Este blog es un centro de reunión y de información actual sobre temas educativos, con la finalidad de darle a los docentes un espacio de comunicación con colegas del gremio y la posibilidad de intercambiar información veraz y oportuna sobre el dinámico mundo del conocimiento, la investigación, las técnicas y materiales de enseñanza y la tecnología.
domingo, 30 de abril de 2023
Education in the global south is all about indoctrination than critical thinking. We were taught to study hard to get jobs not to create ideas that create jobs. I guess it's easier to indoctrinate than to educate.
Submitted April 30, 2023 at 11:15PM by black_mamba_gambit
Florida Trying to Oust School Leader Who Publicly Criticized DeSantis
The Florida Department of Education is investigating an elected superintendent who is a fierce critic of Gov. Ron DeSantis
Submitted April 30, 2023 at 04:43PM by BigAssQuanta
sábado, 29 de abril de 2023
What to study
Sup r/education I'm a 19-year-old semi-neet. I dropped out of law school earlier this year because I wasn't able to obtain my prop in due time.
I'm looking for a new subject to study at uni next semester and I would like to hear you guys advice on the matter.
generally speaking, I tend to be attracted to the social sciences (i.e. psychology and sociology) and religion/theology in particular, but I won't be able to study that next year for reasons I won't get into. I've cut it down to three main subjects:
the first being Pedagogy, as I already got some experience working with children and youth and am interested in learning developmental psychology. A lot of people tell me that it's a "female-dominant field" and I shouldn't be into it for that reason.
The second option is social work, cause I'm a volunteer and worked at multiple organizations where I get in touch with a lot of social workers and students doing their internships, so I have fostered a fondness for this subject and got a head start.
The last occupation I’m interested in is that of an English teacher. It is important to note that I don’t live in the English-speaking part of the world
And spend way too much time on online forums, so I always got a head start when it came down to English compared to other students. I even finished English with a 9.7/10 in college, which is ironic as I suffer from massive dyslexia. I already arranged a meet-up with my former English teacher for some advice, he is the best teacher I’ve ever had and a true inspiration in life.
So what are your thoughts? which path should I take?
Submitted April 29, 2023 at 05:03PM by ZEC020
viernes, 28 de abril de 2023
Help I guess
Yesterday when my teacher was handing out our English tests which we had done 2 weeks ago I noticed that I didn't get and A or an A- but rather a C+ I was confused and asked my teacher because I have a feeling that she hated me but no she pointed out the mistakes that I had made and they were indeed wrong.I was puzzled as to why I had gotten such a low mark even though I am the person always getting A's and on a rare occasion B's this has really affected me as I am not good at that many subjects so it was sad seeing the low grade in my report card.What can I do an should I be sad(English is not my country's native language btw)
Submitted April 28, 2023 at 07:03AM by Superb_Honeydew8675
Healthy Homes Curriculum
Hi everyone!
I work for a non-profit that raises awareness around the relationship between homes, home habits, and health. We’re planning to put together a set of learning experiences for 3-5 grade students that gets them to think critically about healthy home environments - with focus on healthy air quality. We’re debating a few things and I’d love to get your opinions!
- Would it be easier for teachers to implement if the curriculum were integrated into existing classes or offered as a separate program (like an assembly or something like that)?
- We want students to talk to their parents about their home environment. Can you describe any strategies or approaches you have found effective in encouraging parents to participate in their child's homework?
- Exploring healthy home environments could be a delicate topic because it could cause alarm in children or parents if they discover something unfavorable. Any tips on how to draw students into a potentially delicate topic without frightening anyone?
- How might you encourage students to actively participate in making their homes healthier based on what they learned and the discussions they have with their parents?
- Do you have any additional recommendations or insights that you think would be valuable for us to consider?
Thanks for your help!
Submitted April 28, 2023 at 07:03AM by pancashire37
Programs influenced by Neil Postman
I'm investigating graduate programs in education. I'm curious about whether any master's programs have been influenced by Neil Postman, or else offer an opportunity to engage at length with his thought. I'd welcome any direction, even if only a pointer toward departments where scholars have published on Postman.
Submitted April 28, 2023 at 06:20AM by mattcordella
jueves, 27 de abril de 2023
Name for class on how to be an adult
Is there a name for a school subject that teaches stuff like how to file taxes, how to apply for a job, how to vote, and so on? The kind of things students complain about not learning basically. Even if it doesn't exist in schools at the moment, what would the proper name for such a subject be? I checked and life skills, practical knowledge, and applied knowledge already mean something else.
Submitted April 27, 2023 at 11:01PM by neuralbeans
SJSU-Computer network system management vs UWT-Computer Science and System
Hey guys, I’m a college student and planning transfer this semester. As the topic, I just got the offer from SJSU and UWT. However, I don’t know which school or which major is more good or which major and school can easier find a job and have a better paid.
Submitted April 27, 2023 at 08:20PM by Scientist-of-quality
Online summer tutoring/teaching opportunities for fully credentialed teachers this summer?
I’m a fully credentialed secondary Social Studies teacher from CA and am looking for extra money making opportunities online this summer. Maybe zoom tutoring in the mornings? Anyone know of or work for any company or org that offers anything like this? Thanks!
Submitted April 27, 2023 at 06:25PM by elguapo51
miércoles, 26 de abril de 2023
STEM camp ideas?
I’m a college student majoring in engineering right now, and I would like to organize a STEM camp over the summer for children (around 4-8th grade) in my church. Most of the children are first gen from immigrant families, so they lack access to educational programs and support, so it would have to be at a basic level yet fun and engaging. I wanted to get STEM camp kits, but they were very expensive and I couldn’t afford them as a college student. Are there any ideas for STEM programs for children? Should I just buy one or two kits and make them share?
Submitted April 26, 2023 at 08:22PM by Snoo-58198
Newport News School Board requests that Abby Zwerner's lawsuit be tossed because everyone understands that teaching is dangerous. Injuries should be covered by Workers' Comp only
Why am I surprised? The lawyer for the Newport News School Board is arguing that Abby Zwerner's lawsuit be tossed because it is known that the teaching profession is dangerous. Cited a statistic that 50% of teachers have reported that they've been hurt by students.
Submitted April 26, 2023 at 05:50PM by MantaRay2256
What consequence for reporting a paraprofessional who is unprofessional and rude?
This para has already been reported and investigated for playing too rough with a client. She has been reprimanded by being reassigned to a different class. Now the issue is that shes argumentive to staff and being unprofessional by belittling other aides which is causing tension in the work environment.
Submitted April 26, 2023 at 05:31PM by iiinnnxxxsss
The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Education: A Game-Changing Approach for Enhanced Learning
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing the way we live, work, and learn. In the field of education, AI has the potential to transform traditional teaching and learning methods, making education more accessible, personalized, and effective. From personalized learning systems to AI-powered teaching assistants, the possibilities are endless. But as AI technology continues to advance at a rapid pace, it's important to examine both the benefits and the potential drawbacks of its integration into education.
This article provides a definition and brief history of "artificial intelligence," highlights some current uses of AI in education, and explores optimistic, pessimistic, and concerning predictions regarding how AI could reshape education in the future.
Before delving too far ahead, let's take a brief look at the evolution of this dynamic technology.
The concept of artificial intelligence has been around for centuries, but it has only recently become a reality due to advancements in computer science and machine learning.
Artificial intelligence (AI) is the ability of a machine or computer system to perform tasks that typically require human intelligence, such as learning, problem-solving, and decision-making.
AI research dates back to the 1950s, when scientists began exploring the possibility of creating intelligent machines. In the 1960s and 1970s, AI research shifted to developing algorithms and models for specific tasks, like playing chess or speech recognition. Machine learning became the focus in the 1980s and 1990s, allowing computers to learn and adapt without being programmed explicitly.
Today, AI systems can simulate the cognitive functions of the human brain, including perception, reasoning, and learning. They can be classified based on their level of intelligence, such as narrow or general AI. Narrow AI can perform specific tasks, while general AI can adapt to a wide range of tasks.
AI is used in various industries today, including healthcare, finance, and transportation. It is behind-the-scenes analyzing data, making predictions, and automating processes. Self-driving cars, personal assistants, and medical diagnosis systems are some examples of current AI applications.
As AI technology advances, it is predicted to have a more significant impact on many aspects of our lives. However, concerns about potential negative consequences of AI, such as job displacement and decision-making bias, also exist. The ongoing debate about how to address these issues will continue as they arise.
Education is Embracing AI: Personalized Learning, Grading, and Chatbots Revolutionizing Learning
The use of artificial intelligence (AI) in education is on the rise, offering personalized learning, improving student outcomes, and reducing teacher workload. Personalized learning systems, powered by machine learning algorithms, are already thriving in adapting learning materials to individual student needs and abilities. By providing customized content and feedback, AI-powered personalized learning systems can help students learn more effectively and improve their performance.
AI is also being utilized to assist teachers in planning and classroom management. For instance, AI-powered grading systems can help teachers save time by automatically grading assignments and providing feedback to students. AI chatbots can also answer students' questions and offer support outside of class time. By automating these tasks, AI can free teachers to focus on more high-level tasks, such as lesson planning and individualized instruction.
Artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to revolutionize education, but like any new technology, it has both pros and cons. Here are some of the potential advantages and disadvantages of using AI in education:
Personalized Learning: AI algorithms can analyze student data and provide personalized learning paths, which can help students learn at their own pace and according to their individual needs.
Submitted April 26, 2023 at 04:15PM by kk7nc
The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Education: A Game-Changing Approach for Enhanced Learning
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing the way we live, work, and learn. In the field of education, AI has the potential to transform traditional teaching and learning methods, making education more accessible, personalized, and effective. From personalized learning systems to AI-powered teaching assistants, the possibilities are endless. But as AI technology continues to advance at a rapid pace, it's important to examine both the benefits and the potential drawbacks of its integration into education.
This article provides a definition and brief history of "artificial intelligence," highlights some current uses of AI in education, and explores optimistic, pessimistic, and concerning predictions regarding how AI could reshape education in the future.
Before delving too far ahead, let's take a brief look at the evolution of this dynamic technology.
The concept of artificial intelligence has been around for centuries, but it has only recently become a reality due to advancements in computer science and machine learning.
Artificial intelligence (AI) is the ability of a machine or computer system to perform tasks that typically require human intelligence, such as learning, problem-solving, and decision-making.
AI research dates back to the 1950s, when scientists began exploring the possibility of creating intelligent machines. In the 1960s and 1970s, AI research shifted to developing algorithms and models for specific tasks, like playing chess or speech recognition. Machine learning became the focus in the 1980s and 1990s, allowing computers to learn and adapt without being programmed explicitly.
Today, AI systems can simulate the cognitive functions of the human brain, including perception, reasoning, and learning. They can be classified based on their level of intelligence, such as narrow or general AI. Narrow AI can perform specific tasks, while general AI can adapt to a wide range of tasks.
AI is used in various industries today, including healthcare, finance, and transportation. It is behind-the-scenes analyzing data, making predictions, and automating processes. Self-driving cars, personal assistants, and medical diagnosis systems are some examples of current AI applications.
As AI technology advances, it is predicted to have a more significant impact on many aspects of our lives. However, concerns about potential negative consequences of AI, such as job displacement and decision-making bias, also exist. The ongoing debate about how to address these issues will continue as they arise.
Education is Embracing AI: Personalized Learning, Grading, and Chatbots Revolutionizing Learning
The use of artificial intelligence (AI) in education is on the rise, offering personalized learning, improving student outcomes, and reducing teacher workload. Personalized learning systems, powered by machine learning algorithms, are already thriving in adapting learning materials to individual student needs and abilities. By providing customized content and feedback, AI-powered personalized learning systems can help students learn more effectively and improve their performance.
AI is also being utilized to assist teachers in planning and classroom management. For instance, AI-powered grading systems can help teachers save time by automatically grading assignments and providing feedback to students. AI chatbots can also answer students' questions and offer support outside of class time. By automating these tasks, AI can free teachers to focus on more high-level tasks, such as lesson planning and individualized instruction.
Artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to revolutionize education, but like any new technology, it has both pros and cons. Here are some of the potential advantages and disadvantages of using AI in education:
Personalized Learning: AI algorithms can analyze student data and provide personalized learning paths, which can help students learn at their own pace and according to their individual needs.
Submitted April 26, 2023 at 04:28PM by kk7nc
Do you believe that doctors (MD) receive adequate education in chemistry?
I'm a student of Medicine, I already have a Bachelor in Biomedical Science (Medical Laboratory Technology was the title in my country). I always hear how important is chemistry in order to be a good physician but I never felt that we went that deep in chemistry. We had 2 biochemistries and a "Medical Chemistry" and nothing more than that. No organic chemistry, no analytical chemistry. I love chemistry and I feel kinda disappointed about that. Having seen other Medical School Programs I think the situation is similar in several countries. What do you thnk?
Submitted April 26, 2023 at 11:11AM by Theflutist92
Best second major for Software Engineering?
I'm in a Software Engineering program. But my parents have a surprisingly large shit ton of money saved for college, and I like to learn. What major would complement or enhance it best? I know CS can be paired well with math, philosophy, psychology, any hard science, hell even English. But SWE is more specific than CS. What do you recommend?
Submitted April 26, 2023 at 08:10AM by InsatiableWand3rlust
advise on what to study next
I have a bachelor's degree in fine arts in the department of painting
I want to do a masters in london
what are my options in regards to the subject I can do masters in
I applied to a course in ual called art and science and I'm so interested in that but just in case I don't get accepted I want to have other options
I'm thinking something in phycology or arts or something that mergers both
can someone recommend me masters courses and maybe give me other recommendations since I'm not so sure what I want to study next
Submitted April 26, 2023 at 06:01AM by leynaB
martes, 25 de abril de 2023
How do I figure out what I want to do?
I've have reached the point where basic school is about to end and I have to pick what to do now.
I more precisely have to pick what kind of gymnasium (High school for those people) or "Erhversuddannelse" (Electrician, Chef, Waiter, that kind of stuff) I want to take.
Its hard trying to find out what you want because there are so many interesting choices, but I have narrowed it down to a few.
- HTX, the more technical gymnasium. There is a higher focus on tech, ideas and physics. Of course things like English and history are still on the menu but with a twist.
- Erhversuddanelse, I would also really like to become a chef.
I really dont know hoe to choose. Any help is greatly appreciated.
If you need more information that I have forgotten I will happily write as a comment or an edit.
Thanks in advance.
Submitted April 25, 2023 at 11:45AM by ExternalCommon8854
Does Google Have an Agenda... On Homework?
I live in a big city and about 6 years ago I heard some over-achieving moms talking about wanting minimal homework for their kids. At the time this concept was new to me, so went home and Googled "Is more homework better?" The results showed data and experts that were pretty much unanimous: Yes, more homework was better. So at that time those moms appeared to be wrong.
Fast forward to today. I have my own kid and I'm deciding between schools, so I googled "Is more homework better?" again. The results this time seem to have significantly soured on homework. At best the data says it's complicated. Many say it's bad or neutral. Sources also say that homework is not helpful in elementary school at all. What is going on? Is there just new data that voids the slightly older data I saw six years ago, or is Google hiding certain results from us (maybe they want kids spending less time on homework and more time on Youtube)? I'm confused.
In our case, the school options with more homework do outperform (on standardized tests) the school options with less homework, but that could be anecdotal. And it seems like certain types of homework like reading and writing could never be construed as bad in any amount.
Anyhow, I would love to know what is actually going on. Is homework still a good thing?
Submitted April 25, 2023 at 11:29AM by Mermaid_Tacos
What happens when teachers run the school: In a time of slumping educator morale, a model that gives teachers greater control over their professional lives — and of entire schools — is winning attention
The pandemic and travails of remote learning walloped the education profession, worsening teacher morale and contributing to more people exiting the field. At the same time, teachers around the country have watched their autonomy erode, due to such factors as standardized testing mandates, laws governing what can and can’t be taught and growing demands for “parental rights.”
Supporters of the teacher-powered model see it as an important antidote to these trends, as well as to the micromanaging by school districts and administrators that has contributed to more young people shunning the profession. It turns a top-down approach to education on its head, asserting that teachers are most familiar with the needs of students and know best how to help them learn, and that decisions made with little input from teachers can hurt kids and make schools less vibrant, creative places.
I want to be mindful of "silver bullet" thinking, but this does sound like a very promising idea. From the research cited in the middle of the article, there seem to be enough existing pilots/examples that teachers and policy makers can really evaluate this idea without needing to make a leap of faith.
Submitted April 25, 2023 at 05:20AM by LawAndMortar
lunes, 24 de abril de 2023
Help for a presentation for my english class
I’m a first year in Uni and I was hoping to get sum help from people who would have an idea as to what to put on a presentation for a project about Green Energy Conversion. My presentation is supposed to last 10-15 minutes so I was hoping if anyone could give me suggestions for an ideal amount of slides and what aspects of green energy conversion I should focus on mainly during the presentation.(Would really appreciate it)
Submitted April 24, 2023 at 08:14PM by FashionKilla-1629
Fix Your Credit Fix Your Life
Free credit education ebook and resources for how to apply good credit to real life instances
Submitted April 24, 2023 at 05:03PM by ShaunMeezy317
My journey from special education to bachelor degree
Growing up in the Arizona school district I was considered different, I apparently had some type of learning problem but never fully understood what it was although I was placed in many learning education classes throughout the day. I remember in elementary I would have to leave my normal class for a couple hours to go to this special education class with another handful of students. This really put stress on me I always thought to myself that I did not need such classes, I hated the fact that I was characterized as such student to the other students. It was almost embarrassing. Throughout high school I also had such classes it was a joke. It almost made me feel different. Till this day I still do not think it was helpful. I believe it discourages students from going to college to pursue other educations. I although did go to college I denied and did not include this "education help" from anyone while in college. I was finally normal. In one week I will be graduating with my bachelor's in accounting from a honors standpoint from a university. I did it on my own at 23 If you or your child are in these classes make them feel normal. I can't say that they shouldn't be in them because I do think some students should be. I knew which ones should of been and which ones shouldn't have been. I always knew I was not a slow learner maybe lazy at times but I did not fit in with how my school district treated me. What finally brings me peace is that I will be graduating with a degree pathway that shits on any of those past teacher's education degrees.
