Este blog es un centro de reunión y de información actual sobre temas educativos, con la finalidad de darle a los docentes un espacio de comunicación con colegas del gremio y la posibilidad de intercambiar información veraz y oportuna sobre el dinámico mundo del conocimiento, la investigación, las técnicas y materiales de enseñanza y la tecnología.
domingo, 31 de marzo de 2019
@EducacionFutura : Detecta INEE preocupantes niveles de reprobación en Media Superior
@EducacionFutura : Una reforma, dos problemas, tres frentes / No te pierdas el nuevo análisis de Wenceslao Vargas Márquez
@EducacionFutura : "Finalmente, en lo que sí creo es en lo que repite constantemente el secretario de educación: “…en educación, lo mejor está por venir…”; pero para la CNTE." Eduardo Backhoff Escudero
Question: What exactly makes a Title 1 school "Title 1"?
So, this is probably a very simple question, but I'm confused about what, exactly, is the definition for what makes a Title 1 school an official "Title 1" school. Different websites say it's for +35%, +40%, or +50% of low-income student body, and I'm not sure what to make of it. Is it a federal standard, or does it vary by state or school district?
(Reason I'm asking is that I'm a parent transferring my kid to a current Title 1 school (53% low income) that AFAIK uses those funds for their after-school intervention and Saturday school. But next year they're projected to only have 48% low-income students, and I was told that would make them no longer a Title 1 school. Hmm....)
Submitted March 31, 2019 at 06:49PM by DemiurgeMCK
I am 27; I am planning on going back to school in order to apply for an office job. What would be the quickest route to acquire a Bachelor's degree?
I have a culinary school diploma; however, due to a rotator cuff injury from repetitive stress, I am unable to work as a cook any longer. I am hoping to get into into sales or public relations. Also, is there a way to take courses online while I try to find part time work?
Submitted March 31, 2019 at 06:16PM by LoverFromVancouver
Deans of students talking bad about a student
Recently a friend of mine has stopped talking to me and hanging out with me. I figured out it was because my dean of students told his aunt that I was a bad kid (and told them his opinions about me and stories of my disciplinary history) and his parents found out about it and we are not allowed to talk anymore. I go to a private school. Is there any way I can get my dean in trouble for this?
Submitted March 31, 2019 at 04:57PM by collinmarsh_
Question about U.K. education -Oswestry School
My brother in law’s son (who lives in Eastern Europe) is a very smart and talented 16 year old. He was contacted by Oswestry School located in the U.K. after many tests he was 1 of 4 students chosen to attend to this school all expenses paid for his junior and senior year.
My question is this.....he can speak English, but when it comes to writing essays it is very tough for him so he was asking me what courses he should choose on this grid. 1 per block. I think Math, Physics, Chemistry and Biology would be the way to go since he is great at Math and numbers generally speaking.
Submitted March 31, 2019 at 03:38PM by Alabaster13
Looking for Opinions on Policies for Maintaining High Performance
Looking for opinions regarding some pedagogical concepts I'd imagined somewhat recently:
For background, my AP Physics class sucks. Not as in the subject matter sucks, we as a class are bad at physics. We consistently average between 50 and 70 on evaluations. I initially tried to fight against this by tutoring and studying with large groups of peers but it wasn't effective enough for the amount of time and effort it took. I tried to identify the cause of the issue and concluded that the most likely suspects are the extreme lack of homework assigned and the large gap in difficulty between in class practice and the evaluations.
In considering these issues I developed these ideas regarding how this could be avoided had I been the teacher:
- Establish a policy where for the first chapter, homework is assigned but is not graded. Whether it's graded for the following chapter could be determined by one of two ways, of which I'm unsure which is best:
- Require a class average of 85-90% (teacher's decision where to draw the line) on the chapter test. This may encourage the students to pressure themselves into doing the homework if they're weak on the subject to avoid penalizing their classmates, or encourage students to cooperate and study together to ensure that everyone is doing well enough to keep things as they are. On the other hand it may incite tension between students who underperform despite doing their best and students who perform well (and maybe do so without much effort).
2. Apply #1 but to the individual as opposed to the class. Just be clear that as long as the students methodology is working, there's no concern. But if things aren't working out the way they are, it will be necessary to adhere to your methodology.
- Give an assessment 50-75% through the chapter to identify holes in the students' knowledge; offer to revoke their bad grade if they perform well on the chapter evaluation. This helps the student see where they're struggling without greatly disturbing their peace.
I felt that these two things could definitely raise our class average, and planned on trying them one day in the distant future when/if I become a professor. I'd like to know your guys opinions. I'd also like to know what age group this would be most appropriate for. I intended this go be used with high school and college students, but let me know if you disagree.
Submitted March 31, 2019 at 04:13PM by Cephea_Coerulea
I made a website for how teachers can use video games in their classrooms. Including full lesson plans, handouts, and presentations.
I know this is sort of self promotiony, but I would love to talk about how video games can be used in schools as texts, and I'm looking for general feedback from people in education. I'm creating something that is not really available to teachers so I hope to make it as useful as possible.
The website is called Hey Listen Games. Let me know what you all think. I'm not making any money from this, just trying to get people to see the value in video games as a medium.
Submitted March 31, 2019 at 04:00PM by somefuzzypants
Am I too old to get into a new field?
I'm not sure if this is the place to post this and sorry if its out of place.
I am 27 years old and currently a supervisor in retail. I have two loves in life IT and a fascination with dinosaurs and history. An interesting combination.
I never did well in school but being older I kick myself for missing out on a better education. I have worked for the NHS as a desktop and server engineer but I have no qualifications just hands on experience.. Am I too old to pursue an education in either?
I just wish I was doing more right now.
Submitted March 31, 2019 at 02:16PM by Malyxx91
I completed the NYC teaching fellows program. AMA.
I’ve taught in different contexts for eight years total, the last three in the DOE. I completed the teaching fellows program in June of 2018, and have gotten a few requests for doing an AMA, so here we go!
Submitted March 31, 2019 at 02:09PM by EgoDefenseMechanism
@INEEmx: 1 de cada 10 estudiantes de secundaria en México señala haber sido víctima de ciberbullying. Conoce más información sobre el clima escolar en el estudio #Cívica: #EvalularEsUnAcierto:
Should homework be banned?
Just read this piece:
Seems pretty cut and dry to me that the practice of assigning students homework is more trouble than it is worth. Thoughts?
Submitted March 31, 2019 at 09:03AM by psychothumbs
Do I absolutely have to go to community college if I don’t do well in high school?
I’m sorry, but I find it pretty ridiculous that CCC is pretty much your only option if your GPA is below a 3.0 or you weren’t given the opportunity to challenge yourself academically. I was diagnosed with ADHD and it’s made high school a living hell for me. Yet, it’s never been an issue with understanding the material as much as being able to keep up with assignments. I was placed in remedial classes for no reason besides my diagnoses. Even now, as I’m finishing off a stressful Junior year where I’ve finally had the chance to participate in mainstream education, I hate the prospect of spending two extra years in college. I feel cheated, like the system is actively working against me. Don’t you dare give me the whole the world doesn’t owe you anything pep-talk because I know that’s bullshit. I worked extremely hard to get to where I am today; I don’t need others telling me I’m lazy or unintelligent when they’ve never spent a day in my shoes.
