sábado, 30 de noviembre de 2019

@ManuelGilAnton : @pakok56 Lo que señala el diario @NYT es muy relevante. Hace años sabemos que los exámenes estandarizados son muy dañinos, y los rankings una manera de desorientar los proyectos educativos.

@ManuelGilAnton : @pakok56 Lo que señala el diario @NYT es muy relevante. Hace años sabemos que los exámenes estandarizados son muy dañinos, y los rankings una manera de desorientar los proyectos educativos. (via Twitter http://twitter.com/ManuelGilAnton/status/1201026831501025280)

@ManuelGilAnton : @Antonio_Baez Te quedó muy padre. Saludos.

@ManuelGilAnton : @Antonio_Baez Te quedó muy padre. Saludos. (via Twitter http://twitter.com/ManuelGilAnton/status/1201025746841419776)

Professor Marks by Comparing Worst Assignment to the Best

I know of a professor at my university that marks written course assignments by giving comparing the best assignment and worst assignment and marking everything else in between. He has said that if he marks based on merit, most students would be in the forties and he would give several zeros. I am curious if this is normal practice among universities and professors?

Submitted November 30, 2019 at 08:11PM by seloch https://ift.tt/2Y3aiD6

Has anyone seen a student go from senior to junior in the middle of the year?

What I mean is instead of repeating 12th grade has anyone ever started back at 11th in the middle of the year instead?

Submitted November 30, 2019 at 07:35PM by deficiency_xsgx https://ift.tt/34y8eWa

@ManuelGilAnton : @Felix_F_Jimenez @El_Universal_Mx mgil@colmex.mx

@ManuelGilAnton : @Felix_F_Jimenez @El_Universal_Mx mgil@colmex.mx (via Twitter http://twitter.com/ManuelGilAnton/status/1200898556116094976)

@ManuelGilAnton : Charrismo: el más puro, simple y llano cinismo. https://t.co/25E6jDtqb8

@ManuelGilAnton : Charrismo: el más puro, simple y llano cinismo. https://t.co/25E6jDtqb8 (via Twitter http://twitter.com/ManuelGilAnton/status/1200788511219052545)

@ManuelGilAnton : Casa seis años, la altanería de los que mandan en la educación les hace creer que son dioses, y que los docentes son manipulables para ajustarlos a sus creencias. Y no. Docentes de plastilina https://t.co/wcAlD3Sih0 vía @El_Universal_Mx

@ManuelGilAnton : Casa seis años, la altanería de los que mandan en la educación les hace creer que son dioses, y que los docentes son manipulables para ajustarlos a sus creencias. Y no. Docentes de plastilina https://t.co/wcAlD3Sih0 vía @El_Universal_Mx (via Twitter http://twitter.com/ManuelGilAnton/status/1200780451381538817)

viernes, 29 de noviembre de 2019

what are good meta-analysis studies or in-depth analysis of national education requirements for colleges that are compared across nations?

what are good meta-analysis studies or in-depth analysis of national education requirements for colleges that are compared across nations?

just link

Submitted November 29, 2019 at 11:59PM by bestminipc https://ift.tt/2svx8Ys

A mathematician's lament: What is taught is not in itself of any significance, but mathematical thinking and deep engagement is

Procedural learning and mathematical thinking are both key aspects of mathematical learning, though Keith Devlin, a mathematician and mathematical expositor, argues in that mathematical thinking takes precedence in the long run, and that the blind emphasis on procedural learning can have a huge societal cost.

Submitted November 29, 2019 at 03:08PM by miaumee https://ift.tt/2L7wKFS

@EducacionFutura : #Opinión - El caso de las normales mexicanas https://t.co/HBE1gVqj2T

@EducacionFutura : #Opinión - El caso de las normales mexicanas https://t.co/HBE1gVqj2T (via Twitter http://twitter.com/EducacionFutura/status/1200516052767182849)

@EducacionFutura : #Destacada - Presenta INIDE Faro Educativo: observatorio de políticas públicas https://t.co/69Z2j5pqgR

@EducacionFutura : #Destacada - Presenta INIDE Faro Educativo: observatorio de políticas públicas https://t.co/69Z2j5pqgR (via Twitter http://twitter.com/EducacionFutura/status/1200511017521954818)

@EducacionFutura : #Agenda - Este viernes comienza la cuenta el 1er Congreso Mexiquense de la Enseñanza y Aprendizaje de las Matemáticas. Consulta el programa en: https://t.co/v0Dew28DRt https://t.co/D6jGNWJNZH

@EducacionFutura : #Agenda - Este viernes comienza la cuenta el 1er Congreso Mexiquense de la Enseñanza y Aprendizaje de las Matemáticas. Consulta el programa en: https://t.co/v0Dew28DRt https://t.co/D6jGNWJNZH (via Twitter http://twitter.com/EducacionFutura/status/1200504479063400449)

@EducacionFutura : Abre MEJOREDU convocatoria para integrar Consejo Ciudadano https://t.co/zgyunwqHqR https://t.co/oZ8yAKumGE

@EducacionFutura : Abre MEJOREDU convocatoria para integrar Consejo Ciudadano https://t.co/zgyunwqHqR https://t.co/oZ8yAKumGE (via Twitter http://twitter.com/EducacionFutura/status/1200478374902292481)

Here are 130+ free kid's picture books you can download from Project Gutenberg. Please share and enjoy!


Submitted November 29, 2019 at 10:01AM by Chtorrr https://ift.tt/2Oyn4X8

In The Change Of The Education System

School doesn't fit the world we live in anymore. I'm working on these 5 changes:

  • Practice instead of theory.
  • Self-Evaluation instead of votes.
  • Students' lessons instead of one standing teacher.
  • Working always in team instead of working alone.
  • Real life Problem solving instead of studying.

Submitted November 29, 2019 at 07:13AM by thevisner https://ift.tt/33tTXbB

@ManuelGilAnton : @jandradej Abrazo solidario, Julián

@ManuelGilAnton : @jandradej Abrazo solidario, Julián (via Twitter http://twitter.com/ManuelGilAnton/status/1200416976130043905)

@ManuelGilAnton : @blogroberto @sociobservermex Y tiene, si no recuerdo mal, unos vitrales muy bellos de/o diseñados por/ J.M.Velasco.

@ManuelGilAnton : @blogroberto @sociobservermex Y tiene, si no recuerdo mal, unos vitrales muy bellos de/o diseñados por/ J.M.Velasco. (via Twitter http://twitter.com/ManuelGilAnton/status/1200414886502600705)

@ManuelGilAnton : Qué buena pregunta... https://t.co/8mt5p7EU5V

@ManuelGilAnton : Qué buena pregunta... https://t.co/8mt5p7EU5V (via Twitter http://twitter.com/ManuelGilAnton/status/1200412374743674880)

@ManuelGilAnton : RT @warkentin: ¿Pero por qué pintan monumentos y golpean paredes y gritan con furia? ¿Por qué no marchan tranquilas, lindas y alegres? 🤔 ¿Por qué será? #JusticiaParaAbril #NiUnaMenos 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻 https://t.co/NBj0bHjYkZ

@ManuelGilAnton : RT @warkentin: ¿Pero por qué pintan monumentos y golpean paredes y gritan con furia? ¿Por qué no marchan tranquilas, lindas y alegres? 🤔 ¿Por qué será? #JusticiaParaAbril #NiUnaMenos 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻 https://t.co/NBj0bHjYkZ (via Twitter http://twitter.com/ManuelGilAnton/status/1200410409896824838)