Submitted April 24, 2023 at 02:59PM by TheTalk__
Is there any research on if subject-difficulty is inherent or it only depends on individual students?
I can't find any paper.
If someone has observations as teachers on this and don't mind sharing, please do comment.
Submitted April 24, 2023 at 10:26AM by No-Staff6938
College level business education online?
I want to actually understand how money works so I can make wiser economic decisions in the future, and maybe even make a living out of my investments. Is there any place where I can get useful info? A few weeks ago I found a CS course that it's almost as good as an university curriculum, so there must be something like that for business and economics.
Submitted April 24, 2023 at 08:57AM by jhgf
domingo, 23 de abril de 2023
Honours vs without honours
I just graduated from a Canadian university with a bachelor degree in microbiology&immunology without honors. I would like to do further education (master's degree) however I searched online and heard from other people that we need a honors degree to do masters. Do you have any suggestion of Canadian university that could accept regular bachelor degrees?
Submitted April 23, 2023 at 11:58AM by Inner-Personality-42
Bill Gates Foresees AI Taking Over For Teachers
Submitted April 23, 2023 at 10:41AM by abx337
«Einstein» aperiodic monotile: A visual exploration of a recent discovery and possible solution to the famous «einstein» problem!
Submitted April 23, 2023 at 10:42AM by EvanMaths
Awards in Education (and why we shouldn't)
AWARDS IN EDUCATION (and why we shouldn't)
If education is about improving humanity’s capacity for rational thinking in in complex world, the simplification of value systems and fuzzy thinking that are inevitably associated with school awards work against this goal. Schools do more damage to their learning communities by granting awards than they do good.
Awards in schools span the range from those tied to easy measurements of performance (like the award for jumping the highest) to those that involve judgement on behalf of the awarders (I think she deserves the award for most improved…). In all cases, the recognizing of excellence through the use of awards is either anti-social, anti-rational thinking, or both.
In the case where a simple metric is being applied, an award says that we value that simple metric even when we know it doesn’t say much about a whole person. Running fast, spelling perfectly, or scoring highest on a standardized test may be an expression of learning excellence but it is just as likely to arise because of access to resources or propitious biology/personal context and giving awards for those elements of a personage doesn’t make sense unless we wish to compound these advantages.
Where judgement is required, consideration can be given to more complex behaviours and here, it is certainly useful to acknowledge effort, excellence, endurance etc. but there is a hidden cost when we use awards for this.
As an educational community, we rely upon the fact that our members are diverse in their skills and strengths, intellectual investments, efforts etc. and even that we have some divergence in our motivating values. These differences that can be found across faculty and across the student body are a source of a community’s strength. There is no one particular set of characteristics we would want all students or faculty to have for ‘optimal’ community or optimal learning. (This is not true about corporations or the military where cloning of traits is ideal and the source of infinite muse for dystopian imaginations.) Pick your favorite student or teacher: would you actually want a class full of them? A staff room?
Awards take the complexity of a learning community and attempt to distill desirable traits from it. They tell the community that we are all agreed on what ‘good’ looks like and they communicate that we are all headed in some unified direction toward it. This is a confusing message to students who are regularly told they are being taught how to think, not what, and that diversity in perspective or in values is a primary societal goal.
But how do we recognize excellence if not through awards?
Educators have it very high on their priority list to recognize, acknowledge, and develop excellence in students and are doing this as a matter of course (no pun intended) all the time. ‘Excellence’ in learning means you are ready for the next stage of development by virtue of your efforts so far. Student learning is reported upon regularly and we should see this as an opportunity to recognize excellence in a way that is nuanced and meaningful to individuals without attempting to define what good work looks like for everyone at the same time.
Across a group of educators, it is difficult to agree on what excellence is. It is likely that we consider excellence as those behaviours that appeal to our individual biases. If we force ourselves to agree on a particular kind of excellence — associated with a particular kind of award, for instance — what we are really doing is expressing a vague feeling about an individual student relating to a trait that is also vague.
The granting of awards is just an expression of our irrational desire to be among winners and part of a tribe. A winning tribe.
When we produce winners in this way, we produce many more losers and students who do not receive awards are left with a sense that for some reason, they are worth less than the award winners. Why would we want to send that message to the bulk of the learning community?
Schools have report card comments to recognize excellence. They have emails to students and parents to record and clarify their value in the moment. Teachers can write letters of reference to articulate high-definition descriptions of students to the outside world.
Schools have the means to recognize excellence at their disposal without cheapening the idea through simplification and homogenization of values or by using as it as a means by which we can feel good about ourselves and our tribe.
Submitted April 23, 2023 at 09:44AM by cashbaugh11
sábado, 22 de abril de 2023
Where to learn math online
Hello, I'm from an Asia country and math has always been my weakness. But truth be told, I've always loved it. I don't wanna blame this on teachers, it's mostly the fault of our education system. It's more like "memorise this and write that on exam paper" kind of education rather than supporting the critical thinking. I'm studying abroad this year and while the major I'm planning to pursue doesn't need much knowledge on math, I wanna learn it again from the start. We were also taught in our language so I wanna learn it in English bc like I don't even know the basic terms of math in English language. I'm thinking to learn it from the basic till I reach the level of a high school graduate. So does anyone know any online app or website to learn math? I'd be very grateful for ur help.
Submitted April 22, 2023 at 10:53PM by no_thank_you_honey
Searching for education advocacy/outreach jobs…
With a small rant: I have nearly 10 years experience. I have a master’s degree in Teaching and Learning, Policy and Leadership with a focus in Minority and Urban Education. The bulk of my experience is in academic research administration, but I am highly interested, passionate, and prepared to work in educational advocacy and outreach.
I apply, and apply, and apply, and apply, and interview over and over, and no one wants me. I’m at the point where I’m searching for unpaid internships so maybe someone will take me seriously. My resume is polished and impressive.
This process is impossible, demoralizing, and painful.
Submitted April 22, 2023 at 07:47PM by progressiveanarchy
Hello, I created this YouTube Channel where I talk about important topics
Submitted April 22, 2023 at 02:51PM by omarchbouk
Fill up and share it with your friends to recieve a cookie
Hey there! We are conducting a voluntary and anonymous research study to examine the relationship between parental involvement and student academic performance. The survey will ask you about your academic performance and your perceptions of your parent's involvement in your education. All responses will be kept confidential and will only be used for research purposes.
Submitted April 22, 2023 at 06:18AM by alton737577
Looking for informations online teaching jobs
I'm a french disabled student who's going to start an online education master degree next year, with the goal of working as an online educator in two years from now I know that there's some international online school and all that but I am wondering how it all works, and google mostly redirect me to online tutoring like preply.
Can someone help me out ?
Submitted April 22, 2023 at 04:32AM by DevotedSlave2310
viernes, 21 de abril de 2023
To become a teacher or dental hygienist?
If I were to become a teacher I would be teaching elementary education. Pros and cons of each ? Things you wish you knew before you became one ? Which would you choose teacher or dental hygienist and why ?
Submitted April 21, 2023 at 03:39PM by pinkvelvetcupcake22
Repeating a school year?
Does anyone know the rules about repeating a school year in Scotland? Even if you’re not aware of the rules in Scotland specifically, I could really use some advice.
I’m 17 and in S6 (my final year) but I haven’t regularly been to school since I was in S3 (age 14), before the first covid lockdown. I’ve missed all that school time because of my mental health, not being able to cope with education with the place I was in and not being able to leave my house to go to school. I’m also autistic, which I only found out when I started struggling with my mental health.
Basically by now, if I had completed the last 3 years of school, I would have many qualifications; National 5s (GCSEs), Highers (similar to A-Levels), and maybe even a couple of Advanced Highers (similar to a HNC). Instead, by the end of my time at school I’ll only have National 4 (lower than GCSEs) English and Maths.
For the past year, I’ve been doing N4 English and Maths, as I just mentioned. I chose National 4s because you don’t have to do exams to achieve them, so at least I could leave school with a couple qualifications. In S3 though, I was well on my way to Nat 5s and I would’ve done them the next year. Since doing Nat 5s has been almost drilled into me since the start of secondary school, I really don’t want to leave without at least having done N5 English and Maths.
I’ve also established a routine this past year and I really don’t want to lose that yet because with being autistic, that’s very likely to throw me off and possibly make me spiral back to a not so great place again. I really don’t feel ready to leave school at all either, since I’ve missed 2 full years. I feel like I’ve had a really unfair disadvantage compared to my peers. Everyone keeps telling me there’s other options and I don’t have to get National 5s, which I know and I’ve browsed literally all other options, but I really feel like I need another year of secondary school before I go “into the world”, I guess. I’ve done some research on repeating a year and I haven’t talked to my school about it but my parents are telling me I can’t repeat.