I want to major in Creative Writing. I really want to try school again, I really want to succeed. I just hate the idea of having to waste an extra two years of my life toiling away at pointless busywork when I could complete a bachelor’s in four or less. I’m not trying to imply that everyone who attends community college is a failure, but I myself feel like a failure for never being good enough in school. I don’t expect colleges to accommodate me just because I feel entitled, but I do wish I could just be given a chance right away. There has to be SOME colleges that accept people with low GPAs, right?!
Submitted March 31, 2019 at 08:29AM by MrJKFrostyTSMofPA
sábado, 30 de marzo de 2019
Can a teacher require students to come in on the weekend for class testing?
My teacher is requiring his students to come in on the weekend for a mock AP exam, and well be given multiple test grades for this task. Is this allowed, as this is not in school hours at all?
Submitted March 30, 2019 at 10:08PM by KappaChimpy
How do you think education inequality should be fixed?
Given that high-poverty non-white areas have been shown to get less funding than white districts, what do you think should be done to fix the inequality in the education system? Should funding be changed from property tax, should school districts be redrawn to include equal amounts of both areas, etc? Additionally, would giving poorer districts more funding even result in better education in those areas?
Submitted March 30, 2019 at 10:45PM by zootshoot17
Why I was Shaking My Head at Betsy DeVos
If you missed the head shaking, you can see it here during her testimony before congress.
The head-shaker, Anthony Cody, has a blog and has written about why he was shaking his head, and (unlike DeVos) cited his sources.
The close was strong:
The day that we see private schools, such as the ones attended by DeVos, Gates and their children, advertising their large class sizes is the day I will believe their claims that it does not matter. Instead, of course, these schools do just the opposite, and boast of average class sizes of 15 or 20 students.
Submitted March 30, 2019 at 07:49PM by philnotfil
Question: How do i find music minors?
Hey guys,
I'm currently doing Molecular Life Sciences at Wageningen University(in the Netherlands) and i've always had a passion for music and made it a self study. When i talked to my study advisor, he said it's very doable to do a music minor in my bachelor since i'm already so invested.
Does anyone know where to find musical minors in preferably Europe(or the rest of the world)?
I have been looking online but haven't found a lot of conservatories offering this, at least online. I would be interested most in how to deepen and broaden my understanding and especially ability in music. A minor for my university would count as 24 ECTS points at least, not longer than half a year.
Submitted March 30, 2019 at 05:17PM by Bvoluroth
@ManuelGilAnton : @AndresVirgen21 Abrazo!
Anyone run or own a educational podcast in herr?
Submitted March 30, 2019 at 02:14PM by Mint4you
What does the future behold...
Do you know what would the future ✨behold for us? Would you like to know what you need to do to secure a job for 'tomorrow'? 💫
#Change #WayOfThinking #TheFuture
Submitted March 30, 2019 at 11:10AM by suitedtutor
Punjab Examination Commission 5th class 8th Pec Result 2018
PEC Punjab Examination Commission PEC has been announced today the final result of Class 5th Class 8th 2019, so students get ready now to find out your results. As we know that the PEC Result 2019 is all set to be announced according to the official date, so students keep ready and hold down your roll number to find out your results immediately only on Pec website. Thank you
Submitted March 30, 2019 at 10:20AM by seeonline
@INEEmx: Te invitamos al #ForoVirtualINEE del próximo martes en el que hablaremos sobre la observación de la enseñanza en #EducaciónBásica. Conéctate este 2 de abril a las 17:00 hrs y participa enviando tus dudas y comentarios vía WhatsApp y correo electrónico:
Grading Papers with "Not Yet" vs. an Inadequate Grade?
There was this talk by a psychology professor named Carol Dweck and she basically says that if you provide pupils with a grade of "not yet" instead of providing pupils with a 'failing' grade, they will learn to adopt a growth mindset. This means that they will be much more likely to reflect on their approaches, accept challenges and therefore improve academically. In comparison those with a 'fixed mindset' tend to 'run away' from challenges and errors, and therefore when they receive a 'bad' grade they don't engage with actively establishing how they could improve their strategies to reflect their true capabilities.
Several studies have been conducted looking into her ideas, which she mentions in her talk.
I found this really intriguing so I decided to write a blog post about it. Her concepts, theory and research is explained in more detail on there. I'll leave the link below as it would be too much to write in this post. The video of her talk is also attached in the post.
What are your views on this? How effective do you think this growth mindset strategy is?
Submitted March 30, 2019 at 08:14AM by AimzK
@INEEmx: ¿Para qué sirve la autonomía constitucional del INEE? Para decirle a los maestros qué aprenden sus alumnos en la escuela y cómo mejorar su práctica docente. La SEP no puede ser juez y parte del derecho a la educación. En educación #AOscurasNo:
@ManuelGilAnton : @tales0de0mileto Muy acertada la crítica, Alejandro. Pero como quieren presumir que estudiaron Inglés o en "Extranjia", les parece de baja estofa la maravilla de "Al fin y al cabo..." u otra de tantas que tenemos para decir lo mismo. Saludos
viernes, 29 de marzo de 2019
@ManuelGilAnton : @querreque62 Muy interesante. Gracias
@ManuelGilAnton : "Al final del día tenemos a un burócrata gris, que dice en conferencias lo que impidió cuando tuvo el poder". ¡Sin Vergüenza!
my random thoughts: encourage your kids to keep notes, rewards from every grade
it's amazing after looking back after K graduated college looking thru some of my random work in grade school and I'm like "wow, I learned so much". I lost all of my high school and college stuff because I threw them away after every year thinking they were worthless. but now looking back at it, just finding those "good job" notes on small quizzes in grade school put a smile on my face. I'm not sure if I'm the only that felt this way. what's your take? are those papers useless?
Submitted March 29, 2019 at 06:22PM by Dustin4vn
@ManuelGilAnton : Sobre la huelga en la UAM.... hace 11 años. ¿El tiempo pasa o se estanca en malos usos y peores costumbres?
@INEEmx: #SabíasQue De cada mil alumnos que ingresan a la primaria solo 766 logran terminar la educación secundaria. Consulta más información sobre el tránsito de los estudiantes en la #EducaciónObligatoria en nuestro micrositio de indicadores
@INEEmx: El consejero @bnaranjoedu invita a padres de familia, maestros y directivos de las escuelas que participaron en #Planea2018 a conocer el #ReporteEscolar con los principales resultados de esta evaluación. Consúltalo en ➡️
@ManuelGilAnton : Importante contribución a un debate crucial.
@INEEmx: Te invitamos a nuestro tercer #ForoVirtualINEE, un espacio de diálogo con actores educativos y sociales donde hablaremos sobre la observación de la enseñanza en #EducaciónBásica. Únete a la conversación el 2 de abril a las 17 hrs.
@ManuelGilAnton : Sobre el dictamen aprobado: preguntas y criticas en un seminario en la UNAM.
@ManuelGilAnton : Del mismo telar, ¿tejido nuevo?
Charter schools in Tennessee sign "morality clause" with Catholic Church; promise to not teach anything that goes against the teachings of the Church
Six Memphis public schools set to open in the fall could face legal trouble after agreeing to a morality clause in a two-year lease for classroom space from the Catholic Diocese of Memphis.
The Compass Community Schools signed a lease agreement that contains a clause agreeing not to teach anything that goes against the teachings of the Catholic Church.
Do you think this should be allowed?
Submitted March 29, 2019 at 08:01AM by dannmiller
Introducing /r/chegg_solutions
- No spammers
- A user cannot have more than 1 of the same post per page (ie 1 post every 25 posts of sub, sort by new)
Like this post so people see it
Since the current chegg subreddits don’t have moderation, I made a new one which will have moderation
Submitted March 29, 2019 at 06:25AM by Dumble-dore
3 Key Lessons for Online or Blended Education - Based on 30 years of research
Jeffery Young, a journalist who is a veteran in covering technology and education offers some research-based advice for those in the early stages of experimenting with online courses.
