martes, 5 de marzo de 2024

"They didn't teach me about finances in school" ... about that

My father is an accountant and I have been surprised by how financially illiterate many of my college students are. I teach a large lecture course at a university and because of an upcoming exam I had free lecture period so I offered a financial information session. Attendance wasn't required, but I told them I would describe tax misconceptions (i.e., tax brackets), retirement plans, credit score information, real estate advice, etc. and take any questions they have to address the "I was never taught about finances in school" issue. I took several hours to prepare a useful PowerPoint in case there weren't many questions.
Only 5 of 133 students decided to attend.
I will no longer credit this excuse for people's financial ignorance.

Submitted March 05, 2024 at 12:23PM by pleiotropycompany

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