I guess talking to my school would be a start. If I bring up how I feel like I’ve been disadvantaged and how I’d really benefit from the stability of keeping my routine for another year, those are compelling points, right? I’m also wondering what the rules are about repeating S6 and being 18. I did see something that said if you’re not 18 by the start of the school year then you could repeat. Since the school year starts in August and my birthday is in September I’d fit that criteria. Again, I don’t know if that’s true and I’ve struggled to find anything about repeating or other options for people in a situation like mine.
I guess this turned out as half looking for advice and half rant lol. If anyone knows any other ways to do National 5s (that don’t involve paying £400 to a college or uni😳) or like any programs or maybe resources for autistic people who are near the end of school, please let me know.
Year comparisons Scotland/England: S1= Year 7 S6 = Year 12
Submitted April 21, 2023 at 02:48PM by candy123_
Is it illegal/illogical to assign something without telling the class and ensuring they know about it?
I am a guy in high school who has a teacher who’s class I just cannot pass. I am on average a A/B student but recently I’ve had a foundations of English I class put into my roster that may I mention I didn’t even ask to be in. The teacher who teaches this class is impossible she practically removes all of our resources and keep our class schedules by the minute. But more recently as we’ve moved into our 4th quarter I’ve been working extra hard to pass her class because I made a deal with my parents that if I turn everything in I can still get my privileges. But now I open up the grade book and see that I have a 0 on an assignment with practically no details other than the 2 texts we read and the section it’s from. I check our canvas and found the assignment missing. I have worked my butt off to turn in every single assignment in this lady’s class but this one didn’t exist in the slightest, we read the section from the book out of our textbook but don’t have access to it outside of the classroom and she gives us no time to work on missing work during class (hence the mentioning of schedule earlier) but this assignment is 1/3 of 50% of our 4th quarter grade how is it legal that she can assign something and I’ve never even heard about it.
Submitted April 21, 2023 at 03:23PM by SnooJokes4443
[Free resource] Lesson Plan Generator
Exciting news for all educators!
We've made a tool to make lesson planning more seamless and effective for all educators.
Lesson Plan Generator.
It is simple to use, aligned with 5 step lesson planning approach and allows for customization according to the needs of the curriculum.
Simply select the grade, subject, and Bloom verb. Briefly describe the topic you want to cover. And, done.
The Lesson Plan Generator will give you a lesson plan with a clear Objective for the class, an interesting intro, engaging activities, and scaffolded questions for students to practice.
Submitted April 21, 2023 at 10:03AM by max_imumocuppancy
School administrators: this current mess is YOUR fault. Parents and administrators must step up. Take action!
Kids in classrooms from K to 12 are throwing stuff, spitwadding, on their phones, talking loudly, sexually harassing a nearby girl, bullying the LGBTQ student, vaping and worse - and the teacher is helpless. There's usually one teacher alone in a class with 30 kids. If the teachers try to take action, they are cussed out or worse. No one will come to their rescue. No wonder they are leaving the profession in droves.
Without consequences for bad behavior, schools become an unsafe chaos. They become "Lord of the Flies." Your child's safety and education is on the line.
The chaos sits squarely on the shoulders of the administrators - and parents need to let them know they are to blame. Whenever your child is the victim of bullying, or you believe they've been unfairly disciplined for fighting back, go see them in person. Ask to see a written copy of their behavior matrix. Then probe further: how exactly is this followed with fidelity? What steps did YOU follow before this situation escalated? File a complaint against the administrator whenever warranted. It's a lot easier to do that then homeschool on top of everything else you do.
Administrators listen to parents, but not to teachers. Don't listen to their BS about lack of staff or "she's new," or "I'm working with the teachers on better engagement." Insist they do their job.
Go to school board meetings and speak out. Make an appointment with the school superintendent to make it clear that lack of safety in any school within the district is her/his fault because every school in America must have a staff-wide discipline matrix in place that is fully supported by administrators.
The only system of discipline that most schools have is this: when a teacher sends disruptive students to the school administrators, they return ten minutes later with a treat. Principals follow up by gaslighting the teacher with the message that good teachers don't need to send students to the office.
Administrators: school districts were given grants to implement Multi-tiered Systems of Support (MTSS). If you followed through, and it's not working, then speak up. Since none of you are, I will assume that most districts did the same as mine - took the money and never put the systems in place.
Submitted April 21, 2023 at 07:51AM by MantaRay2256
I'm glad that kids these days have more educational opportunities.
I want to share a book I made for my niece about mermaids. She's obsessed with these kinds of stories. Honestly, I'm thrilled because it helps us foster her love for reading. I remember when I was a kid, I used to read books mostly left behind by my siblings. That's a long story. But now, I'm happy that I can present my niece with a fresh story every time.
I'd appreciate any feedback from you all!
And happy weekend, folks!
Here's that book:
Please take a look and share your thoughts. Thanks in advance! 😊
Submitted April 21, 2023 at 06:33AM by Ok_Independent_2187
Who’s your fav creative educator recently? In terms of way of teaching
Example : looking for out of box teaching method like “teaching math with dancing” “teaching programming by jogging” - kinda crazy innovator about teaching method / system ( Ed tech , YouTube are indcuded) - science or art or any kind!
Submitted April 21, 2023 at 02:49AM by Dry-Beyond-1144
jueves, 20 de abril de 2023
Wit and Wisdom - Has anyone used it?
My school is looking for a new ELA curriculum, and one of the ones we are considering is Wit and Wisdom from GreatMinds. We currently use Teacher's College for reading and writing. Has anyone used Wit and Wisdom before? What is it like? Pros and cons?
Submitted April 20, 2023 at 03:59PM by Acount84
Why do people choose an independent study program? I know why in my rural district
I was an independent study teacher for my local rural district until June, 2022. People pick homeschooling for several important reasons. Some make the decision rashly and find it to be too difficult, but most make it work - and it is a lot of extra parenting/work for our hard-working rural parents. Here are the reasons in the order of magnitude that apply to my local district:
- Student was constantly bullied - usually because of the 4th reason below. A diagnosed or, more often, undiagnosed disability made the student a bit odd. In my rural, red, heavily white district, students were also bullied due to the color of their skin or because they identified as LGBTQ. Staff members were often just as bad at bullying as students. Out of 25 students usually 20 were constantly bullied and most had considered suicide.
- Student unable to learn in the chaotic classrooms: students firing objects across the room, spitwads flying, openly using their cell phones, talking loudly to each other - often across the room, boys sexually harassing girls, loud music even with earbuds in, and every student is well aware that if the teacher confronts a student, the student will argue back with multiple profanities and there will be no consequences. Any student sent to the principal will be back in 10 minutes with a treat. Our kids are better than most (or so I was constantly told)
- The classrooms aren't safe - mostly because the classroom experience inflicts trauma. The IS program parents often reported that their kids were afraid to go to school.
- Student has a disability - usually without a school evaluation. Or the IEP was dropped at the parent's request. My self contained class of 25 usually had five students with IEPs and ten more with severe issues such as crippling anxiety, ADHD, learning disorders, ODD, and more. The parents soon learned their disabled child couldn't do well in a chaotic regular classroom and they didn't have any faith in our special education program.
- Student needs/wants to work - independent study offers flexibility. However, if a student can't keep up, their work permit is pulled.
- Student has constant behavior issues - and the parents can't believe that personality conflicts between the teachers and student, the principal and student, the counselor and student, the cafe staff and student, the yard duty and student, etc are causing adults to pick on their pumpkin. These placements seldom last for long because cooperation is a required component of independent study. But upon occasion, IS is a perfect solution. Sometimes, the parents KNEW their kid was a problem and removed them because they couldn't believe that the administrators wouldn't give consequences
- Student lives too far from bus service - we have the flexibility to see them in person biweekly
- Student was referred to independent study: either by SARB (monthly community-based attendance board) or by upper admin. Unless the attendance problem was due to a reason above, these referrals only put off the problem until it becomes unfixable. If they aren't attending due to all-day-and-night video gaming, IS is NOT the solution.
- Student wants to work ahead and graduate early - It's not a common TRUE reason in our small program. It never takes long before the student/parents reveal that they really transferred due to one of the 1st four reasons.
- The Karen factor: the district will no longer put up with the parents' constant demands. They flounce out of a meeting and pull their kids out and put them in the district's independent study program. They soon realize that they get far less, have to do far more, and the district still gets every penny of the ADA. In most states, you have to file a homeschool affidavit by a certain date in order to do your own thing. After that, you have to rely upon a state approved program and the ADA goes somewhere. In independent study, you cooperate or you're out.
- Student is an actor or near professional level athlete and needs flexibility
One reason I can't list for my local IS program is the "We hate the liberal school agenda" (not actually true in our bright red district, but it still comes up) because we are a public school program. Often people try to use our program as a way to teach their kids what they want, but we must stick with state approved curriculum assignments.
