viernes, 21 de abril de 2023

Is it illegal/illogical to assign something without telling the class and ensuring they know about it?

I am a guy in high school who has a teacher who’s class I just cannot pass. I am on average a A/B student but recently I’ve had a foundations of English I class put into my roster that may I mention I didn’t even ask to be in. The teacher who teaches this class is impossible she practically removes all of our resources and keep our class schedules by the minute. But more recently as we’ve moved into our 4th quarter I’ve been working extra hard to pass her class because I made a deal with my parents that if I turn everything in I can still get my privileges. But now I open up the grade book and see that I have a 0 on an assignment with practically no details other than the 2 texts we read and the section it’s from. I check our canvas and found the assignment missing. I have worked my butt off to turn in every single assignment in this lady’s class but this one didn’t exist in the slightest, we read the section from the book out of our textbook but don’t have access to it outside of the classroom and she gives us no time to work on missing work during class (hence the mentioning of schedule earlier) but this assignment is 1/3 of 50% of our 4th quarter grade how is it legal that she can assign something and I’ve never even heard about it.

Submitted April 21, 2023 at 03:23PM by SnooJokes4443

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