@ManuelGilAnton : Héctor de Mauleón @hdemauleon detalla el infierno que vivió Mónica. Un relato duro de un país conocido: el nuestro. https://t.co/rrV8qdtcC7

@ManuelGilAnton : Héctor de Mauleón @hdemauleon detalla el infierno que vivió Mónica. Un relato duro de un país conocido: el nuestro. https://t.co/rrV8qdtcC7 (via Twitter http://twitter.com/ManuelGilAnton/status/1200338707204591616)

jueves, 28 de noviembre de 2019

@EducacionFutura : #LoMásVisto - ¿Por qué las escuelas no construyen su propio Consejo Técnico? https://t.co/zjtxC6stPC

@EducacionFutura : #LoMásVisto - ¿Por qué las escuelas no construyen su propio Consejo Técnico? https://t.co/zjtxC6stPC (via Twitter http://twitter.com/EducacionFutura/status/1200095810228236289)

@EducacionFutura : Los destinos del Consejo Técnico Escolar / No te pierdas el análisis de Alfonso Ibarra https://t.co/K9Tq8Xhsmp

@EducacionFutura : Los destinos del Consejo Técnico Escolar / No te pierdas el análisis de Alfonso Ibarra https://t.co/K9Tq8Xhsmp (via Twitter http://twitter.com/EducacionFutura/status/1200065614196424706)

Today was my first as a teacher

Hi there! I am only twenty and today was my first day of being a teacher. I was discussing with my student about how to reach more customers on social media and how to improve your business. So, I believe it was really interested for him, because I was preparing for it for so long!

Submitted November 28, 2019 at 07:32AM by Vickicupper https://ift.tt/2OTgfhN

How do I get into Human Rights law?


I'm currently in my first year for a 3 year degree in Global Studies - I attend a university based in the UK and one of the modules I take is for Human Rights. This has really triggered an interest for me and I think I want to get into Human Rights Law.

I want to finish my degree in Global Studies but I'm not sure how I'd go about getting into law afterwards ? Would I need to attend a law school or is that just a US thing? and would my choice in degree effect this?

Any help or advice would be beyond helpful in this (also sorry if this is the wrong page for this, I'm completely new to Reddit so if you can point me to the correct page that would be really helpful as well)

Thank you ! :)

Submitted November 28, 2019 at 04:39AM by rhiviali https://ift.tt/2L2YmvP

@EducacionFutura : #Opinión - El salto de la calidad a la excelencia ¿Cómo salir de la telaraña del neoliberalismo? https://t.co/zXPrYBFdLC

@EducacionFutura : #Opinión - El salto de la calidad a la excelencia ¿Cómo salir de la telaraña del neoliberalismo? https://t.co/zXPrYBFdLC (via Twitter http://twitter.com/EducacionFutura/status/1199944777275518976)

miércoles, 27 de noviembre de 2019

@EducacionFutura : #Análisis - En la enseñanza de las matemáticas se debe evitar el uso excesivo de técnicas algorítmicas o rutinas sin fundamentos: @MetricaEdu https://t.co/KbBrxBf1Ql

@EducacionFutura : #Análisis - En la enseñanza de las matemáticas se debe evitar el uso excesivo de técnicas algorítmicas o rutinas sin fundamentos: @MetricaEdu https://t.co/KbBrxBf1Ql (via Twitter http://twitter.com/EducacionFutura/status/1199929679798509571)

@EducacionFutura : Dos nuevas normas / No te pierdas el análisis de Wenceslao Vargas Márquez https://t.co/04JxuJ3b7A

@EducacionFutura : Dos nuevas normas / No te pierdas el análisis de Wenceslao Vargas Márquez https://t.co/04JxuJ3b7A (via Twitter http://twitter.com/EducacionFutura/status/1199899479014555649)

@EducacionFutura : Las artes en la nueva reforma educativa: reto pendiente https://t.co/9mMAMKIg6j

@EducacionFutura : Las artes en la nueva reforma educativa: reto pendiente https://t.co/9mMAMKIg6j (via Twitter http://twitter.com/EducacionFutura/status/1199869287323832323)

@EducacionFutura : Congreso Nacional de Investigación Educativa: ¿mismo traje, otros actores? / Un análisis de Abelardo Carro https://t.co/U1IWceAcQE

@EducacionFutura : Congreso Nacional de Investigación Educativa: ¿mismo traje, otros actores? / Un análisis de Abelardo Carro https://t.co/U1IWceAcQE (via Twitter http://twitter.com/EducacionFutura/status/1199839087194255360)

@EducacionFutura : #EnVivo - Presentación del @FaroEducativo del @INIDEdelaUIA . Participan @arceliambordon , Stefano Santorello, @SYLVIASCHMELKES @marisol_silva_ y @almaldo2 https://t.co/txTxDeRaS9 https://t.co/SFNTWoZIuH

@EducacionFutura : #EnVivo - Presentación del @FaroEducativo del @INIDEdelaUIA . Participan @arceliambordon , Stefano Santorello, @SYLVIASCHMELKES @marisol_silva_ y @almaldo2 https://t.co/txTxDeRaS9 https://t.co/SFNTWoZIuH (via Twitter http://twitter.com/EducacionFutura/status/1199832274155507713)

@EducacionFutura : #EnVivo - Presentación del @FaroEducativo del @INIDEdelaUIA . Participan @arceliambordon , Stefano Santorello, @SYLVIASCHMELKES @marisol_silva_ y @almaldo2 https://t.co/txTxDeRaS9 https://t.co/A0wyWISOkd

@EducacionFutura : #EnVivo - Presentación del @FaroEducativo del @INIDEdelaUIA . Participan @arceliambordon , Stefano Santorello, @SYLVIASCHMELKES @marisol_silva_ y @almaldo2 https://t.co/txTxDeRaS9 https://t.co/A0wyWISOkd (via Twitter http://twitter.com/EducacionFutura/status/1199829945775722503)

@EducacionFutura : Mérito, una construcción colectiva que depende del contexto https://t.co/DqnuyBXciU https://t.co/m1WHQ3fPqC

@EducacionFutura : Mérito, una construcción colectiva que depende del contexto https://t.co/DqnuyBXciU https://t.co/m1WHQ3fPqC (via Twitter http://twitter.com/EducacionFutura/status/1199808895826444289)

@EducacionFutura : #Opinión - Habrá que plantearnos ¿Qué evaluación necesitamos y a favor de qué evaluación es deseable trabajar? https://t.co/iCPGJSNUkQ

@EducacionFutura : #Opinión - Habrá que plantearnos ¿Qué evaluación necesitamos y a favor de qué evaluación es deseable trabajar? https://t.co/iCPGJSNUkQ (via Twitter http://twitter.com/EducacionFutura/status/1199778696997081088)

@ManuelGilAnton : RT @warkentin: Esto que comparte @ManuelGilAnton es una historia de terror. Acá se puede firmar la petición https://t.co/itHEZTCgEA. https://t.co/ieUFzE0XyH

@ManuelGilAnton : RT @warkentin: Esto que comparte @ManuelGilAnton es una historia de terror. Acá se puede firmar la petición https://t.co/itHEZTCgEA. https://t.co/ieUFzE0XyH (via Twitter http://twitter.com/ManuelGilAnton/status/1199761837803343872)

Do companies really look at your grades when hiring?

