferences in admissions. By the fall of 2006, there were 96 Black students in a freshman class of nearly 5,000 at the University of California, Los Angeles.

The Black enrollment figure was so low that it shocked the U.C.L.A. community, resulting in the group’s nickname — the “Infamous 96.”

Since then, enrollment of underserved minorities in the California system has partially recovered. For example, U.C.L.A.’s Black enrollment, 7 percent before Proposition 209 was adopted, fell to 3.43 percent in 1998. By 2019, it had increased to 5.98 percent. California’s population is 6.5 percent Black.

But lawyers for the University of California system describe an uphill battle to achieve diversity, particularly at the most highly selective schools.

While 52 percent of California’s public high school students identify as Hispanic, 15 percent of freshmen at Berkeley identified as Hispanic, with the figure at the system’s nine campuses overall standing at 25 percent.

“Many students from underrepresented minority groups, particularly those at the U.C.’s most selective campuses, will often find themselves the sole student of their race in a class,” the brief said.

Olufemi Ogundele, dean of undergraduate admissions at Berkeley, said he was “incredibly proud” of the school’s progress in admissions despite the ban on considering race. But he added, “There’s no doubt in my mind that we would be making much more significant progress if we were able to consider the entire human or the entire student.”

At another selective school in the system, the University of California, San Diego, 3 percent of undergraduate students are Black, and some of them have complained about racist incidents.

While the brief focuses only on the University of California system, diversity at other four-year public colleges in California also has declined, according to yet another brief filed with the court by a group of California civil rights and legal organizations.

By 2018, the percentage of Black students enrolled at any California State University was half that in 1997, dropping to 4 percent from 8 percent, the brief said.

Native American students enrolled in any campus of California State University’s system fell to 0.2 percent in 2018 from 1.23 percent in 1995.

Submitted August 26, 2022 at 11:14AM by swagjuicedrippin https://ift.tt/tMdPJWo

ISO Interview Subjects for Article

I am a freelance journalist putting together an article about gun violence.

I’d like to interview teachers who have left — or are thinking about leaving — the field because of school shootings.

I’m also interested in speaking to students who are hesitant to major in education for the same reason.

Please message me if you are interested or want more information!

My work as appeared in Vice, Public Radio International, & Vice, among other publications.

Submitted August 26, 2022 at 10:18AM by clockwatcher1200 https://ift.tt/rxvHwhf

What is the impact of student debt on the way we teach and learn?

Hey all,

In light of the administration's actions to forgive student debt and restructure future payments, there's been a lot of dis- and misinformation about what student debt forgiveness is and not a lot of information about how debt actually changes the way we teach and learn and the way our education institutions are structured. I want to share some clips from a conversation I had with the Debt Collective that I've been sharing on the issue. Feel free to share these elsewhere to help clarify the conversation further!

How does student loan debt change the way we teach and learn?

Common Misconceptions About Student Debt Cancellation

Why College Should Be Free and Why It Isn't

How does education debt burden schools?

Submitted August 26, 2022 at 08:51AM by NickHRP https://ift.tt/1LFItMT

jueves, 25 de agosto de 2022

Can I study for some sort of design degree for a masters after studying business administration at undergrad?

No text found

Submitted August 25, 2022 at 09:11PM by rickidontsleep https://ift.tt/1BeCUlF

ISO Interview Subjects for Article on Gun Violence

I am a freelance journalist putting together an article about gun violence.

I’d like to interview teachers who have left — or are thinking about leaving — the field because of school shootings.

I’m also interested in speaking to students who are hesitant to major in education for the same reason.

Please message me if you are interested or want more information!

My work as appeared in Vice, Public Radio International, & Vice, among other publications.

Submitted August 25, 2022 at 07:32PM by clockwatcher1200 https://ift.tt/Ng2FStr

How to self study?

I always wanted to study a subject like in school but on my own. I found school boring and most of the things we learned.. I didn’t have much interest in them. But as I have gotten older and kinda miss school I’d like to take up a certain subject and study it. Whether that be astronomy, math, history, you name it. I’d like to learn. But how do I do that? It’s so hard because you know no one is going to grade you, you don’t have a deadline and you don’t have any tests or anything to keep it interesting other than reading whatever book you picked up. Do I highlight what I think it’s important and then make a short essay? It’s hard having no inspiration sometimes and it’s even harder to make yourself learn something when you don’t have anyone to test that knowledge. Anyone have any good ideas? Anything is welcome.

Submitted August 25, 2022 at 03:21PM by xtnts https://ift.tt/SzmI3Fu

In every state in the US, teachers earn less per week than any other nonteaching college graduate counterpart. In Colorado, that wage gap is the largest in the nation.

Submitted August 25, 2022 at 09:41AM by KGNU_news https://ift.tt/SE3RxYC

Do I jump straight into a degree?

So I’m looking to pursue a psychology/philosophy degree through open uni, however the access module I wanted to do isn’t available until May of next year. I really don’t want to throw myself straight into the deep end due to being out of education for a little while but I’ve realised over the past few months my passion lies inside of learning, I’m a massive nerd at heart and psychology/philosophy is me all over. I’m doing my own studying alongside working full time as preparation for this but I’m after a little guidance regarding the first steps I should take to prevent overwhelming myself, especially considering I work a tonne through the week. I’ve considered quitting my job so I can study full time also, I’m sick of working jobs that I’m not developing myself inside of, none of them stimulate my urge to learn. Any help would be appreciated! I’m 25 and I have no real financial responsibilities as of now by the way if that’s of any use to peoples advice.

Submitted August 25, 2022 at 06:35AM by baggytee https://ift.tt/SWA8o4L

Does a degree from SNHU mean anything to employers?

I'm a current student majoring in Human Services with a concentration in child and family services. Working for child services has been a lifelong goal of mine. But I'm wondering if a bachelor's degree from this university is meaningful to employers at all. I chose SNHU due to their flexible online requirements, which is very accommodating for my personal life- having three children between the ages of 1 and 10 years old and working 40+ hours per week. The flexible schedule for online classes allows me to work around my day to day schedule without any negative impact due to missing in person classes. However, recently I've been wondering if SNHU degrees hold the same value as other, in person, universities. Thank you in advance for any replies/information.

Submitted August 25, 2022 at 02:24AM by hotmessmom121521 https://ift.tt/BKfO9L3

miércoles, 24 de agosto de 2022

Do different schools under the same school district get approximately the same resources?

Generally speaking, do different schools under the same school district of the same level/grades get approximately the same resources per student?

Thus, the difference in academic performance should be explained by the socioeconomic/environmental/cultural factors, rather than the school itself?

For example, one elementary school in downtown Houston and another elementary school in University Place, both operated by Houston ISD.

Submitted August 24, 2022 at 11:34PM by innofuel https://ift.tt/2Mb09zD

Can I still graduate an honour student if I got bad grades in grade nine?

I’m in grade ten currently and am from Canada. Everyone told me grade nine was basically a throw away year, so I slacked off and as a result; almost failed some classes. I got one A and one or two B’s and the rest were D’s.

I graduated elementary school with honours and I usually get straight A’s with the occasional B. I just wanted to know if I potentially threw away my chance at graduating with honours at high school.

Submitted August 24, 2022 at 08:35PM by Defiant_Ad190 https://ift.tt/9dMEtc8

Biden’s Student Loan Forgiveness Plan kinda ticks me off

How is this fair for the people that actually owned up to their responsibility of paying off their debt. I am one of those people. I know this comes off as a sour mouth but this plan makes no sense. There is zero consideration for people who have paid off their debt in the recent past. Also in a high inflationary period where so much money flowed into the economy, where is those new found money coming from? I think I have just about had it with politicians.

