viernes, 31 de julio de 2020

Government undecided on plan for conducting class 3, 5, 8 exams under new education policy

The first major impact of the new National Education Policy (NEP) 2020 is likely to be felt in the academic session 2022-23 when the Centre plans to roll out 'easier' board exams, 5+3+3+4 school format and a reformed 360-degree school report card.

Submitted July 31, 2020 at 10:38PM by nasirbobby

I made an SEL curriculum using the video game Night in the Woods that I hope to teach with this year. Full lesson plan is available for free.

New York still hasn't decided if we will be remote teaching or not yet, but that hasn't dissuaded me from creating more video game curriculum. I created this lesson for the video game Night in the Woods that can either be used in an ELA course or as a Social Emotional Learning lesson. Hopefully I will have the time to teach with it this school year.

You can read about my rational here. The full lesson plan with handouts and slides are attached inside for free. Hopefully some of you here find some useful ideas going into the new school year.

Submitted July 31, 2020 at 04:35PM by somefuzzypants

Can we turn COVID into something positive for educational policy?

Seeing so many scared and stressed parents and teachers, it makes me think there might actually be enough political will / public desire to massively increase spending on public education.

I'm curious what other people think about this. Can we turn a global tragedy into something positive? How?

I have one idea which I'll share as a response, but I'm curious to hear others.

Submitted July 31, 2020 at 03:33PM by andb

How teachers can prepare for a COVID strike

Submitted July 31, 2020 at 01:53PM by psychothumbs

Funding question

Hi! I have a pretty big question. I'm happy to responses based on experience, more scholarly stuff, but especially specifics as to actual laws and policies.

So, for the longest time, I've been saying that schools should not be funded based on local taxes, the idea being that richer areas get better schools. This may have been very simplistic.

I recently learned that this varies state by state (and district by district?). Not only that, not basing school funding on local taxes or property taxes doesn't always lead to good outcomes. I say this based on knowing of at least one state where property taxes aren't directly linked to funding, and the schools are, let's say, somewhere around 40th worst in the country. Yes, those rankings may be flawed in some ways, but the state has issues with education.

So- funding. Best and worst ways? Ways to equalize things? Please teach me about this!

Submitted July 31, 2020 at 09:47AM by largececelia

Sometimes I only realize I’m drowning by the things I do.

It’s 3 am. I’m in my backyard with a lot of wine. Pitch black out. Overwhelmed by the expectation of going back to normal in September.. I didn’t think I was affected by it until my neighbour went in an hour ago and I sit alone in pitch black with three raccoons.

Good luck in the same boat.

Submitted July 31, 2020 at 12:58AM by Modswstr

My parents think I'm stupid for wanting to go to college.

My parents disapprove of me wanting to go to a bigger college rather than a community college. I would like to a bigger college to try something new. I would like to go to be a PTA. I feel like I would do better in like a Tech rather than a community college. My parents say going to college is stupid and a waste of money. I plan on getting a job so I can start saving up money so I can go to a better school and so I don't have to live under my parents rules anymore. They tell me that living in dorms is the worst thing you can do. They act like dorm life is really bad. Honestly I'm a little scared of it now but I would like to be able to make my own decisions and not have my parents up my ass over everything anymore. What was your college experience. Was it good or bad?

Submitted July 31, 2020 at 12:49AM by mymonobebeheart

jueves, 30 de julio de 2020

Why is online education modeled to emulate traditional in-person learning for younger children?

I can’t wrap my brain around why online schooling is Attempting to be comparable to in-person when it is a Totally different medium. For example, why have zoom lectures or specific teachers at specific schools for younger children if they wont be meeting their teacher in-person?

Wouldn’t an immersive game like setting like Virbela be more engaging for kids?

Submitted July 30, 2020 at 01:07PM by rsoldham8724

Executive Functioning Resources - Made by teachers, for teachers.

Customizable resources come with this free webinar to help students manage their time, prioritize tasks, and learn how to breakdown and plan their work.

Submitted July 30, 2020 at 12:35PM by hellofromspinndle

Hi, I'm working on a product that lets you video message with your classroom. Send your messages instantly and get replies to them. Record your screen, face or voice. Easily share lectures and communicate with your students beyond zoom calls. Interested? Reply back to get early access.

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Submitted July 30, 2020 at 06:05AM by 06ashwin

Can I learn coding on my mobile phone without computer/laptop or is it like having soup with fork?

I have enrolled in coding courses but I kinda find it hard to learn on phone . I really do want to learn it tho is it really possible to learn all of it and practice it on phone?

Submitted July 30, 2020 at 06:11AM by peekaboo5219

Anxious about choosing my college major. Help?

So since I can remember I was really into art, I even won some small prizes for my drawings. I have friends with similar interests but they don't even consider going to art school as an option. I'm also really skeptical about it as the prices of apartments in my country are the highest (compared to average salary) they've ever been. The smallest 1 room apartment would cost me 1k (for context: average ((realistic)) monthly income is around 2.5k, cost of renting 1 bedroom apartment is 2k which is literally sickening) a month for the next 25 to 30 years. So going to art school would be really risky. I've also been considering graphic design or video games desing (which would require moving to a different city 4 hours away from my current location and I want to avoid that at all cost because I live in the capital). I'm also really good at learning languages (english is my second and i don't really remember how i learned it. one day i was just checking some song lyrics and the next i could use some popular sentences. i'm still not perfect at it but i'm trying my best) and I've been really interested in asian cultures. Sinology, arabic or japanese studies are also some relaistic options for me and would actually give me some opportunities to travel but I haven't seen many job offers for neither of them.

The worst case scenario would require me to move abroad where I could pursue my passions more freely and acutally make some real money.

I must add that I really suck at math so no majors like bussines, economy or informatics. Majors like computer graphics (at least in my country) also don't require a good math grade like most other majors do. Where I live college is 100% free.

Submitted July 30, 2020 at 05:38AM by tsyeo89

miércoles, 29 de julio de 2020

Unpopular opinion: The education system is not broken.

I'm in the US, and many people spit out the phrases "the system is broken" or "our schools are broken". But how many people live successful lives after going through it? Tons. Even if you make the race argument that the system is broken, look up the numbers, the vast majority of minorities do well, even if you exclude Asians. Minorities do suffer from racism and poverty at an unjust/racist level, but the vast majority have established good careers and stable families. They're not the sad, weak groups of people that they are often presented as. Most blacks and Latin Americans don't live in the ghetto, for example.

The education system has serious and dangerous cracks. It needs to get better, but it's not broken. It does much more good than bad.

Submitted July 29, 2020 at 08:26PM by nashstar

@EducacionFutura : Publicará SEP a partir del viernes, resultados de asignación a 1er. grado de educación secundaria para escuelas públicas en la Ciudad de México

@EducacionFutura : Publicará SEP a partir del viernes, resultados de asignación a 1er. grado de educación secundaria para escuelas públicas en la Ciudad de México (via Twitter

Does the cost prohibitive-ness of student teaching keep certain demographics out of the profession?

In CA you can get a degree on loans. CBEST, CSET, and credential costs aren’t horrible.

But I wonder what the attrition rate is with student teaching.

Submitted July 29, 2020 at 06:52PM by anonoman925

Online Schedule Feedback

My district is going to all online instruction to start school (smart move). I’m interested to know for those of you that have an all online schedule, what does your daily schedule look like?

Are you schools expected to have kids online for 7 hours (as if they were in the classroom)? Are they having every class everyday? A-B schedule?

It would be interesting to know what other districts around the country are doing. Thanks for your input.

Submitted July 29, 2020 at 05:59PM by scrantonicity-dos

Apply to schools in Europe?

I currently live in the U.S but lately I’ve been weighing the options of going to college in Europe. I’m a junior in high school at the moment. Should I consider doing that or maybe just studying abroad a semester?

Submitted July 29, 2020 at 05:41PM by fuzzfloyd

Scene from a 1970 movie of Calvin Lockhart calling out standardized testing

The scene is at 36:20 and it is my favorite part of the film.

The movie is Halls of Anger. Jeff Bridges did his first leading role in this movie. It's about school integration but it is unique because whites are shown as the minority in a ghetto school. The film doesn't really follow the white students much, it focuses moreso on the lives of the black students, but it is good at making white viewers emphasize with blacks by casting whites as a minority.

It is about "busing" and the movie was made when this was a current issue.

I implore you to watch the standardized testing scene and encourage you to later watch the whole movie.

Submitted July 29, 2020 at 05:51PM by RockosNeoModernLife

@EducacionFutura : 3 de agosto AMLO informará sobre regreso a clases

@EducacionFutura : 3 de agosto AMLO informará sobre regreso a clases (via Twitter

What are your schools counting as “attendance” in remote/hybrid situations?

“Showing up” to class looks a lot different in these environments. How are you qualifying that a student attended school? What kind of every day evidence are you tracking?