Submitted April 20, 2023 at 10:38AM by MantaRay2256
Department of Community Development hosts annual interfaith iftar with clerics at the Abrahamic Family House
The Department of Community Development (DCD) hosted an iftar for clerics from various religions at the Abrahamic Family House in Abu Dhabi. It was a beautiful display of unity and coexistence among different segments of society.
Submitted April 20, 2023 at 09:24AM by defensive_reaction
Name Confusion Question at school
To make a long story short. My 8th grade daughter has her biological fathers last name. She has wanted to be called by my husband's last name, whom she considers her Dad for a long time now. Legally she plans to change it when she turns 18, the summer before her Senior year. (Her bio dad won't sign off to do it now even though he is not in her life) I recently noticed she has started using the "New" last name on school reports, homework, mail, packages, ect.
My concern is that this will confuse all school records. Should I tell her not to use it yet, or is it not really that big of a deal and I am overthinking this?
Submitted April 20, 2023 at 07:12AM by cassielee1981
miércoles, 19 de abril de 2023
Admin Subreddit
Hello all,
I've recently made the jump into admin and am disheartened to find no subreddits where I can go to for comiseration and collaboration.
Anyone else in the same boat and want to change that? I've started r/EduAdmin and am looking for a dedicated moderator or two to help me get it set up and going.
Any takers? DM me.
Submitted April 19, 2023 at 06:02PM by Samvega_California
Is data science or AI in general usefull in education?
Submitted April 19, 2023 at 03:36PM by GYMarcelo Book ban overturned in Florida school district.
A literary classic has survived censorship efforts in a Florida school district, as educators continue to feel their way through vague rules and laws aimed at removing materials deemed inappropriate for children.
A seven-person committee of Pinellas County media specialists needed nearly three hours to determine the fate of Toni Morrison’s “The Bluest Eye,” which the superintendent’s staff had banned from high schools in January after a parent complained about a graphic 2-page rape scene in its pages. The novel has been removed from other districts, and is among the most challenged books in the nation.
Submitted April 19, 2023 at 03:38PM by BigAssQuanta
martes, 18 de abril de 2023
Thinking about going back to school
Not sure if this is the correct sub group but hear me out. I’m thinking of going back to school for Healthcare Technology management. I’m a single mom of 2. I make great money. I’ve been working for 17 years as a pharmacy trainer/lead tech/inventory specialist. The job is getting boring and I’m honestly burnt out. Was looking to go back to school and get this degree. Hoping for something with more opportunities and maybe a remote position. Any pointers??
Submitted April 18, 2023 at 08:38PM by ButtaBabi
Is it a good idea to go into around 40k debt for a 2 year program at perry tech?
I'm considering taking the 2 year program at Perry tech which is a trade school for "Information technology & Communication Systems" but I'm really not sure if it's a good idea. My single mom recommend it to me but she doesn't want to pay for it, so I'd need to go into debt to pay for it. The cost is generally around 20k per year, and the plan I'd be doing would be for two years.
40k debt is pretty scary, and I guess I'm looking for advice on this, if anyone has done anything similar, and can tell me about their experience. My mom told me that my dad went to the school as his education, and it turned out well for him, so I don't need to worry about the debt since I'd be able to pay it off quickly, and I'd be able to stay with her while I have the debt. I can't ask mu dad since he's not here anymore. Apparently perry tech is #1 in the country for the course I'm interested in, according to my mom but I don't know how to find that information. How likely is it that I'd be able to pay off my debts if I worked hard?
I could just go to my community college and financial aid would be able to pretty much pay for all of it for the first two years, but it seems like I may not be as successful in the future compared to if I went to perry tech.
This isn't really telling people on reddit to make a decision for me, but to hopefully help me make a more informed decision.
Submitted April 18, 2023 at 07:43PM by Live_Refrigerator_58
What exactly does it mean if a child scores high on the Naglieri Nonverbal Ability Test?
I’m a parent and still confused about this test. My 7-year old scored in the 93rd percentile recently which sounds awesome, except I don’t really know what this means. His teacher said he’s just really good at thinking outside the box, which I can agree to. He’s a sharp, creative little guy! I just want to make sure he’s getting everything he needs at school and home so he can be at his full potential. Do I not look too much into this and let him just do his own thing? Or would it be beneficial to enroll him in a STEAM/art class? Lol
Submitted April 18, 2023 at 07:12PM by honeybunchesofnope87
Student Achievement in Middle School and High School (Teachers)
Hi, I’m a graduate student in my final semester. I have created a survey through Google Forms for my research paper and need teachers as my participants. If you are a middle school/high school teacher and wish to help me gather my data, I would be very appreciative. Thank you in advance!
Note: If you would like (you don’t have to though) to spread this around to help me get more participants, I would be very thankful!
Submitted April 18, 2023 at 05:41PM by ProfYoshima
What would happen if a whole class opted out of standardized tests?
Would there be any downside to the school? I'm in Canada and our funding is in no way tied to the results of these tests and they take away HOURS of valuable class time.
If I can convince my children's cohort of parents to all mass opt out of them, would there be a problem?
Submitted April 18, 2023 at 02:53PM by PurpleKnee9757
Is 38 too old to start a degree to become an K-12 art or kindergarten teacher?
I'm hoping to earn a bachelor's degree starting this fall. I would like to pursue becoming a K-12 teacher, preferably either Art or Kindergarten. I think I'd be well suited for either in a lot of ways. I'm passionate about art, and I would really love to nurture and encourage little kids.
I would prefer to be an art teacher, but upon doing a little research I'm seeing it being said that becoming an art teacher could be really competitive and you need to advocate for yourself and your program and stuff like that. I've also heard it said that can be really challenging being a kindergarten teacher (albeit very rewarding.)
I generally have extremely little self confidence and no support from a community or anything. I'm feeling pretty lost and discouraged. I can't imagine myself "advocating" for myself or entering a highly competitive field, though I know that's what college is for. And I also just worry that if it's so hard to get chosen, maybe they'll see me with no experience in my 40's and choose someone younger or with a more advanced degree. And not only that, but everyone always talks about how little teachers make.
I just feel lost, I guess, and discouraged. Thank you for any insight, I really, really appreciate it!
Submitted April 18, 2023 at 03:02PM by Desperate_Level_9213
Can I get my diploma still?
I’m a sophomore and about to be a jr. I was gonna do online next year due to my school being bad and not good for learning. Can I get my diploma in florida if I do 2 years in person and 2 online?
Submitted April 18, 2023 at 08:04AM by TheLoraxMoelester
lunes, 17 de abril de 2023
Debate Examples
I am teaching students hi ow to debate for the first time, and I want some good examples of debates from tv shows, real life, and movies. What do you recommend?
Submitted April 17, 2023 at 11:51AM by Weak-Knowledge-6849
Anxious about a master's?
Hey so I finished one degree (a psych degree) and I'm onto another degree an LLB which I will be finished with this year. I'm getting anxious about whether I should do a Master's in Neuroscience afterwards? I wouldn't mind working in a neuroscience lab or any type of scientific laboratory and this would help prepare me for that . I'm anxious because places for a Neuroscience graduate is fairly limited and rare in the economy as well. Is this a good financial decision or am I in way over my head ?
Submitted April 17, 2023 at 04:37AM by mpath95
domingo, 16 de abril de 2023
Looking for Health Book
Hello subredditors. A few days ago I was diagnosed with diabetes. I'm confused and feel lost with the only things I know is to eat less sugar and more vegetables. I keep looking for drinks I can have and snacks but I don't understand the food labels, just numbers to me. "Potassium 483mg"? What is that bad?
So now I'm thinking the internet (google) is giving me to many doors to open, all leading to the wrong thing. I need to learn this stuff like I was in school again. I NEED TEXTBOOKS. Google results keep bringing up things that prep me for a health career, I just want brain food.
Can anyone help me find some books, preferably textbooks, that can educate me on such topics like calorie, protein, zinc, starch, sugar, fiber.
Goal Read nutritional Facts and not feel like an idiot looking at a unknown language
Submitted April 16, 2023 at 09:43PM by DarkGengar94
Additional education after Masters in Social Work.
Give me some suggestions for enrichment and salary increase.
Submitted April 16, 2023 at 01:25PM by Live-Carrot-321
Cyber security degree
I know it's a weird question because cyber security is something anyone can learn etc
But I see some degrees being offered for specifically cyber security which is something I havnt seen before
What are your thoughts on this?
Submitted April 16, 2023 at 12:10PM by veryheavybob
How can teachers protect themselves from deepfake videos/ audio?
My question will piggyback off that story where A.I. was used to take the voice of rap artist Drake and make it rap a different song by rap artist Munch.
I work with students in grades 6 through 11. They all know more than I do about AI, Deep Fakes, and technology.
I do not allow gum chewing or eating in the classroom, and I try to hold the students accountable for their actions, so many of them have animosity toward me.
How do I prevent my voice, image, likeness, etc. from being faked and doing something that would be "off brand" for me?