Submitted March 29, 2019 at 03:08AM by nzawk
Looking for answers
Virtual Teachers or School Teachers?
Submitted March 29, 2019 at 05:07AM by ACT2019
LF> Cultural e-learning content provider and sources
Hello, everyone! I am new to this subreddit, but I already find this helpful because of the sharing of information and practices in education.
I am in need of companies or schools that teach cross-cultural and multicultural education, i.e. Global Dynamics, Inc. If you know of some, kindly comment them on this thread.
Submitted March 28, 2019 at 11:21PM by mycroftbeatssherlock
jueves, 28 de marzo de 2019
Can I move forward or am I a lost cause
I am 17 and have been out of education for a year now after dropping out of sixth form after 6 months. In high school I mainly focused on IT leaving with an A in the gcse. At my point in life I only see 2 options, get a job/apprenticeship I might not be happy with or try and change my path. When I say change my path I’m specifically talking about perusing my interest in mythology studies or anything similar. I enjoyed history in high school but for me it didn’t go as far back as I was interested. Am I able to enter any education at the moment where I can study mythology or similar courses and I was also wondering if I could do a university course if I only have GCSE’s and my predicted A level grades.
Submitted March 28, 2019 at 05:58PM by curv__reptile
@INEEmx: La evaluación formativa tiene un objetivo importante: ayudar a que cada estudiante se haga responsable de su propio aprendizaje. Conoce más en el curso en línea #EvaluaciónEnElAula. ¡Inscríbete, es gratuito!
Advice for an aspiring teacher?
Today I was invited to interview for a teaching position next week. I am an aspiring teacher and this would be my first teaching job. The interview entails performing a 20 minute lesson for a 3rd grade math class that has been learning multiplication word problems. (That was added for my information, the email didn’t state that absolutely had to be in my lesson). Any tips on how I can formulate my lesson to intrigue the students and those assessing me? Thank you
Submitted March 28, 2019 at 04:25PM by 5skimnosugar
@INEEmx: Ayer el INEE presentó un estudio de los enfoques y las consecuencias formativas de 75 reglamentos escolares en #MediaSuperior con el fin de establecer en qué medida éstos contribuyen a garantizar el derecho a la educación de los estudiantes. Conócelo:
@INEEmx: Dado que el proceso legislativo continúa, el INEE mantendrá un diálogo abierto con todos los actores políticos y sociales para seguir impulsando una iniciativa que sea aprobada en la Cámara de Diputados y en la de Senadores, en beneficio de la educación #ReformaEducativa
@INEEmx: 5. Es innecesario incorporar al texto constitucional las materias que debieran formar los planes y programas de estudio. Sería más conveniente conservar el párrafo original del artículo 3º constitucional relativo al desarrollo armónico de todas las facultades del ser humano.
@INEEmx: 3. El Dictamen no otorga al nuevo organismo que sustituirá al INEE la autonomía constitucional necesaria para el adecuado desempeño de una función esencial para el desarrollo de México. El nuevo organismo pertenecerá al Poder Ejecutivo, menguando con ello su papel independiente.
@INEEmx: Gracias a este organismo autónomo se puso al alcance de todos información oficial independiente. El trabajo del INEE ha servido para poner en la agenda pública los temas más importantes para mejorar el nivel de inclusión, igualdad y justicia de nuestro sistema educativo.
@INEEmx: Se desconoce el amplio trabajo realizado por el INEE. Desaparecer a un organismo constitucional autónomo, con base en percepciones y juicios sin fundamento alguno, y sin haber hecho una revisión profunda de sus logros y aportaciones al SEN, debilita la discusión pública.
@INEEmx: Sin embargo, es conveniente hacer las siguientes puntualizaciones: 1. Es evidente que los considerandos en los que se justifica la desaparición del INEE son resultado de apreciaciones de índole político e ideológico, que en nada abonan a promover el interés superior de la niñez
@ManuelGilAnton : Pedro:quizá no es el caso. Si los médicos solicitan tener no cierta preferencia sino el monopolio para acceder a los puestos de médicos en el sistema de salud,es porque estudiaron y fueron certificados para ello por escuelas de medicina.Podría por ahí entenderse la petición.
Varsity rowing during Med school
University students on Reddit, preferably med, is it possible to do varsity sports during studying? How do you organize it best?
Submitted March 28, 2019 at 08:05AM by CrewSuisse
@EducacionFutura : #Opinión - La educación obligatoria y los alumnos rurales e indígenas: más allá de las escuelas
Could someone from a terrible academic background excel in a psychology degree later in life from learnt experience ?
I have suffered with dyslexia for years as well as some mild learning difficulties which affected my learning within school. However I have gotten into university and am looking to pursue a career within clinical psychology. I have suffered from stigma and low self esteem all of my life I am now 30 years old and believe that I have the potenial to understand complex academic subjects. Would I be able to survive at university with my poor GCSE grades I only have 4 C's in creative subjects.
Submitted March 28, 2019 at 03:54AM by Product_of_80s
Christ University (Deemed to be University) - College Overview, Courses & Campuses
Submitted March 28, 2019 at 02:36AM by GlobalCareerServices
miércoles, 27 de marzo de 2019
@EducacionFutura : "Desde que ingresé al magisterio, hace poco más de dos décadas, muchos temas me han preocupado y ocupado, pero uno en particular, me ha quitado más de una vez el sueño: mi desempeño." @AbelardoCarro
@EducacionFutura : #Opinión - Ahora resulta que la mal llamada reforma educativa del 2013, la “peñista”, se convertirá en el 2019 en una bien nombrada reforma laboral “lopezobradorista”. ¡Qué extraño!
@ManuelGilAnton : La colaboración del profesor Abelardo Carro.
Help please
Im transferring to a CSU to the Liberal Studies Degree program hopefully for two years? I want to teach 6-8th grade, is the Liberal Studies program the route to take for me? On the website it says the Lib Stud program is dedicate for teachers who want to teach “K-8 or special ed” Or should i do single subject ?? Will i graduate in two years and when can i sub, i want to make more money than my crappy restaurant job. Anyways my orientation is April 27th so time is ticking... Any comment/ help is appreciated.
dm’s welcome as well.
Submitted March 27, 2019 at 06:44PM by Savcotroyyy
@ManuelGilAnton : RT @nofm_radio: Hace unos meses entrevistamos al doctor @ManuelGilAnton sobre las necesidades del país en materia educativa. ¿Cuántas de ella cubre la nueva reforma de AMLO? #porNoFM
Public Universities Work Hard to Make Up for Budget Cuts. But In-State Students May Be Paying the Price.
High-achieving but financially needy students who settle for colleges that won’t challenge them may be the victims of "underrecruiting" by public universities that are too focused on drawing in wealthy students from other states.
That’s the contested conclusion of a report released this week by the Joyce Foundation, a policy-research group focused on equity.
Submitted March 27, 2019 at 04:10PM by jms1225
@INEEmx: ¿Con qué frecuencia los maestros están dispuestos a escuchar a sus estudiantes? Con la opinión de los estudiantes, los resultados nacionales fueron: ▫️38.2% indican que siempre o casi siempre ▫️43.3% muchas veces ▫️16.5% pocas veces ▫️2.1% nunca o casi nunca #MediaSuperior
@INEEmx: ¿Qué es la convivencia escolar?