Rant over.

Submitted August 24, 2022 at 04:48PM by onceamoonman https://ift.tt/aqL1vkA

Is 8th grade algebra I the same curriculum as 9th grade algebra I

My child got their schedule today and they are taking Algebra I in 8th grade. This is not a surprise as they took compacted 7th/8th grade math last year and did well. What did surprise me is that the description just says ‘9th grade equivalent algebra I’ whereas the 7th/8th grade one said it was all of 7th grade and approximately 1/3 of 8th grade math concepts. I assumed that Algebra I would also be compacted, including some of the remaining 8th grade concepts (they will need that other 2/3s eventually!) and perhaps even some later high school concepts. Is it just lazy descriptions are is 8th grade algebra I actually just 9th algebra taught in 8th grade? This is USA, Washington state for reference.

Submitted August 24, 2022 at 04:30PM by Astraea_99 https://ift.tt/oWNMuwi

sport science degree, psychology degree or law degree?

Which of these degrees would be most beneficial to learn. I'm thinking law or sport science and psychology just put of interest.

Sport science is health related so could open the door to do nursing or physio later down the line.

Although law could pay more if I were to become a solicitor.

Submitted August 24, 2022 at 11:28AM by darthluke11 https://ift.tt/rCaBX8A

martes, 23 de agosto de 2022

I am a paraeducator and am in need of advice.

I am a one on one paraeducator with a 4th grade student (9 years old) who has behavioral and temperament issues. My student’s father passed away a few months ago. He has not had an easy upbringing and has been surrounded by violence (physically and verbally) within his household. This causes him to lash out in various ways, ranging from tantrums to aggressiveness. This can be toward himself, other students, his teacher, and especially myself. I need advice on how to handle a few things: what do I do when he disobeys/disrespects me, what do I do when he puts his hands on me, and what are some strategies I can use to get him to do his work, pay attention in class, etc. without him becoming aggressive? I want to keep in consideration his circumstances.

All help/advice is greatly appreciated.

Submitted August 23, 2022 at 09:55PM by LumpyAd6905 https://ift.tt/bUrwCIS

Fastest Way to Get a Bachelors Degree?

Hey, I’m a 16.9 year old GED kid, and I do not want to pursue higher education, because I already founded a business and am operating it well, I’d say, making better profits than most.

However, my parents are forcing me to pursue higher education at their expense, so I need some recommendations for schools that allow you to complete them in preferably under 1 year. In my 2 years of highschool, I got 2 AP credits and I got 3 College Ready + Credits on my GED.

I hear WGU is decent. I’d be open to suggestions. Thanks in advance.

Submitted August 23, 2022 at 09:17PM by Dazzling-Rate-1859 https://ift.tt/e210cSw

Do they have to accept me?

I need urgent advice

For context: - GCSE results day is this Thursday. - In the UK education is compulsory until 18, a new law as of September 2013.

I 17F have just completed my last year of school. I suffer from anxiety, which my school were aware of and accommodating. I stressed my concerns about further education at the beginning of the academic year (September 2021) and they didn’t offer ‘help’ until a month before exams. In May this year, they offered me an alternative, 1-1 tutoring. As due to my anxiety, college isn’t the place for me, long hours and I’d physically struggle to attend and be in large groups of people, I’ll end up getting kicked out.
On Friday, I got a call from the careers adviser saying he’ll pass on my number… I haven’t heard anything since. Verification (for enrolment to places) and GCSE results day is TOMORROW and I have no further education to go too.

I applied for my schools Sixth Form program in the middle of the night on Monday, filled the form out and also express I understand the lateness of the application. I haven’t heard anything about it. Tomorrow when I go to collect my results, I will talk to the head of Sixth Form and see what he has to say about my situation.

I’ve been suffering very severe panic attacks, I’d even go as far as to say existential crisis due to the stress of trying to get accepted some where.

As it is law to be in compulsory education until you are 18, do they HAVE to accept me? What is the most likely outcome of this situation?

Submitted August 23, 2022 at 05:51PM by redhairedburner https://ift.tt/dJpeuTG

Should the gay liberation and events like the stonewall riots be taught in schools? | r/gaysofthepast

Should it be taught in history lessons? What do you think? | r/gaysofthepast

Submitted August 23, 2022 at 03:16PM by Fit-Client-6763 https://ift.tt/2K0dvxb

Oklahoma teacher removed from job for alleged critical race theory violation

An English teacher at Norman High School says has since been removed from her position after providing students with a QR code link for access to free e-books.

What does everyone here think about this?

More details: https://okcfox.com/news/local/norman-public-schools-nps-norman-high-school-teacher-summer-boismeir-house-bill-1775-hb1775-american-civil-liberties-union-aclu-first-amendment-critical-race-theories-crt-book-ban-oklahoma-state-board-of-education-race-sex-discrimination

Submitted August 23, 2022 at 12:11PM by knick90 https://ift.tt/P8v5I24

I have a problem with remembering due dates for my assignments, does anyone know the best schedule app that will help?

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Submitted August 23, 2022 at 07:07AM by American_Psycho34 https://ift.tt/2TKzPWb

domingo, 21 de agosto de 2022

I’m a military spouse overseas needing a GED

Does anyone happen know of any online GED programs that take an APO address? I’ve tried to look for some but they have it in the options for me.

Submitted August 21, 2022 at 08:39PM by jjksuperfan https://ift.tt/4xCuHjD

Who actually learned more useful information From Google and your parents than you did from school?

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Submitted August 21, 2022 at 06:20PM by mikeyb1216 https://ift.tt/hGA8ILK

Mesurer la circonférence de la Terre avec Eratosthène

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Submitted August 21, 2022 at 01:53PM by Philonico https://ift.tt/eJz1ThM

I read the world book encyclopedia and learned ALOT of weird facts. I created a channel where I spread learning in a fun way! Check it out, learn something by new, and I appreciate the feedback. https://youtube.com/channel/UCF-5lSEAXqCuuhhSD0c5Zaw

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Submitted August 21, 2022 at 12:08PM by KrookedBlue https://ift.tt/SkdZKR9

What options are there for elementary students with dysgraphia?


Our child has dysgraphia and we have not been able to find help. He has an IEP and speech therapy for his autismand ADHD. But the teachers kept saying the handwriting wasn't an issue, boys take longer, let's give it time. Well, now we are in 4th grade and his handwriting is not legible.

Submitted August 21, 2022 at 11:02AM by lookylookylulu https://ift.tt/NmUPB2W

How is USC considered to be a Top School & with quality of education?

I believe it's a private institution that will take anyone willing to pay your way into getting accepted. It's not more complex than UCLA. I say this because most people I knew who got into USC or graduated from there can't even write! Which plays a huge part in education (let's be real). Their papers are no better than someone coming from a community college. And they are graduate & doctorate students!!

Submitted August 21, 2022 at 02:10AM by bloo4107 https://ift.tt/HvJYF5X

Looking for study material

Im looking to start CFA level 1 but the cost to get down the study material and booking the exam is extremely high. Im from what you call a poor country. Can any one who has already attempted CFA level 1 recently share the study material with me? It would greatly appreciated if any one could. DM me if any one is feeling generous enough share. God bless!

Submitted August 21, 2022 at 02:13AM by kassreal387 https://ift.tt/7jINEKU

If a professional of a subject wants to become a teacher in that subject, how long will it take them to become a teacher?

