viernes, 1 de noviembre de 2019

GED at 25! Any advice?

I’m a 25 single mom of 2! I dropped out of high school after a big trauma happened and I developed a plethora of mental health problems. Now that I finally am getting back on track I want to start the GED process! Unfortunately though, when I dropped out I was only in the 10th grade. Now because of these mental health problems, I am only now starting to learn how to drive and don’t currently have a job. Living with my amazing dad while I get stronger. My question is, what moves can I make online to help with this process? Any websites that are free? We’ve tried the local library but it seems a lot of people are also trying and there is a waitlist!

Submitted November 01, 2019 at 05:36PM by hannnahxomichal

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