sábado, 25 de marzo de 2023

What is your take on this?

As a parent of two children currently in high school and college I am disturbed by the ousting of a principal over her teaching about western culture. This primary pertains to the image of the Sculpture of David. The charge was exposing a minor to pornography. Yeah it seems as though the principal herself was not fully informed as to the reason why she was asked to resign or get fired. I smell money here for some reason. This to me is outrageous and frivolous. How is this being tolerated considering the easy access, and even that is an understatement, to the true adult content easily found on social media. Has the educational community lost its backbone to standing up to reason? I would like opinions and commentary from both sides.


Submitted March 25, 2023 at 05:48AM by PressureUseful https://ift.tt/dACH90k

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