Submitted July 29, 2020 at 05:23PM by hellofromspinndle

@EducacionFutura : Después de que diversas entidades suspendieran las actividades educativas, la SEP a través de la Subsecretaría de Educación Básica, han invitado a posponer a nivel nacional estas actividades

@EducacionFutura : Después de que diversas entidades suspendieran las actividades educativas, la SEP a través de la Subsecretaría de Educación Básica, han invitado a posponer a nivel nacional estas actividades (via Twitter

Question About Methodology When Creating an IEP/504/SP-ED Program:

  • When tailoring an IEP/504/SP-ED program for a student how do you determine whether a student's poor academic performance is due to a learning disability or mental illness due to non-academic factors like a poor home life?
  • Similarly how do you determine if a student if exerting her or his best effort? I'd imagine quite a few students who score poorly on standardized test may not care to put in the effort.
  • Is it true sometimes SP-ED students will excel in one area but lack in another? If so, why?
  • Do you consider the potential social-developmental implications of students being in SP-ED classes?

Submitted July 29, 2020 at 02:03PM by Trow-a-waay

What should someone study to become a cartoon animator?

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Submitted July 29, 2020 at 01:02PM by Aspagous

Australia is doubling fees for arts degrees

The cost of studying humanities at (Australian) university is set to double, but "job-relevant" course fees will be slashed under an overhaul of tertiary education announced by the Federal Government today.

University fees to be overhauled, some course costs to double as domestic student places boosted

How fees will change:

  • Agriculture and maths degrees: 62pc decrease
  • Teaching, nursing, clinical psychology, English and languages degrees: 46pc decrease
  • Science, health, architecture, environmental science, IT and engineering degrees: 20pc decrease
  • Medicine, dental and veterinary science degrees: no change
  • Law and commerce degrees: 28pc increase
  • Humanities degrees: 113 per cent increase

Submitted July 29, 2020 at 11:30AM by Barking_at_the_Moon

I Am the Stocker of the Educational World: Life as an LMS Operator

Between age 17 and 20, I got a job stocking shelves at a grocery store, earning $.45 more per hour if I joined the overnight stock crew (bringing my hourly rate to $3.80). I put things on a shelf so people could take it off again. The people I worked with on the overnight stock crew were usually much older, between ages 35 and 55. I only had the chance to interact with them during two 15 min. breaks and a 30 min. lunch break at 3 a.m. in which most of them chain smoked and hot-boxed Winstons and Marlboros. Otherwise, verbal communication on the sales floor was strictly prohibited, but smoking was okay as long is didn't interfere with one's stocking.

Before and after breaks, I spent the nights at Winn Dixie with my trusty box cutter in hand, slicing off the tops of cereal cases or the boxes of canned foods, thrusting the products onto their shelves, 2-3-4 packages or more at a time, and then breaking down the emptied box and stacking the cardboard like dead carcasses on the center of a grocery store aisle. The work was pointless and I was in college to land a career some day, anyway.

After college, I worked in print journalism and then graduated to public relations and advertising-related work. In the late 1990s, I decided to give up my six-figure salary to do something other than lying for a living: I went to grad school to study poetry, earned a doctorate, and since 2003, I've been employed as a high school English teacher.

The push for online LMS-directed education has been steady since I earned my doctorate. Today, the LMS is the bane of my existence and it's not too different from stocking shelves all night long at Winn Dixie.

In Feb. schooling went all online and since then I work roughly 12-14 hours per day, six days' per week, doing nothing but copying and pasting content from one LMS shell to another, changing dates by clicking on these calendar boxes, and uploading files that were once delivered to students in a bound, physical "course packet" when I was in college in the 1980s. I click on buttons to make modules, folders, LMS pages, rubrics, assignments, quizzes, exams, and then I move on to set the parameters in the LMS gradebook. With each click, I have to toggle switches, click buttons, set dates, and check boxes.

Teaching 4 classes in 8 sections, and having to have the entire course ready to go by the start of the academic year means that all I do all day long is sit at a computer "stocking" each LMS course shell. Add Zoom meeting requirements to the mix, and that means I have to learn what buttons to toggle and what and when to copy and paste to make sure that all my Zoom meetings are properly loaded into each LMS course I'm operating.

All the while doing this, I constantly have to think about how the student will interact with the LMS and will they be able to follow simple instructions such as click on this link to access this module and click this button to go to a scheduled Zoom meeting where I'll spend 45 minutes explaining to students how to use the LMS, where to find Microsoft Word on the campus e-mail system, how to upload homework, find the due dates and reading assignments and when to log-in to a Zoom meeting.

It's somewhat similar to putting jars of peanut butter on the shelf so somebody can eventually take it off. But with teaching high school in the twenty-first century, the biggest difference is that I know from experience that few students will "reach" up to the virtual shelf to click on the link to the lesson's reading assignments. English class doesn't really matter given that nobody has ever become wealthy by reading stories (and that's the sum total of education, to learn how to become wealthy).

Since I'm working at home in the twenty-first century, all communication with co-workers and colleagues is done by LMS direct message, e-mail, and smartphone text messaging. Since most of my colleagues are doing the exact same thing I'm doing all day long, it's rather distracting to have to answer a text or DM while you're working, so you tend to ignore them until you get to a stopping point. But similar to the grocery store work, verbal communication doesn't happen during the workday -- there are no exchange of ideas and sure as hell no water cooler banter. All communication, instead, has been reduced to e-mail/text troubleshooting the idiosyncratic nature in which computer applications function (sometimes the app does this, sometimes it doesn't and for no apparent reason).

For a long time now, I've explained to students that the difference between a job and a career (for the most part) is that a job means you do the same rote function, day-in and day-out. But with a career, one will be doing different, creative things each workday in response to varying situations and contexts. I'm wondering at what point my career turned into a job.

Suddenly, this online virtual world we've created has sucked out all the creativity and diversity of a career I once loved. As for discussions about what Jonathan Swift really meant in his classic satirical piece about England's impoverished population, those are now done through an online format, where most students wait until the final minute before the due date to post their comment that Swift "was sick in the head if he really wanted to eat people."

In the online setting, it is not possible to point out immediately that Swift was writing satire. I can make the comment on the discussion forum, but the LMS analytics reveals that more than a week goes by before the student reads it, and by that time I'd bet the student probably doesn't even remember making their initial comment about Swift's writing.

So that's what American education has come to -- students are like grocery store shoppers, picking and choosing which lessons they prefer to consume and probably rushing through the LMS the way a shopper rushes through their weekly grocery run. And as an "educator," these days I'm more like a stocker of virtual lessons that some students will consume and others will prefer not to as if they were a latter day Bartelby.

I'm just kind of wondering that if this is the best we can do in an online format, what kind of future thinkers and problem-solvers will our society produce.

Submitted July 29, 2020 at 11:49AM by NotTheKevinSmith

Going to Uni or College? Here’s everything you need to bring! Including a free printable packing list in the description!

Submitted July 29, 2020 at 06:59AM by Nickgregoryyoutube

martes, 28 de julio de 2020

School Administrators

Hi. I’m currently enrolled in a Master of Education program. I’ve decided to have a concentration in secondary education. As part of my coursework, I’m being asked to interview a school administrator on leadership strategies. If anyone would be willing to help, I would really appreciate it.

Note: The instructions for the assignments say to interview a school administrator from any K-12 setting.

Thanks in advance for the help

Submitted July 28, 2020 at 11:34PM by CammyXOX

@EducacionFutura : RT @elErickJuarez: #EnVivo - Cancelación de actividades educativas y docentes ¿Qué estados tienen cambios y qué implica ello para los procesos educativos en México?

@EducacionFutura : RT @elErickJuarez: #EnVivo - Cancelación de actividades educativas y docentes ¿Qué estados tienen cambios y qué implica ello para los procesos educativos en México? (via Twitter

I write my assignment in the best ways and I score higher. So, I decided to post these Tips for other students. Because like as me, many students have a doubt How to Make An Assignment For High School

Beginning on an Assignment or Homework can frequently be the hardest thing for most of the students. Putting off the Assignment can increase the pressure on the student’s mind, and which can lead to an increase in the time of doing or completing the assignments, whether it may be any. 

By figuring out how to begin and overcome your fear of making an assignment whether it may be of any subject, you can complete your assignments on time and with less pressure, and that too with having increasingly extra time in hands. 

6 Tips on How to Make An Assignment

So, here are are a few steps for you on how to make an assignment for high school, regardless of the subject of the assignment, the steps are as follows:- 

  1. Tackle the most pleasant parts first. 
  2. Begin working for five minutes. 
  3. Divide your time. 
  4. Just start doing it.
  5. Be certain you know your Assignment. 
  6. Ensure your goals are reasonable. 

So, these are the steps which you should follow in order to make an assignment for high school and that too in the best way possible. And that is our topic, How to make an assignment. So, now we are explaining it down for you guys. So that you can know, How to make an assignment for high school in the best way possible.

1. Tackle the most pleasant parts first. 

Review your Assignment and find the centers or the aim it will expect you to take to finish it. Find the most engaging and specifically interesting parts and work on those first. By doing the interesting parts of your Assignment, which you like the most, you will start working and then see the awards of working instead of stalling from your work. 

For instance, you may explore areas of a report that you find generally interesting before proceeding onward to different areas. 

2. Begin working for five minutes. 

To assist you with the beginning of your assignment work make it an objective to begin working and just work for five minutes. Doing this will assist you with taking the first and most troublesome part of your assignment, and this will lead you to gather speed and look at the Assignment as a lot simpler undertaking than you may have initially thought. Guarantee yourself that you will meet your objective of working for five minutes on the Assignment. 