Will they have to do another 4 years of getting an Education bachelor degree even if they already have a bachelors in their subject? Or do they have to do a certain program? How long would that be?

Submitted August 21, 2022 at 01:32AM by Evilqueenofeutopia https://ift.tt/dz7CPVx

sábado, 20 de agosto de 2022

Memoir of a Dollar Bill Lesson Plan

As a retired English teacher, I want to share a gift to make life in the classroom a little easier. This is a lesson I taught that inspired students to write. It includes links to worksheets, modeling, and helpful resources. Hope it eases some stress.

You can teach the entire lesson in 9+ days or pick and choose what words for your students. You can access three articles each month for free on Medium so grab this one.

Memoir of a Dollar Bill Lesson Plan

Submitted August 20, 2022 at 09:29PM by WTMMahler https://ift.tt/ZuiF1gs

Private School Principals: What is it like?

I live in a rural city in the Midwest, and I am currently a teacher. However, I plan on doing an administrative position in the future because it is something of interest to me. What appeals to me of being a principal at a private school ( k-8 level) is that they are usually smaller schools and a smaller staff and a smaller student body to overlook.

Planning on interviewing for the position of a principal when the opportunity presents itself (in a Catholic School, to be specific) as I heard the current principal plans on retiring in 3 years.

Principals of private schools: What is your job like? Is it more stressful than a public school principal? What are the pros and cons? What should I be prepared for? What does your day to day look like?

Submitted August 20, 2022 at 03:41PM by tryingtolive22 https://ift.tt/ApUGYds

Keeping the peace in school

The other day one of my students got mad at her ex boyfriend for some reason I really don't know. Apparently he's already talking to some other girl. He said something to her in the hallway, and this girl just launches and starts screaming at him. I go over there to try and de-escalate the situation, and try to command her to go back to her class. She then proceeds to start hitting and scratching her ex boyfriend pretty hard. I do all I can to try and hold her back to stop the violence, but she was so small swirly she actually manage to break free, and then continued to whale on her ex boyfriend. Finally it was broken up by her friend.

My worry is my liability in touching a female student in case she claims I touched her inappropriately. I don't know if I did because everything happened so fast. She was suspended (the second week of school), and everyone including the Dean said I did good, but given the worry, I don't think I'll be breaking up anymore fights.

Submitted August 20, 2022 at 02:18PM by Rainmaker825 https://ift.tt/dLUPTkt

How can teachers be allies for LGBTQ+ students?

Hey all,

As school starts back up amidst this escalating anti-LGBTQ culture war against our kids, we put up a few video highlights from a conversation we had with an LGBTQ advocate about how to support LGBTQ+ students:

How can teachers be allies for LGBTQ+ students?

How can we support LGBTQ+ youth?

What can teachers do to welcome & respect LGBTQ+ students?

How are LGBTQ+ youth being targeted today?

How do school vouchers discriminate against LGBTQ+ children & families?

Our hope is that these can help teachers understand the stakes and how they can support LGBTQ students in schools.

Submitted August 20, 2022 at 08:17AM by NickHRP https://ift.tt/B6THr9s

Practical tools for teachers

Hello all,

I wanted to share with you a short blog post I put together about some practical tools for teaching with compassion. I say practical because keynote speakers at conferences love hear themselves say “love your students,” but they never provide any methodology for getting better at whatever that is.

Principals love to say “we’re here for the kids,” but it’s always taken as a have or have not situation, meaning you either come to the job prepared to open your heart to 120+ unknown children every semester or you don’t, in which case you’re “in the wrong field” they will say.

I am tired of the way we pretend that makes any sense. There’s a downright spiritual demand on teachers and no one, anywhere down the line, is willing to help prepare them for that aspect of the job. It’s assumed you’re already ready, then you land in a classroom and are floored by the reality that “love” entails, which is a little more than most of us bargained for.

But there ARE practical ways to grow your capacity to do that part of the job. It doesn’t require you getting pumped up by some guest speaker and riding those vibes all school year. You can literally practice and get better at all those abstract parts, and I wanted to share some methods I’ve found extremely useful for that. I’m not selling anything. Just a teacher interested in becoming a better teacher.

Here’s a link to the post if you’re interested:

Teaching With Love

Submitted August 20, 2022 at 07:18AM by FeniAdFenicem https://ift.tt/O6YQBWe

viernes, 19 de agosto de 2022

What are the culprits why early childhood education and daycare costs are high but early childhood educators are paid poorly? (US)

So I know there’s a lot of reasons why—

perhaps rents have gone up with the real estate surge lately, so preschools are paying more for their leases

Maybe the labor shortage has sucked a lot of providers out of the field, leaving behind new hires who make less

Maybe COVID fears and fatigue has done likewise

Maybe there are some, like, taxes and inspections that are taking up some of that tuition money. Probably liability insurance?

I also know that if you’re just looking at hourly wage of a childcare worker that’s not including things like insurance and benefits

But I can’t figure it out exactly. I want early childhood educators to be compensated for the important work they do, but I also recognize that people cannot afford preschool. It can’t be so expensive to pay and so low to receive. Is the answer just that if the government is going to require things like certifications and inspections that they need to pay for these things? Any early childhood center owners or educators want to share their perspective?

Submitted August 19, 2022 at 10:35PM by uselessfoster https://ift.tt/kTHFn5h

Would someone share a book, article or reference that can explain the "dialectical constructivism" approach?

Hi! I'm currently studying emotions from Leslie Greenberg emotion focused therapy. I've seen this is an approach that is used in psychology both in clinical practice, as well as in research.

Its based in dialectical constructivism, I'd like to understand better this approach.

I'm looking for recommendations! Would someone share a book, article or reference that can explain the "dialectical constructivism" approach?

Submitted August 19, 2022 at 07:30PM by blueberriesdream https://ift.tt/sc2AX0i

More Info on Andrew Tate

Hello all! I know this may sound off topic but hear me out.

I have been hearing through twitter that a lot of young men follow someone named Andrew Tate on tik tok, who is supposedly notorious for preaching bigoted and misogynistic opinions. Because of this, a lot of teachers have been saying that their male students express these opinions in the classroom, to the point where, as one teacher on twitter put it, some students would refuse to read literature by female authors because "women only belong in the kitchen."

I am about to start my first teaching internship (I'm studying Middle and Secondary Education) and was wondering if you guys could give me more context on who this man is? Either by telling me or with a link to a video essay? I would rather not watch his content directly because I don't want to support him. Thank you so much!

Submitted August 19, 2022 at 12:58PM by when-when https://ift.tt/q6b9Mm4

jueves, 18 de agosto de 2022

National Society of Leadership and Success (NSLS)

I received an email from my college inviting me to join the National Society of Leadership and Success (NSLS). I was wondering if it's worth joining? I have never heard of this before and didn't want to spend the money if it isn't worth it or if there isn't any need for it. Is there anyone out there with experience of being part of this society? Pros and cons? I'd really appreciate any input! Thank you!

Submitted August 18, 2022 at 06:26PM by plop2222 https://ift.tt/DBieVmp

Free for Educators - Brilliant's Premium Interactive STEM Lessons

Submission statement: Brilliant is providing Premium accounts to teachers to use for free with their students. This is not a trial but a completely free program. This post is to inform about this free resource.

Looking to inspire a love of STEM in your students?

Brilliant for Educators is 100% free program, with tons of interactive and interesting lessons.

