lunes, 22 de junio de 2020

What are your opinions on the ‘free’ or ‘democratic’ schools that popped up in the 60s?

I have read quite a lot on this topic: A. S. Neill’s books in particular. They are essentially schools where children don’t have to go to lessons and often also partake in voting as a community to decide rules. Teachers and students are seen as entirely equal and there is little/no split between ages or genders in lesson. The whole point is to act as pleases you, but not to encroach upon others.

I think they sound decent, but a good portion of the reasoning behind the ideas are outdated: there was a lot of Freudian style thinking, with many of the people who ran these schools certain that children misbehaved because of sexual oppression.

I think what made the main difference in these schools was the fact that they were small and allowed students and teachers to form proper relationships, instead of teachers being stressed and having to try to remember 100s of children. Obviously, due to the close relationships they had, they knew how to best act with the child and they formed an understanding.

Another good point is that since those who don’t want to go to lessons don’t, those who do attend can be guaranteed to have a calm lesson without disruption. It also makes it easier for teachers in this sense.

Opinions on these schools?

Submitted June 22, 2020 at 11:07AM by jemima--puddleduck

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