lunes, 31 de enero de 2022

I'm tired of being lied to, is this a good way to teach myself?

Like the titles says I'm tired of being lied to by political interests in our education system, and would like to reteach myself gen Ed.

My hypothetical process is as follows:

  1. Reddit wikis: read Reddit wiki's on subs like r/povertyfinance, r/weightlifting, and other lifestyle subs to gain a functional education on life skills.

  2. University: learning my courses to complete my degree

  3. Wikipedia: going from the Wikipedia index articles and following the page links two steps out. This is to get a very broad overview and working knowledge on things in a moderately unbiased source.

  4. Books: reading books from book lists on the science subreddits like r/history and r/physics to fill in gaps and to have exercises to do.

The goal is to first gain a functional education that corrects misconceptions I have been taught and then I can move into more specific areas as an ongoing learning hobby.

Submitted January 31, 2022 at 07:24PM by theboredbookworm

Looking to go back to school after 7 years.

As the title says I am looking at going back to school for a degree at UofC. I haven't done any post secondary before (background info Graduated HS in 2014 will be doing upgrading to get into the university) I have some anxiety about going back to school after so much time and falling into my old habits of not being a overly great student. Any tips for someone going back after such a long time?

Submitted January 31, 2022 at 04:23PM by Scared-Wombat

I am going on an exchange program next year to the US, and I don't know how math is divided there, which level of math am I and which classes should I take because in my country algebra calculus and geometry are one subject?

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Submitted January 31, 2022 at 12:59PM by InternalOne7687

Need some good books to self study science!?

Alright so I know very little about science and I am confused and frustrated on where to start.

If any of you guys know of good beginner high school science books for Biology, Chemistry, and Physics, that would be very helpful if you shared what they are!

Websites or YouTube video playlists would also be very helpful!

Thanks for reading and replying. :D

Submitted January 31, 2022 at 08:42AM by Peypug

Great books to learn science for a beginner?

I’m really interested in learning about science, specifically biology and the human body. I’ve always been fascinated by it and I’ve been watching House recently and would love to know what they’re talking about. Can anyone recommend good books? I know literally nothing

Submitted January 31, 2022 at 07:42AM by mogar10

domingo, 30 de enero de 2022

Advice on Canadian unis, Microbiology job prospective, Co op education and Tuition fees

I have recently applied to Usask, University of Manitoba and Acadia University. Two of these unis provide co op programs for microbiology but not really sure about Usask. So, How important and beneficial is co op if I want a job right after my undergrad? Will it partially help me to pay my tuition fees or should I opt for Usask instead? Is there anyone from usask who applied for jobs after undergrad from Biochemistry, microbiology and immunology department as an international student? How competitive is the industry?

Submitted January 31, 2022 at 12:13AM by Cool-Term156

Are Grammar Schools better than State Schools ?

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Submitted January 30, 2022 at 01:18PM by Birdiegreenhaze

Leaving teaching/admin after 12 years….

I doubt I’m in the minority here, but I just can’t do it anymore. It seems like our district just does not care for its staff….more so in the past couple years. I had hopes this pandemic would solidify people to come together, and band one another to a common cause. But, I see more sadness, content, complacency, and depression in the faces of all my staff members. Our district is of no help to our teachers, and continue to push mandates on mandates, coupled with high expectations that no one could even meet. We have so many vacancies, and more people retiring and leaving each day. Let alone, our district can’t even hire people due to shortage. Then they fire a bunch a people for not getting vaccinated, and are now trying to hire them back. Sorry, but that’s just a shit pie slapped in the face of those just trying to make it. Any thoughts from fellow educators? 🤷🏽‍♂️

Submitted January 30, 2022 at 10:42AM by BovaFett74

CrossPost: Xenophobia in School Board Meeting

School Board member calls students "Illegals", demands the term be added to policy showing how "these people" cause test scores to decline...

Please see this cross post on what is happening in our rural and suburban schools. We must take action to support ALL of our students.