@INEEmx: El estudio se desprende del piloto de la Evaluación de Condiciones Básicas para la Enseñanza y el Aprendizaje #ECEA2016 #MediaSuperior. La muestra tiene representatividad nacional: ▫️2,991 planteles ▫️2,911 directores ▫️11,863 docentes ▫️47,397 estudiantes
@INEEmx: 🔴 Da inicio la mesa pública Convivencia escolar y reglamentos escolares en educación #MediaSuperior. Participan Cecilia Fierro Evans, académica de la @IberoLeon y Adán Moisés García, director del INEE. Sigue la transmisión #EnVivo:
@EducacionFutura : Con 48 votos a favor, 3 en contra y 9 abstenciones, las Comisiones Unidas de Educación y Puntos Constitucionales aprobaron el dictamen del proyecto de decreto para modificar los artículos Tercero, 31 y 73 constitucionales.
iPad Pro 10.5 vs 2in1 Chromebook for school and notetaking
Hello everyone! I want to buy a device to make handwriting digital notes but also being device to carry around, browse web and do so Google Suite/Excel stuff. Will iPad Pro 10,5 will be better that 2in1 Chromebook? Im into Google ecosystem, not Apple, but both options looks fine. iPad will be probably more expensive (Pencil and Keyboard) thats why im thinking of Chromebook. Can anyone advise me? Thanks in advance.
Submitted March 27, 2019 at 02:55PM by ionnny
Should I take Ap world history and honors chemistry as a sophmore?
So I’m a freshman wondering if I should change my world history to ap world and chemistry to honors chemistry for next year. I love history and chemistry sounds interesting. These are the only harder classes I’ll be taking next year. I just want some of your guys input thanks.
Submitted March 27, 2019 at 01:57PM by ChadTheorist
United Kingdom, NQT advice - leaving a fixed term contract?
Hi, All.
My partner is currently in the third term of her primary NQT year, under a fixed term contract (FTC).
Recently she was informed that her contract would not be renewed, and she would have to interview again for the position.
This has really (really) knocked her confidence, and although her past observations and assessments have been satisfactory, she feels there's a possibility they might fail her, and take away her teacher status.
She's a gentle soul, and as such, the impact has affected her performance at a recent observation, mainly due to overwhelming nerves.
Can she leave her FTC and start over her NQT year somewhere else - if she's informed that she's not meeting expectations?
She loves teaching, and would rather jump ship and try again, than be failed and never teach.
Many thanks.
Submitted March 27, 2019 at 02:03PM by Ballistic-6
Millions of NJ taxpayer dollars have disappeared into the state's flawed charter school experiment
A year-long investigation into New Jersey's charter school system has revealed serious flaws, including the fact that millions of taxpayer dollars have been diverted to private companies that control charter school real estate.
A lack of clarity and vagaries in the charter school law ― and what some education experts say is bad policy or no policy at all ― has created a confusing and tangled landscape where transactions are often secret, or buried so deeply in documents that the public has virtually no way of scrutinizing how their tax dollars are being spent.
Submitted March 27, 2019 at 01:06PM by northjerseynews
Historical fiction picture books for 3-4th graders?
I am looking to do a read aloud with my group and want to find a fun and interesting historical fiction book that’s readable under 10 minutes and has pictures?
Something beyond “The Drinking Gourd” since that’s around the only one ever recommended.
Submitted March 27, 2019 at 12:12PM by Leafury
@INEEmx: No te pierdas esta tarde la mesa pública en la que se presenta el estudio Convivencia escolar y reglamentos escolares en educación #MediaSuperior. Miércoles 27 de marzo / 17:00 hrs. / Auditorio del INEE. Regístrate en: ¡Te esperamos!
What happens to a student who is accused of academic misconduct? Specifically in the UC system/University level
OK, at this point I guess I have no choice but to be fine with dropping out of school. I’m a film major and I don’t necessarily need a degree to do what I need to do for my career. A degree just makes it easier...I would like to stay in school if possible, but If it doesn’t work out for me, I’m lucky enough to still have a chance with my passion rather than my educational path, anyways
Me, along with a couple of other students in my class have been accused of academic misconduct regarding a final we took before spring break and I have no idea what to do because I’ve never been in this situation before. Apparently our finals look somewhat identical to each other.
Let me explain.
Weeks leading up to the final, our entire section talked to our TA and told our TA that we planned to take the final together because it made perfect sense to do that at the time. There are about 80 to 90 students in the film department at my school. literally all of us were frantic. A week before this final, I remember seeing students sleeping in their classrooms just so that they could edit their films on time. Some of those were my colleagues, so we just literally wanted to not die one last time and just take our final together seeming that everybody got the exact same lectures and it would be easier to not look at our notes if all of us were there to just take it together to begin with. Our TA was perfectly OK with this idea and even suggested us to do that. This one dude literally announced what time we would all meet and complete the final, and everything seemed ok at the time. On the day of the final, At 8 AM, we all meet at the Time we said we would and we completed the final. We waited to make sure everyone agreed with the answers and talked everything over before submitting. Only some students got the email and others didn’t. I was one of the students who got the email and so is my friend.
So.... what happens now? Am I still a student? I honestly feel like the UC system does not give a shit about stuff like this and will just kick you out— but I have no idea if that’s true. All I know is, I’m a fucking junior, so if I get kicked out right now then that will be literally $20,000 down the drain and I am a low income student so that sucks even more. I thought to ask this community what would happen just to throw it out there to see if anyone else has been through this, or anything like this.
Submitted March 27, 2019 at 10:23AM by talentedfilmstudent
DeVos proposes to cut all federal funding for Special Olympics
She says philanthropic efforts are sufficient.
Submitted March 27, 2019 at 09:19AM by HaveNoClueWhatsoever
@EducacionFutura : Sigue en vivo la reunión de trabajo de las Comisiones Unidas de Educación, y de Puntos Constitucionales, a fin de dictaminar la #ReformaEducativa
@ManuelGilAnton : El video del debate en el programa de Julio @julioastillero en Radio Centro, sobre la Reforma Educativa, con @marco_fdezm Gracias a Julio por su hospitalidad.
@INEEmx: ¿Cómo atienden los docentes las necesidades educativas de los hijos de familias jornaleras agrícolas migrantes? Esta investigación realizada en #Puebla describe cómo son las prácticas pedagógicas para este sector poblacional. Te invitamos a conocerlo
@ManuelGilAnton : Este es el cuadernillo que los colegas de México Social elaboraron para el programa del martes 26 de marzo. @MexicoSocial_
Write (and code) interactive stories - Looking for Parnterships
Hi everyone,
I am looking for any educators interested in developing and/or implementing curriculum where students can write (and code) interactive stories from a library of over 8,000 beautiful illustrations and sounds on Elementari. There's fun illustrations from space dinos, to deep sea creatures, to food, and tons of characters. Stories on Elementari can be 'coded' by connecting blocks to have characters animate, play sounds or voiceovers, or even create a choose your own adventure.
Let me know if you or anyone you know would be interested. All curriculum developed will be part of our open educational resources and made publicly available. You can take a look at our curriculum guide that has more information and some example lessons:
Using Elementari is free and any user can create a classroom of up to 30 students (no emails needed) for free as well.
Our mission is to promote arts and literacy in an engaging and collaborative way and have students build computation thinking skills as a consequence of making a beautiful story that they can be proud to share.
Demo Video:
Thank you!