No text found

Submitted November 27, 2019 at 10:50AM by curiousdt https://ift.tt/2sfZaXF

@EducacionFutura : #Opinión - El reconocimiento a la función social del magisterio en educación básica https://t.co/0QePQHsxLl

@EducacionFutura : #Opinión - El reconocimiento a la función social del magisterio en educación básica https://t.co/0QePQHsxLl (via Twitter http://twitter.com/EducacionFutura/status/1199748504060661762)

What are some good books on Waldorf education?

It's a possible option for me. I'm in school for Early Childhood Education and might do Waldorf.

Submitted November 27, 2019 at 09:17AM by Primary_Possible https://ift.tt/2KWUMUc

Options for students 4 yrs behind in grade level to catch back up?

No text found

Submitted November 27, 2019 at 09:06AM by TxRes https://ift.tt/2OnSqzI

@ManuelGilAnton : El link correcto para apoyar a Mónica en chance... Gracias https://t.co/QjBHh4ItXm

@ManuelGilAnton : El link correcto para apoyar a Mónica en chance... Gracias https://t.co/QjBHh4ItXm (via Twitter http://twitter.com/ManuelGilAnton/status/1199716970452537344)

@ManuelGilAnton : @v__i Y gracias, Vida

@ManuelGilAnton : @v__i Y gracias, Vida (via Twitter http://twitter.com/ManuelGilAnton/status/1199714788349104128)

@ManuelGilAnton : @v__i Sí, tenía un error. https://t.co/i8YJHXiRrx

@ManuelGilAnton : @v__i Sí, tenía un error. https://t.co/i8YJHXiRrx (via Twitter http://twitter.com/ManuelGilAnton/status/1199714712537026560)

@EducacionFutura : #Destacado - Las universidades privadas de fiesta con la propuesta sobre la Ley General de Educación Superior. Ninguna iniciativa diferente para regular su funcionamiento a lo que hicieron los gobiernos neoliberales https://t.co/Hj9Ulcms3c

@EducacionFutura : #Destacado - Las universidades privadas de fiesta con la propuesta sobre la Ley General de Educación Superior. Ninguna iniciativa diferente para regular su funcionamiento a lo que hicieron los gobiernos neoliberales https://t.co/Hj9Ulcms3c (via Twitter http://twitter.com/EducacionFutura/status/1199714162596823040)

@ManuelGilAnton : El link para apoyar a Mónica tiene un error de mi parte. El correcto es: https://t.co/i8YJHXiRrx

@ManuelGilAnton : El link para apoyar a Mónica tiene un error de mi parte. El correcto es: https://t.co/i8YJHXiRrx (via Twitter http://twitter.com/ManuelGilAnton/status/1199712063863394304)

@ManuelGilAnton : Mónica lleva más de 6 años presa por un delito que no cometió. La tortura a ella, su pareja y hermano fue brutal. La describo en el breve documento que anexo. Ayudemos a difundir con muchos RT. Pueden firmar en htpp://chgn.it/ 2K25CyCJ una petición. Urge, esta semana es crucial. https://t.co/EqktfxphrB

@ManuelGilAnton : Mónica lleva más de 6 años presa por un delito que no cometió. La tortura a ella, su pareja y hermano fue brutal. La describo en el breve documento que anexo. Ayudemos a difundir con muchos RT. Pueden firmar en htpp://chgn.it/ 2K25CyCJ una petición. Urge, esta semana es crucial. https://t.co/EqktfxphrB (via Twitter http://twitter.com/ManuelGilAnton/status/1199710022030127104)

How can I make a difference for the education system in the US without being a teacher or being in the education field?

I am not necessarily interested in becoming a teacher. I have taken a few intro ed classes in college. However, I am interested in helping the US obtain better education system (both K12 and higher education). How can I go about doing anything that would produce any meaningful change? What can I do as someone in a different field?

Submitted November 27, 2019 at 07:07AM by alamar1 https://ift.tt/34wFXzu

@ManuelGilAnton : @Ed_Fisica2096 Procuro averiguar y te digo

@ManuelGilAnton : @Ed_Fisica2096 Procuro averiguar y te digo (via Twitter http://twitter.com/ManuelGilAnton/status/1199677334942408705)

martes, 26 de noviembre de 2019

Options for former teachers with the time and will to develop new skills?

Not sure if this is the right place to post this.

I have been a science teacher for the last 16 yrs. Middle school to high school, private and public, special ed to AP.  I never said "no" and did everything to help my school and students.

It's still rewarding at times, but I am really burned out and need a change. One big issue is that I have a bum ankle, surgery didn't work, and I need a profession that doesn't require so much standing. I'm filled with anxiety about potential for change. Teaching is the only thing that I am good at.  I am in my 40s and dont even know how to start over.

Everyone says to do what you love, but I have dedicated so much of my life teaching and helping students that I haven't really fostered other interests. One thing that I know is that I want flexibility desperately.  I want to be able to go to the doctor without having to ask for a day off far in advance or feel guilty that I am missing work. I want to be there for my family more.

Does anyone have advice on careers that might be suitable for former teachers with excellent work ethic and the time and will to develop new skills?

Submitted November 26, 2019 at 05:44PM by thisismytheory https://ift.tt/2pXYQw6

@EducacionFutura : Sin acompañamiento, enfrentan maestros nueva reforma educativa https://t.co/vpDK8yOPVb

@EducacionFutura : Sin acompañamiento, enfrentan maestros nueva reforma educativa https://t.co/vpDK8yOPVb (via Twitter http://twitter.com/EducacionFutura/status/1199438826168553472)

I Have Found the Right Way to Educate My Timid and Cowardly Daughter (I)

The education of children is a pretty thorny issue in today’s society, which had also bothered Shiyu. In order to change her timid and cowardly daughter, she had tried a lot of methods, but none of them worked. Both her daughter and she ended up living in pain. Later, she finally found the right path in God’s words and the two of them experienced a pleasant change.

I Have Found the Right Way to Educate My Timid and Cowardly Daughter (I)

By Shiyu, Hong Kong

“Mommy, I made a new friend in school today …” Looking at my cheerful daughter, I smiled with my heart because I knew how hard it was for her, who was timid and cowardly, to say such a simple word. If it were not for God’s guidance, I’m afraid my daughter still wouldn’t talk to me today, much less would she take the initiative to make friends with others …

After My Daughter’s Birth, I Begin to Make Plans for Her Life

“Waah …” With a cry, a new life was born into this world. “Congratulations! It’s a girl,” said the doctor as she held my daughter and brought her over to me. Seeing how adorable my daughter was, I was filled with excitement—I’d always wanted a girl, and now this dream finally came true.

When I was a child, my parents didn’t pay attention to cultivating my talents or interests, and I read little and had few interactions with other people, which I thought resulted in me growing up to be a perfectly ordinary person who had neither talents nor social skills. I didn’t want my daughter to be like me when she grew up, so I secretly began to make plans in my heart: I must raise my daughter to be a well behaved, well mannered, and sociable person who is admired and looked up to by others. As long as she can be successful, my life will be worthwhile.

