martes, 21 de julio de 2020

What to do if you are forced to work by your district

So, obviously this will vary by your state and district, but there are a few universal truths to hold onto.

  1. Document your districts directives to work AND any language discussing how dangerous the situation is.

  2. Document your own health issues (especially if you are at a high risk for Covid-19 comorbidities, i.e. Asthmatic, high blood pressure, obese, diabetes, over 60, etc.)

  3. Email your concerns to your direct supervisor. Be specific about your health concerns and include CDC guidelines in your email (bonus points if you use PDF attachments of the guidelines).

  4. Be a part of your union (even if they've failed you, even of you've been shafted and they looked on in the past, this is the year to pay those dues and get whatever coverage or assistance they may provide.

Why do all these things?

Tort law.

It varies from State to state, but when teachers inevitably begin dying and the districts claim they couldn't have seen this coming, the documents you provide will allow their families to effectively sue the people who forced them into the positions that killed them.

Submitted July 21, 2020 at 11:50PM by Cognitive_Spoon

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