Submitted March 27, 2019 at 06:56AM by nikoko13
@ManuelGilAnton : De acuerdo!
@ManuelGilAnton : Agradezco a México Social,del Canal 11,y a Mario Luis Fuentes,el espacio que me dieron para conversar sobre la Reforma Educativa.En esta liga estará el video,y ahora tiene un PDF con artículos sobre el tema. Reforma educativa vía @MexicoSocial_
@ManuelGilAnton : @pierre22lara Gracias: porque el programa de estudios es una previsión de lo que se hará en el aula, pero los intangibles y las sorpresas que ocurren en la experiencia educativa no son programables, y en el modo en que se atiendan generan aprendizaje en las niñas y los niños. Eso he aprendido.
Role Of Coaching Classes In UPSC Exam Preparation
Submitted March 27, 2019 at 03:25AM by renupicker
Does Free college work much better than paid college ?
Submitted March 27, 2019 at 03:53AM by Mewto1k
Fashion Courses: Facilitating Platform for Building Creative Skill-Sets
Fashion courses offer aspirants a platform for developing technical knowledge and creative skill-sets essential to build a successful career in this world of glamor.
Submitted March 27, 2019 at 02:33AM by aaft_sofd
Stuck with science, what should I do now?
I don't know if many people are familiar with my country’s education system. It's basically High School (6th to 10th standard) > College (11th to 12th) > University (Honours, Masters).
I took science while I was in High school and I was quite okay with it, didn’t really seem that hard. But only after going to college, I realised, science is not for me. Specially math and chemistry are the two subjects I just can't get my head around. I said to myself at first, maybe I'm just bad at studies, so I tried harder. I cut myself off from social interactions and focused in my studies, but still, nothing. I'm pretty decent in Physics and Biology but Math and Chemistry is just not my thing. I hate studying these subjects and I don't want to continue studying them in Engineering University. I don't have a knack for Medical fields either. But it's not easy to change from science to Commerce after college. I have to pass entrance exams to study in a University, but I haven't studied any commerce subjects and I have to start from scratch.
I know I can't study Engineering if I'm not good at Math. I'm not sure if I can even pass the entrance exam for Engineering. Same goes for Medical. Should I take a year off and study commerce for BBA? I don't know much about management but it seems like the only way out of this nightmare.
Submitted March 27, 2019 at 01:43AM by fahimhasan117
Do schools cover the cost of masters/doctoral education for their teachers/principals?
Say a teacher wants to become principal, or a principal wants to become superintendent, and an additional credential is needed, such as a masters or doctorate in education. Does the school/district cover the cost of tuition? Or does the teacher/principal have to pay the tuition themself?
Submitted March 26, 2019 at 11:33PM by jpsky
martes, 26 de marzo de 2019
How to break past 93% barrier
Hi guys,
I'm a high school student that consistently pulls around a 90 to 93 percent in all my subjects. This may seem a bit cocky, but I really want to do better. Are there any tips to go past this mark?
Submitted March 26, 2019 at 08:16PM by AriTal432
New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy plan aims to make college in NJ more affordable for students; receives endorsement from NJ college presidents
Submission statement: On Tuesday, New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy unveiled a higher education road map to tackle the state's achievement gap that has left disproportionate numbers of minority and lower-income students without post-secondary degrees in one of the most expensive states in the country.
Among the most immediate outcomes of the plan will be a “Financial Aid Shopping Sheet,” which will display the cost of each college's degree program to students using clear language. College presidents throughout the state have already endorsed the plan.
Submitted March 26, 2019 at 03:57PM by Urutorameng
What would you think of a student union? (coming from a student)
At my school, the administrators make decisions that feel like they're more based on how the school looks from the outside, rather than how it actually functions. Currently, our ASB and Class Councils don't function as much to influence campus policy, but more to plan events like formal and other activities. Individual students can't make much change because when you go to the administrators by yourself, they grill the shit out of you and your ideas.
I got an idea to form a student "union". basically, during meetings, any student can throw out their ideas and grievances with the school that can be reasonably fixed, and then a formal bill is drafted and made into a petition. this petition would then be presented to admin in hopes that multiple students voices together would make a bigger difference than an individual.
I have a lot more ideas to go along with this one, I just wanted to post my main ideas. feel free to ask questions.
What do you guys think of this idea? Is it crazy and stupid? Would you participate in it if one was formed at your school? What are your thoughts?
I am widely open to constructive criticism.
Submitted March 26, 2019 at 05:51PM by kyle-inator
@INEEmx: ¿Para qué sirve la autonomía constitucional del INEE? Para decirle a los maestros qué aprenden sus alumnos en la escuela y cómo mejorar su práctica docente. La SEP no puede ser juez y parte del derecho a la educación. En educación #AOscurasNo:
[SUBMISSION] Children's songs that are available in both Spanish and English
Building a Spotify Playlist with songs that are available in both English and Spanish to facilitate the learning of those languages.
Submitted March 26, 2019 at 11:08AM by JonMagnusson
@ManuelGilAnton : Desde Oaxaca...
@ManuelGilAnton : Otro aporte de Juan Carlos Miranda...
Help on a major essay
Hey guys I'm doing a major paper on utopianism and I need 3 secondary sources on and I quote "how utopianism remains relevant as a form of social critique for issues we can find in the 21st century 'real' world." If you guys know any articles then please link it thanks.
Submitted March 26, 2019 at 02:42PM by smhassan6
Richard Florida discusses how promise scholarships and other place-based strategies can grow good jobs for all
Submission statement: A new report from the W.E. Upjohn Institute lays out a guide for more effective place-based strategies aimed at inclusive economic development. It draws lessons from the Insitute’s Promise: Investing in Community initiative and reflects more than three decades of work by Upjohn researchers, notably the economist Timothy Bartik, one of the leading thinkers on business incentives, early childhood education, workforce development, and regional economic strategy. Link to Richard Florida article at CityLab:
Submitted March 26, 2019 at 01:21PM by UpjohnInstitute
What's Your Assessment System?
Hello, all! I'm just curious if anyone is using School City (Illuminate), Mastery Connect, or any of the other assessment systems/platforms out there and how your experience is going? Any favorites? Drawbacks? Advantages? Thanks!
Submitted March 26, 2019 at 01:33PM by yoteshowl
Can a college dropout in the UK still go to university
Hope it’s the right place to ask but more specifically would I be able to study folklore and mythology anywhere if I dropped out after 6 months of attending a sixth form
Submitted March 26, 2019 at 01:53PM by curv__reptile
@EducacionFutura : #Recursos - Descarga aquí el libro “La investigación educativa ante el cambio de gobierno en México
@EducacionFutura : Por falta de quórum, suspenden diputados otra vez discusión sobre dictamen de reforma educativa
@INEEmx: Te invitamos a la presentación del estudio Convivencia escolar y reglamentos escolares en educación #MediaSuperior, que se llevará a cabo mañana 27 de marzo a las 17 hrs. en el auditorio del INEE. Registra tu asistencia en: ¡No faltes!
@ManuelGilAnton : Y unas jacarandas en CU para animar el día
@INEEmx: Sigue a las 16 hrs. el streaming de nuestro #ForoVirtualINEE y únete a la conversación Manda tus preguntas, sugerencias y comentarios vía WhatsApp al (521) 55 44 82 93 44 o a la dirección de correo electrónico
Teachers' Low Expectations for Students of Color Found to Affect Students' Success
Research shows that even after accounting for student ability and past education outcome "Teachers' Low Expectations for Students of Color Found to Affect Students' Success".
