miércoles, 24 de julio de 2019

Working while doing a masters degree?


I am a relatively recent university graduate who had trouble finding a job for 2 years after I graduated with a 2:1 from a respected university. I finally got an offer with a very well respected company and have been there for just over a year. However, even though there will be a lot of work for me there, I don't feel like it's the particular avenue I want to continue down for my career, so I've applied to do a masters degree at the end of September. I am going to inform my boss tomorrow, and have already informed my recruiter that I'm "considering" doing it.

The masters course is full-time (technically), even though it is 1 week of 9-5 lectures, then 3 weeks off (reading time, I guess). The course is related to my undergraduate degree, so not a complete departure. I am spending all of my saved money from this year of work on this course and so would like to continue working at this great company in the meantime, as a part-time employee. My role is very flexible as I simply observe specific work processes that have been and always will be carried out, and write reports on them. I am currently thinking about how to propose the idea of me moving to part-time work to my boss, and it depends on how sensible my current plan is (I have no frames of reference to judge by). I currently work 35 hours a week (in a contract position, I should add, not direct employee), and I want to start working for around 30 hours, 2 of every 4 weeks. So I'd have my full week at university, a full week of reading / essays the next, then 2 weeks of 6-hour days, doing a couple of hours reading / essays after work, and repeat.

Coincidentally, I literally found out a couple of days ago that the other 2 people in my department are severely under-performing compared to me and my recruiter called me in to see him to have a chat about whether or not I thought they were the right fits for the role, and even suggested that there might be a possibility they'd ask me to go back act as a 'trainer' for them, so I know they want to keep me on the books. I don't have a great social reputation but I do have a good reputation for being highly motivated and just getting the job done, so I wonder if that'd increase my chances for being allowed to continue part-time?

Basically, I'm wondering if anyone has any insight on whether my plan of 30 hour a week every 2 weeks is sustainable while doing a masters course, or if I should reduce it down to 15, or even not work at all during (though it would be nice to have some income).

Much appreciated for any help!

Submitted July 24, 2019 at 08:58AM by NoontideMelody https://ift.tt/2JRh2id

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