So, When you begin the next time, you may find that you would prefer not to quit working. Else, you can return a break and go to the Assignment again to complete it down, knowing you’re in any event five minutes closer to completing than you were previously. 

3. Divide your time. 

Taking a complete view of your Assignment as one huge assignment can cause it to appear to be difficult. Rather than just looking at the huge task, what you should do is that you should start separating your work into easily accessible parts that appear to be all the more simple to handle. So, that you can handle them easily and that too in the best way possible. 

Attempt to set divide easily accessible timeframes that you realize you can meet, to complete down your work. And then try to achieve it.

For instance, you may put aside two hours on a Friday to complete your Assignment. In case, if you don’t have that much time, attempt to cut out two or three 20-or 30-minutes time slot. So, that you can easily complete it down on time and then submit it down on time too. 

4. Just start doing it.

Once again, simply beginning can always be the most troublesome piece of the plan, yet you can’t complete anything until you just start doing it, in the first place. 

So quit quitting, quit messaging, quit just doing the random stuff, quit getting stressed about the work, and quit feeling awful that you haven’t begun. Simply begin and take a shot at it. Presently. Just do it, and you will surely be able to complete your work. 

5. Be certain you know your Assignment. 

To effectively write your Assignment, you should completely know what in it and get its aim. While it may appear to be basic to you at first, But appropriately understanding your Assignment will help you to separate the Assignment and meet its requirements. It can furthermore helpful for you to complete your assignment. It can assist with analyzing the Assignment when you get it and afterward model any inquiries you may have. 

In case you don’t know whether you know the Assignment, then you should start reworking it in your own words, or publishing it to another person. So, that they can help you with clearing your doubts and that too by reviewing your work. 

In the event that you discover you can’t or have a lot of inquiries, you may require more data. You ought to have a review of the Assignment, by comprehending the fundamental task or the aim you may have. 

Search for significant references in the directions to complete the Assignment. This data may characterize, clarify, analyze, relate, or demonstrate. Remember your audience and compose a paper that would best convey the data and your research to them. 

6. Ensure your goals are Reasonable. 

Most assignments can appear as though and a bog deal of work when looked at it, in general. Reading your Assignment thoroughly can cause it to appear to be overwhelming and hard to finish, and can scare and demotivate you too. 

But what you should do is that you should have a go at dividing the Assignment into smaller objectives/ tasks. So, you realize that you can complete it down in the required time and submit it on time too. 

Because Goals that are too enormous or not very much easy can be hard to begin progressing in the direction of and can leave you demotivated.

But the smaller and very much defined or characterized goals can appear to be simpler to achieve than bigger ones. 

For instance, you could separate an exploration paper into a few smaller undertakings: 

1) Do the Research

2) Compose a Layout for  your assignment 

3) Draft a Presentation

4) Draft its body

5) compose the end

6) Modify, if required

Each of these is considerably easier to be done all alone.

Also, read...

Top 7 Tips On How To Finish Your Homework Faster

Submitted July 28, 2020 at 10:04PM by codeavail_expert

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Submitted March 25, 2019 at 07:25AM by Asclepias_metis

Public Policy books


I´m researching and trying to compare different education systems to understand what educational frameworks and public policies are more successful than others, understanding the cultural and socioeconomic factors.

Is there any science-based book(s) for this subject? Science in the sense it would have some support evidence with some sort of validation.

Submitted July 28, 2020 at 06:13PM by acanepa

Looking to interview a school administrator

As part of my graduate coursework, I am being assigned the task to interview a school administrator about their involvement in IEP meetings.

Submitted July 28, 2020 at 05:24PM by CammyXOX

What is it like teaching and/or working at a lower income school and/or a school that was less well funded than others in the area?

No text found

Submitted July 28, 2020 at 05:16PM by AtomicSkunk

For teacher: what is it like teaching at a lower income school and/or a school that was less well funded than others in the area?

No text found

Submitted July 28, 2020 at 04:49PM by AtomicSkunk

@EducacionFutura : #ÚltimoMinuto - Cancelan en #Tlaxcala, #Yucatán y #Veracruz todas las actividades escolares; otros estados consideran replicar medida

@EducacionFutura : #ÚltimoMinuto - Cancelan en #Tlaxcala, #Yucatán y #Veracruz todas las actividades escolares; otros estados consideran replicar medida (via Twitter

@EducacionFutura : La enseñanza a distancia en el taller de capacitación docente

@EducacionFutura : La enseñanza a distancia en el taller de capacitación docente (via Twitter

I've got a book recommendation for all of you!

"Education in a Time Between Worlds: Essays on the Future of Schools, Technology, and Society" by Zachary Stein.

Stein is a fancy pants Harvard "Philosopher of Education," and this is by far the best book on education I've read. It's also gone almost entirely under the radar and I hope to help fix that.

Description (from the linked page):

"Our world is currently undergoing major transformations, from climate change and politics to agriculture and economics. The world we have known is disappearing and a new world is being born. The subjects taught in schools and universities today are becoming irrelevant at faster and faster rates. Not only are we facing complex challenges of unprecedented size and scope, we're also facing a learning and capacity deficit that threatens the future of civilization.

Education in a Time Between Worlds seeks to reframe this historical moment as an opportunity to create a global society of educational abundance. Educational systems must be transformed beyond recognition if humanity is to survive the planetary crises currently underway. Human development and learning must be understood as the Earth's most valuable resources, with human potential serving as the open frontier into which energy and hope can begin to flow.

The expansive essays within this book cover a diverse array of topics, including social justice, the neuroscience of learning, deschooling, educational technology, standardized testing, the future of spirituality, basic income guarantees, and integral meta-theory. As an invitation to re-vision the future of schools, technology, and society, Education in a Time Between Worlds replaces apathy and despair with agency, transformation, and hope."

Submitted July 28, 2020 at 04:15PM by LeviPerson

I'm going into my senior year of high school and could use some help with learning about my potential career path.

Hello there, I'm graduating from high school in 2021, and I'm trying to figuring out what field/career I want to study or go into. I'm really into science and biotechnology, and I also like building and making stuff. I think something like "Bio-Engineering" or "Biotechnology" would fit me pretty well. The problem is I don't know how I should "practice" it and make myself more experienced with it besides going to school. When I look at people that want to go into computer science, they're learning with python and doing exercises. I'm trying to find something I could use for Biotechnology or Bioengineering. It could also help me kill time while in quarantine.

Submitted July 28, 2020 at 03:47PM by harish_03

I work for one of the biggest international science gatherings. Which Digital Education projects/technologies/startups/organisations/... should we consider inviting?

The organisation I am currently working for is called Falling Walls. Each year they hold this huge conference and gathering amidst the Berlin Science Week. During this conference, scientists, industry leaders, investors, and decision-makers learn about the most cutting edge research and technology.

This year, we are including the category Digital Education which is all about the biggest breakthroughs in Digital Higher Education and Lifelong Learning.

Have you heard about something truly innovative in these fields that could improve the lives of lot of people? I'd love to hear about it!!

Submitted July 28, 2020 at 02:42PM by natusmundi

@EducacionFutura : Por la conformación de un nuevo pacto educativo / No te pierdas el análisis de Miguel Ángel Pérez

@EducacionFutura : Por la conformación de un nuevo pacto educativo / No te pierdas el análisis de Miguel Ángel Pérez (via Twitter

@EducacionFutura : La pandemia en las escuelas de Colima / Un análisis de Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco

@EducacionFutura : La pandemia en las escuelas de Colima / Un análisis de Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco (via Twitter

@ManuelGilAnton : RT @JezzyContreras: Hoy #Irapuato clama por justicia. ¡Ya basta! #JusticiaParaDulce

@ManuelGilAnton : RT @JezzyContreras: Hoy #Irapuato clama por justicia. ¡Ya basta! #JusticiaParaDulce (via Twitter

Well,Idk if this is the right sub but I thinknyou know about education and educational institutions, so

Well, I am a student who is 14 , I am now in a crappy school, I used to get nice marks , but in current rate It's hard , but I am (or at least I think so) am able to join college early, I do plan to leave my country ( in my country early education is impossible) are there any colleges that have computer science will take me now, Or any exams that I can write (hopefully about computers to get entry ?) Please help

Submitted July 28, 2020 at 09:02AM by C4NN0n_REAL

lunes, 27 de julio de 2020


Hey guys, I came across MSc in security and human factors in aviation. I have no clear idea about what this course comprises of and what do the job opportunities post this looks like. It would be really helpful if you guys could give me an insight on this :)

Submitted July 28, 2020 at 12:18AM by wtfellaa

@EducacionFutura : #Destacado - Va SEP por modelo híbrido para regreso a clases

@EducacionFutura : #Destacado - Va SEP por modelo híbrido para regreso a clases (via Twitter

Check out Paximus Enterprises on YouTube!

Paximus Enterprises on Youtube

Check this guy out on YouTube, he is great, he shares his opinions on hot topics in education as well as publishes education-related tutorials, he is super kid-friendly and you're sure to love him!