Submitted March 26, 2019 at 05:13AM by achievegap
Kamala Harris wants to raise Teachers Pay Nationally
Submission Statement:
Kamala Harris is probably the first major candidate in 2020 to actually speak on education in terms of policy proposals. I think her plan makes sense and it addresses and issue that many people ignore (despite multiple states having teacher protests) or Roget about because of the 24/7 news cycle.
Broad Strokes of the plan:
The Harris proposal, the first from a 2020 Democratic presidential candidate to address public education through high school, would aim to provide the average public-school teacher a $13,500 pay raise, an amount Ms. Harris’s campaign said correlates with the gap in pay between teachers and others with similar levels of education. Ms. Harris would seek to have the federal government provide “an immediate federal investment” to provide 10% of the pay gap and then incentivize state governments to increase salaries. Her plan would have Washington provide 75% of the additional funding for salaries if states agree to maintain long-term investments.
How it will be funded:
Ms. Harris would fund the proposal by raising estate taxes. That includes making the tax more progressive, “cracking down on loopholes” that let people “avoid paying their fair share” and lowering the per-person exemption from today’s $11.4 million, a Harris aide said.
Link to Article (Paywall)
What do you guys think?
Submitted March 26, 2019 at 06:13AM by TRATIA
education app.
Hey, so I am working on this free education app, and I would love you to try it and give me some feedback.
Submitted March 26, 2019 at 05:13AM by tossenpro
Hello fellow educators, I am a university student working on a website which I hope to incentivise students to learn experientially, to prove this I need students (high scholl to post graduate) to fill out my survey! (, all information collected is confidential
I do hope you will be able to fill out my form for research purposes. It would be of great help (
Submitted March 26, 2019 at 01:27AM by TallestGuy68
Struggling with literacy levels? Get kids to turn on the subtitles at home
A significant amount of research has been done on the impact of same language subtitles on childrens' literacy. Particularly for ages 6-10. In many cases it has been shown to double over literacy levels. Yes really.
It's super simple, free and genuinely works. Check out the data at
Submitted March 26, 2019 at 12:22AM by henrywarren
lunes, 25 de marzo de 2019
(California) Girlfriend has been a teacher for over 20 years, wants to move to a new school district within the same state. Retirement? Etc?
(California) Hello! Girlfriend has been a teacher for over 20 years, wants to move to a new school district within the same state (don't want to specify districts), she has called the union but the answers are vague. What we're wondering is does her retirement transfer between districts? And if not how does that work? What's the best plan?
Thanks very much.
Submitted March 25, 2019 at 08:10PM by Keto_Giant
Visualize Your Reading Online. Possibly for Class Reading?
We can spend hours consuming news and blogs. But it's hard to tell if you are gaining knowledge or wasting time. I've built this Chrome extension to better understand my self-learning progress.
I don't come from academia background. But, the other day my friend who works at university told me that she's been reading more because of the boosted self-awareness (she has been using it for a few months). So, I wanted to share this with the education community. Right now, the tool is generic. Depending on the feedback, it could be catered towards classroom required reading in the future. Any thoughts?
URL: Kaffae Extension
Submitted March 25, 2019 at 06:55PM by massanishi
Is there coloring worksheet that turns into QR?
Is there an website/app with blank worksheet where you need to shade important pieces so when coloring is done you get working QR code?
Submitted March 25, 2019 at 04:41PM by Croatoan23
Difference between BAS and BS
Hello, I have a choice between the two since I have a two year associates degree but cant decide which one I want. Which one would employers prefer?
Submitted March 25, 2019 at 05:03PM by BrandonBronco
@INEEmx: Te invitamos a la mesa pública de presentación del estudio Convivencia escolar y reglamentos escolares en educación #MediaSuperior. Asiste el miércoles 27 de marzo, a las 17 hrs. en el auditorio del INEE. Registra tu asistencia en: ¡Te esperamos!
How to make up a highs chool credit as an adult?
Hello! I wasn't sure where else this question may fit, but I'm having trouble finding direct answers and resources myself and need some help.
I'm an 18 year old who was supposed to be class of 2018. However, I have been missing half of an English II credit for a while now and was't able to receive my diploma because of it. Since then, I've moved out of state of my original high school and can't find many options to make up the credit that don't involve moving back to the original state. Are there any online resources or ways I can make up the credit and receive my diploma or any tips on what to do? Thanks!
Submitted March 25, 2019 at 01:44PM by bosskong64
@EducacionFutura : #Universidades - Aún sin acuerdos en la UAM a 52 días de paro
@EducacionFutura : México requiere un organismo evaluador de la educación con autonomía: CONSCEE
Provocative new study finds bullies have highest self esteem, social status, lowest rates of depression
Provocative new study finds bullies have highest self esteem, social status, lowest rates of depression. A just-published Canadian study has added heft to a new theory about bullying — that the behaviour actually helps build social rank and sex appeal.
Humans tend to try to establish a rank hierarchy,” says Jennifer Wong, the criminology professor who led the study. “When you’re in high school, it’s a very limited arena in which you can establish your rank, and climbing the social ladder to be on top is one of the main ways … Bullying is a tool you can use to get there.”
Most anti-bullying programs try to change the behaviour of bullies — and they usually don’t work, says Wong, who reviewed the literature on program outcomes for her PhD thesis. That’s probably because the behaviour is biologically hard-wired, not learned, she says.
Wong recommends that, instead of trying to change how bullies think, schools expand the range of competitive, supervised activities they can participate in — giving them a less harmful channel for their dominating tendencies.
(edited - submission statement: bullying is a widespread problem in our classrooms, this article suggests a new way to handle it.)
Submitted March 25, 2019 at 09:34AM by ineedmoresleep
@INEEmx: Te esperamos mañana en nuestro segundo #ForoVirtualINEE, en el que hablaremos sobre La experiencia de los evaluadores certificados. Conversa con nosotros enviándonos tus dudas y comentarios vía Whats App y correo electrónico. Conéctate a las 16 hrs.
6 Friends GIFs that sum up the difference between uni halls and a student house
Submitted March 25, 2019 at 10:17AM by CoolguyLondon
@EducacionFutura : Lo que la CNTE le exige a AMLO / Un análisis de Eduardo Backhoff
@ManuelGilAnton : Desde un lugar histórico en que la esperanza tiene más hondura...
@EducacionFutura : ¿Cuándo se torció el Tercero? / No te pierdas el análisis de @ManuelGilAnton
@INEEmx: ¿Cuál es la dimensión del Sistema Educativo Nacional desde educación preescolar hasta posgrado? Ciclo escolar 2016-2017 36,604,251 alumnos 1,945,365 docentes 254,430 escuelas o planteles Conoce más datos en el #PanoramaINEE:
Hey everyone, so I made an app that lets you save notes, PDFs, websites, videos, etc. from any app to one place. Its called Figgle. Feel free to check it out.
So the title says it all. The app can save notes, PDFs, websites, videos and in addition to that you can save photos, websites, social media posts, etc. from any app and store it in one place.
If you'd like to know when the Android version comes out comment below and we'll add you name to our list. You'll be PM'd when it comes out (1.5 months).
Submitted March 25, 2019 at 07:18AM by p511
Welcome to r/Education! Please read before posting!
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Submitted March 25, 2019 at 07:25AM by Asclepias_metis
@ManuelGilAnton : ¿A nadie se le niega un vaso de agua? En nuestro país sí, y eso cala... y eso hace que no se valga callarse.
