martes, 29 de diciembre de 2020

Is anyone else concerned by how the "viral" craze is affecting the youth/society?

Now that social media is an ever present part of society; does anyone else think this will affect the youth, and future generations in a negative way? First off, the internet is freedom, you could learn anything, and potentially be anyone; with the ability to support yourself, off of your internet career. The concerning part for me, is what I call "The Kardashian Effect."

People are becoming rich, and famous for no apparent reason, except for their follower count, and their online presence; I can't think of a time in history, where people have become rich, successful, and influential on a mass level, without a discernable skill. This is great for potential financial freedom, but it seems like the youth is now chasing this way of life, while shunning their educational development.

This has become the standard for majority of my younger students. They don't read any contemporary, or past works; most of my students sit on their phones all day, and scroll. In my opinion, educating yourself on different aspects of life, is vital for the development of who you are, on an emotional, existential, and intellectual level. I feel this lack of intrinsic exploration is leading to these mass levels of depression, and anxiety . People seem to be searching for "identity" in this vapid internet world, instead of indulging in the practices of the past.

What do you guys think? This is subjective, and my opinion, on how society is moving. I'm more than happy to hear conflicting view points, and possibly change my perception. Cheers to everyone, and have a happy new year ✌

Submitted December 29, 2020 at 06:06PM by yeooo5678

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