Submitted April 16, 2023 at 08:06AM by Old-Ordinary9304
sábado, 15 de abril de 2023
Volunteer as Teaching Assistant?
Hi, I’m considering volunteering at my local primary school to see if being a Teaching Assistant is the right path for me.
I’ve read online that you get chucked into the deep end with very little chance to observe and learn from other TAs. I wondered how true this was and if you found it helpful or detrimental to your success as a TA. Would an apprenticeship be better?
Thank you.
Submitted April 15, 2023 at 03:49PM by TheseBelt470
UAE to showcase industrial investment opportunities at Hannover Messe
The UAE Ministry of Industry and Advanced Technology (MoIAT) is showcasing the UAE as a prime investment destination at Hannover Messe. Join us for panel discussions on UAE's enablers for industrial growth, including green financing, access to markets, and more.
Don't miss out!
#HannoverMesse #UAEIndustrialHub
Submitted April 15, 2023 at 08:06AM by defensive_reaction
Best chapter/book except to hook reluctant high school readers?
My students hate reading.
I'm looking for a chapter or shorter except that'll knock their socks off and make them want to buy the book. Fiction or non, aimed at bright & hard-working 11th/12th graders who perhaps need a little bit of inspiration to get things rolling.
I'll take your best suggestions & will try them out! Much thanks in advance!
Submitted April 14, 2023 at 11:36PM by teacher11111
viernes, 14 de abril de 2023
Getting my master’s from uk
I’m a student and I will finish my education within 1 year I’m studying English to become a teacher my fiancé is wanting me to finish my master’s in Uk where we are going to live and we will move to Canada after that so my real question is if I took my master’s from uk can I start working in Uk or Canada after that ??
Submitted April 14, 2023 at 05:37PM by cx5670
So I was approved for 65k student loan forgiveness today!!!
Submitted April 14, 2023 at 01:59PM by Pumpkinheadbeer
Question about a computer science degree in Australia
I'm a biology major, and I wish to pursue my education in computer sciences in Australia. I'm very lost about the subject of major field and detailed field since there's a dozen of these to choose from and I have no idea which I should go into. Kindly suggest me a field that's most suitable for me as someone who studied biology at under graduate level. The detailed field I am to choose from include :
- Computer Science N.F.D
- Formal Language Theory
- Programming
- Computational Theory
- Compiler Constructions
- Algorithms
- Data Structures
- Network And Communications
- Computer Graphics
- Operating Systems
- Artificial Intelligence
- Computer Science n.e.c
Submitted April 14, 2023 at 09:30AM by Hellishfate
jueves, 13 de abril de 2023
From Chemical Reactions to Biology: How to Make Science Experiments Interesting for Kids of All Ages
Science is all around us, from the food we eat to the air we breathe. Science experiments are a great way to spark curiosity in children and teach them about the world around them. However, with so many distractions present in the modern world, it can be difficult to keep kids engaged in science experiments. Many kids find science boring or too difficult to understand, which is why it is important to find ways to make science experiments interesting for all ages. In this blog post, we will explore how to turn chemical reactions into fun and exciting experiments that kids of all ages will enjoy. We will discuss different approaches to teaching science, including hands-on activities, visual aids, and interactive games. We will also look at how to present complex scientific concepts in a way that is easy to understand for younger children. - Tycoonstory Media
Submitted April 13, 2023 at 09:43PM by Tycoonstory2020
How popular is Fairleigh Dickinson University in Canada ? What is the value for the students ?
We know it is a private university based is USA, and it has got branches in Canada and Europe if m not wrong. So how successful are the graduates from this university?
Submitted April 13, 2023 at 10:09PM by chaby23
Student Achievement in Middle School and High School (Teachers)
Hi, I’m a graduate student in my final semester. I have created a survey through Google Forms for my research paper and need teachers as my participants. If you are a middle school/high school teacher and wish to help me gather my data, I would be very appreciative. Thank you in advance!
Submitted April 13, 2023 at 08:53PM by ProfYoshima
What would you recommend as a really important topic to investigate related to International Schools??
Lately I have noticed many schools in my country have been bought by international companies, merging them into international school corporations, spanning multiple countries. For a research paper, I am wondering which areas or topics would be interesting to research in this context — international private schools for wealthy families in multiple countries that distinguish themselves from the host country’s standard education system.
Submitted April 13, 2023 at 05:58PM by Jolly-Rutabaga-4365
Do online schools have instruction time?(videos)
Long story short: so far I have enrolled in Walden university online and on my first course it seems like they do not instruct. Online school is asynchronous, I know. But they do not even post videos of instruction. I need someone talking to me when I learn. I can’t just open a confusing portal and find documents to read all the time. I have a learning disability and this is just not doing it for me. I have an interview with another university for another online program and I’m going to ask them if they have instruction but I’m scared that all online programs are like this. I am a teacher and an online program will be better for me to manage my time. Please excuse my tone, I am actually very frustrated.
Submitted April 13, 2023 at 03:47PM by ImprovingUnicorn
I need help with my grades
So my grades are very low, my parents keep taking away my phone and scream at me. I fake study. Every time a try i just keep doing anything else. I am in 9th grade (in sweden). If i keep doing like this, i will fail. I need help. Please help! I try my hardest in school but always fail. Please help me | ||
Submitted April 13, 2023 at 11:29AM by accepd
Resources For Teaching Meditation to Upper Elementary Students
Was wondering if anyone has any good recommendations for books or websites for teaching 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders how to meditate. I have almost no experience with mediation but am aware of the benefits it can provide. Thanks in advance for any help!
Submitted April 13, 2023 at 07:21AM by nixononthebeach
miércoles, 12 de abril de 2023
1st grade teacher, opinion on students destructive behavior
I am writing today because I am frustrated and I don’t see things changing. I am a parent and a teacher of over 30 years. Classrooms are experiencing things that the public needs to hear about. I am seeing students causing havoc and chaos in and around our school on a daily basis. I am seeing physical abuse of adults and students. I am seeing the destruction of classrooms. Students are throwing things like desks, chairs, books, scissors etc. This is happening daily and students and staff are getting hurt on a daily basis.
School is supposed to be a safe place for all children. This is not a safe place anymore. Our students are seeing that it is okay to hit, kick, cuss, spit, bite and destroy property. Our students are having to be removed from their safe classroom to let these extreme behaviors to finish. THIS IS CAUSING TRAUMA for many of our kids. This is not equitable and it is dangerous to everyone who is in contact with this behavior.
We are not providing a place for all kids to learn. The least restrictive environment needs to occur. If a child needs extra support (tier 3 ) we are required to find that and give that to students. If a child does not have the social emotional learning behavior, academic learning cannot occur. All children deserve our best. Children need to learn boundaries and natural consequences. If this doesn’t happen early in a child’s school career, it makes it more difficult to change later.
These situations are not being handled and teachers aren’t being listened to. We are seeing and hearing about these violent behaviors more and more and the documentation that has been done. In fact, it is getting worse because some students are seeing this negative attention and want that attention as well. Attention whether positive or negative, is attention.
Every adult who is involved with these students and makes district decisions need to come and observe. The teachers are getting burned out, emotionally scarred and mentally drained. The students who observe this behavior are not getting the best of the adults, they are not getting the best education, they are getting traumatized and conditioned to think that this extreme behavior is okay. This is not okay.
The students who need more support, deserve this support and deserve to have a classroom that meets their needs as well. We need to do better for ALL students.
Our kids deserve to have a safe place to learn. Please, please work with the staff, student and parents to create a safe, loving, learning environment for all kids.
A concerned child advocate for change.
Submitted April 12, 2023 at 05:26PM by Bill_Smith241
New Para Educator observation
I’m a 67 yo retired paramedic. Homeschooled my twin grandsons during COVID. They are back in school and I found myself quite bored. I took a position as a substitute para educator. Boy, do they drop you in without a parachute and while I muddle through, I would like to talk about an experience I had. A group of 2 - 3rd graders, all with their iPads open, working on iReady (self paced math). With no instructions to follow, I grab a chair and start selecting students that are ‘doing nothing’ or are otherwise disturbing the group. I sat next to several select students, either helping or encouraging their work. Overall, I felt I was helpful and got the ‘feeling’ that the main teacher was happy with what I was doing. Now my point: in retrospect EVERY student I selected was a boy as none of the girls drew my attention. Upon reflection, I see this as a problem where the girls were getting the short end of the stick. I would love to hear any opinions, thoughts or advise this group has about my observations. Is this common?
Submitted April 12, 2023 at 01:42PM by PamGH66
Educational books with AI in 5 minutes.
Hey there I've been working on this AI-powered tool called Novelevate, and I thought it might be something you'd find interesting. It lets you create age-appropriate educational books for kids in just 5 minutes!
As a developer, I've always been passionate about fostering a love of reading and learning in children, and I think this tool could be super helpful for busy parents who want to engage their kids with fresh stories.