@ManuelGilAnton : ¡Qué belleza!
@ManuelGilAnton : @AlboraMx Sí hay vereda, sí hay camino para la paz: en esta historia sabremos de ese cauce: Cauce Ciudadano.
Straitjacket for kids?
Hi there, I am 26 years old, with ADHD, but i was only diagnosed 2 years ago.
So yesterday, I had a talk with my girlfriend about my childhood, and about the fact that at 2 I had experiments by night in the toilets, playing with shampoo and soap (my mom told me, but i totally believe it). In the end of the conversation, i said my mom used a straitjacket to keep me in the bed for napping. Cause i would always get up.
My gf was shocked and said she had never heard about that.
Has someone used this kind of straitjacket for kids? Is that old school or just creepy? Was it proposed my doctors back in time? 80-90'.
Thank you for your help.
Submitted March 25, 2019 at 02:37AM by Mister-Dandy
#Report #Writing on Coca Cola Amatil Limited follows the #corporate governance recommendations of the #Australian Stock Exchange (ASX) Corporate Governance Council (CGC) and has several policies in place to support its corporate conduct. Outline the key recommendations of the ASX CGC in table format
Submitted March 25, 2019 at 02:13AM by SarahAnderson1234
domingo, 24 de marzo de 2019
@EducacionFutura : #Opinión - Al trabajador también se le puede suspender el sueldo mientras duran los años de juicio laboral independientemente de la presunción de inocencia y los derechos humanos.
Kenyan science teacher Peter Tabichi wins $1m global award
"A science teacher from rural Kenya who donates most of his salary to help poorer students has been crowned the world’s best teacher and awarded a $1m prize, beating 10,000 nominations from 179 countries.
Despite only having one computer, a poor internet connection and a student-teacher ratio of 58:1, Tabichi started a “talent nurturing club” and expanded the school’s science club, helping pupils design research projects of such quality that many now qualify for national competitions.
Now in its fifth year, the [Varkey Foundation Global Teacher Prize] was set up to highlight the vital role teachers play in society." Source: The Guardian
Can you IMAGINE the difference teachers could make if only society valued our students and teachers enough to distribute the wealth and resources evenly from the get-go? Teachers sacrifice SO much for their communities - what if teachers didn't have to sacrifice at all? What if these resources were provided without question?
Congratulations to Peter Tabichi for his hard work and compassion!
Submitted March 24, 2019 at 08:56PM by Asclepias_metis
@ManuelGilAnton : El martes a las 10, por el 11, el canal del POLI. Nos vemos.
@EducacionFutura : La idoneidad de la función pedagógica / Un texto de Jesús Andriano
Technology: Friend or Foe?
Most of us would agree that technology makes our life easier and enhances our creativity. However, technology also creates the assumption that the ease of life that it provides is the type of life we want. Technology provides the opportunity for global networking at the expense of building individual relationships, ultimately making us less connected to each other. Technology also creates anxiety when we are separated from it.
Could you go on a digital diet? Do you feel you would grow from the experience?
Submitted March 24, 2019 at 05:42PM by TeamCKJP
Chinese React To U.S. College Admissions Cheating Scandal
China has traditionally valued education: to many here, education is a necessity, a source of pride, and a way to break the spinning wheels of class stratification. But with this educational obsession comes cheating, and lots of it, typically from students trying to get into prep school or college abroad.
Anecdotes about students faking transcripts, hiring ghostwriters to write personal statements, and producing falsified credentials are commonplace. Given that there are more than 360,000 Chinese students in American universities, we wanted to see how the American admissions scandal would resonate here.
How has China reacted to the scandal? Has it impacted how students view the American education system? Has it grabbed the attention of the Chinese mainstream?
Submitted March 24, 2019 at 07:50PM by vzvictorzheng
@EducacionFutura : Promete @emoctezumab diálogo permanente con CNTE
@ManuelGilAnton : Ojalá puedan estar con nosotros. Saludos.
@INEEmx: Te invitamos a la presentación del estudio Convivencia escolar y reglamentos escolares en educación #MediaSuperior. Asiste el próximo miércoles 27 de marzo a las 17 hrs. en el auditorio del INEE. Regístrate en ¡Te esperamos!
Questions about education in America for foreigner student
I'm a foreigner and would like to get an education in America. But I have a few questions:
Should I enter America after my school, or should I graduate from a University in my country?
Most American universities require high grades from school. Is this the case and what should I do if my school level was low?
Is there any hope of getting a job and staying in America after graduation?
Thanks in advance!
Submitted March 24, 2019 at 02:40PM by Jonikster
@ManuelGilAnton : Tere. En el sexenio pasado, las reformas - la educativa sin duda - fueron aprobadas por una fuerza casi unánime, muy superior a Morena hoy: el Pacto por México(PRI/PAN Y PRD al menos). ¿ Por qué en ese entonces no criticaron a esa aplanadora? Por coincidir con ella, quizá.
Left uni a year ago, want to go back, how?
I went to uni for 2 years, excelled in the first year, then due to personal reasons, failed the second year so i left, but after a lot of thinking i want to go back, is there a way to do this?
Submitted March 24, 2019 at 11:28AM by woolley98
@INEEmx: Esta semana realizamos el primer #ForoVirtualINEE, un espacio de diálogo entre especialistas y actores educativos y sociales. En este foro conversamos sobre la evaluación del componente de autonomía curricular. Si te lo perdiste, puedes verlo aquí:
No one likes the SAT. It’s still the fairest thing about admissions.
By Jonathan Wai , Matt Brown and Christopher Chabris March 22
The 33 hedge fund managers, Hollywood actresses, CEOs and other well-connected parents indicted this month didn’t just allegedly commit fraud or pay bribes to get their kids into elite schools. Authorities say they also hired ringers or “tutors” to increase their children’s scores on the SAT and ACT standardized tests that colleges use to make admissions decisions. Some have responded to the scandal by arguing that it proves standardized testing is useless at best and deeply unfair at worst, concluding that it should be eliminated once and for all. “You know, what we should think about doing is just scrapping the whole thing,” one California assemblyman told his local CBS station.
It’s true that any system can be gamed if you’re willing to cheat, and students from wealthier backgrounds do have some advantages over others. But eliminating or watering down the SAT wouldn’t solve this problem; in fact, it would make it worse — by removing the one relatively objective admissions criterion that can both prevent fraud and increase social mobility by helping all high school students find the best college opportunities they can.
Higher test scores definitely help students get into higher-ranked institutions. We published an article last year in the Journal of Intelligence showing that simply listing U.S. colleges and universities by their average SAT and ACT scores essentially reproduces the influential rankings produced by U.S. News and other organizations, despite the fact that many of these rankings place little emphasis on test scores. (U.S. News puts 92 percent of the weight on other factors, for example.)
It has become a mantra in some quarters to assert that standardized tests measure wealth more than intellectual ability or academic potential, but this is not actually the case. These tests clearly assess verbal and mathematical skills, which a century of psychological science shows are not mere reflections of upbringing. Research has consistently found that ability tests like the SAT and the ACT are strongly predictive of success in college and beyond, even after accounting for a student’s socioeconomic status.
Parents in the top 1 percent of income are quite likely to be above average in intelligence, conscientiousness, self-control and other traits that can set the stage for success. But they also probably experienced a large dose of luck — favorable circumstances, coincidences, right-place-right-time accidents — and their children won’t necessarily have the same kind of luck. In fact, their children’s test scores tend to mark them for lower-ranked, maybe even much lower-ranked, colleges than their parents might expect based on their own economic achievements.
