martes, 21 de julio de 2020

Online Education.... Lets have a debate... Help change my mind...

My first rant is gonna be about online education... I'm a supporter of online education for these reasons... 1. You can take the BEST teachers of the world and give any child who pays attention the best education possible... 2. That teacher can teach a unlimited amount of children and give them the best chances of getting a quality education... 3. You don't have to worry about bad teachers making your child hate an education... 4. You don't have to worry about peer pressure or bullying. Peer pressure makes your kids party and have sex.. Bullying impacts your kids negatively mentally. They become depressed so fail to learn... 5. Cheaper to pay one SUPER teacher a fantastic wage than pay 10,000 bad teachers a decent wage... 6. Your kid doesn't have to worry about not getting their education, because of a disruptive class clown... 7. You no longer need all these physical schools which cost lots of money for bills, upkeep, supplies, and now sterilization... 8. No need for busses, maintenace, and fuel... 9. Don't have to worry about school shootings... 10... Don't have to worry about your kids getting indoctrinated with political and world views... 11. You will be able to see exactly what your kid is being taught. As classes would not be live, but pre recorded.. Why?!?! Because you want the subject matter explained in such a simplified way that the student need not have to ask questions... 12. Keeping a video library of course material can be pulled up and reviewed anytime for study purposes.. Also portions of video can be edited if need be for ease of learning for the student...

Think how much money this would save... And how your kids would be safer... And how they have a chance for BETTER education... This could actually be diffrence that sets our kids up better than the rest of the world... Your child is being taught by the brightest minds of the world...

I support this for High School and College students only!!! Unless their is a parent home for a younger child... Online classes is like home schooling on steroids... Cause you can hire best of the best to film these instructional videos..

  • If you think the Cons outweigh the Pros, let's have healthy debate right here in Reddit**

** Please Share and help this go viral!!! Pretend we are having debate and voting accordingly... PLEASE... I beg anyone to give me a convincing argument, that makes me change my mind...

*** The ONLY con I see is, what about all the Teachers jobs?? WELL... My child's future is more important than your job... Go train for something and get a new job... ADAPT to an ever changing world...

Submitted July 21, 2020 at 05:13PM by Sulfurousclown

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