martes, 23 de julio de 2019

I want the superintendent fired

I was falsely diagnosed with a mental illness in 4th grade, tested with only a few behavioral problems over 6 years. I was medicated, I could never sleep since the meds were making me stop breathing at night. After 2 years of this I forcefully quit taking those meds after my best friend died. He had always said I needed to quit those meds. Years later my school was still on my ass about it even though my grades and test scores doubled. I threatened the board if they didn't help me. Weeks later the superintendent had a meeting with me and my parents. Good news is that I was officially off the meds. But the way she talked to me. She thought I was retarded, saying I was resourceful for using basic browser tools. That I could be president. That I should put my voice out. Go the board meetings. I then left and now months later I have realized, she didn't care, she just didn't want her reputation ruined, she thought I didn't know what the world was really like. How can I deal with this!? I don't want to be deemed a true threat! I need help! I want closure! Wait, I didn't even talk to the superintendent! They said she was the superintendent. So there's that too. How do I regain faith in the system after this!?

Submitted July 23, 2019 at 06:50PM by fickfrackcrap

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