  • Great for early finishers to give them a challenge.
  • Use as enrichment for self-guided learning.
  • 1000s of Challenges for warm-ups.
  • Review and refresh key concepts with a visual first inquiry approach.

Claim your free educator account at Brilliant.org/educators. If you used Brilliant last year - please suggest ways to use it!

Submitted August 18, 2022 at 02:59PM by natefrombrilliant https://ift.tt/Hjdr38g

What's the cheapest animation school you know?

I'm Russian. I'm terrified of the current political situation near my country.

I have a dream of becoming an animation movie director or at least a storyboard artist, but now my region is definitely not the place for fulfilling my dreams.

So my question is: what's the cheapest animation college/school/university you know? (or a school with the courses that are related to animation)

Also, question number two is... Can I start something Kickstarter-like to raise money for my education? I mean, would it be morally right? I'm not ill, not homeless, and not working on a game/movie or something like that (yet). So, is there an ethical way to get money for educational purposes?

I will be finishing high school next year and look forward to study abroad. So I will eagerly read all of your suggestions in the comments!

Submitted August 18, 2022 at 02:07PM by HimawariLad https://ift.tt/L9Qvymz

School counselor desperate for any job in Education

Hello, I have my Master’s in school counseling and my PPS credential. I was a counselor last year but got laid off due to budget cuts and am still on the job hunt. At this point, I’m desperate to take anything in education. I know I can teach on an emergency credential here in California. Should I just start emailing HR of different districts and letting them know my background in case they think I am a good recruit for any job listings they have?

Submitted August 18, 2022 at 01:17PM by Ayoamaze https://ift.tt/83BLFlQ

Pearson Online layoffs

Pearson Online started laying off teachers yesterday, August 17, 2022. Expected enrollment of 4600, only 2500 so far. Big RIF coming.

Submitted August 18, 2022 at 11:06AM by Environmental-Top862 https://ift.tt/EN7ceCU

Non-Matric to Matric Statistics

Does anyone have any stats on students who begin non-matric then end up applying to a program?

Submitted August 18, 2022 at 09:59AM by Jrjd94 https://ift.tt/pLSiKnN

Am I behind in education?

I am going into my last year of law school next year. I feel anxious if I'm not up to standard for my courses this semester, then I may not be able to finish by next year.

I also feel anxious about my age. I will be 28 end of next year and I dont like the idea of graduating when I'm old like that.

I'm studying overseas from an Australian university and feel like I want to move back to Australia next semester so I can study at my university. That has been mostly sorted, my mum supports the idea.

Then again, it will be my last year and I will probably work in a legal workplace after so it's not so bad I guess. I just needed to vent

Submitted August 18, 2022 at 09:07AM by mpath95 https://ift.tt/eL0VbGT

miércoles, 17 de agosto de 2022

NEET, JEE, CUET Aspirants Protest After Tech Glitches in Entrance Exams, Demand Extra Attempt

Students facing tech glitches in their entrance exam, demanding extra attempts in the examination for the third time.
What are your views on this?

Read the full article here.

Submitted August 17, 2022 at 11:45PM by Krish_meghwal07 https://ift.tt/hlXKsjn

PSLF Forgiveness

I wanted to share somewhere but didn't want to do it on my personal social media because I guess maybe I thought discussing my finances might be too personal but...

My PSLF finally went through. I am in my 16th year of teaching and had $102,000 in student loan debt. And all of it is GONE. I feel like I won the lottery.

COVID was awful for so many people and I will always be mindful of that. But not having to make those payments for 2 years and have that temporary waiver gave me a unique spot to save a lot of money and put me in a position where I could finally get this all taken care of.

So. That's my $100,000 secret! That's it. Thanks for listening.

Submitted August 17, 2022 at 06:54PM by Dadrock9654 https://ift.tt/avmRfTs

do you get one copy of your degree/diploma when you graduate?

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Submitted August 17, 2022 at 04:59PM by lifeislameanduseless https://ift.tt/ipyqW4J

How can I Invest My Savings in Companies Creating a More Just World?

We built a FREE tool to help people understand the sustainability of their savings. Let us know what you think.


Here's our story: We were getting really frustrated with how much greenwashing was taking place in index funds and investment platforms. Many investors were oblivious to how "green" funds were still investing in oil, gas or deforestation etc. We wanted to create an alternative, a transparent investment platform committed to pushing companies to change through shareholder engagement and activist investing. We were seeing increasing traction on the market with a growing appetite for ESG engagement (e.g. Caterpillar) and decided to start EarthQuake, a mission focused robo-advisor that allows you to fight back with your money!

That being said, we'd love to hear your thoughts, comments, and suggestions. What would you like to see? What features would be most important to you? What are you most concerned about?

Finally, follow us on Linkedin and Instagram!

Submitted August 17, 2022 at 10:01AM by EarthQuake-us https://ift.tt/bCBnwtN

I found awesome free units here for HS ELA

I was looking for student-centered, equity/inclusion/diversity units, and I found hollow tree education has some huge free units. Awesome resource. It looks like they are still building their website, but the lessons are totally free and really great. Each unit seems to be a few weeks long with a daily breakdown.

Submitted August 17, 2022 at 09:32AM by Queso_Facil https://ift.tt/zceLMEv

Didn’t try at all in high school, am I still able to get a bachelors in CS?

25M. I am looking to go back to school or take some sort of program to become a backend developer.

I graduated high school in 2015 and was near last in my class, pretty much didn’t try at all. I attended community college for CS in 2016 but dropped out after 1 semester..

Is there any decent schools or programs that would even accept me? I work 4 days a week so I have some time to make it doable.

I make $30k a year living at home with parents and really want to dedicate the next 5 years of my life to change careers and increase my income.

Submitted August 17, 2022 at 05:59AM by igrowgreenstuff https://ift.tt/3MVBYqJ

Program Development Course

I am now working in NGO to handle an exchange program. I have worked there for over 5 years, so I understand how the internal operation run in general to do an exchange program. However, I would like to create the program features, benefits, value propositions and other standard operating procedures practical and applicable. That's why I want to learn something related to it. I am still am undergrad student, so I don't know much about it. Can someone in this group recommend me which courses I should learn to support my work? Thanks in advance!

Submitted August 17, 2022 at 01:48AM by i-am-22 https://ift.tt/SEdBhO8

martes, 16 de agosto de 2022

Grad School choice

Hey guys,

I wanted some advice regarding two chemistry grad programs for which I have received admits for.

  1. Georgetown University
  2. North Carolina State University

Both have same international ranking. Georgetown is better for location (for me), has a really good reputation. However, the chemistry department is small with a few interesting professors.

NCSU has more faculty members with diverse research interests and fields.

Money wise they are both the same.

let me know what you think, Thanks!

Submitted August 16, 2022 at 11:10AM by Old_Needleworker9471 https://ift.tt/3Fv1yVQ

lunes, 15 de agosto de 2022

Anyone work at a BASIS school? How do you like it?

Just got an offer with BASIS Charter Schools and I've seen mixed reviews regarding life as a faculty member there. Anyone have any personal experience with BASIS that could share their story?

Submitted August 15, 2022 at 06:37PM by uflfreshman2023 https://ift.tt/AZP5rGe

NYC regents

Does anyone know if the regents we took in june is the exact same one we’re gonna take in august?

Submitted August 15, 2022 at 05:08PM by Mike091205 https://ift.tt/bCaWDBy

nys regents

if i fail my regents in june, is it required for me to retake them in august? or could I wait til January of next year.