Some cool features you might like:
- Make custom books on any topic your child is into 🌟
- The tool adds pictures automatically, so the book looks great 🖼️
- It tailors the content to your child's age and learning stage 🧠
- Choose different picture styles (modern, cartoon, etc.) 🎨
- Available in English, Dutch, and French 🌍
Here's a video that shows how it works:
We're currently offering Novelevate for free, so why not give it a try? I'd really appreciate your thoughts and feedback.
Let me know if you have any questions or ideas for improvement!
Submitted April 12, 2023 at 06:46AM by Ok_Independent_2187
US Fascism Is Spreading Under the Guise of “Patriotic Education”
"The right wing in the U.S. is now waging a battle against the histories, memories and social institutions that make democracy possible. It is a war against the development of an educated public for the present and future, especially from the ranks of people of color. At the heart of this war is a project of indoctrination that views “dangerous” memories and critical thought as anti-American. Central to this dirty war is an attack on historical consciousness as the foundation of critical thinking, the civic imagination and empowered forms of political agency. Its core organizing idea is the suppression of Black history and the teaching of anti-racist practices. What is called anti-woke by right-wing politicians and pundits is nothing less than an attempt by white supremacists and nationalists, in the words of James Baldwin, to barricade themselves “inside their history.” This historical racism and attack on memory is a part of a larger political strategy the right-wing self-proclaimed “culture warriors” enthusiastically promote as their “culture wars.”"
Submitted April 12, 2023 at 04:52AM by Slartiblartfast1
Rethinking Grading Standards: Aligning to Common Core and Defining an "A"
To start, I work outside the USA, but we use the Common Core since I work at an American curriculum international school. I don't have to deal with a lot of red tape, and I have a lot more freedom than many stateside teachers, I feel. I teach language arts, so my thinking is mostly in terms of papers, projects, and presentations.
The standards have always been treated as a guide, but our new principal wants more evidence of their use. I'd like to make sure all my assignments are aligned with the Common Core expectations.
This is an opportunity for me to rethink how I do a few things. My department treats "meets expectations" at about an 85%. I've always been fine with that, but I've started to think it might not necessarily be fair.
Now that I'm actually a lot more familiar with the standards, I'm starting to wonder why "meeting" the standard isn't at least a 90% (A). If it's what the curriculum asks a student to do and they do it well, then why isn't that earning an "A?"
I want almost everything to have a standards-based rubric. I also want to be able to explain that not meeting the standard means you won't even earn a C. Does it sound insane to have "meets standards" as a 10/10 and the next step down, "approaches," being a 6/10? Ds are passing for us, but even that gap between numbers feels huge.
I guess I'm just struggling to figure out what an "A" really is in regards to the standard when we use the normal 0-100 percent scale. If you aren't meeting the standards, do you even deserve a C or a D?
That being said, no one is breathing down my neck about passing students or giving out As like candy. I just see an opportunity to rethink how I handle things.
Any advice or input would be greatly appreciated. Admin showed us q apparently well known video about grades, but I don't recall getting any actual guidance.
Submitted April 12, 2023 at 12:40AM by MadeSomewhereElse
martes, 11 de abril de 2023
Is public investment in education the only way to improve education in Australia?
Asking about Australia, but happy to hear experiences and opinions from other countries.
Students of regional and lower socio-economic areas have fewer resources and a poorer quality of teaching compared to students from opulent, metropolitan areas. Furthermore, students of a lower socio-economic area are less likely to have access to support services and extracurricular activities to compliment their studies and be in a culture that priorities education. As time has shown, this has resulted in intergenerational poverty.
Given that these "vulnerable" demographics are less likely to have the funds to access private education compared to free public education and the value of such options are likely undervalued, is public strategic investment the only way to effectively make change?
Given there is little financial incentive for the private market, volunteering may be able to assist in addressing some of these issues, but people cannot make a living doing so. Volunteering in education is also difficult as schools operate during business hours (preventing people from volunteering who must also work a job) and those most in need are unlikely to be interested or encouraged to engage with out-of-school programs.
I would also say that similar trends can be seen in middle-class "mortgage belts". Where students of poorer area may lack interest to attend school, students of "mortgage belts" may have a reasonable level of education but lack the desire to achieve more than just the minimum.
Even with high quality education services, responsibility also lies with parents in supporting students in their education. If parents do not encourage or support their students to engage, how to we enable these students to succeed?
Submitted April 11, 2023 at 07:14PM by 566route
Teacher contracts? How do they differ?
Hey everyone! Doing a project on teacher contracts. These things are on LOCK. I’m trying to figure out the differences between public schools w/o union, public schools w/ union, private schools, charter schools, etc.
I need MULTIPLE examples of differing contracts as well as what is able to be negotiated and what isn’t upon signing.
(Pls ignore if your contract has a confidentiality clause)
Would anyone be willing to share their skeleton of a contract with me so I can get this done and done well? (Ofc I don’t want your school name, your name, or any other sensitive information)
If so, I would really appreciate it!!
Submitted April 11, 2023 at 04:57PM by SquishmallowLG
Improving general intelligence
Hey all, I'm wondering if anyone has ever focused on improving someone's general intelligence (their own, someone they teach etc)? When I speak of general intelligence, I think of Thurstone's 7 primary mental abilities:
Verbal comprehension
Numerical ability
Spatial relations
Perceptual speed
Word fluency
I'm wondering if it is something that you can actively work on and if improved, it can actually help your life?
Submitted April 10, 2023 at 11:47PM by Booknerdworm
lunes, 10 de abril de 2023
10 Ways You Can Reduce Bias in the Workplace
Reducing bias in the workplace is crucial to creating a more inclusive and fair environment for all employees. Also, Visit-
Submitted April 10, 2023 at 11:27PM by techcouncilglobal
Math Tutoring Recommendation
Hello, I have a son who is 7 years old and I enrolled him into an online tutoring platform called Spark Math by Vispark. This program has taught him very well and he actually enjoys learning there because they have really good teachers, and use cool games and puzzles to help him learn. To any parents who need help tutoring their child, this is a great option!!!
Submitted April 10, 2023 at 05:52PM by Motherof_3
Can the we retrain fast enough the people displaced by AI?
While we have had job displacement on every industrial revolution. AI pace of adoption and the efficiency gains makes it challenging for the systems in place to retrain the displaced workforce fast enough. With over 40 million adults in the US with a literacy level below the 3rd grade, this seems quite a challenge. Can AI-powered education help to mitigate the issue that AI is creating? This article has some interesting points.
Submitted April 10, 2023 at 03:22PM by js-seattle
K is the new 1st grade - we all know it's a problem. Is anything actually changing?
There is a consensus these days that preschool, kindergarten and first grade have become too academic, at the expense of developing motor and social skills, for example. You also read often about how students have less recess and fewer specials these days. It seems like the pendulum is swinging back a bit with respect to recess, and many elementary schools are adopting no-hw policies, but is anything else actually changing on that front, either in state based standards or within school districts?
Submitted April 10, 2023 at 01:42PM by Working-Office-7215
Advice on opening a school for underprivileged communities
I am planning on opening a primary school (classes 1-5) for a poverty-stricken community in a developing country. I would appreciate any thoughts or lessons learned on how to start and run such an endeavor. In order to maximize the impact, perhaps it would be better to focus this school on educating girls only (given that co-education is not an option here).
Please feel free to give any feedback in freeform or answers to the following specific questions:
- Should the school be completely free (charity run) or is it better to have the people pay who can and subsidize/support others who can't? Both options seem to have their own merits/demerits.
- The teachers will be mainly local residents (for obvious reasons). Is it worth it to set up an internet-based lecturing room so that volunteers from distant can offer lectures or courses?
- I am thinking of financing it myself for the initial couple of years and am going to put the budget aside for that. As the school might grow, I'd need to create a charitable trust to request other people to come join, contribute and be part of the school board. Does this approach sound reasonable?
- Some folks may not be able to fund their kids' education at all, like not being able to even pay for the school uniform, supplies, etc. Does it make sense to offer full support to such families that includes everything (at the cost of educating more kids who only need tuition fee assistance).
- Is it better to provide quality education to few and let others go without education, or provide education to more but compromise on quality? This one is particularly difficult for me.
Also if there are books or online resources that you can recommend, that'd be wonderful.
Thank you!
Submitted April 10, 2023 at 12:52PM by sedneb
The ways we learn.
Hello all, I wanted to ask everyones option on a specific topic that interest me.
I have found recently that much of the youth (I included) gravitate towards educational videos rather than books. In your experience do you get more out of a educational videos or tutorial or do you get more out of reading about the topic and doing examples presented in the books? Please let me know your reasoning when choosing how to absorb the information you are interested in.
Submitted April 10, 2023 at 11:07AM by TheRealWorstGamer
Why do kids hold back from asking questions in school?
Some kids might feel pressured to keep up with the rest of the class and worry that asking questions could slow down the lesson or make them appear less competent. Essentially, they're afraid of feeling "stupid." 😔
So, how can we help them?