My First Attempt to Change My Daughter’s Character Ends Up in Failure

But things didn’t go as planned. As time wore on, I found that my daughter was very timid, so much so that she would hide behind me as soon as she saw a stranger. This made me feel worried: She is so timid now, so will she grow to be as unsociable as me in the future? If so, how could she get a foothold in society? No! I can’t let her fail before she has even started.

Learning that preschool education could help children fit into community life and promote their learning skills, I immediately signed my daughter up for English class and art class, and planned for her to learn ballet. Besides, I often took her out to engage with other people so as to develop her social competence. But to my surprise, as she gradually grew up, she began to rebel and still didn’t like to socialize with people. Sometimes she would have tantrums and refuse to go to school. Thinking of how I had expended so much time and energy but achieved nothing in the end, I felt very angry. I thought: “Haven’t I done so much for the sake of your future? How could you be so disappointing?”

My daughter’s refusal to cooperate made me more and more irritable, and whenever she had a tantrum, I would scold her loudly, “I’m doing this for your own good. How could you be so disobedient?” Frightened by my harsh tone, my daughter burst into tears. At the sight of her weepy eyes, my heart would soften. Later, however, no matter how hard I tried, she still refused to fit in the life I had arranged for her. This made me very frustrated and I could only comfort myself by thinking, “She is still too small. Maybe she will change for the better when she gets older. As she comes into contact with more people, she will naturally become bolder.”

The Problem Gets Ever Worse as My Daughter Grows Up

One day after school, my daughter’s teacher called me into her office and asked, “Kaiyi doesn’t play with her classmates at school but just sits there alone all the time. Is she like this at home? She never tells us when she needs to go to the bathroom, and neither does she answer our questions. I’d like to know how you interact with her at home.” I didn’t know how to answer the teacher’s questions but just felt so embarrassed. I thought: “Over these years, I’ve been trying so hard to raise my daughter to be talented, but not only hasn’t she changed in the slightest, but she even couldn’t get along with others properly.”

As we were walking home, I scolded my daughter angrily, “I’ve told you so many times that if you want to go to the bathroom, just tell your teacher. You are a big girl now. Isn’t it embarrassing to wet yourself? You can talk to your teacher no matter what happens at school. What is there for you to fear?” Subjected to my sudden reproach, my daughter felt wronged and burst into tears. Seeing the fear in her eyes, I realized that losing my temper wouldn’t solve any problem, but would only make her more and more timid. The people around me often advised me, saying, “Your daughter is too cowardly and she cries all the time. You really need to educate her. As the saying goes, ‘A fond mother spoils the son.’ If she doesn’t obey you, just give her a stern telling off. Sometimes force is the best way to solve problems.” Hearing this, I felt really bad and wondered: I’ve already tried my best, so why couldn’t I change my daughter?

God’s Words Guide Me to Find the Root of the Problem

When I was helpless and in pain, I accepted God’s work of the last days. I came before God and called out to Him, “O God! I’ve tried everything to solve my daughter’s problem, but it was all to no avail. I’m feeling very depressed and don’t know how to educate her. I ask You to help me.”

In a meeting, I came across this passage of God’s words: “But when it comes time for people to raise the next generation, they will project all their unrealized desires in the first half of their lives onto their descendants, hoping that their offspring will make up for all the disappointments they experienced in the first half of their lives. So people indulge in all kinds of fantasies about their children: that their daughters will grow up to be stunning beauties, their sons dashing gentlemen; that their daughters will be cultured and talented and their sons brilliant students and star athletes; that their daughters will be gentle, virtuous, and sensible, their sons intelligent, capable, and sensitive. They hope that be it daughters or sons, they will respect their elders, be considerate of their parents, be loved and praised by everyone…. At this point hopes for life spring afresh, and new passions are kindled in people’s hearts. People know that they are powerless and hopeless in this life, that they will not have another chance, another hope, to stand out from others, and that they have no choice but to accept their fates. And so they project all their hopes, their unrealized desires and ideals, onto the next generation, hoping that their offspring can help them achieve their dreams and realize their desires; that their daughters and sons will bring glory to the family name, become important, rich, or famous; in short, they want to see their children’s fortunes soar. People’s plans and fantasies are perfect; do they not know that the number of children they have, their children’s appearance, abilities, and so forth, are not for them to decide, that their children’s fates do not at all rest in their palms? Humans are not the masters of their own fate, yet they hope to change the fates of the younger generation; they are powerless to escape their own fates, yet they try to control those of their sons and daughters. Are they not overestimating themselves? Is this not human foolishness and ignorance?

What God’s words revealed was exactly our current conditions. As parents, we all want our children to become outstanding and successful people who are held in high esteem by others, so we force them to grow according to our own will, trying to control their fates in our hands. However, not only do things not turn out as we hoped, but we even end up bringing too much pressure and harm to our children. I recalled that ever since my daughter was born, dominated by this satanic view “The daughter becomes a phoenix,” I projected all my unrealized desires onto her and began to make plans for her future, aiming to raise her to be a well-mannered and outstanding girl so that she could be admired by others and tower over others. But unexpectedly, my daughter was born timid and cowardly and didn’t even dare to talk to others. In order to realize my dream, I signed her up to all kinds of classes and took her out to interact with other people, trying to improve her courage and cultivate her talents. When my daughter failed to live up to my requirements, I lost my patience and got angry with her, with the result that she suffered a blow and became even more cowardly, and I myself also lived in pain and complaints because my desires hadn’t been satisfied. I couldn’t even rule my own fate, but I actually tried to control my daughter’s future by relying on my arrogant disposition. I really had overestimated myself. At that time, my heart was filled with indebtedness to my daughter and I told myself that I could no longer treat her as I had before, but should change the way I educated her and practice in accordance with God’s requirements.

To Be Continued …

Part Two: I Have Found the Way to Educate My Timid and Cowardly Daughter (II)


Inspirational Christian Movie | Christian Family Movie 2018 | "Child, Come Back Home" (Based on a True Story)

Gospel Music | "God's Love for Man Is Most Genuine" - Theme Song From the Christian Movie "A Mother's Love"

Submitted November 26, 2019 at 11:06AM by NeveahIzabella https://ift.tt/2R3Wk2D

Online degree perception

Hi all!

My stats class is collecting data on online degrees and their perception. If anyone who lives in the US with a post high school degree could take this one min anonymous survey we would appreciate it. Also open to comments in this thread on your general thoughts on online education

Thank you!

online degree survey

Submitted November 26, 2019 at 08:25AM by ilovereddit_1 https://ift.tt/2DhItNN

My university lecturer ignores me during her classes no matter how much I tried. Do you have any suggestion to me?

Hi everyone. I am an university student and my major is teaching english as a foreign language. I am at my last year and my main lecturer ignores me during her classes no matter how much I tried and raised my hand all the time. She gives turns almost everyone except me. Do you have any opinion or suggestion to me because I am really sick of this situation. Help me!

Submitted November 26, 2019 at 07:40AM by Ceylo9 https://ift.tt/34l7OCo

Any recommendations for competency-based bachelor’s degree in Psychology?

I’d like to pursue a degree in psychology and I’m interested in self-paced and/or competency-based programs. Any recommendations?

