martes, 22 de diciembre de 2020

Am I too old to get a second degree?

I graduated college on 2012, majored in Financial Management. It was a practical major, and I thought I could easily get jobs. It was. But I really didn’t like it. The time when I was choosing a major, I didn’t really know what to do. 2012-2019, I worked, just to work, and not to really succeed. I was never promoted because I only do what’s expected, and not exceed it. Never really put so much effort because well…I didn’t like what I do. Now I’m a housewife (no kids), and I feel like such a failure. I’ve been interested in interior design since I was in college but never really thought of it as a career. But now, I love it, and I want to invest my time on it. My husband offered to pay for school, but I said no since we’re saving to buy a house. His offer is still on the table, and I’m planning to say yes on 2023, but I’ll be 31 years old by then. Am I too old to go and get my dream?

Submitted December 22, 2020 at 01:16AM by artsyegg

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