domingo, 22 de octubre de 2023

What district or state is a "sweet spot" for teaching these days?

I live abroad now, I teach at an international school and I was thinking about coming back to the US to teach.

I read/hear about so many horror stories about unruly students and administrations that won't do anything about them.

At the end of the day, all I want to do is teach in a district/state where education is valued, and discipline is addressed. Sure, I'm a bit liberal and I realize that you don't need to apply the hammer to all unruly children. I realize that some kids have shitty homes and they use school to act out.

But I'm concerned with standards and reasonable discipline practiced by the administration.

I'm also concerned about what we teach them. Since I teach history, I certainly won't teach my kids that (for example) Columbus actually discovered America. But on the other hand, I want our kids to understand that all countries have complex histories that citizens can be both proud and critical of.

And I want a district that allow me the freedom to challenge my students views, even if it makes them uncomfortable.

I think you all know what I'm getting at.

I'm eligible to teach in Massachusetts, and I believe my MTEL results allow me to teach in a number of other states around the country. I've also considered VT, NY and CT. But honestly, if you know of a state or school district anywhere in the country that values education and understanding other points of view, please tell me. I'd really like to know.


Submitted October 22, 2023 at 04:35AM by Nearby-Public-6301

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