Submitted November 26, 2019 at 07:53AM by olosroma https://ift.tt/2rxduKX

@EducacionFutura : #Destacada - Crecimiento de matrícula en universidades debe estar ligado al crecimiento de sus presupuestos: Hugo Casanova https://t.co/y60Lj2ZK36

@EducacionFutura : #Destacada - Crecimiento de matrícula en universidades debe estar ligado al crecimiento de sus presupuestos: Hugo Casanova https://t.co/y60Lj2ZK36 (via Twitter http://twitter.com/EducacionFutura/status/1199342231716388871)

New Swiss algorithm to desegregate schools, one block at a time

Two Swiss scientists released an algorithm to desegregate the primary schools of the capital city, Zurich, by slightly changing the catchment area of each school.

Here's an article about it.

Their approach is very low-key and transparent, and could be used elsewhere.

Submitted November 26, 2019 at 05:46AM by nkb__ https://ift.tt/2ORJ2n8

@EducacionFutura : #Análisis - En muchos casos, la matemática se ha construido a través del descubrimiento de errores en sus definiciones, propiedades y teoremas; es decir, es falible y está sujeta a evolución : @MetricaEdu https://t.co/KbBrxBf1Ql

@EducacionFutura : #Análisis - En muchos casos, la matemática se ha construido a través del descubrimiento de errores en sus definiciones, propiedades y teoremas; es decir, es falible y está sujeta a evolución : @MetricaEdu https://t.co/KbBrxBf1Ql (via Twitter http://twitter.com/EducacionFutura/status/1199221284267286534)

lunes, 25 de noviembre de 2019

@EducacionFutura : Políticas educativas fracasan por condiciones de pobreza de estudiantes: investigadoras https://t.co/wxV3Lev1Wy

@EducacionFutura : Políticas educativas fracasan por condiciones de pobreza de estudiantes: investigadoras https://t.co/wxV3Lev1Wy (via Twitter http://twitter.com/EducacionFutura/status/1199202382565007362)

@ManuelGilAnton : El aporte de Juan Carlos Miranda... https://t.co/PUUIz7iIM5

@ManuelGilAnton : El aporte de Juan Carlos Miranda... https://t.co/PUUIz7iIM5 (via Twitter http://twitter.com/ManuelGilAnton/status/1199149247171575808)

@EducacionFutura : Debe haber igualdad de trato para que haya igualdad de logros: Carlos Rodríguez Solera del @INIDEdelaUIA https://t.co/81V44tdMBA

@EducacionFutura : Debe haber igualdad de trato para que haya igualdad de logros: Carlos Rodríguez Solera del @INIDEdelaUIA https://t.co/81V44tdMBA (via Twitter http://twitter.com/EducacionFutura/status/1199144504458133510)

Making simple educational courses for a website?

Hi all! I currently work with a non-profit corporation that focuses on educating a specific industry. We would like to begin offering courses as a free service but would like to keep our current platform/website the way it is, and just add/embed the courses/quizzes into it.

We currently use Wix Pro account (yes i know, not the greatest) for our platform because it’s simple and don’t need too much in terms of features.

So my question is, which companies can we use to make and design courses so we can add/embed them onto our website? We’re not looking to sell them but we are looking to have a lot of customization. Anybody have experience with any current course making platforms?

Submitted November 25, 2019 at 04:59PM by Ktarque2 https://ift.tt/2OjlWGC

@EducacionFutura : Civismo fiscal: más cargas / No te pierdas el nuevo análisis de Carlos Ornelas https://t.co/nvvjZtplKT

@EducacionFutura : Civismo fiscal: más cargas / No te pierdas el nuevo análisis de Carlos Ornelas https://t.co/nvvjZtplKT (via Twitter http://twitter.com/EducacionFutura/status/1199114311815307264)

It would mean a lot if you could make this happen.

So one of my teachers this year got nominated for a coach of the year award and with this comes a new car, and $5000 to a charity of his choice and it would mean a lot to not only me but everyone at my school if you could simply vote for him one time a day. That’s all, he’s truly been through a lot and he would be so happy if he was able to share this with his kids and all of his students. Here’s the link, vote for Will Baird one time every day until December 6 thank you.


Submitted November 25, 2019 at 02:28PM by HalfASkewb https://ift.tt/2seVqpn

@EducacionFutura : Tres estrategias: normales, primera infancia e inclusión / No te pierdas el análisis de Roberto Rodríguez https://t.co/cwcU5MdsN6

@EducacionFutura : Tres estrategias: normales, primera infancia e inclusión / No te pierdas el análisis de Roberto Rodríguez https://t.co/cwcU5MdsN6 (via Twitter http://twitter.com/EducacionFutura/status/1199084119222816768)

I am passing the semester but might still be denied admission for spring and aid money?

I enrolled in the fall 2019 semester as a continuing freshman. Before now, I had only enrolled in college (the one I am attending) one time which was in 2014 and I didn't realize when I dropped out that I withdraw incorrectly.

I found out at the beginning of this semester that I was in a warning semester (academic probation) because of the incorrect withdrawal. I was still able to receive aid and register for classes. I spoke with an advisor (who knew I was in a warning semester) and registered for classes accordingly with what she said I needed to do; repeat the classes I was supposed to take in 2014 for a total of 13 credit hours.

I find out today from the financial aid office - while checking on something in my student account - that it looks like I needed 16 hours, not 13 this semester, and that my account shows 26 attempted hours and 13 completed (the 13 I am registered for this semester). The woman I have been speaking with today said that if I don't have the required GPA (1.75) or completion rate (62%) at the end of the term, then my financial aid status could be changed and I would be deemed ineligible for aid for spring. In my student account, I have spring aid waiting for me. I don't have the money to pay for spring out of pocket.

I have been working hard all semester and will have A or B averages in all of my classes at the end of the term. Do I simply need to either have a 1.75 GPA or a 62% completion rate in order to bring my status out of a warning and into good standing or will it not matter with me being 3 credit hours short? Are credit hours the only way to meet the GPA or completion rate requirements?

I am very disheartened right now.

Submitted November 25, 2019 at 01:43PM by 451757 https://ift.tt/2Dm1dM1

@EducacionFutura : #Agenda - El miércoles 27 de noviembre, @arceliambordon, investigadora del @INIDEdelaUIA estará presentando el Faro Educativo, un observatorio de políticas educativas. 19 horas en el Centro de Exploración y Pensamiento de la Ibero, ubicado en Avenida Revolución 1291, San Ángel https://t.co/LJWLiyhS8u

@EducacionFutura : #Agenda - El miércoles 27 de noviembre, @arceliambordon, investigadora del @INIDEdelaUIA estará presentando el Faro Educativo, un observatorio de políticas educativas. 19 horas en el Centro de Exploración y Pensamiento de la Ibero, ubicado en Avenida Revolución 1291, San Ángel https://t.co/LJWLiyhS8u (via Twitter http://twitter.com/EducacionFutura/status/1199064250758684672)

Help with my history teacher? (Not the subject matter, the teacher)

Hello educators of reddit! I am a senior high school student who has a slight dilemma in my history class. I don't need help with the subject matter, more I have an issue with how my teacher is teaching. We are finally going over the World Wars, a subject I have a major interest in. The problem is that they're only going over politics and not touching on any of the important battles of the wars. This raises an issue for myself as while the politics are important, I feel that only half of a war is really politics, the other half is the soldiers fighting it. What are your thoughts? How could I convince my teacher to maybe rethink this? Thank you all very much!

Submitted November 25, 2019 at 09:53AM by ManOfManyTitles https://ift.tt/35IrwZl

Is there any long-term data /analysis that shows one type of curriculum or teaching is better than another?

