martes, 25 de abril de 2023

Does Google Have an Agenda... On Homework?

I live in a big city and about 6 years ago I heard some over-achieving moms talking about wanting minimal homework for their kids. At the time this concept was new to me, so went home and Googled "Is more homework better?" The results showed data and experts that were pretty much unanimous: Yes, more homework was better. So at that time those moms appeared to be wrong.

Fast forward to today. I have my own kid and I'm deciding between schools, so I googled "Is more homework better?" again. The results this time seem to have significantly soured on homework. At best the data says it's complicated. Many say it's bad or neutral. Sources also say that homework is not helpful in elementary school at all. What is going on? Is there just new data that voids the slightly older data I saw six years ago, or is Google hiding certain results from us (maybe they want kids spending less time on homework and more time on Youtube)? I'm confused.

In our case, the school options with more homework do outperform (on standardized tests) the school options with less homework, but that could be anecdotal. And it seems like certain types of homework like reading and writing could never be construed as bad in any amount.

Anyhow, I would love to know what is actually going on. Is homework still a good thing?

Submitted April 25, 2023 at 11:29AM by Mermaid_Tacos

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