martes, 13 de septiembre de 2022

Can we update the education system already??

Look, I know i'm not the brightest and i'm lazy and other stuff. But goddamn!! I had a quiz in philosophy worth for 15% and it had 5 questions. One of the questions was asking the name of a character that honestly didnt do much in the book. My memory, especialy with names and dates fucking sucks. Why the fuck am I graded on my fucking memory in a philosophy class, I get that it's free points for people with good memory, but I get absolutely shafted by that. I'm a programmer, I copy paste my way to the end.... How about you ask questions that makes us argument on a subject.... That is all, had to get it off my chest, hope u guys are having a good day 🙂

Submitted September 13, 2022 at 06:59AM by UCanCallMeJuggernaut

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