jueves, 22 de septiembre de 2022

Boost Parental Support for the Use of Technology in their Children’s Education

According to studies of successful schools, a high level of parental participation is a critical indicator of their performance and can even help close the achievement gap across groups of kids. Despite the fact that 85% of parents believe they can make a “major” or “fair” difference in their child’s learning and academic success, 46% wish they could do more.

For productive and meaningful parent engagement, a healthy flow of information between school and parents is required, and this communication should include all stakeholders, including parents, teachers, managers, professionals, club leaders and trainers, and the parent-teacher association. The strategies mentioned below can help you boost parent involvement at your school.

Understanding the Most Common Obstacles

Maintaining an excellent connection between home and school has grown more challenging in recent years due to a combination of key factors impacting parent participation. For starters, educators cannot presume that students live at home with both parents because family living arrangements are becoming more diverse. Second, families move around a lot; in fact, the United States has one of the most mobile populations in the world. Third, many school communities include immigrants from a variety of countries who speak a variety of languages. Finally, as academic support teams have grown in popularity, each child now has numerous educators working with them. Despite good intentions, school communications efforts usually encounter roadblocks as a result of these and other factors.

Submitted September 22, 2022 at 02:54AM by Automatic-Ear-7160 https://ift.tt/TVcrIHa

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