Submitted July 27, 2020 at 09:27PM by sucramooy

@EducacionFutura : "Que se calle el presidente, el locutor, la maestra y el profesor que de todo creen saber y no saben un carajo. Urge construir ese silencio que hoy tanto extrañamos para poder entendernos." @ManuelGilAnton

@EducacionFutura : "Que se calle el presidente, el locutor, la maestra y el profesor que de todo creen saber y no saben un carajo. Urge construir ese silencio que hoy tanto extrañamos para poder entendernos." @ManuelGilAnton (via Twitter

@EducacionFutura : #Recursos - Descarga el estudio "La Educación en tiempos de pandemia: Visualizar las oportunidades y desafíos para la transformación educativa en #Jalisco" de @Mexicanos1oJal

@EducacionFutura : #Recursos - Descarga el estudio "La Educación en tiempos de pandemia: Visualizar las oportunidades y desafíos para la transformación educativa en #Jalisco" de @Mexicanos1oJal (via Twitter

@ManuelGilAnton : Desde las escuelas Normales, desde el borde que es el centro si bien se mira.

@ManuelGilAnton : Desde las escuelas Normales, desde el borde que es el centro si bien se mira. (via Twitter

@ManuelGilAnton : Y el profe Rogelio nos regala otra lección de las que valen.

@ManuelGilAnton : Y el profe Rogelio nos regala otra lección de las que valen. (via Twitter

@ManuelGilAnton : Estuvo muy interesante la conferencia de Tere Garduño, y muy buena la iniciativa de las y los colegas de la Universidad del Pueblo. @udelpueblo Gracias compañeras!

@ManuelGilAnton : Estuvo muy interesante la conferencia de Tere Garduño, y muy buena la iniciativa de las y los colegas de la Universidad del Pueblo. @udelpueblo Gracias compañeras! (via Twitter

@ManuelGilAnton : Sin duda, María. Cala la arrogancia desde la cual se veían volar en un país con dificultades para empujar la carreta en la terracería.

@ManuelGilAnton : Sin duda, María. Cala la arrogancia desde la cual se veían volar en un país con dificultades para empujar la carreta en la terracería. (via Twitter

@EducacionFutura : ¿Nueva normalidad? / Un análisis de Teresas Galicia

@EducacionFutura : ¿Nueva normalidad? / Un análisis de Teresas Galicia (via Twitter

Common Core Math

Hi! Just trying to figure out if this is just simply confused parents who need to get with the times or beyond a child's reasoning ability.
Question for math teachers: Does Common Core Math actually help kids understand math better or is it just confusing them more? I sometimes feel that the abstract concepts they are asking of elementary kids is not suitable for concrete learners, like metaphor.
Is it the same for math at that level? And how's it going at the middle and high school level?

(This post is just for curiosity sake.)

Submitted July 27, 2020 at 05:38PM by knot_for_reasons

@EducacionFutura : Educación Futura en radio. Escucha @OtraEducacionMx por el 97.3 fm. Conduce @elErickJuarez , director editorial de @EducacionFutura

@EducacionFutura : Educación Futura en radio. Escucha @OtraEducacionMx por el 97.3 fm. Conduce @elErickJuarez , director editorial de @EducacionFutura (via Twitter


Hey! I recently got assigned to teach a debate elective for our high schoolers. Does anyone know of any good debate curriculum out there?

Submitted July 27, 2020 at 12:03PM by narnianbourbondrinkr

Top 10 best practices for virtual learning?

I’m speaking at a virtual conference tomorrow about the best practices for virtual learning. I’d love your input.

Submitted July 27, 2020 at 11:27AM by nmurja

How do I prepare a Grade 5 student for middle level SSAT?

I have a student who just finished Gr. 4 and is moving onto Gr. 5. His reading level is at Grade 5, but SSAT is a difficult exam because it is beyond a typical Grade 5 level. He answered less than 50% of the questions correctly for the middle level SSAT practice test. Whenever I use the SSAT practice test to help him read and understand the passage, the student gets frustrated because he has no idea what the text is discussing exactly. He knows the topic but completely misses the ideas that are discussed in the passage. His vocab knowledge is low, so it's a big barrier to his understanding. I find using practice SSAT tests not productive at all because of the texts in the tests are at his frustration reading level.

What should I do to help him prepare for the reading and vocab parts of the test? How do I help him understand reading passages and words that are in Grade 7 - 8 levels? His exam is coming up at the end of this year, so I feel the time crunch.

Submitted July 27, 2020 at 10:55AM by sparklesinthesky

@EducacionFutura : De la concertación a la política por incentivos en educación superior / Un análisis de Roberto Rodríguez

@EducacionFutura : De la concertación a la política por incentivos en educación superior / Un análisis de Roberto Rodríguez (via Twitter

Discipline in School

Hey there, I am a student representative council member in our school and our school (like other schools) has had a very hard time disciplining the students because kids fear no one they don't fear their parents none of the teachers and neither are they afraid of getting expelled. (Our Principal anyway is of the opinion that expelling kids does not discipline them in fact if we expell a kid then it is the failure of the school for not being able to correct him) Can anyone get any means how to discipline them? (No Physical punishments please..)

Submitted July 27, 2020 at 09:55AM by dnb02

Remember more of articles you read - reading visualization

Hi, I shared this project on r/education last year [post]. Since then, I kept working on it, and it evolved much.

Kaffae extension gives you daily visual of articles you read every morning. You will remember more with repetitive exposure (Forgetting Curve theory says we forget up to 80% of information the next day unless it's repeated). It also helps nudge you into reading more challenging material by building self-awareness.

Some comments from education community last year:

"This is a really cool idea... Cool thing to make!"

"Wow .... I’m an EdD student and I’m very interested in this. Also, my daughters (1 college 1 high school)might love this! We will try it and let you know our thoughts!"

It is aimed at individuals now. And, I'm not exactly sure how it could be integrated into the educational settings. Maybe something like k-12 Chromebook? I'd love to hear what you guys think about it!

Submitted July 27, 2020 at 08:48AM by massanishi

@EducacionFutura : Regreso a clases ¿Es viable a distancia? / Un análisis de Rogelio Alonso

@EducacionFutura : Regreso a clases ¿Es viable a distancia? / Un análisis de Rogelio Alonso (via Twitter

@ManuelGilAnton : Hoy a las 6, a las 6 hoy, día 27 de julio.

@ManuelGilAnton : Hoy a las 6, a las 6 hoy, día 27 de julio. (via Twitter

Cast spells and learn to code with the Harry Potter coding wand kit

Want to get kids to learn to code - get them hooked through the magic of Harry Potter. Imagine a class of wand-wavers using this kit!

Submitted July 27, 2020 at 08:06AM by Mr_Smith_online

Looking for programs?

So I'm not sure if I'm posting this in the right place but I'm trying to find legitimate GED programs in Michigan and im having a hard time with most career centers closed due to COVID. Is there anyone on here who could help me? Im not looking for anything free. My end goal is to get my GED and enter Trade School.

Submitted July 27, 2020 at 08:19AM by Kalash47_ESO

Mortarboard Video: Overview of New Title IX Rules

Educators (K-12 and college) have until August 14 to implement a whole new set of Title IX rules - Dr. Daniel Barwick breaks down the changes for people who are feeling overwhelmed. See it here.

Submitted July 27, 2020 at 06:58AM by Mortarboardpodcast

What would you suggest ought to be done to make young people care more about and be more engaged with their education?

I’m only 24, so I don’t have vast amounts of experience to draw from, but so far I’ve been a school student, a university student, a post-graduate trainee and a teacher, and I’ve honestly consistently hated some of the core elements of the education process.

I hate sitting in class just listening to the teacher talk. I hate completing mundane exercises designed to drill the subject matter into my brain. I hate the traditional practice of studying. I hate working to tick boxes just to prove I can. As a teacher, there were times when I was boring myself because of the content I had to work with.

Not only is this how I feel, but I believe it reflects how countless others feel. The greatest obstacles have always been boredom and lack of motivation.

What’s worse is I feel education practices are driving further down this road, with a system designed to turn young people into exam machines and encourage “learning” purely through the threat of failure rather than through genuine interest.

Surely I’m not the only one who thinks the way we’re “educating” people has gone very, very wrong? I’m curious. How would you go about changing the system to bring passion back into learning?

Submitted July 27, 2020 at 07:07AM by RobSka17

Billionaires Want to Reopen Schools Amid a Pandemic. They Might Unleash a Teacher Strike Wave.

Submitted July 27, 2020 at 06:02AM by psychothumbs

How does one break into a school Admin Position with no educational experience?

Hoping to be an office manager, or working as admin or support/tech for my local school district. Does anyone have any advice they can give me to break in?

I have a bachelors degree in finance with a background in risk and insurance. I also have experience as a bank teller for 2 going on 3 years.

I want to go down this path due to a physical disability that can't make me work more than 50+ hours work week. However, my main reasoning is that I want to help the next generation excel in anyway I can.

Submitted July 27, 2020 at 01:23AM by Tangentkoala

domingo, 26 de julio de 2020

US Common Core Standards Should End

The attempt of creating a national education standard is logical and correct for any developed nation. Education should have minimum guidelines. We shouldn't allow Texans to be under-served versus Ohioans.