It seems like my school district is changing curricula or teaching methods about every 3-to-4 years based on new research. But it also seems like the outcome is the same, regardless of curriculum or methods. Why do schools change so often and is it really better?

Submitted November 25, 2019 at 08:32AM by alltime_pf_guru https://ift.tt/2OhiWL6

Interested in international mathematics education

I’m interested in how other countries organize and present math at all levels. Is there any existing research, book, video, etc. that could help me start learning about this? I’m also interested in doctoral programs that would grant the opportunity to study this.

Submitted November 25, 2019 at 08:17AM by wvebert https://ift.tt/2KTYPAr

@ManuelGilAnton : RT @psolisaqui: Me siguió. una cachorrita. Estaba sola y confundida. La podían atropellar. La llevé a casa. Tiene collar, tal vez alguien la extravió. Colonia Toriello Guerra. ¿Me ayudan a difundir? https://t.co/sc96X04PyX

@ManuelGilAnton : RT @psolisaqui: Me siguió. una cachorrita. Estaba sola y confundida. La podían atropellar. La llevé a casa. Tiene collar, tal vez alguien la extravió. Colonia Toriello Guerra. ¿Me ayudan a difundir? https://t.co/sc96X04PyX (via Twitter http://twitter.com/ManuelGilAnton/status/1198967364278046721)

Artificial Intelligence The Future of Education

As the education industry has evolved in step with recent technological advances, new ways of teaching and learning have emerged. This approach is empowering educators with more solutions to better engage learners. From Artificial Intelligence (AI) to immersive learning (process of learning with the usage of a simulated or artificial environment) experiences, the education space is bound to witness a long-lasting impact. As per the research, the use of AI in the education industry will grow by 47.5% through 2025 as the citizens of the world are becoming more adaptive and open to technology tools. The trend is becoming more prevalent in the Asia-Pacific region since the region is home to 60% of world population. Further, Asia-Pacific has witnessed immense growth in technology, research and development and many other similar fields. This has led to enhancements in one of the most important sectors in the region i.e. education, thereby opening gates for AI in the sector.

Major role of Artificial Intelligence in Education

Submitted November 25, 2019 at 01:56AM by HimanshuPatni https://ift.tt/2OM4IRg

domingo, 24 de noviembre de 2019

@EducacionFutura : La desatención a la educación rural aún es evidente y preocupante: Diego Juárez Bolaños https://t.co/p8VdTFIYDo https://t.co/oWFDrsSI2g

@EducacionFutura : La desatención a la educación rural aún es evidente y preocupante: Diego Juárez Bolaños https://t.co/p8VdTFIYDo https://t.co/oWFDrsSI2g (via Twitter http://twitter.com/EducacionFutura/status/1198820747847897089)

Free College Can Work. Here Are Some Tips From 2 Colleges In Kentucky : NPR


When students couldn't afford to pay tuition, Berea College eliminated it. In 1920, its board of trustees ruled any unrestricted money given to the school would be invested in an endowment to grow over time. The endowment is now worth about $1.2 billion.

Submitted November 24, 2019 at 04:39PM by everetterice https://ift.tt/34iZ1ki

The best masters in data science programs across the world

Hey guys! I am looking to pursue a master's degree in data science after my engineering. I was confused about which colleges to target exactly. Need some ranked suggestions for the same.

Submitted November 24, 2019 at 02:22PM by asriram1999 https://ift.tt/37Bvog8

@EducacionFutura : La educación indígena no debe centrarse en la culturización: Casandra Guajardo https://t.co/F8Srqbm9mH

@EducacionFutura : La educación indígena no debe centrarse en la culturización: Casandra Guajardo https://t.co/F8Srqbm9mH (via Twitter http://twitter.com/EducacionFutura/status/1198658810702958592)

@EducacionFutura : Políticas educativas no deben formarse desde la improvisación y ocurrencias: Angélica Buendía https://t.co/YEmmaD2Jx7

@EducacionFutura : Políticas educativas no deben formarse desde la improvisación y ocurrencias: Angélica Buendía https://t.co/YEmmaD2Jx7 (via Twitter http://twitter.com/EducacionFutura/status/1198628616973824000)

study more effectively within a short time

Study for long or short doesn't matter, what matters most is how much you know or retain what you study. This needs concentration and dedication. One should study smartly. Lot many techniques are available, but we must understand how to practically apply those. To concentrate we must avoid all possible distraction. Present century is plenty of distraction right from a smartphone, socializing sites, online games and whatnot present distractions. We spend hours on the smartphone. Initially find out what distracts you most. Make a list. Allot a time for distracting factors, like for socializing. Develop a stringent timetable. Follow rigorously. Don't compromise on that. Concentrate on one task at a time. Stop being multitasking.

Follow the thumb rule 45+15 principle. Study for 45–50 minutes and take a break of 10–15 minutes. This will increase your output. Revise everything multiple times with a strategy. Dr Ebbinghaus propounded the forgetting curve. That's how our memory system works.

Detailed tips are available in some videos which I developed after lots of research and experience.

I am sure this will help you a lot. Also to control your distraction and procrastination, check out the video

Also, it's very important to work smartly to achieve your goal. For that, There you need to understand how to work smart and what is smart hard work. You may check out this here:

There many tips available, but it's you who needs to act. Your action will turn into success. Thanks

Submitted November 24, 2019 at 08:08AM by saradinto https://ift.tt/2KPsDym

Please remove the education image and as well, school is scary when it comes to perfect.

So these days, students are getting really high grades, and even though I think that's a very encouraging image (IM/POSSIBLE), it's not really applying to what students are today.

Students are a lot smarter, and the education system hasn't kept with it, so these days, it's very easy to exceed/get an excellent (which is an A) from school.

Universities however, have. Since, the worst universities grade a lot easier (as in high school standard) and the best universities grade according to your values. So for example, people actually get a "good". And this actually good for the first time and not just excellent without working. So I think that the image is more directed towards those who are struggling in school, and not towards general students.

School is scary when it comes to perfect. Even though the assignment may be the easiest thing ever, it's kinda've like saying "you have to double check your work to make sure there are no errors." but if you want perfect, or really want it/need it, then you have to check as many times as possible before you die.

And since there are many things on the rubric/marking that are there, it's kinda've like saying, you need to check your work for each of them, over and over again, endlessly. And if you have one wrong, then you could possibly redo all of your hard work. And that's the scary thing about trying hard for a 100%. A 99% is a completely different thing, because it shows that you didn't care as much, and likely made a mistake there. But a 100%? That's what someone who tries hard wants. If that makes sense.

Submitted November 24, 2019 at 02:00AM by autisicautist https://ift.tt/2Deckqk

sábado, 23 de noviembre de 2019

Major working memory problems

I have a 4 year old girl here who has a very poor WORKING memory. Not semantic. Not other types of memory. Specifically working memory.

She can't hold 3 abstract items in her memory at any one time.

I don't know what to do. I don't even know what learning disability this is called. Who do I call? What do I do? It's very hard to teach someone who can't remember 3 things!


Submitted November 23, 2019 at 11:32PM by Fkfkdoe73 https://ift.tt/35qUcWv

App for behavior tracking?

I volunteered in a class and the teachers had an app on their phones to give or take away points to individual students or a whole class.

Any suggestions on apps I can investigate?