I failed my chemistry regents by one point, I haven’t been able to contact my school about an appeal for the past month so it seems like I’ll have to retake it, but I would like to know if it’s mandatory to take it now

Submitted August 15, 2022 at 02:24PM by fwfl https://ift.tt/nJtyPCu

Leçon *2 : La théorie des ensembles de Georg Cantor (La crise des fonde...

Leçon *2 : La théorie des ensembles de Georg Cantor Science also relies on metaphysics, at least in its research programs. Science is cosmology, it is an attempt to improve our knowledge of the world. On the other hand, the concept of infinity used here is mathematical. But here again we can see the links between metaphysics and science. Cantor modified metaphysical principles to open us up to new mathematical possibilities.

Submitted August 15, 2022 at 11:23AM by Philonico https://ift.tt/vRBykFK

Is language a micro or macro factor [Research]


As I'm writing my essay, I'm focusing on different barriers to education for refugees. Wanting to analyze it from a micro vs macro, I'm concerned about where language falls considering the language of instructions/curriculum but also the individual factor of not knowing the language.

Submitted August 15, 2022 at 10:31AM by distant-world https://ift.tt/nuU1IGX

Is there any evidence to suggest what syllabus structure of secondary education is 'best'?

What I would like to know is what evidence there is, if any, that suggests what subjects which selection of which subjects it is best to teach at the secondary level.

So in the UK the general idea is to do THREE subjects to A-Level, and students can drop English and Maths, and part of the theory behind this is it gets students to specialise earlier.

However in Germany students do FIVE subjects, but two of them to an Advanced level, and in France they have the Bac which is a whole other kettle of fish.

And this isn't even talking about China, India, or the rest of the world.

So what is the best strategy at secondary school level? Specialise? Generalise? Or Something in between?

mny thks

Submitted August 15, 2022 at 08:31AM by misomiso82 https://ift.tt/MEsaUZR

domingo, 14 de agosto de 2022


For thinking parents are overreacting?

Viral tweets' text for context: "My daughters school released a new cell phone policy that says 'School officials can read any text messages between students, even if the texts occurred outside of school'..

Nopity nope nope"

"Me to my daughter: 'Your phone is my personal property. If someone asks to read your texts, you tell them to call me and ask'"

To me, the biggest concern we have is social media and academic engagement. We don't actually care about SMS bc we know students don't use that. So, the policy to monitor phone use when it affects the learning environment seems reasonable to me... But I see a lot of parents of fb angry.

Submitted August 14, 2022 at 03:59PM by That_Dot420 https://ift.tt/khjLVx2

I’m in 8th grade and I failed all of my subjects. Is it possible for me to to still have a job that pays well?

I stopped going to school because of mental health and now I have F in every subject. I’m usually a fast learner and I have always had straight A’s. This is so incredibly stressful for me. My dream is to be a scientist and I’m scared I won’t make it. Any advice?

Submitted August 14, 2022 at 11:29AM by sdldlddlsldkdl https://ift.tt/uEYnCew

Shouldn't the point of education be to encourage creativity and exploration and self-learning?

Besides the basics of math and being able to read and write, the vast majority of other classes are completely useless in terms of retaining knowledge. This makes me wonder what is even the point of having the other classes. One argument that I've heard is that to prepare people for future college they might choose, or to produce well-rounded individuals. Yet most universities assume you know nothing and start from 0, and I am not sure how "biology" makes someone better if they remember 0 things.

I am not a teacher but I have helped out other students for fun mostly, and the most important thing has always been to make them interested in the subject, and to make them be excited and learn on their own.

I just heard sometimes people say education shouldn't be fun, or interesting. IMHO this is so inefficient, I've seen people just jump light years ahead if they actually started caring about the subject, but at this point, the education system became just a hindrance.

Submitted August 14, 2022 at 08:45AM by emelrad12 https://ift.tt/DifcFTC

I’m Disappointed in Both Myself and the American Education System (Rant on sex education)

I’m not sure if this really belongs here, but it’s the best subreddit I could think of to share my frustrations.

I’m going to start this off by saying that my sex education was more lacking than the other people I went to high school with. We were supposed to learn the entire curriculum, but an autistic kids parent (who worked for the school) refused to sign the consent forms. So my class specifically was taught the bare minimum. “Don’t get pregnant, but if you do, it’s okay because women’s rights and whatnot.”

I graduated years ago, I’m 20 years old and only today did I learn how my period works. While I fell down that rabbit hole, I also learned what ovulation meant and the stages of pregnancy. I learned at 19 that pre-cum was a thing from my boyfriend who had to explain to me how his body works too. I learned sexual safety from him as well. And this is going to sound ridiculous, but it took me a SHOCKINGLY long time to figure out that pee was not actually stored in the balls for men, and that was just a meme. I have no idea what stds look like, or how to tell if you’ve been exposed. I don’t know how to apply a condom, and it took me a while to figure out that they also expire. I had to learn from the back of the tampon box how you’re supposed to use them. And I still find myself learning what others already learned a while ago for the first time today.

In short, I’m very frustrated having to find all of these things out on my own over years of time, trial, and error. I feel like the education system in America really failed me. So many things could have /did go wrong because I wasn’t taught the things that I needed to know. And now with this woman’s rights situation going on, it makes me really scared. Not only for myself, but the young girls who might be in the same situation as me. If not for my boyfriend, I could have easily gotten pregnant or abused.

TL,DR: I had almost zero sex ed and continue to pay the price for it because of how Americas Education system works.

Submitted August 14, 2022 at 05:06AM by SocialAnxietyHere https://ift.tt/JqlbTLr

sábado, 13 de agosto de 2022

Education masters from Creighton?

Hello, I’m a current undergrad at Creighton and I’m interested in applying for their masters in education. Primarily in secondary education. Did anyone receive their masters from Creighton? How was the program? Did it prepare you well for your job?

Submitted August 13, 2022 at 11:05AM by Gettysburgboy1863 https://ift.tt/wDURtVo

viernes, 12 de agosto de 2022

CDAC Consultation

I"ve rank 3561 in C-CAT entrance exam. which are the best institute options for me to pursue PG-CDAC??

Submitted August 12, 2022 at 10:10PM by Shreyash_dabade https://ift.tt/mbBwdOG

Engineering in Europe

Hello folks,

Any ideas about the best engineering universities in Europe (apart from those in UK)?

Submitted August 12, 2022 at 04:38PM by Fransisc123 https://ift.tt/Hz2bxao

School Budget Research

Hello All,

I'm trying to put together some research comparing US schools to other international schools in the way they spend their money and are funded. However, I'm having a really hard time finding resources and was wondering if anyone would be willing to help?

Basically, I'm looking for a school district's detailed annual budget. I'd like to get something from Ontario, Quebec (two US similar areas), something from France, a German State, Japan, and the Netherlands. I know this isn't super representative, but I chose them as contrasts in their general culture, approach, and overall outcomes. Ideally, to keep things at least comparable, I'd like to pull from urban areas, not mixing rural and urban. This is also to get past weird outlier issues as, at least in the US, urban schools tend to be unified school districts with larger student populations, so more statistically closer to "normal" spending and funding habits.

I'd like to be able to contrast everything as it relates to spending per student to level out for overall size. I am looking to be able to collect number of students, teachers, and administrators, total budget, annual food services budget, transportation budget, and total teacher compensation. If possible, getting the minimum and maximum teacher salary would be ideal as well.

I'm looking to be able to put together a video on this when complete to share my findings. Is anyone able to help?