However, when you look at the corporations (eg, exxon mobile) and oligarchs that support Common Core, and you look at how politicians wield the program as a tool - I think it should be considered of great harm to our school system. For over two decades now, neoliberal policies have aimed at chipping away at our public school system through the privatization of schools and the weakening of teacher's unions.

The ultimate goal of Common Core I believe is to create a set of standards so unwieldy and so publicly damaging that parents will have no faith in their public schools. They will be forced to send their children to private schools. This aligns with the goal of undermining our public schools for the enrichment of the elite.

We do not pay our teachers enough nor do we train our teachers enough to teach a complex set of expectations that is common core. It is simply too arcane for parents to help their own children out with, either. It teaches rigid adherence and allows for no flexibility in solving problems. I don't understand why we couldn't just copy China or Japan's educational criteria anyway, there wasn't any need to dream up our own set of standards, if the rest of the world already has it figured out.

In conclusion, I think in order to save our public schools, we need to tell our politicians that common core needs to end and that different standards need to be created. Privatizing our school system / keeping common core will create a massive rift in mental acuity between rich and poor families for many decades, if not corrected.

Submitted July 26, 2020 at 11:23PM by ridenbiden2020

Expert Take: M.Ed: Students Can Survive WO School for a year.

The knee jerk reaction of sending kids to school is making pawns of them, but no surprise you have always used kids as pawns for their own education. ie standardized testing is for fund allocation i’m congress and has no correlation to learning.

Hi my name is Taco Steve and I’m an expert in distance education.

My research and practical experience would only allow me one piece of advice for the DOE. Take this time to learn how to utilize 21st century tools, use the next year to master online tools and techniques, learn how to supplement extra services such as food, medical, and counseling while keeping students home.

Come back in fall of 2021 and be ready to use a hybrid learning approach.

If students missed a year of school, they would be at a disadvantage from whom? Other students who also missed a year.

I was always taught to turn a negative into a positive; I teach this as life philosophy.

Instead of reactively sending kids back to a subpar learning environment on the best day, take the time to analyze and train. Train learners how to learn online, train teachers how to teach hybrid.

This is one of the best opportunities we could have asked for; instead cry about more funding for PPE and physical education!!! It is my expert opinion that sending anyone to any physical class during a pandemic is stupid, counter productive, dangerous, and simply policial at this point.

Online education research demonstrates that the learning outcomes are as good if not better.

take away attendance, busy work, recess, lunch, and two bus rides. students get at best 3 hours of instruction per day. Now add PPE- new protocols and social distancing. You might get 1 hour of solid education.

The inefficiency in American education has a real opportunity to jump out of the 1800s and into the 2020s.

Please urge your educators to retire if they resist hybrid education.


First comment: But what about socialization?

My answer: Ever seen kids today? They stare at their phones. Also that’s what sports and extra curricular activities are for; plus with all the extra time they have not wasted on a bus that can afford to socialize with their friends.

Any physical only instruction in 2020 is WRONG!!!

Submitted July 26, 2020 at 11:16PM by tacosteve100

Do you agree with free community college?

Why or why not?

Submitted July 26, 2020 at 10:11PM by GamerGrl90

@EducacionFutura : #VozDelProfe - La pandemia: Una oportunidad de resignificar la Educación Preescolar / Un texto de Araceli Muñoz Mendez

@EducacionFutura : #VozDelProfe - La pandemia: Una oportunidad de resignificar la Educación Preescolar / Un texto de Araceli Muñoz Mendez (via Twitter


Since so many upset parents keep clinging to the “teachers need to buck up and they’re just trying to sit on their ass” and the “young people don’t get the virus” arguments, what if we tested just faculty and staff but not the kids because ‘they don’t get’.

Downvote if you want but I’m just being facetious here and as a teacher I’m just sick of people accusing me of wanting to sit on my ass when I know how Unclean and unsanitary kids are. Not to mention there is no shot I could keep 20-30 students with masks on OVER their noses.

Submitted July 26, 2020 at 09:21PM by HughShooter7

@EducacionFutura : Ayotzinapa: la “verdad” de la verdad histórica / Un análisis de Abelardo Carro Nava

@EducacionFutura : Ayotzinapa: la “verdad” de la verdad histórica / Un análisis de Abelardo Carro Nava (via Twitter

GPA Question

In my school companion app, it will show your GPA which mine is 87.48. Its changed over the course of 3 years so is that my weighted or unweighted GPA?

Submitted July 26, 2020 at 07:36PM by rvryry

Public education activism texts?

What are you all reading?

Looking for some inspirational texts on/covering the topic of public school activism. Thanks.

Submitted July 26, 2020 at 07:15PM by jetsetradiosmoocher

@EducacionFutura : #PlumaInvitada - Estudiando el bachillerato en tiempos de pandemia

@EducacionFutura : #PlumaInvitada - Estudiando el bachillerato en tiempos de pandemia (via Twitter

Would anyone here favor a return to Classical Education as the norm? What are the biggest arguments for and against it?

Submitted July 26, 2020 at 04:24PM by newguy2884

@EducacionFutura : #Análisis - ¿Cuál es el eslabón perdido en los cambios a los sistemas educativos?

@EducacionFutura : #Análisis - ¿Cuál es el eslabón perdido en los cambios a los sistemas educativos? (via Twitter

Confusion on where to attend college that is right for the major I’m interested in pursuing


So I’m currently working on applying to colleges. (I’m a rising senior in high school.) I wanted to ask for some advice on college and such because I’m a little lost. I’m currently interested in getting an undergrad in biology and then hopefully going to veterinary school. So there are a lot of colleges I’m interested in that don’t have a school of veterinary science. Can I get my undergrad in bio at that school I’m interested in and then potentially go onto transfer to a school with a vet school? (I’m a little lost on how it all works.. and maybe someone could clarify on how pursuing postgraduate courses works.) I was just wondering if it’s best to attend a school with a vet program and get my undergrad there... or if I can attend a different school for an undergrad and transfer to a school with a vet school. (Sorry if this question sounds dumb, I’m just a little uneducated on it all.)

Submitted July 26, 2020 at 03:17PM by zaara20763

@EducacionFutura : #Destacado - El 2020 el año en que vivimos en peligro

@EducacionFutura : #Destacado - El 2020 el año en que vivimos en peligro (via Twitter

UW-Green Bay has no plans to ensure a safe reopening. Help me demand that the university make the health and safety of students and faculty the top priority.

Hello, My name is Lauren and I am a college student. My university has no plans to ensure a safe reopening in the fall. Our school was closed in March with daily COVID cases capping around 200 in my state. Now, we are hitting over 1,000 new cases EVERY DAY. If campus was unsafe then, it certainly is unsafe now. Please help me demand that the university make the health and safety of students and faculty the top priority.

Submitted July 26, 2020 at 01:40PM by Rokitbom

@EducacionFutura : Examen de imaginación / Un análisis de Pedro Flores Crespo

@EducacionFutura : Examen de imaginación / Un análisis de Pedro Flores Crespo (via Twitter

@ManuelGilAnton : @gadelagarza Qué podemos hacer?

@ManuelGilAnton : @gadelagarza Qué podemos hacer? (via Twitter

@EducacionFutura : #Opinión - Los retos y desafíos en el sistema educativo para prevenir “la pandemia silenciosa” de la violencia

@EducacionFutura : #Opinión - Los retos y desafíos en el sistema educativo para prevenir “la pandemia silenciosa” de la violencia (via Twitter

Note Taking for Virtual Setting

Anyone have an idea on how they are going to do notes for online classes. I teach high school.

Submitted July 26, 2020 at 09:26AM by disruptingthebalance

What about poor, rural schools?

I always here about problems facing underfunded, inner city schools. What about underfunded ones in rural areas? Anyone work at one of these? Do they face similar problems as their underfunded inner city brethren(low test scores, etc.)? Do they have unique problems?

Submitted July 26, 2020 at 09:19AM by minute14

sábado, 25 de julio de 2020

Thesis based vs course based

I'm planning on going in for my masters soon.

I cant decide between the two, I am really into research, and it usually provides me with a sense of an accomplishment. Also, theres alot of things I'd like to research on within the industry (commerce).

On the other hand,

I am considering coursework based, as I assume this is meant mainly for careers in the industry. I dont mind doing coursework too.

What are your thoughts on both of the options, especially post grad opportunities?

Extra: if I am doing the thesis based option it will likely be the MSc in marketing under Jonh Molson School of Business.

If it will be based on coursework, then I have a plethora of options to choose from.


Submitted July 25, 2020 at 08:37PM by openmind_marketing

Compelling Reasons To Use Google Docs

Maybe some of you or even many of you are familiar with Google Docs and how to use them. For those that don't know about it and are still using MS Word or other offline word processing tools, here are 19 Reasons To Use Google Docs and Leave MS Word.

Now, that we are all using the internet to teach and learn, you may find some features of Google Docs that makes things easier for you.

Submitted July 25, 2020 at 06:32PM by BemOrchestrator

the platform to solve toxic social media discourse

Hey /r/Education, I've noticed an increased amount of toxicity in social media recently and wanted to address the problem. If you're interested in reading more about why I believe this to be a problem and the potential solution, feel free to check out my Medium article:

I wanted to share the fully anonymous, no incentive platform for healthy, open and honest 1-on-1 discussions that I created in response to this problem.