I'm interested in proposing it for a group home environment to improve our tracking and feedback. Without a tool we have very little communication between staff and with the next shift, unless the behavior was negative and severe. I thought the app increased positive feedback when I saw it used

Submitted November 23, 2019 at 07:53PM by Theost520 https://ift.tt/2OEA1gV





Nigeria is the most populous country in Africa and has the potential to be one of the prime drivers of development on the continent. Nevertheless, the country's development is constrained by the weak environment for broad-based economic growth. Achieving sustainable long-term change requires a significant strengthening of policy formulation and implementation processes. At its core, this involves the supply of, and demand for, improvements in the business environment. Social media entrepreneurship is a new phenomenon that has changed how the business environment operates. Businesses are able to gain access to resources and online exposure that were otherwise not available to them. It has also helped businesses to increase their worthiness, cultivate strategic partnerships and increase their contact with customers and suppliers. It has become important for business owners and marketers to register their presence on the social media which also work as a communication and marketing tool which significantly grow their businesses.

The entrepreneurs on social media have the ability of sharing their business ideas and encounters. This assists in creativity, open communication and sharing of knowledge among users. Facebook, Skype and discussion forums are examples of social media tools where large numbers of entrepreneurs participate (Tapscott and Williams, 2008). The sky is the limit with social media. Owing to of the flexibility of social networking tools, businesses can realize different benefits. These according to Simon (2012) are greater access to different audiences, increased patronage, improved customer service, improved products and services, job creation and adoption of favorable pricing practices. The 21st century has seen a shift in the way businesses operates. Smith and

Taylor (2004) reveal that companies are presently experiencing several new unanticipated events and the development of the Internet as a communication channel is almost certainly one of the most influential factors. The internet has brought about several new elements – it has made consumers more accessible, it has emerged with a completely new set of communication tools that make the process of exchanging information much easier and faster, and it has compelled companies to rethink how they are communicating with their customers (Jaokar, Jacobs, Moore and Ahvenainen, 2009).Entrepreneurs, marketers and consumers are witness the appearance of virtual social media. As of January 2012, there were more than 800 million active Facebook users, with over 250 million of them logging in everyday. In addition, the average Facebook user has 130 friends and likes 80 pages but this figure is expected to expand with time. Additionally, over 3.5 billion pieces of contents such as blog posts, web links and news stories are shared on this social network (Digital Buzz, 2012). The Internet and the online social networks allow individuals to connect with one another. It is important for entrepreneurs and marketer to grasp how the Internet functions and the expectations of its users.

Mangold and Faulds (2009) recognize that social media allows an enterprise to connect with both existing and potential customers as the number of businesses that fully operates online only continues to increase all over the world. This has greatly reduced unemployment thereby contributing to economic growth all over the world. Social networking has led to the introduction of social media entrepreneurship and presented new ways of communicating to expanse audiences on various Internet platforms. Different kinds of organizations render various services through the social media all over the world e.g. health, news, sports, education etc. (Kotler and Armstrong, 2011).

1.2 STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM There are many reasons why individuals become entrepreneurs; it could be to earn money, to make a difference to community / environment or simply passionate about it or to fulfill a lifelong dream. Whatever the reason maybe, it is not a joke or a simple task in just becoming an entrepreneur or to start a business, the individual needs lots of resources such as capital, labor, technology/ technical know-how, and many other things. Location of this business and visibility and increased patronage is another factor to consider. Entrepreneurs extensively use the social networks to obtain access to a large population of people all over the world through the internet and also use contacts in decision making and sharing ideas. Social media Entrepreneurs operates their business online, this has greatly reduced unemployment all over the world (Greve and Salaff 2003). However, the researcher is examining social media entrepreneurship as a tool for national development.

1.3 OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY The following are the objectives of this study:

To examine social media entrepreneurship as a tool for national development. To examine the advantage so social media entrepreneurship. To identify the factors militating against social media entrepreneurship.


Can social media entrepreneurship be used as a tool for national development? What is the advantage so social media entrepreneurship? What are the factors militating against social media entrepreneurship?

1.5 HYPOTHESIS HO: Social media entrepreneurship cannot be used as a tool for national development HA: Social media entrepreneurship can be used as a tool for national development1.6 SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY The following are the significance of this study:

The results of this study will throw light on approaches to social media entrepreneurship and how it can be used as a tool for national development. This research will also serve as a resource base to other scholars and researchers interested in carrying out further research in this field subsequently, if applied will go to an extent to provide new explanation to the topic.

1.7 SCOPE/LIMITATIONS OF THE STUDY This study on the social media entrepreneurship as a tool for national development will cover the activities of the entrepreneurs on the social media and the profitability with a view of determining its effect on national development.


Financial constraint- Insufficient fund tends to impede the efficiency of the researcher in sourcing for the relevant materials, literature or information and in the process of data collection (internet, questionnaire and interview). Time constraint- The researcher will simultaneously engage in this study with other academic work. This consequently will cut down on the time devoted for the research work.

REFERENCES Kotler, P. and Armstrong, G. (14th ed.) (2011). Principles of Marketing. Pearson Prentice Hall. Greve, A. & Salaff, J.W. (2003). Social Networks and Entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship: Theory & Practice28(1), 1-22. Mangold, W. G and Faulds, D. J. (2009). Social Media: The New Hybrid Element of the Promotion Mix. Business Horizons 52: 357-365. Simon, A. (2012). Management of the Innovation Process in Small Companies in Finland. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management 36(10), 120-126. Jaokar, M., Lewis, P. & Thornhill, A. (2009). Research Methods for Business Students. Fourth. ed: Pearson Education.

Submitted November 23, 2019 at 11:55AM by ResearchWap https://ift.tt/34f781l

Do people remember who they learned material from? [I couldn't find anything in Google Scholar about this]

My father-in-law has an excellent memory. One thing he has said is that people do not remember who they learned from. They just remember what they have learned (or some portion of it.)

1) Of course, there are exceptions, but could this be a reason why educators are not more appreciated?

2) Is it even true that memory is not well tied to its source?

3) Do you have any scholarly articles on the subject of remembering who you learned specific material from?

Submitted November 23, 2019 at 12:05PM by ALongSentence https://ift.tt/2qEehK8

Illinois schools have been misusing "Quiet Rooms" / Isolated Time Outs

I'm surprised that this hasn't been posted to this reddit yet. Earlier this week, the Chicago Tribune and ProPublica Illinois published a story on the misuse of Isolated Time Outs in Illinois schools which has since led to Emergency Injunctions and the start of State Board of Education investigations into schools.

Original Story: The Quiet Rooms

Follow Up Stories:

As an administrator in an Illinois elementary district, who thankfully doesn't use Isolated Time Outs, I was horrified to learn about this practice. I knew these Quiet Rooms existed, and I knew the law around the use of them, but I had never thought that schools were using these rooms essentially as "baby jails".

If you're in Illinois, had you seen this article? How is your school / district responding?

If you're not in Illinois, does your state / locality allow Isolated Time Outs? What are your responses to this issue?

Submitted November 23, 2019 at 09:06AM by Rrish https://ift.tt/2OBCvg5

what are good meta-analysis studies of education requirements for schools at the high school level that are compared cross-country?