Submitted August 12, 2022 at 02:03PM by LTRand https://ift.tt/14JGnxe

Survey names best places in the United Kingdom for students on a tight budget

Submitted August 12, 2022 at 10:09AM by East_Document9071 https://ift.tt/gpoM9G2

jueves, 11 de agosto de 2022

Online classes actually make me want to blow my brains out

I put in all of this effort on my essays in this website called “cengage” which was supposedly supposed to be most of our grade, only for my prof to consider our 1 paragraph discussion posts and quizzes in the final grade.

Then I put in all of this effort in this stupid support math I had to take only to be treated to an F when my grade book clearly states I have a 77.83%… which still isn’t great, but it’s a pass.

My gpa is literally a 3.0 now and I just want to pull my hair out, I can’t even name a single one of my professors I’ve had for the past 4 semesters. Every single online class I have taken has been the most unorganized education experience I have ever had. I keep thinking it can’t get any worse yet it does.

Submitted August 11, 2022 at 08:54PM by mumboconker https://ift.tt/zwNYBTh

Looking for some guidance on a first week of inquiry-based learning !

Hello! I’m a first year kindergarten teacher and though I’ve learned about inquiry or project based learning, I’ve never personally used it or observed it in action long term. The school I am working at uses this approach exclusively, with a heavy emphasis on Montessori and other explorative, child-based methods. Any ideas on how to introduce this during my first week? Any tips on a first year of teaching in general? I could definitely use some help

Submitted August 11, 2022 at 07:51PM by AwardPractical104 https://ift.tt/XDBWj0U

This feels so bad

So this year I failed history class, I was ill a lot and didn’t do all the essays i should have done. Both my history teachers said I was very good at history because I always knew the answers but that I had to be better at handing in my texts. So I got better at it, The problem was that we changed teacher and I wasn’t allowed to do the essays that I had missed previously with the other teacher. Also I got to know that I had to hand in a essay just before the end of the season. So both me and the teacher should have been better at just that.

I really want to work with something history related. I read and listen to history both at school and at home. But know people must think I suck at it just because I failed class… How should I think?

Submitted August 11, 2022 at 05:16PM by FitParsnip1489 https://ift.tt/VoGRi1N

Looking to get a Master degree from respected university

Hi everyone,

I'm looking to get a master degree but lack the knowledge as to which university I shoud select. From a quick research it looked like a degree from well respected university or insitute are significantly likelt to be accepted by employers. I work in Thailand at the moment so my option are either relocate or enroll in an online program, but most importantly , I need your recommendation, what are some universities that are known to be well respected and has good reputation. It doesnt have to be top universities like Howard or Yale or anything like that.

Submitted August 11, 2022 at 01:00PM by Ludwig220 https://ift.tt/1aIP67T

Should I pursue a career in education?

I’m an incoming college freshman and spent my senior semester of high school shadowing my former kindergarten teacher and I loved it but I decided to be a finance major as I’ve heard of a lot of people leaving the field. I’m worried I’ve made the wrong choice and would love to hear some insight on the pros and cons of entering early elementary education right now?

Submitted August 11, 2022 at 10:51AM by broodLB https://ift.tt/QM7B1sC

Learndirect UK for Access to HE

I want to do an access to HE course.

I was accepted at a local college but have since been told that funding isnt applicable to me so I am in a rush to find something as most courses start in less than a month.

I spoke to an advisor at learndirect and before I knew it I have been signed up for a course.

I have since looked online and seen nothing but bad things from 2017 but nothing recently. They do not get Learners loans and so I would have to pay monthly for 24 months. However the course is cheaper than if done through Open University. But with a learner loan I wouldn't have to pay back until I'm earning.

I'm so confused and overwhelmed. Does anyone have any experience with Learndirect?

Submitted August 11, 2022 at 09:24AM by bebeck7 https://ift.tt/Fhl8PRJ

miércoles, 10 de agosto de 2022

Flunking the 7th Grade

My girlfriends 13 year old son apparently has failed the 7th grade and will have to repeat. He goes to a charter school in Texas that has I guess a more difficult curriculum then public schools.

My question is what is the process now? Can he catch back up this year and move ahead? Should we change him back to public school? There he will actually see gangs and drugs and stuff. Or is he behind now forever. We can try and improve his studying habits and find him some help. We cannot help him ourselves because we don't understand algebra or any of the things he studies, we are just working folk that barely graduated high school ourselves. I was in special ed my whole school life and don't understand how these things work. We are always working and barely have time to get him from school and pick him up. I always fix things for him but I don't think I can force them not to fail him? He clearly didn't do good last year but he is a very good and well behaved kid. I'm worried this might make him change for the worse.

Any advice would be appreciated.

Submitted August 10, 2022 at 05:01PM by briang1435 https://ift.tt/BJpzxOA

introducing Skuul, a multi school management system

Managing schools has always been extremely difficult, so I created a school management system to help move school logic online and help schools create a platform for students online

The pandemic has shown us why it's quite important to have a web presence as a school. Although classes where primarily through zoom, resource management and other tasks where such a hassle

Skuul is open source, therefore schools can use it for free

This sub doesn't allow links but it's on Github.com/yungifez/skuul

Submitted August 10, 2022 at 02:49PM by ifezueyoung https://ift.tt/0ohTXMY

Where can i access books free online that are just like the books in school for teaching the subjects of algebra 2, physics and others?

I want to start educating myself for the subjects again even though im already out of school. I like learning it the way it explains the terms as i can take notes from it.

Submitted August 10, 2022 at 12:44PM by DeafGuyNick https://ift.tt/tFRnM17

Odd request- beautiful textbooks

So, an odd one- I'm designing some materials for my kiddos for this year. I want the worksheets etc. to be aesthetically appealing. In the past I've relied on simple docs, and our online platform.

To get ideas, could anyone share textbooks or materials they've used that are not just nicely organized but aesthetically appealing?

Submitted August 10, 2022 at 10:03AM by largececelia https://ift.tt/PcFtjAN

How online education is become more popular than offline education?

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Submitted August 10, 2022 at 05:51AM by alleyjohn https://ift.tt/BJXjpxD

Which Engineering branch is the toughest?

Can anyone answer this?

For which I should go for

Submitted August 10, 2022 at 04:21AM by AjinkyaKhadse https://ift.tt/kjVp1eT

martes, 9 de agosto de 2022

The best learning technique

Have you ever heard of spaced repetition?

Learning experts say it's one of the most popular learning techniques out there.

I love it. When I was at Uni - I used it all the time. It was the number 1 guarantee of my success.

But, now that everything happens online, what do you do?

Well, I've built something that re-creates the spaced repetition effect.

The great thing about it is that it's a Chrome Extension. So, it sits right there. In your browser. As you're surfing the internet.

The neat thing about it is that within any article you're in - you can use the app to help you remember what you're reading.

It makes it super easy for you to use spaced repetition for what you're reading online.

I really, really wish I had this when I was at uni. But I didn't. So, instead, I built this for you.

Best of all? It's free for students.

Here's what you gotta do. Head to the mindreps app. I've dropped the link in the comments. It'll literally take <1 minute to get onboarded.

I think you're gonna get a lot out of it. I hope you like it.

See you on the other side.