Any comments or questions about the article or app are more than welcome.

Submitted July 25, 2020 at 04:28PM by bubblewr4p

“Tools to Build Executive Functioning Skills” webinar. Focusing on strategies and free resources to help your students carry out projects like PBL, Design Thinking, Inquiry in remote/hybrid settings.

Submitted July 25, 2020 at 03:35PM by hellofromspinndle

@ManuelGilAnton : @Felix_F_Jimenez @Stack2013 Tal vez, Félix, el campo de trabajo de la educación es amplio, e incluye educación para adultos, educación media superior y superior. Y algunos investigadores no solo están en su cubículo sinó también en salones de clase, laboratorios y conocen la escuela básica. Quizá.

@ManuelGilAnton : @Felix_F_Jimenez @Stack2013 Tal vez, Félix, el campo de trabajo de la educación es amplio, e incluye educación para adultos, educación media superior y superior. Y algunos investigadores no solo están en su cubículo sinó también en salones de clase, laboratorios y conocen la escuela básica. Quizá. (via Twitter

Parents, what resources do you miss from in-person schools (easier access to school meals, the ability to go to work, easy library access for your kids, ect.)?

Hi, I am a reporter working on a story about the resources in-person schools offer to students, especially students for low income, single parent or both parent working households. I would love to hear how the cost of food, child care or the change to your work schedule has effected you during the pandemic. Please comment or DM if you’d be willing to speak with me. Thank you!

Submitted July 25, 2020 at 12:48PM by coffeethenstyle

A few preschool/kindergarten age crafts!

Submitted July 25, 2020 at 12:49PM by nowthatisquality

I’m of those students who do the bare minimum and make high grades (92+). College is coming up very quickly and In scared shitless because I don’t know how to study properly, etc. Any tips please ?

Honestly, I thought that I’d be pretty fine with the way I work now: rarely study, use big words on essays, and rely on my memory. However my mind changed about all of that as I continue to see and read posts/blogs about how people “like me” basically are in for a huge wake up call when college comes and we’re more likely to fall flat on our asses pretty quickly. Which is why I decided to reach out to the redditors on this sub to ask for help. Any tips and advice would be greatly appreciated !!

Submitted July 25, 2020 at 12:07PM by mountainfailures

I've developed a Free learning tool that connects Students and Educators through immersion and gaming!

Hello! My name is Gianni Plaza, a second-year college student aiming for a Bachelor's Degree in Game Development and Design, and since 2018 I've been working on an educational game called Mad Mind Battles; it's a game where the students enter various dungeons and battle critters using their innate powers--Knowledge! In a "Kahoot" kind of scenario where you use a questionnaire method to play. The best part about it, it's completely FREE. As I believe these types of tool should be accessible to all.

The game allows Students and Educators to create and share Materia (Question Packs) among them and online, so it's always refreshing and new. Not only that, the game will be constantly updated for a year with new content and features to keep the students immerse in this world while they learn!

The game will be available August 5th, but I am doing Private Beta testing, limited to 10 people, to make sure that the game is on launching conditions! So please don't doubt to reply or reach out to me.

Search for Mad Mind Battles! online and you will get results for the trailer.

I'm completely open to feedback and discussion. Thanks!

Submitted July 25, 2020 at 10:10AM by Zelloks-Thunder

What should i do ? Ihave 2 days left till i Get the answer :(

Hey reedit ! So i almost(got) into a programming college in my home town (in Romania) , but i also kinda failed the admission since i got dropped into a waiting list(on the 3rd place) . So what i thought , even though i'm like B at English I think about joining in Austria this refreshment program :

in order to make again the math and physics that i kinda forgot in the last 1/2 year , since i stood home after leaving the Medicine(i really hated it).

And after this refreshment program to join this Electrical Engineering program (I studied electronics at the highschool i was in , so that would also fit my future plans ) :

Now , the last factor : I have in my home country a private math teacher that always helped me , and I'm sure it would Help me again , but my experience with the SPECIFIC college and people (staff) that is working in there is really bad , almost repealing
So , now the big question ... would it be better to re-learn everything in English and just move from home ( A ideea I enjoy , since i had colleagues that told me that they had depts after they've failed some math exams )

So , would it be better to remain , or to just leave for a new unknown experience? PS : My parents also plan to move next year in there , but they encourage me to study here , at home

Submitted July 25, 2020 at 09:42AM by Chris2kN

@ManuelGilAnton : Estimado Jorge @Stack2013 No soy quien para indicar a alguien lo que debe hacer.Lo que comparto en este texto es la importancia de no hablar de todo,el valor del silencio en sí,y para pensar antes de decir tantas palabras que no buscan escuchar sino aplastar. Era eso, no más.

@ManuelGilAnton : Estimado Jorge @Stack2013 No soy quien para indicar a alguien lo que debe hacer.Lo que comparto en este texto es la importancia de no hablar de todo,el valor del silencio en sí,y para pensar antes de decir tantas palabras que no buscan escuchar sino aplastar. Era eso, no más. (via Twitter

@ManuelGilAnton : Necesitamos un poco, no le hace que solo sean unos centavos de silencio...

@ManuelGilAnton : Necesitamos un poco, no le hace que solo sean unos centavos de silencio... (via Twitter

Hypothetical situation: You are teaching a grade 8 class (isolated socially from any other school's students) with roughly grade 3-5 literacy levels. Do you let the 13 year olds in your charge know how far behind they are?

No text found

Submitted July 25, 2020 at 06:49AM by bjsforever

Will a Coronavirus induced gap year adversely affect secondary school students?

Much has been written about when and how to reopen public schools during the pandemic. Will imposing a gap year on students, which freezes where they are academically for one year, be harmful to students?

Submitted July 25, 2020 at 05:59AM by jmooremcc

Americans don't care about education and it's heartbreaking.

I'm watching this video that CNN posted of this teacher who is absolutely upset on the conditions for this school year. Talking about how students will have to literally sit in a chair all day and practically work alone. They aren't aloud to move around or interact really with other students. And she's so heartbroken. And every comment is just horrible. People are saying "suck it up", "so you have to teach kids manners? That's what you're for". Like no that's not the point. The point is that teachers WILL NOT be able to provide them with the best learning experience. Students deserve a better experience. The fact that people instantly see that she is just complaining and not actually caring about the kind of education these students will be receiving due to these conditions is just heartbreaking. No one cares. All education is, is glorified childcare apparently.Almost everyone that is not an educator has made that clear. Who cares about the experiences, the support, students having a safe environment to learn about themselves, the opportunities for new experiences, learning how to be successful as well as develop meaningful and even lifelong relationships. No wonder America is failing.

Submitted July 25, 2020 at 06:14AM by missbandyband

Math Solver Tools for Educators

This is a video which explains four of the best Math solver tools for Math teachers or home schooling parents. 4 Best Math Solver Tools

Submitted July 25, 2020 at 03:08AM by Dr-Tahir-Yaqub

viernes, 24 de julio de 2020

@ManuelGilAnton : La opinión del profe Rogelio.

@ManuelGilAnton : La opinión del profe Rogelio. (via Twitter

@ManuelGilAnton : Una prueba de lo que se aprende en la página de Fernando Salinas Quiroz, @drsalinasquiroz Estupendo diálogo!

@ManuelGilAnton : Una prueba de lo que se aprende en la página de Fernando Salinas Quiroz, @drsalinasquiroz Estupendo diálogo! (via Twitter

@ManuelGilAnton : En esta cuenta, de Fernando Salinas Quiroz, @drsalinasquiroz encontramos una ventana a temas muy importantes que no solemos ver. Los invito a visitarla y seguirla, vale la pena.

@ManuelGilAnton : En esta cuenta, de Fernando Salinas Quiroz, @drsalinasquiroz encontramos una ventana a temas muy importantes que no solemos ver. Los invito a visitarla y seguirla, vale la pena. (via Twitter

I just read this article about the rise of “Zutors” and the concerns about unequal access in education. I’m curious on what people in education as well as parents and students think ?

Submitted July 24, 2020 at 02:10PM by limache

How would one go about suggesting additional or revised curriculum?

I’ve been working on a dream high school “specialities” series of courseworks that I feel would really benefit youth especially disadvantaged youth, and I know would have been beneficial to myself if provided with the resources at the right time.

I really want to approach my former high school to see if this is something they’d want to implement. I plan to write it up as a business plan, and make sure all resources necessary would be on board.

What is the proper way to do this? Do I just contact the school committee and superintendent and present my plan?

Submitted July 24, 2020 at 01:38PM by DiligentCourse5

We are educators from NASA’s Office of STEM Engagement, looking to help you bring genuine NASA mission-driven experiences to your students in the upcoming school year. As part of the Next Gen STEM Project, we develop resources for K-12 students & educators specific to NASA missions. Ask us anything.


Submitted July 24, 2020 at 12:55PM by Chtorrr

Why are Carl Rogers, David Aspy, and Person Centered education non-existent in modern day education?

So after reading Rogers' description of ideal education, and David Aspy's research where they actually practiced it all over the world, only it find it works, I'm stumped.