Submitted April 10, 2023 at 11:11AM by Ok_Independent_2187
Study Abroad : Best Countries 2023- Get Education Info
Choosing the best country to study abroad depends on a variety of factors, including personal preferences, academic goals, budget, and language proficiency. However, here are some countries that are popular destinations for international students:
- United States - The US has some of the best universities in the world and offers a wide range of academic programs.
- United Kingdom - UK universities are renowned for their quality education, cultural diversity, and historic institutions.
- Canada - study in Canada is known for its high standard of living, excellent healthcare, and welcoming atmosphere for international students.
- Australia - Australia has a strong reputation for academic excellence, research, and innovation, and is a popular choice for students in fields such as science, engineering, and technology.
These are just a few examples, and there are many other great countries for studying abroad. It's important to research each country thoroughly and consider all aspects of the experience, including the cost of living, visa requirements, and cultural differences.
Submitted April 10, 2023 at 02:31AM by adam_booster
domingo, 9 de abril de 2023
Hi guys, I have an assignment as my visa exam and I need the curriculums of French language in European countries for elementary schools because I will be comparing them to mine. But I could not find any resources. If any of you guys can find the curriculum of your country for me it would help a lot, thanks in advance 😊🙏🏼
Submitted April 09, 2023 at 02:28PM by AdvertisingEastern42
I asked chat GPT for tips on Detecting it in essays
I'm sharing this with fellow educators cause you know, this can be useful. Here they are:
- Assess writing level: Consider the writing level of the essay in relation to the level expected of students in middle or high schools. Look for language, vocabulary, and sentence structures that are appropriate for the grade level of the students. Essays generated by ChatGPT may sometimes exhibit language or writing styles that are beyond the typical proficiency level of students.
- Check for inconsistencies in writing style: AI-generated essays may have inconsistencies in writing style, as they may draw on a large dataset that includes diverse writing styles. Look for abrupt shifts in tone, voice, or writing style that may not be typical of a student's writing.
- Evaluate content relevance: Consider whether the essay directly addresses the given topic and provides relevant evidence or examples. ChatGPT-generated essays may sometimes lack relevance or coherence in content, as they do not have a deep understanding of the topic or the ability to critically analyze it.
- Verify for authenticity: ChatGPT and similar language models are designed to generate original content, but they may still inadvertently produce text that resembles previously published works. Use plagiarism detection tools to check for similarities with online sources or other essays.
- Review for common errors: Assess the presence of common errors that are typically made by human writers at the middle or high school level, such as grammatical mistakes, punctuation errors, and spelling errors. Essays generated by ChatGPT may still contain some of these errors, but they may lack other typical errors that are made by human writers.
- Consider student's writing history: Take into account the student's writing history and progress over time. Compare the current essay with the student's previous work to identify any significant deviations in writing style, language proficiency, or content quality.
- Request for additional evidence: Ask students to provide additional evidence or explanations to support their arguments or claims. ChatGPT-generated essays may lack originality or critical thinking, so requesting additional evidence can help gauge the students' understanding of the topic.
Submitted April 09, 2023 at 12:20PM by plantless89
Learn how to make slideshows with AI
Learn how to make slide shows with AI at
Submitted April 09, 2023 at 07:01AM by Aggressive_Cut_5166
Andrew Tate Why was He Cancelled But Reinstated on Twitter Elon Musk ?
This is happening ?
Submitted April 09, 2023 at 01:26AM by Alyogi888
sábado, 8 de abril de 2023
Inspired by an Interesting Prompt
Hi, I’m Samaadi Scott. Writer and CEO of Wonder, a book company made by kids, for kids. I wrote Barnes & Noble bestseller The Cereal Saga.
I was inspired to write The Cereal Saga by my teacher’s very interesting writing prompt. I believe it was ‘Write about your day as a cereal mascot’ and I wrote The Cereal Saga!
It’s about a boy who got kicked out of his house for throwing away cereal and goes on an adventure to destroy Kellogs, but learns some secrets about them along the way.
In case you’re wondering, The Cereal Saga is on Amazon and the Barnes & Noble website My book company Wonder’s website is
Submitted April 08, 2023 at 03:24PM by SamaadiScott
Okay so i might have copied some of my assignment from ChatGPT, actually all of it. I know it is not right but damn i had a basketball match, coudn't miss. But the thing is I'm worried about plagrism. My UNI is so strict when it comes to plagrism. I told chatGPT to frame the answer as human as possible so i just want to chevk whether I'll get myself in trouble or not. So it would be great if you can suggest a site to check AI plagrism. I searched few on google but all were tough to understand plus most of it didnt actually do proper analysis, so let me know if there's any good ones. Thank you!
Submitted April 08, 2023 at 12:39PM by Which-Union-2372
Should I retroactively report this teacher?
I (24F) had a fifth grade teacher who was very hard on me and a bit of a bully. One day we had bomb threats at our school, so we all had to evacuate and walk up the hill to one of the elementary schools to wait for our parents to come and get us. My class had to crowd into the gymnasium with a bunch of other classes. When lunchtime came, we sat at a table with individual seats instead of benches to sit on. My teacher must have asked me to move down, but I must not have heard her, so she with her two hands picked me up by my butt and plopped me down hard several seats over. She then hollered “I asked you to move down and you didn’t listen!” When I glanced at her with confusion. I believe she was out of line for even touching me in the first place.
So now that I’ve gone through several trainings at work on sexual harassment and consent, I feel this teacher violated me at an age I didn’t even know it. So I contacted the office of my school to report it (she still works there as a teacher). They said they’re going to look into it and possibly retrain this teacher, since I mentioned this falls under the ‘inappropriate touching’ category. Would I be out of line for reporting her though?
Submitted April 08, 2023 at 08:47AM by powderpuffpenguin
Fascism’s History Offers Lessons about Today’s Attacks on Education
This Scientific American article compares the parallels between Ron DeSantis's "anti woke" education campaigns--that include book bans, omission of historical facts and information from K-12 books, anti trans and anti LGBTQ legislation, and threats to jail librarians--with Mussolini's fascist regime.
Submitted April 08, 2023 at 04:17AM by Slartiblartfast1
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Submitted March 25, 2019 at 07:25AM by Asclepias_metis
Which degree program focuses on Attention Engineering?
Warning: I may ramble because I don't know where to begin or end.
This directly refers to the people who study the art of milking every second of your being (whoever adds the "fun" to casinos, social media, video games, television, etc).
I saw only one Google result that considered it a focus under Behavioral Psychology, but where do people learn the design and organization aspect of it? (E.g. colors, visual placement & arrangement, sounds, etc). It appears to me to be a combo of brand strategy and neurolinguistic programming, as well.
TLDR: what is the degree and/or curriculum for those who create the addictive aspects of media
Submitted April 08, 2023 at 12:22AM by itssarkuroll
viernes, 7 de abril de 2023
We built the next kahoot -
As a teacher & software engineer, I’m always looking for new ways to get my students engaged in class
With Trivvi, you can simply enter some text and watch it create quiz questions from scratch using the content you provided
Submitted April 07, 2023 at 02:05PM by Armorboy68
Is this legal ?
I’m from the UK (I’m saying this cause laws might be different in certain places) so basically when I was in year 5 so when I was around 9-10 years old I was getting changed for PE and I noticed that this guy that was bullying me signed up for my drawing club and I started crying and the girls I was getting changed with told the teacher and as a punishment I had to get changed with the boys for the rest of the year, and at that time I didn’t wear any bras and I had also just started getting my period . Is this a legal punishment ? I’ve been told by people that it shouldn’t be legal nor allowed.
Submitted April 07, 2023 at 08:21AM by RoxanneWolfsWhore
Snitching on cheating classes. Yes or no?
This semester I'm taking a very difficult online science class which requires a lot of effort and hard work. I (and many others) need at least a B or B+ to have any chance of getting into a very selective program. Our exams are proctored but apparently it's really easy to get away with cheating. One of my classmates boasted to me about getting an A+ on it because she cheated by turning her camera off and didn't get caught because my professor never watched the video. I am upset because I got a lower grade even though I worked hard for 2 weeks every day, did everything right (as in not cheating) but the people cheating and not putting in the work are getting A's. This is also a problem because that brings down the class' average since the tests are curved. She knows that I'm the only one who knows she cheated, so if I told on her she wouldn't probably know it was me and I don't want to have any problems. How should I handle this? Should I wait until the end of the semester to tell on her or not saying anything at all? It frustrates me so much because I might lose my spot in this program to someone who cheated their way through college
Submitted April 07, 2023 at 06:29AM by Prestigious-Bat5165
jueves, 6 de abril de 2023
Should I double major in Secondary Math Education?
I am currently an art education major. I love it very much. I took a gen ed math course and it reminded me how much I enjoyed math. I really want to have the option to teach both math and art. My advisor said it would take an extra 2-3 years to get both majors. For now I am minoring in math. Would a minor be enough to teach math or should I take extra years and double major? Thank you in advance for any advice.
Submitted April 06, 2023 at 08:07PM by sansphilia
Healthy Habits for Kids: Tips for Keeping Your Child Active and Engaged
Find educational video here
Submitted April 06, 2023 at 12:16PM by Great-Angle-9835