Submitted August 09, 2022 at 01:20AM by 5haran_ https://ift.tt/jtgq3lZ

lunes, 8 de agosto de 2022

i want to be a doctor after completing my engineering

But the path to that seems really rough to me and i can't seem to figure anything out.I am 17 years old

some details as to the why:

1)i did not opt for biology in grade 11th and 12th

2) i opted for 'non medical' subjects instead, physics chemistry and maths which leave my options to either be an engineer or try basic sciences

-basic sciences are not my thing and the livliehood with that just does not suit me

- engineering is fine by me as i can also try for civil services at a way later time in my life

- i just don't want to give up on med school i think its a very useful skill and i want to be capable like that so i hope you guys won't discourage me

Submitted August 09, 2022 at 12:32AM by Bluwuberrry https://ift.tt/MAZq8tb

How did going to school shape you as a person?

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Submitted August 08, 2022 at 10:02PM by zy664333 https://ift.tt/l7xbrnQ

Technology is a privilege in education

Hey guys, I am trying to raise money for a charity that donates laptops to students in need as part of a university project and I want to show the power of the reddit community to do that. All of us are privileged with access to technology and I think the role it plays in education is extremely undervalued. I want to help give others the same opportunities to learn and prosper in a future role! Any donations are helpful, even a dollar!

GiveALittle Page

Submitted August 08, 2022 at 09:06PM by calement https://ift.tt/wYANDyv

First day of school sucked, how to make the second one better and make friends?

Today (my first day of school) was not good, and am looking for advice to make tomorrow better so I won’t be miserable all year. Nobody was rude or mean to me or anything, but I just don’t know how to make friends and no one wants to talk with me.

I am in 9th grade (freshman year of high school) at a really small high school. I have super bad social anxiety and am terrible in social situations and cant hold a worthwhile conversation (in my opinion).

So today, my first period was just me and two boys and no one said a word unless it was to the teacher but it seems like the class will be fun.

Second period had the same two boys and one girl, we were separated doing an experiment all day so no one really spoke to each other, but the class seems like it will be interesting.

Third period there were the same two boys as well as two other girls, they both were nice but didn’t want to talk to me, and it was obvious, but the class seems like it will be hard but fun.

Next was lunch and no one talked to me even after I tried to start conversation, but these two 10th graders were SUPER nice and we hung out all lunch period, not sure if that was just because the pitied that no one spoke with me or what.

After that was study hall, and me and the same 10th graders played a board game and it was fun but still no one in my grade wanted to talk to me.

Fourth (or sixth however you want to look at it) period had three girls and still the two same boys, we did not have an opportunity to talk, the math is exactly what I did last year witch is disappointing but whatever.

Submitted August 08, 2022 at 01:49PM by skyrimstrawberry https://ift.tt/aKPDCSX

Resources for High School Intro to Finance Class

Hi all,

I am teaching an Intro to Finance course this year for seniors at the high school I teach at.

I am trying to keep a good mix of interesting and applicable personal finance topics (loans, credit, compounding interest, budgeting and saving, emergency funds, mortgages, etc.) and an overview of the more technical topics that they might see in more depth in college classes (corporate structure, financial statements, time-value of money, etc.).

Does anyone have any experience or resources with similar classes? Most of the related reddit threads I find are good about listing personal finance topics, but rarely include links to good resources or activities.

For the more technical side of things, we are using OpenStax's Principles of Finance. The Council for Education's National Standards for Finance Education are providing the outline for the personal finance side of things.

Any websites, resources, ideas, or feedback you can share is greatly appreciated!

Submitted August 08, 2022 at 01:49PM by IrishRedbird https://ift.tt/xq0g8Aw

A high school diploma for an Innu... at 72 years old

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Submitted August 08, 2022 at 01:25PM by benjancewicz https://ift.tt/DwcENns

obtaining GED

I’m not 100% sure if this is the correct place to post this but i’m trying to help someone get their GED, and while we don’t have the $ for it right now i want to help them start studying for it. I was going to help them get it through GED .com

was just wondering if there’s anywhere i can look to make study sets for them and get a jumpstart until i can purchase the actual study classes and test courses.

Submitted August 08, 2022 at 01:00PM by Safe-Philosophy-8455 https://ift.tt/sQzLFTC

domingo, 7 de agosto de 2022

Looking for Advice on Building A Teacher Community

I'm the co-founder of an EdTech platform and looking for community advice on building an Educator community on Discord. For some context - Our platform is available for early adopters, we have 200+ teachers signed up to our wait list, students that have used the app have been enamored with it.

We're currently looking to build a collaborative and engaging community of Teachers on our Discord page.

As an educator, what are some of your preferred platforms to engage with other Educators? What gets you to engage with content (post, comment, read) and keep going back? What would motivate you to explore a new channel such as the one we're building on Discord?

Submitted August 07, 2022 at 05:06PM by hoops4ever https://ift.tt/Myfrum5

I have evaluated my academic credentials for Civil Engineer degree through NCEES and I passed then I have read about WES. Do I have to let WES evaluate my credentials again?

Thank you.

Submitted August 07, 2022 at 04:34PM by Complex_Evening7475 https://ift.tt/HpWuYl2

How can I study in other countries, when my school doesn't offer it?

Hey, I have a question, is there a way for me to study in England? I come from Sweden and I'm going to the first class of "Gymnasium" (Year 11 in the UK) and my school doesn't offer any form of studies in other countries, Thanks.

Submitted August 07, 2022 at 02:48PM by 2lay https://ift.tt/h0wnz4o

Requesting help

My mother is finishing her master's degree in school administration and for her final project she has a few (4) questions that need to be answered by the principal or vice principal of a non-white majority private or charter school. Can be answered over email. Her project is due in 9 hours so she needs to find a contact ASAP. She's emailed and called several schools with no luck, so she asked me to try to help her out. I've seen Reddit magic in action before so I'm trying my luck!

Not sure if this is the most appropriate subreddit to ask so please redirect me if it's not!


Submitted August 07, 2022 at 01:14PM by StatusAir272 https://ift.tt/DoNRrKc

sábado, 6 de agosto de 2022

Changing names on class t-shirt?

Hello! My students and I have a section shirt with all of their names printed on it! One of them came out to me and said they prefer to go by something else, and I was wondering if there were simple ways to 'edit' an already printed shirt. It must be draining to see your dead name on display for everyone to associate with you, and I just want to make them more comfortable :) Thanks for the help!

Submitted August 06, 2022 at 06:50PM by haleypawg https://ift.tt/jgQyRFX

What college courses are best to aid me in my journey to become a lawyer?

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Submitted August 06, 2022 at 05:35PM by killakyle1762 https://ift.tt/3iw78ov

graduating early requirements illinois

a few things to note, i’m a sophomore, 16, and doing online schooling through acellus and live in central illinois.

my question is, can i graduate this year. and complete all necessary courses. i completed my whole 8th grade year in 4 months because i had nothing to do and purged through my 7 courses i had. so can i just do the same but do it with my sophomore and junior year. i was already on the way to graduate my junior but i’d like to do it even sooner. i need help please! thank you

also what are the “necessary courses” exactly.

thank you!! also sorry if this isn’t the correct subreddit i just don’t know which one would be the best.

Submitted August 06, 2022 at 05:13PM by _spilling__the__tea_ https://ift.tt/LsJnvfj

Need an educator’s advice bc as a parent, idk what to do

If this isn’t allowed please just delete. We are moving to another state and were supposed to close on this house 8/8. Now that date has been pushed back, the moving date has changed, and things have gotten complicated. We are supposed to close 8/15 but we have to get something fixed in there before move in. Our kids new school starts on 8/9, the school in the place we are moving to starts 8/29. Now theoretically we could drive them back and forth every day because it’s only an hour and a half away but that seems terrible. What do we do? They are expected to start 8/9. I am in tears and the guidance counselor didn’t seem very understanding. I’ll take any advice.