They talk about a system that is so different than the norm that's it's almost seen as radical at the time (with segregated schools just closing. But it's been over 50 years and their research is nearly completely forgotten.

So I guess my question is for educators, is student centered education a utopian daydream in a capitalistic society so determined to reduce people to numbers (grades)?

Link -

Submitted July 24, 2020 at 08:59AM by nimrodrool

@ManuelGilAnton : ¿Cuándo dejará de llover? ¿Cuánto falta para que escampe?

@ManuelGilAnton : ¿Cuándo dejará de llover? ¿Cuánto falta para que escampe? (via Twitter

The best way to build strong knowledge in computer science from scratch

Hi redditers,

I've been seeking the internet for a long time and caught some good advices that turned not being adapted to me. (a lot. like hundreds)

I don't know where to start with my situation so I will just get along my thoughts and spit them out as they're coming.

i'm a 26yo french student (sorry for my english, by advance), diagnosed Asperger since 3 years and been through a particular school background as I started in cattering school and ended up graduating in applied mathematic in CS for Big Data and statistics. It has not (or few) importance here but some of you could understand more.

My dream simply consists to work as a developper (free lance, at the end) and share my ability to solve problems and help on many differents aspects since I'm quite eclectic, open minded and adaptative.

My biggest problem would be summed up as :

I am way to slow to understand things that people commonly understand lightning fast.

I really need to understand the background of things before I can claim : i'm masterizing them

I've been graduated, already, but the Master degree I want need a general IT/CS diploma and I'm quite redoing the same degree, but no longer in applied maths but in CS.

In September I will start my year and the program is about :
- "Algorithmic 2" (I never had any, so the step is already big)
- Logic
- Java programming (always been into Python and C#)

and even if I graduated, I always felt I never been able to program any line in my whole life, so I would like to refresh from 0, from scratch, and build myself a strong knowledge

The simpliest answer I can get is "just do something and you will progress" but I don't feel it like that.

So my questions would be :

For you : What would be the best way to learn Java Programming, Algorithmic and Logic from 0 to be able to work on my own and crush this 3rd year while I feel I have 0 basis in this theorical degree ?

Where should I start ? any easy-access course ? any pedagogic personnality that has a youtube channel or written a book ? any advice to progress from "a+c = d " to "update the lambda function and handle exceptions" and working on my own algorithms ?

I feel completely lost and unable to learn while I strongly know I have good abilities and most of all, I've a strong will to fight for me, my knowledge and my future job.. i'm just lost and don't know where and how to start.

PS : my post instantly get deleted from the /compsci subreddit for a reason escaping me so here it is in education

Submitted July 24, 2020 at 07:12AM by EtherealThoughts

The pandemic is making schools even more unequal

No matter what's going on at home, schools have always been something of an equalizer — with all the neighborhood kids, richer and poorer, sitting behind the same desks in the same classrooms. Pandemic-induced remote learning is doing away with that.

Submitted July 24, 2020 at 05:07AM by zsreport

GED or high-school diploma for my situation?

, due to some complications at home, I’ll be moving to New Orleans(Coming in from the Philippines,born and raised)for my last year of highschool, I’ll be moving around sept 20 so ill be a little late and will probably have to do some catching up, Should i opt for finishing highschool or just get a GED.

Not sure if this is important but i do have dual citizenship, Filipino-American


Submitted July 24, 2020 at 04:38AM by stalinwars

jueves, 23 de julio de 2020

Where is the outrage among educators?

I can't believe I'm writing this but governors of several states have effectively said, "it's ok if some of you die, get back to school."

The department of education is recommending that you fill out a will.

Why are educators not speaking about a national labor action?

Submitted July 23, 2020 at 09:54PM by Heres_your_sign

WVU’s board repeatedly keeps public from hearing discussions on responses to the pandemic, racism and other issues

Members of West Virginia University’s Board of Governors met for more than three hours June 19, discussing the school’s budget, tuition and fees, capital projects, the coronavirus pandemic and a petition signed by more than 800 people calling WVU “systemically anti-Black.”

That’s according to a member who attended that meeting. None of the discussion took place in public, although the Board of Governors is a public body leading a public university with a $1.1 billion annual budget, including student tuition and state and federal taxpayer money.

Public entities in West Virginia may meet privately to discuss such issues as litigation and personnel matters. Open meetings laws typically allow private discussions, called “executive sessions,” for sensitive personnel or legal matters but operate under a premise that public bodies generally conduct business in the open based on the fact they use public money.

West Virginia’s law states: “The Legislature hereby finds and declares that public agencies in this state exist for the singular purpose of representing citizens of this state in governmental affairs, and it is, therefore, in the best interests of the people of this state for the proceedings of public agencies be conducted openly, with only a few clearly defined exceptions.”

The board is scheduled to meet at 4 p.m. Friday, when members are expected to discuss “confidential legal, personnel, and deliberative matters” regarding the pandemic.

WVU plans to move students back onto campus starting in two weeks.

It is unclear whether the discussion will be public — another possible executive session is on the agenda.

In addition to the June 19 meeting, the board talked in private about COVID-19 for an hour and a half June 2, and the board voted in previous meetings to go into executive discussion to talk about the pandemic.

Tuition, budgets, the pandemic and hundreds of people denouncing WVU as racist and demanding change aren’t among the “clearly defined” exceptions written in the open meetings act.

Asked how WVU justifies privately discussing these matters, school spokeswoman April Kaull only said in an email that “as stated previously, the WVU Board of Governors operates within provisions of West Virginia Code. Meeting agendas, posted and publicly available, include Code authority related to potential executive sessions.”

“No formal decisions are made and no formal votes are taken during executive sessions,” she wrote. “When Board decisions are made or votes taken, they are always made in public with full transparency.”

The West Virginia Open Government Guide, written by two WVU professors for the Washington, D.C.-based Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press, says that “unfortunately, many of the exemptions (called ‘exceptions’) specified in the Open Meetings Act are so broad that they are subject to abuse.”

“And,” the guide says, “even though a public agency cannot make a decision while in executive session, it is possible that everything but the actual decision will be made in an executive session and the reasons behind the decision will not be disclosed.”

The guide also says “there are no decisions of the West Virginia Supreme Court of Appeals interpreting any of these exceptions to the Act.”

The website of the West Virginia Ethics Commission, which doesn’t enforce the open meetings act but does provide government officials advisory opinions about its meaning, says: “A governing body must attempt to segregate the non-exempt portions from the exempt portions of its meeting unless segregation would make a coherent discussion impossible.”

A vote to go into executive session “must state in plain language the grounds for convening an executive session.”

When WVU board members vote to go into executive session, they reference the specific exemptions in the open meetings act but provide little detail on how what they will discuss meets those exemptions. In the case of the black community’s concerns and other issues, like a discussion about athletics, board members did not state beforehand that those subjects would be discussed.

Seven minutes into the June 19 meeting, the board voted to move to a private line and blocked the public from the discussion that followed, some of it centered on race two days after the school received the petition charging prevalent racism on campus.

“We ... discussed at some length the expressed concern and demands by the black community on our campus and the protests that we heard loud and clear,” board member Elmer Coppoolse said.

But it wasn’t until about 4:30 that afternoon that the public could hear Coppoolse’s explanation of what was discussed. And it only got to hear what Coppoolse was willing to share.

West Virginia’s open meetings law stipulates that “the people in delegating authority do not give their public servants the right to decide what is good for them to know and what is not good for them to know. The people insist on remaining informed so that they may retain control over the instruments of government created by them.”

WVU board Chairman David Alvarez spoke briefly about WVU’s response to racism but after the private discussion occurred.

Other topics included in the private discussion were a talk with the athletic director about the “outlook for this upcoming season;” the business college; emergency pay policy; and federal Title IX regulations, which deal with issues that include the handling of sexual assault cases.

During the June 2 meeting, the board voted to talk privately just two minutes after the session began.

“We received an update from management on planning scenarios for the fall,” Alvarez said when the meeting reopened to the public.

“The leadership of the university has made great progress in planning for the fall — including both from an academic and an operational perspective — as we look to take steps to provide a reasonable, safe and effective set of requirements and capabilities for a successful on-campus fall,” Alvarez said. “Management is preparing to make a series of announcements in the coming days relating to our next steps.”

The meeting then ended.

The public did not observe the possible board response to initial plans presented by university administrators during the private portion of the meeting, or whether feedback from board members altered the plans before they were announced publicly in the following days.

Board members spent two-and-a-half hours meeting privately May 1 discussing, among other things, according to the agenda, “matters regarding 2020-21 academic year and budgets” and “legal, personnel, and deliberative matters relating to West Virginia University’s ongoing response to the COVID-19 pandemic.”

“As one might expect in these times,” board member Marty Becker said afterward, “most of our discussion dealt with the various ramifications taking place as we deal with this pandemic and its impacts on the university.”

“I will say the committee was quite impressed with the level of planning and preparedness the university leadership team has been undertaking in their plans and actions regarding the whole COVID-19 situation, it was very well presented,” Becker said. “There were no votes taken, no actions taken, all will be dealt with at later times.”

The May 1 and June 19 executive sessions were during meetings of committees of the board. Those panels are bound by the same open meetings law the full board is.

