viernes, 24 de julio de 2020

The best way to build strong knowledge in computer science from scratch

Hi redditers,

I've been seeking the internet for a long time and caught some good advices that turned not being adapted to me. (a lot. like hundreds)

I don't know where to start with my situation so I will just get along my thoughts and spit them out as they're coming.

i'm a 26yo french student (sorry for my english, by advance), diagnosed Asperger since 3 years and been through a particular school background as I started in cattering school and ended up graduating in applied mathematic in CS for Big Data and statistics. It has not (or few) importance here but some of you could understand more.

My dream simply consists to work as a developper (free lance, at the end) and share my ability to solve problems and help on many differents aspects since I'm quite eclectic, open minded and adaptative.

My biggest problem would be summed up as :

I am way to slow to understand things that people commonly understand lightning fast.

I really need to understand the background of things before I can claim : i'm masterizing them

I've been graduated, already, but the Master degree I want need a general IT/CS diploma and I'm quite redoing the same degree, but no longer in applied maths but in CS.

In September I will start my year and the program is about :
- "Algorithmic 2" (I never had any, so the step is already big)
- Logic
- Java programming (always been into Python and C#)

and even if I graduated, I always felt I never been able to program any line in my whole life, so I would like to refresh from 0, from scratch, and build myself a strong knowledge

The simpliest answer I can get is "just do something and you will progress" but I don't feel it like that.

So my questions would be :

For you : What would be the best way to learn Java Programming, Algorithmic and Logic from 0 to be able to work on my own and crush this 3rd year while I feel I have 0 basis in this theorical degree ?

Where should I start ? any easy-access course ? any pedagogic personnality that has a youtube channel or written a book ? any advice to progress from "a+c = d " to "update the lambda function and handle exceptions" and working on my own algorithms ?

I feel completely lost and unable to learn while I strongly know I have good abilities and most of all, I've a strong will to fight for me, my knowledge and my future job.. i'm just lost and don't know where and how to start.

PS : my post instantly get deleted from the /compsci subreddit for a reason escaping me so here it is in education

Submitted July 24, 2020 at 07:12AM by EtherealThoughts

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