Submitted August 06, 2022 at 12:01PM by tigerlily6200 https://ift.tt/OIWL7QT

The Real Challenges Facing Public Education

Critical Race Theory is a distraction and 'equity' is just a buzzword. A new book by an award-winning teacher argues that the real challenges facing public education go much deeper than political ideology.

I don't agree with everything he says but I don't agree with everything anyone says. Except my wife, she says to say.

The article and the book are both worth a read.

Submitted August 06, 2022 at 09:19AM by Barking_at_the_Moon https://ift.tt/B6LZy4p

How digital world is changing the way of education?

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Submitted August 06, 2022 at 06:38AM by myassignmenthelpau https://ift.tt/tjfXJIy

viernes, 5 de agosto de 2022

Any In School Suspension people

Hello everyone. I just got hired to "monitor" In School Suspension at a local middle school. I want to be more involved that just saying "be quiet and do your work" for 2 reasons. 1) I want to actually make an attempt at changing thought process and behavior and 2) just sitting all day will drive me crazy. Just wondering if there's anyone who has done it that can offer some good advice, tips, suggestions. Also if anyone can point me to some good resources to utilize for my room.

Submitted August 05, 2022 at 08:41AM by ignitionshot8682 https://ift.tt/qKdZXLs

My Top 3 Attention Getters Video

Need a new Attention Getter? Want fun and adaptable ways of getting student attention, that are easy on your vocal cords? check out my latest video on my Top 3 Attention Getters here:


Submitted August 05, 2022 at 07:41AM by McLearnwithMcLaren https://ift.tt/eog4SzY

Hey everyone. I got my GED in 2013 when I was 16 years old. I'm going to college this year for general science order to pursue my dream career, but I'm afraid that I will fail miserably.

Does anybody have app or game suggestions that would help me begin learning before the school year starts? I'm open to anything, but I cannot afford to spend a lot on said apps or games. I'm also open to other suggestions! I just want to be the best I can be, so I appreciate any help.

Submitted August 05, 2022 at 04:40AM by CuriousForestWitch https://ift.tt/GXzN8s0

This is bothering me a lot

So I am very interested in history and read about it a lot, Even during the breaks in school I always read a history book. But apparently I failed the course because a important essay was missing which surely is my own fault, The problem was that I got to know this a week before they gave us our grades so I didn’t have time to fix it.

I guess I can fix this in year 3 but I really feel bad over this. Now people must think I suck at history even tho it’s my biggest interest.

Submitted August 05, 2022 at 03:42AM by FitParsnip1489 https://ift.tt/UjCo01l

jueves, 4 de agosto de 2022

ILTS 234 Director of Special Education

Has anybody taken the Illinois 234 Director of Special Education exam? I took it for the first time today and didn't pass according to the preliminary results. I took the practice exam from the site, studied, and studied some more to no avail.

For anybody who did take it, do you have any tips? I have a Director of Sped job available to me, but I need to pass this exam first. Any insight is appreciated.

Submitted August 04, 2022 at 08:39PM by unpredictablelobster https://ift.tt/arF9DvR

Three way parents

Hello, I’m new to this subreddit and I’m talking about my kids and how they grow up. I’m engaged to two other people (we’re not getting married, because why marry one and not the other.)

We were thinking about our kids going to the principles, who would go? Or to parent teacher conference’s. Us three being together, even planning a three way wedding ceremony, but I’m worried.

Since my kids won’t biologically be mine, would I be allowed to pick them up from school? Go to teacher meetings? I know I can be put as an emergency contact, but…. Idk, I’m scared the school will say,” only the real parents can be in this meeting.”

Submitted August 04, 2022 at 06:47PM by SpaceKnightLife https://ift.tt/jUMypvC

My wife left her job as an educator in NC after 10 years - a deeply bittersweet moment

tl;dr - my wife's resignation, in her own words on YouTube

Hi r/education - Let me be the first to say it: you're all absolute heroes for teaching (no matter where you are in the world). I you're an educator at a public school in the US, you have my absolute deepest respect. You can be damn sure I'll be continuing to call my elected representatives and plead on your behalf for better treatment, pay, and organization of our school systems.

I'm here because I want to share my wife's resignation story with you. Natalie was a teacher for 10 years, with the vast majority of her tenure being here in the North Carolina School system (she also spent 2 years teaching at an international school in Vietnam, which was an incredible experience).

She taught 1st grade and Kindergarten, and over the course of the pandemic, she found herself questioning her will to stay in the job. To make a long story short, at the beginning of 2021, she decided to leave. Since then, she has been working on an elementary-education-focused YouTube channel called Primary Focus - today she posted a video documenting her decision to leave, as well as the factors that led to her submitting her resignation at the end of the last school year.

Teaching has always been Natalie's biggest love - she's an incredible educator, with a heart that's three-sizes-too-big. Seeing her leave the classroom was gut-wrenching.

As her partner and biggest fan, I am both heartbroken and extremely proud of her work. She's taken on a massive swath of new skills in building her channel - including video production, editing, and publishing, content curation, and graphic design. She's doing it all with poise and determination that I truly admire, and I'm looking forward to seeing her work reach a larger audience over time.

It's my mission to support her in everything she does... which is why I'm here.

I'd love it if you checked out her latest video:

Why I Quit Teaching | Teacher Vlog North Carolina

She would love it if you'd consider subscribing, or sharing the video with a parent or teacher in your life. Any feedback, encouragement, ideas or tips you've got are truly appreciated.

In addition to her primary-school-related educational content, she's working on a few upcoming articles and videos related to the current state of teaching, with the goal of educating and motivating parents and other voters about the state of public education, and how we can do better for students and teachers in the educational system in the US.

Thanks so much!

Submitted August 04, 2022 at 01:52PM by irreverentmike https://ift.tt/PjD3At2

Glimpse into the past: my Cal State Long Beach bill from 1990 ($428)

Inflation obviously distorts the price. However, I remember that my university education was much more affordable, and that I was able to work my way through without financial strain.

This image reminds me how much I want today's students to be able to have the same opportunities I had. In my opinion, private institutions are way too expensive for what you get.

Submitted August 04, 2022 at 12:06PM by KillYourTV https://ift.tt/K6o3xZI

"More than 300,000 public school teachers and other staff have quit since 2020, and more educators plan to do the same."

Submitted August 04, 2022 at 11:07AM by terran1212 https://ift.tt/g3yHXx4

export from Blackboard to Sakai

I try to export from Blackboard to Sakai. I tried to create Common Cartridge 1.1 zip file of a course in Blackboard but the size is 2GB. Is there any success story?

Submitted August 04, 2022 at 06:26AM by Jonas_7933 https://ift.tt/dYFcCMJ

miércoles, 3 de agosto de 2022

Do I have to repeat a school year if I go to the US?

About 4 years ago me and my sister left the US to come to Bolivia, when I left I was in 6th grade. In Bolivia I finished 7th, 8th and 9th grade and now I'm in 10th grade, the plan was to go back when I finish 11th grade but my father wants me to go after I finish 10th, I was going to do it until I found out that there is a possibility that I have to repeat a year in the US because if I finish 10th and go to the US I would be 3 months behind, my father told me that I would just take an English test and continue the year but my sister's friend told me that she needed to repeat a year when she got there.

Do I have to repeat a year? Or should I graduate here then go? Will it be harder for me to get into college if I graduate here? Please help me out, if you do not understand I will answer anything you ask.

Submitted August 03, 2022 at 03:59PM by whymustiuseausername https://ift.tt/wAs7iVJ