On both dates, two committees met together for the secret discussions. A combined 14 of the full board’s 17 members serve on the committees.

Submitted July 23, 2020 at 09:46PM by MountainsMan55

Just got news news that my school is starting online and going thru December. TBD If we go back in January. As a first year teacher - I’m relieved, and insanely overwhelmed

I have so much to say and yet ... not much at all. I just needed somewhere to vent. About 1 month out and my summer school job is finishing up this week. I was a TA this past year so I have some experience in the classroom and with the day to day of being a teacher. But the idea of taking a curriculum and making it adequate AND engaging is so daunting. The amount of tracking and data is more than double online. The work flow is just SO tedious working out of documents all day. Plus... the entire job is literally behind a computer ALL DAY as well, which something I wanted to avoid in my career.

Not even to mention the lack of interaction with my new students and inability to create community. I’m sure as a school we will come up with a solid plan for some in-person meet and greets, but still - this is a whole other issue that is also a major challenge and huge let down to my first year.

I’m lucky that my school invests in a rigorous online science curriculum that I will be able to adapt - at least I’m not working from garbage curriculum or at worst nothing at all! So there is that. And I believe in the school and it’s leadership and that ultimately this WAS the right decision.

Not sure why I’m posting but if anyone has any good resources, tips for tracking (attendance, feed-backing, participation, grades), work flow tips, keeping students engaged, or really anything - that would be cool.

I know I’m complaining a lot, and I’m mostly excited for my first year, it’s just .... unbelievable and overwhelming. Ultimately I’m just venting, but I also wanted to see if anyone else is feeling completely overwhelmed at starting online and all the challenges that comes with and how they are dealing with it. All I know is... I’m taking one week off after summer school and starting my teaching routine again Aug. 3rd.

Submitted July 23, 2020 at 08:01PM by Modern_chemistry

@ManuelGilAnton : Un muy buen texto de Roberto Rodríguez. La memoria siempre da perspectiva.

@ManuelGilAnton : Un muy buen texto de Roberto Rodríguez. La memoria siempre da perspectiva. (via Twitter

If you could reform the education system, what would you do?

I would like to hear what you guys would do if you could change this education system in general, the whole idea of having a group of students in a single class, giving grades and so on.

What change would you bring about?

Submitted July 23, 2020 at 04:57PM by primepasta

Roadmap to becoming an principal?

Out of curiosity what is the normal path to becoming a principal?

Can you become one without being a teacher?

Submitted July 23, 2020 at 04:30PM by Tangentkoala

@ManuelGilAnton : @daguilarmendoza Muy bien!

@ManuelGilAnton : @daguilarmendoza Muy bien! (via Twitter

@ManuelGilAnton : Sobre anteponer los grados al nombre:de lo que se trata en la vida es,como decía Santiago Ramírez padre a su hijo:hay que perder el doctorado.¿Por qué, papá?Porque nadie dice Dr Darwin,ni Dr Eistein,ni Dr. Marx o Weber.Vale su nombre y obra,no su certificado pues creo que sí.

@ManuelGilAnton : Sobre anteponer los grados al nombre:de lo que se trata en la vida es,como decía Santiago Ramírez padre a su hijo:hay que perder el doctorado.¿Por qué, papá?Porque nadie dice Dr Darwin,ni Dr Eistein,ni Dr. Marx o Weber.Vale su nombre y obra,no su certificado pues creo que sí. (via Twitter

Unleash creative school staff on our worst school year ever

Submitted July 23, 2020 at 10:23AM by boundfortrees

Give Students #UserFreedom - Free Software Foundation

We call on school administrators at all levels to drop requirements for students to use proprietary software to participate in a course, and to adopt a free software replacement for every nonfree program being used. As students, teachers, parents, and concerned citizens, we stand together for the following principles:

  • It is an injustice to require students to sacrifice their freedom to proprietary software in pursuit of an education.

  • Using free software in the classroom communicates the importance of values key to a free society: sharing, social responsibility, and independence.

  • With its focus on study and collaboration, free software is far more suited to the spirit of pedagogy than the dependence and abuse caused by proprietary software.

Submitted July 23, 2020 at 09:17AM by technologyclassroom

Take 2 Monday through Friday at 12 PM Eastern on EWTN Radio 07/23/20 - The coming School year

Parents everywhere are trying to navigate the ever-changing waters of what the coming school year will look like for their children. Some areas say that are simply going to reopen schools so that all kids can return. Others say classes will all be online. While still other areas are examining various hybrid possibilities. All the while, many teachers’ groups and parents are threatening to sue if they are forced to go back to school during the pandemic. Caught in the middle of all this are our children. On Thursday, share your thoughts on all of this with Jerry and Debbie. Do you even have a sense of how your kids will be educated this coming year? This should be a lively conversation.

Submitted July 23, 2020 at 07:14AM by EWTN

miércoles, 22 de julio de 2020

AP Courses Early

When is the earliest grade a student can take AP’s? I heard 8th grade but that was not a definitive answer. Thanks in advance.

Submitted July 22, 2020 at 10:35PM by CuriousKong20

Preparing for Fall

Curious what schools are planning to support students learning at home and also educators teaching from home?

What are schools doing to help students and teachers outfit their home learning/teaching spaces? What materials are schools preparing to distribute in support of remote learning?

Submitted July 22, 2020 at 09:16PM by jackiereads

@ManuelGilAnton : @luzdlourdes Y te aviso, Luz.

@ManuelGilAnton : @luzdlourdes Y te aviso, Luz. (via Twitter

@ManuelGilAnton : @luzdlourdes Deja y pregunto, gracias.

@ManuelGilAnton : @luzdlourdes Deja y pregunto, gracias. (via Twitter

@ManuelGilAnton : Este sábado 25, desde Cali, Colombia, un cafecito...

@ManuelGilAnton : Este sábado 25, desde Cali, Colombia, un cafecito... (via Twitter

Stuck at home parents want more support for homeschooling

Submitted July 22, 2020 at 12:51PM by Sonu2020

Stuck at home parents want more support for homeschooling

Submitted July 22, 2020 at 12:51PM by Sonu2020

Stuck at home parents want more support for homeschooling

Submitted July 22, 2020 at 12:51PM by Sonu2020

@EducacionFutura : RT @OtraEducacionMx: #Podcast de La Otra Educación 97.3 fm. En esta emisión nos acompañó Teresa Galicia y @jcma23 con quienes platicamos sobre el regreso a las aulas y el papel de la investigación educativa. Conduce @elErickJuarez

@EducacionFutura : RT @OtraEducacionMx: #Podcast de La Otra Educación 97.3 fm. En esta emisión nos acompañó Teresa Galicia y @jcma23 con quienes platicamos sobre el regreso a las aulas y el papel de la investigación educativa. Conduce @elErickJuarez (via Twitter

I think we need to note in the conversation about kids returning 100%; thats like a parent choosing to send their kid to school unvaccinated.

Parents have a lot unfettered domain over their kid. What if the kids don’t want to go back to an unsafe environment? What if parents are feeding disinformation to get their kids back in the class?

Think about it.

CA does not allow unvaccinated kids in schools. Chicken Pox won’t kill a kid. But it can kill an adult. And my grandma lost an eye and her sight is going from the last one because of the chicken pox virus she contracted as a kid.

The fuck is the logic sending a kid during a pandemic?

If COVID had lesions, we’d be singing a different tune.

Submitted July 22, 2020 at 11:14AM by anonoman925

Wanting to make the transition from K-12 to higher education and educational research.

I just finished my master’s degree in TESOL and I am working on my master’s in curriculum and instruction. I love K-12 teaching but I am also an academic who loves learning too. I would like to receive my doctorate so I am planning now. My end career goal is to work in higher education and conduct educational research. My questions are:

1.) What doctorate degree should I pursue? 2.) How do I make the transition to higher education and research? 3.) Is this even realistic for me?

Submitted July 22, 2020 at 10:21AM by throwthisaway1967

Anyone heard of TOPS Education? Seeking reviews or thoughts.

I've come across a job posting for an organization called TOPS Education, which provides online college application advice to Chinese students. The job posting is for an advisor to help Chinese students develop their application materials, and they seem to pay very well. Anyone heard of them? I'm worried it's a scam, as I can't find any information about them online.

Submitted July 22, 2020 at 09:29AM by Baloncesto

Want to start online teaching for Kids.

Hi, I am planning to start an online teaching for students below class 10. I had come across a Chinese platform VIPKID (hope you guys know about it) and I am fascinated about how their business model works.

I would like to opt for a similar business model for my online teaching business. I would appreciate if any experts or any entrepreneurs advice on how I can go about starting a business platform like VIPKID.

Any kind of help is welcomed ;)

Submitted July 22, 2020 at 06:43AM by Kathyalameda

Rethinking Education and Learning from a First Principles Thinking Approach

I make videos on the applications of artificial intelligence, and I was trying to make a video of creating learning feedback loops individually tailored to individuals. I quickly realized that our models of learning and our education system weren't ready yet. This video ( explains how we should be GUIDING our learners through the discovery of information and knowledge with 10 recommendations.

Submitted July 22, 2020 at 06:49AM by mv3830