lunes, 8 de agosto de 2022

Resources for High School Intro to Finance Class

Hi all,

I am teaching an Intro to Finance course this year for seniors at the high school I teach at.

I am trying to keep a good mix of interesting and applicable personal finance topics (loans, credit, compounding interest, budgeting and saving, emergency funds, mortgages, etc.) and an overview of the more technical topics that they might see in more depth in college classes (corporate structure, financial statements, time-value of money, etc.).

Does anyone have any experience or resources with similar classes? Most of the related reddit threads I find are good about listing personal finance topics, but rarely include links to good resources or activities.

For the more technical side of things, we are using OpenStax's Principles of Finance. The Council for Education's National Standards for Finance Education are providing the outline for the personal finance side of things.

Any websites, resources, ideas, or feedback you can share is greatly appreciated!

Submitted August 08, 2022 at 01:49PM by IrishRedbird

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