sábado, 4 de julio de 2020

Why Is Science Education So General? Also, There Is No Separation Between "Social Studies" and "Science".

Why does school teach science the way it does?

Why is K-8 science made up of a mixture of different scientific topics and fields? You get a little bit of astronomy, a little bit of biology, a little bit of geology, etc.

It's not until high school and college that science education becomes more specialized (biology, chemistry, astronomy, geography, physics, etc., are offered as courses and majors). Also, so much of what we call "Social Studies" versus what we call "Science" is actually both. Economics is a science, but it's considered "Social Studies". Psychology, sociology, anthropology, and archaeology are considered "social sciences", but K-12 science rarely even introduces these fields. Geography is equally a "social science", an "earth science", and a "physical science".

I just think that this is why there's so much scientific illiteracy in the U.S.

This "exposure" method of teaching science in K-8 has done nothing for actually increasing scientific literacy.

Submitted July 04, 2020 at 12:20PM by LoveMimi94 https://ift.tt/2NSqbrV

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