lunes, 24 de agosto de 2020

Remote learning

Mind my broad language and unorganized ideas.

I really think remote learning is the best thing to happen for American education. I went to public school in Texas, and I think the consensus is that it is not very good. There are also countries like Japan where education is said to be very good, that I assume is how the stereotype that Asians are smart comes from. Parents are now changing their daily lives to allow their child to be educated. Current education laws only support the situation of attendance and grades due to the social distancing guidelines. Technology and the internet is actually sufficient enough to provide visual and audible sources for us to communicate and interact. Also, the physical barrier. Sure kids can slack off but it’s only hurting them. Not education. Bullying has been isolated to virtual. The change is very hard, but I honestly think the results will be honest and effective. I work in technology for a school district, and I notice an incredible learning curve with teachers and some students. With older teachers and teachers of courses that never relied on technology, I’ve noticed resistance and an overall negative attitude to changes. I’m sure a lot of it comes from pressures not only from their jobs. My child isn’t old enough to be in school, but whats your take in this?

Submitted August 24, 2020 at 09:02PM by bennyboomshot

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