According to College Board data from 2016, the average child of parents who earn more than $200,000 per year has a total SAT score of 1155 (on the current scale of 400 to 1600). This is well above the expected score of a median-income child, which is about 1000. But it is nowhere near exceptional: It is perfectly typical of a student at Syracuse University (ranked No. 288 on our list) but extremely low for No. 9 Stanford (where the average SAT is about 1475) or even No. 41, the University of Southern California (1380). The children swept up in the admissions scandal exemplify this: If the SAT were nothing but a wealth test, then Lori Loughlin, Mossimo Giannulli and other super-rich parents would not have had to cheat to get their kids into the latter two schools. In reality, they had to fake intellectual ability — the one thing they could not buy.
[Five myths about the Ivy League]
A worried one-percenter who didn’t want to resort to crime might instead campaign to remove standardized tests from the admissions process. This would increase the importance of extracurricular activities, interviews and athletics, and wealth provides many more options for gaming these squishy metrics. Even high school grades, touted as an objective substitute for tests, may not be immune from the influences of wealth: A recent study by the economist Seth Gershenson found that GPAs were inflated more from 2005 to 2016 in the richest parts of North Carolina than in the rest of the state, echoing previous studies of other areas that used different methodologies.
What about coaching and other forms of test preparation? Highly paid tutors make bold claims about how much they can raise SAT scores (“my students routinely improve their scores by more than 400 points”), but there is no peer-reviewed scientific evidence that coaching can reliably provide more than a modest boost — especially once simple practice effects and other expected improvements from retaking a test are accounted for. For the typical rich kid, a more realistic gain of 50 points would represent the difference between the average students at Syracuse and No. 197 University of Colorado at Boulder — significant, perhaps, but not dramatic.
The fairest reading of the evidence is that the SAT and the ACT have tremendous value, precisely because they are the only truly uniform, objective and predictive ways to compare candidates with widely varying academic and socioeconomic backgrounds. Even after the scandal, standardized tests are popular with the American public. Advocates of eliminating them should realize that SAT scores don’t just block students from elite colleges — for every privileged student whose bad SAT score keeps them out, there is another student whose SAT helps get them in. Indeed, at one time the SAT opened doors for Jewish students who were intellectually qualified yet essentially barred from attending Harvard, Yale and Princeton. And the recent movement to make tests optional does not seem to have increased student-body diversity.
[I was a first-generation college student at an elite college. The admissions scandal reopens old wounds.]
It remains true that white and Asian students score higher on average than those of other racial backgrounds, but if the goal is to help all students get into the best colleges they can, we should consider a proposal by the education scholar Susan Dynarski: “SAT/ACT for all,” a universal requirement that every high school student take a standardized college admissions test, free of charge during school hours. She argues that this would help underprivileged students far more than eliminating the tests. To this worthy plan, we would add a mandatory practice run or two, to help mitigate differences in preparation and familiarity among test-takers. Studies find that simply taking practice tests increases scores on the final test, even in the absence of other preparation activities. Colleges can do their part by ending score-submission policies that give advantages to students who can afford to take tests over and over to maximize their results. And test companies can do theirs by improving security.
The value of universal testing is supported by the work of economists Caroline Hoxby and Christopher Avery, who used test data to identify a “hidden supply” of high-potential students from low-income families who don’t even consider top colleges and universities where they could receive large scholarships. But if universal testing identified high-ability candidates from disadvantaged backgrounds, they could be advised on how to take advantage of financial aid programs to apply to and attend better schools than they would otherwise. Then the combination of their abilities and their top-quality college educations would make them very likely to climb the socioeconomic ladder.
Even without such changes, standardized test scores are more objective, predictive and verifiable than any of the other criteria used in college admissions. As we saw in the recent scandal, even athletic experience can be easily falsified by anyone with access to Photoshop and a nice bank account. To help all students find their best opportunities, we should increase the use of testing in the college application and admission process, not throw it out.
Submitted March 24, 2019 at 10:56AM by ineedmoresleep
Best app to record and turn into a QR code?
Do you recommend an app or site to record students reading a project aloud that I can turn into individual QR codes? I want to make the codes available to parents so they can hear their students reading. (I teach young kids so this would be a big deal!)
Submitted March 24, 2019 at 09:45AM by njs_33
@ManuelGilAnton : RT @MaurroJarquin: Mi texto de hoy. PRI dice apoyar reforma educativa de la 4t porque contiene el 80% de la Reforma 2013. Qué es lo que está haciendo AMLO? @levmx666 @lhan55 @REobservatorio @LRiveraF @ManuelGilAnton @cancerbero_mx @jcma23 @inclan66
Do university courses differ that much from each other?
Hey guys, I'm an 18 year old Irish male who is struggling to pick a university to attend. I want to study physics. I am currently picking apart the different courses pretty much module-by-module to find one that suits me.
Are university courses genuinely that much different from each other? I can see theoretical physics and physics from the same university being quite different, but what about two theoretical physics courses from two different universities? What about if they were in two different countries? Would I really walk out of one uni after 3 or 4 years knowing more or knowing different things than if I had studied in another?
Yours truly, a confused teenager.
Submitted March 24, 2019 at 08:53AM by frontmiddleback
@INEEmx: ¿Por qué es necesario que organismo como el INEE evalúe la educación con autonomía? Porque el derecho a la educación de calidad está protegido por la Constitución y el INEE evalúa si la SEP garantiza una educación de calidad. En educación #AOscurasNo:
@ManuelGilAnton : Jacaranda y acueducto. Dos palabras. En Querétaro. Foto de Pedro Flores Crespo
Entrepreneurship in the education system
The western education system is structured to create disciplined workers and employees and that is giving less freedom to students who want a different future. It seems like everyone is involved in determining a students future except the students themselves.
Submitted March 24, 2019 at 01:08AM by shervinix
@ManuelGilAnton : RT @enriquegf11: Se busca un iPad extraviada en aeropuerto guadalajara, tiene mi nombre y teléfono grabado atrás. Tiene 6 meses de trabajo en documentos sin respaldo de una tesis. Pago rescate! @SanCadilla @muralcom @informador_JAL @VivirGDL @pkumamoto @OficialCUCS @udg_oficial Por favor RT 🙏🏻
@ManuelGilAnton : En el artículo: "¿Cuándo se torció el Tercero?, hay un error sistemático a partir del cuarto párrafo: la cantidad de palabras reportadas en cada reforma es correcta, pero donde dice "renglones" debe decir "párrafos". Ofrezco una disculpa al diario y a los lectores.
sábado, 23 de marzo de 2019
@EducacionFutura : #ÚltimoMinuto - Fallece Rubén Núñez, ex líder de la Sección 22 de la CNTE
@ManuelGilAnton : RT @lhan55: Falleció el profesor Rubén Núñez, ex secretario general de la sección 23 CNTE, durante años perrseguido y preso político. Descanse en Paz.
Could Australia's HECS-HELP system work in America ?
And if that happens would that mean scholarships , grants and G.I bill would be cut back ?
Submitted March 23, 2019 at 06:05PM by Xx_Zetman_Xx
@INEEmx: Únete a la conversación sobre la experiencia de los evaluadores certificados en el ejercicio de la función evaluativa en nuestro 2º #ForoVirtualINEE. Conéctate este martes 26 de marzo las 16 hrs. ¡Te esperamos!
Sit within 25 feet of a low performer at work, performance declines by 30%
Submitted March 23, 2019 at 01:53PM by oar2950