lunes, 5 de septiembre de 2022

Looking for recommendations for teaching tools used to help non-native English speakers in the classroom

Hi everyone. My Mom is a 6th grade Math teacher and she is getting ready for the new school year. She informed me about a challenge she will have this year, and that is teaching a new Peruvian student who speaks little to no English. He school district and school has done next to nothing to provide support to my mom or the new student. She doesn’t have a translator, no one speaks Spanish in the class she is in, and the ESL teacher has over 50 other students that she has to work with, not to mention she also does not speak Spanish. My Mom’s district has her use Google slides as their preferred platform to teach off of. I showed her how to translate her slides into Spanish so the new student can follow along textually at the very least. I was wondering if anyone was aware of software that would provide communication support in a real time manner. If my Mom is teaching, can her audio be translated in real time? Is there a 3rd party application that offers this service or does Google have something native to their platform?

Any suggestions outside of what I am asking about are also welcome. Just trying to help my Mom and this new student out. Thanks for any help or suggestions!

Submitted September 05, 2022 at 10:25AM by Abillemeyer

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