No text found

Submitted November 23, 2019 at 12:56AM by bestminipc https://ift.tt/2OCIQrz

viernes, 22 de noviembre de 2019

Preparing the Test for PHR HRCI / SHRM / PHR-SPHR Exam - Tips #1 For Participants

Trust your first impressions. There is a correct answer to each question. It is widely believed that the first impression of the correct answer will be a better choice - Aziksa

Submitted November 22, 2019 at 08:12PM by Hindirush https://ift.tt/37vtayS

@ManuelGilAnton : @flores_crespo Qué interesante. Gracias Pedro.

@ManuelGilAnton : @flores_crespo Qué interesante. Gracias Pedro. (via Twitter http://twitter.com/ManuelGilAnton/status/1198081960603598855)

@ManuelGilAnton : Quién carajos inventó la escuela? https://t.co/kGYwB6HFJU

@ManuelGilAnton : Quién carajos inventó la escuela? https://t.co/kGYwB6HFJU (via Twitter http://twitter.com/ManuelGilAnton/status/1198058342171717632)

Why are children who do poorly in school kept in school? Why do children that are not college-bound attend high school?

I wrote this article arguing my point about how school should be changed in order to benefit the children. The vast majority of what is taught at higher levels in school provides little to no value for most all children in these classes. Even the business-man doesn't need biology or chemistry, let alone those who do menial labor or trade work.

The idealism of educating is harming children who could be using their time in a much more productive manner that would actually benefit them by provide them with a pragmatic education that would prepare them for whatever field of work they intend to do. School is largely wasteful because it teaches children things they don't actually need to know, especially at higher levels.

Education is only situationally useful, but rather than educate children with respect to whatever work situation they end up in, general education forces endless wasted hours of education upon children that amounts to little more than the knowledge of fun facts in their functional working lives, and that is only if the children actually learn the material to begin with.

Education is failing the students because it's a completely irrational and inefficient way to educate children. When you try to teach children things they don't need to know, clearly you're going to encounter the same resistance that an adult would give you if you try to teach them something of make them do something that provides no value to them with respect to their functional existence.

This is an essay I wrote that touches upon the topic, but feel free to argue your stance even if you don't want to read it.


Submitted November 22, 2019 at 11:33AM by marzipanmaddox https://ift.tt/37xPJD5

jueves, 21 de noviembre de 2019

U.S. Investigating Universities, Including MIT, Over Russian, Chinese Donations

U.S. officials have asked the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) to turn over documents regarding the university's contacts with foreign governments and donations from foreign sources, including those coming from Russia, China, and Saudi Arabia.

The Massachusetts university was asked specifically by the U.S. Department of Education for documentation related to contacts with the Moscow-based software firm Kaspersky Lab and the Skolkovo Foundation, a Moscow-area project that MIT had a multimillion-dollar contract with.

The University of Maryland received a similar demand from the Education Department, in letters dated September 26, and published on November 21 in the U.S. government's official repository.

"The ministry is concerned that in your reports all receipts and contracts of foreign origin might not be fully covered," the letter said.

A MIT spokeswoman told RFE/RL that the university was "committed" to cooperating with the U.S. government to clarify the issue.

"MIT takes its federal reporting obligations seriously. About a year ago, MIT identified ways to improve its foreign gift and contract reporting. MIT’s reporting since January 2019 has been based on these improved processes. The Institute is committed to working constructively with federal officials to address the department’s questions,” the spokeswoman said in an emailed response.

Officials from the University of Maryland could not be immediately reached for comment.

It wasn't immediately clear what prompted the inquiry by the Education Department.

For MIT, the demand is another headache stemming from the Cambridge-based university's longtime partnerships with Russia, and in particular with a Russian billionaire who has had close ties with the government.

During Dmitry Medvedev's tenure as Russia's president in 2008-12, he championed an effort to encourage science and technology and entrepreneurship in Russia.

Calling for the creation of a Russian "Silicon Valley," Medvedev's government partnered with wealthy Russians to build a community on Moscow's outskirts where scientists and researchers would work in a state-of-the-art, high-tech business and innovation park.

At the forefront of the project, known as Skolkovo, was Viktor Vekselberg, a Russian tycoon who had who made billions of dollars in Russia's metals industry.

In 2011, Skolkovo announced that MIT would help set up a research and entrepreneurship university that mirrored the U.S. university, which is considered one of the world's leading science and research institutions.

MIT was paid $300 million for its participation in the project, which resulted in the Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology.

Vekselberg was elected to the university's board of trustees in 2013.

In the United States, there were doubts about Skolkovo's real intentions. In an unusual opinion piece published in 2014, the FBI warned about foreign governments using private companies to acquire critical technologies. The FBI singled out Skolkovo.

"It is the intent of the FBI for the recipients of the bulletin about Skolkovo to use the information to inform their decision-making process when selecting foreign investors to protect their interests which results in safeguarding our nation's interests," the article said.

In 2015, Vekselberg was reelected as a trustee to MIT's board, a gesture that came one year after Russia's annexation of Ukraine's Crimea Peninsula and amid worsening relations between Moscow and Washington.

In April 2018, Vekselberg was quietly removed as a trustee, following the U.S. Treasury Department's decision to list him and his business group among the Russian officials, "oligarchs," and companies to be penalized for advancing Moscow's "malign activities."

The Education Department letters to MIT and the University of Maryland specifically request documentation also related to several Chinese and Saudi company sources, as well as from the Chinese and Saudi governments.

Earlier this year, the Project on Government Oversight, a Washington, D.C.-based watchdog organization, published a report documenting hundreds of millions of dollars in donations from Saudi sources to U.S. universities.

MIT, the report found, received nearly $78 million between 2011 and 2017 from Saudi sources. However, the bulk of those funds came from a Saudi businessman and graduate of MIT, Muhammad Abdul Latif Jameel. The remainder came from the Saudi government-owned oil company, Aramco.

The Saudi government donations came under harsh scrutiny following the killing of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi, who was killed at a Saudi Consulate in Turkey in October 2018. The CIA has told U.S. lawmakers that the killing was ordered by Crown Prince Muhammad bin Salman.


Submitted November 21, 2019 at 04:25PM by thinkB4WeSpeak https://ift.tt/335F8ff

Looking for Resources about Teaching Subjectivity

I'm looking for information about if/when/how children are taught to think about subjectivity. Are there any industry terms that would get me to discussion of this sort of thing? I seem to mostly find material related to acknowledging/minimizing personal biases in the teacher, and the difficulties of marking tests fairly.

I'm looking for something related to telling facts from opinions, establishing relevance and priorities, and to a lesser extent, negotiation. The only example that comes to mind is in relation to conflict and how students affect the feelings of their teachers and classmates.

If anyone has more/related info, anecdotes, or anything else to add, I'd appreciate these, too.

Submitted November 21, 2019 at 04:29PM by misch_mash https://ift.tt/2XCAIvk

Grade 7, 8 students will learn how to avoid being pulled into human trafficking | CBC News

Interesting news article on locally developed human anti-trafficing curriculum - RESET. Police and investigative services get involved in human trafficking after they become aware of it. Is it not better to also give young people the awareness of the nefarious exploitation by human traffickers and tools necessary to defend themselves and others from it?

Submitted November 21, 2019 at 03:09PM by tameshrew53 https://ift.tt/2QCTe58

@ManuelGilAnton : Bien!!! https://t.co/Fb10eZk1QB

@ManuelGilAnton : Bien!!! https://t.co/Fb10eZk1QB (via Twitter http://twitter.com/ManuelGilAnton/status/1197636789030117376)