martes, 5 de noviembre de 2024

Im not entirely sure if this where this belongs, but HERE WE GO

I will preface this with; I am in no way blaming the teachers and im sorry if this turns into a emotionally charged mess

But I have decided I want to help reform the education system for the better. Not only is it pathetically inefficient, it leaves its mark on you

I still wake up at 4 am, despite being piss-tired and have trouble falling back asleep as im 'supposed to be doing something' - Back in high school, yeah! Now adays? Not so much, im struggling to even get a job

Now, onto the promised 'inefficiencies' - In my eyes, the education system is just a series of numbers and letters to brag to other countries about, my main proof being dedicated spanish class

We HAD to be taught it, no one wanted to and it was understood to just be a part of the system. I scored terrible cause I barely tried. Others didnt try, at all and we all passed. This isnt even like, 'oh they're freshmen' no, we were on our way to becoming Seniors' the next year

other inefficiencies, include the 'Zero Tolerance' policy, of which personally effected me (yay) - Not giving teachers the time and money they deserve for being teachers thus leading to burnt out husks like the students

Expecting too much in too little a time. A kid who is really great at one thing at age five doesnt mean they'll be really great at it, age 19. Or vice versa

K-5, atleast when I experienced it, was glorified daycare with a mix of common sense thrown in. The only thing I actually learned was multiplication and division.

Alot of this, sounds pretty tame or inconsequential, and thats the problem. Its not just one problem that can be tackled. Its a mess of things going wrong either due to personal problems, preferences, or goverment red tape

Im not gonna just flail my arms and pout though, I have some solutions

Monthly/Bi-Monthly/Quarterly teaching (and 'open-end' learning)

This one is oddly specific, but hear me out. Everyone learns in different ways, so this one is meant to account for that. You have your planning ahead of time so those who speed away arent punished / have to wait for everyone else.

While those that need a bit of extra help can use the past for reference material. Though there's a bit more to this idea

What I imagine, in a dream scenario is one topic, three class rooms. Lets saaay... Science. Its a nice blend of english and math

One classroom is the normal 'everyday' classroom we all know. Another, is more direct. The 'lab' as some might call it. Some people are very textile learners.

The last leans a bit more into the grain, to say. And Im not sure how to explain it but I can give a example

During one assigment we were taught to explain the water cycle, and no matter how I put it, it sounded like I was giving a business presentation. So I turned it into a story, about 'Jim the Raindrop' - even referencing other lessons.

That is what the third classroom would be. Those who think a bit outside the box

Again, perfect world dream here speaking but unlikely to happen; Your allowed to leave the class room and go to a different one of these three if you feel it might help you better.

I also understand this is going to put a odd strain on teachers, due to some people being slower than the rest, others being faster and thus having answers to different tests to grade. If your particularly unlucky and have a class chock-full of fast folk you'll have alot of tests.

I got a solution to that, too!

The teachers all grade them, yes but also, there would be a college-grade professor to reference. So if a teacher doesnt know something, or their overworked they can reference the professor

This also allows students to get a taste of college. I know some teachers will have students grade paper work, which I can also see working but requires a bit more handling, I might be wrong

Though one person covering three people may be too much, so I also propose that the kids who actively like a subject can be the ones who help the teacher out.

I understand this is a swift way to make a 'teachers pet' problem, Which will be pointed out in my next 'problem' thing. Though if a student actively enjoys doing English, and is going to write you a 150 word story on everything you can fix

Then let em. They're enjoying themselves, letting you know how to improve, and giving a example in one blow

The next problem; The problem of peer-to-peer problems such as bullying, or public exile

School, in of itself, is a way to make connections, friends, and all that stuff.

So there is no way to 'fix' the problem of bullying, public exile, or whatever. Though we can try to mitigate it.

I propose two solutions. The Anynomous Mailbox and, The Whiteboard

The Anon Mailbox, is a simple mailbox in various locations where you write something down and put it in. Simple, Done

Now I know humans, myself included, are very dumb so this will VERY swiftly not work. But I truthfully cant think of anything better of a way to report problems if you dont feel you can find safety in your teachers

The other solution, The Whiteboard

Have various white boards or tack boards or whatever across the school that students are free to mess with. Either it be just 'have a nice day' or a doodle their proud of, or a 'Hey, party at my place (Address)' or whatever. It gives a way to talk to people, without having to actually TALK to people

It also allows for groups to find one another easier. Such as "Hey I wanna run a dnd game, text (number) if you wanna join" or "Hey, I lost my soccer ball but I still wanna play. Anyone up for some?"

Theoretically this could also be used like the Anon Mailbox but people may start recognizing hand writing so, do that at your own peril.

Slightly askew; The Teachers Pet

This is from the above problem but, for those unfamiliar, a 'teachers pet' is someone the public labels as a giant nerd and suck-up to the teacher.

Im hoping the fact im basically trying to re-write the entire idea of a school will eliminate this problem.

There is no real way to 'fix' the public eye. So, I hope with all my heart that if the schooling system does get fixed. Its in a way that doesnt make more problems


I would put a ending, conclusion here but I dont know what to say.

Submitted November 05, 2024 at 03:10AM by wldwailord

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