Submitted January 30, 2022 at 07:52AM by Dadrock9654

sábado, 29 de enero de 2022

My friends AP research survey

Please can you do this survey? It’s for my best friends AP research class. She needs 300 people It’s for high school students link is here

Submitted January 30, 2022 at 12:08AM by dallen_83

Learn philosophy

Hello, this post is for those of you who want to read and discuss philosophy.

We are a group of avid philosophy readers and organize weekly, in depth readings. No prior knowledge is required. We proceed slowly, just a few pages per week. Meetings are weekly and last 90 minutes each.

Current groups include: Kierkegaard's Fear and Trembling, Nietzsche's Beyond Good and Evil, Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics, Marcus Aurelius' Meditations, Stirner's The Unique and its Property and many more.

This project started more than a year ago and it's entirely free to participate. You can join us here:

Submitted January 29, 2022 at 04:23PM by greece666

Remember that one teacher who changed your life

Sometimes I'll talk with people who mention that during their schooling years they had a teacher who had a huge positive impact on their lives. Generally not more than three. Personally wasn't a very easy student to deal with and never had this experience. What are ways that this type of impactful situation can be enabled for children today? Especially the challenging students.

Submitted January 29, 2022 at 03:18PM by tutmondigo

10 study tips not commonly known

1. Walk Before An Exam

2. Speak Out Loud Instead of Simply Reading

3. Reward Yourself With A Treat

4. Teach What You Have Learned

5. Draw Diagrams

6. Watch a Documentary on the Topic

7. Take Regular Study Breaks

8. Make Your Study Space Portable

9. Practice, Practice, Practice…

10. Don’t Stay Up All Night Before an Exam

more from here

Submitted January 29, 2022 at 12:14PM by saradinto

should i study on a day of exam?

i was preparing for a exam 2 months and its coming on monday 16:00 pm.what i wanna know should i study on monday until 16:00 until test begins or should i just relax on monday until the tests come

Submitted January 29, 2022 at 07:54AM by viper2312

A Level Requirements for Neuroscience

I’m going to college next September (UK) and I’ve already applied with my chosen subjects - english language, geography and psychology. I’ve just recently became interested in neuroscience but I haven’t chosen biology in my subjects. If I were to pursue this career path, would I need to take biology at A-Level? Thanks

Submitted January 29, 2022 at 07:07AM by redditor19873

Studying abroad with a scholarship

Hello reddit

I'm an almost 19 years old student of English Literature in Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Iran. I have been looking for ways to study abroad and eventually getting a work/residence permit/visa for some time now. back in high school I was told the best opportunity would be to get my diploma and get a study permit afterwards as a university student.

Unfortunately however, my family and I cannot financially afford the expenses of a paid program and/or living expenses abroad, considering our income and the international value of our national currency. Naturally, the solution lies within scholarships and financial aids provided by the University/college.

The question is, where should I start? what documents I should provide? which country would you consider to offer the best chance? what could I do in order to increase my chances of being accepted?

I'm fluent in English and I'm learning French at the moment if that's relevant. My academic history is also fairly decent.

P.S: already made a post in r/immigration and I was told I should probably ask my questions here. thanks for all the help in advance!

Submitted January 29, 2022 at 05:42AM by SuicidalSmoke

Can I pursue Masters in Data Analytics if I'm bad at coding/programming?

I'm currently pursuing my Bachelor in Computer Science and Engineering. I want to do my Master's program. I am not that great with coding/ programming and I read that Data Analytics doesn't contain much coding. Is it a good option for me to choose. I do have another option of Masters in Management and Information Systems (MIS). Is a switch from Computer Science to MIS possible without any work experience?

Submitted January 29, 2022 at 05:06AM by SlytherinMosses

viernes, 28 de enero de 2022

TIL I can use Apple Keynote to create animated whiteboard educational videos

Last week, I wanted to create an animated whiteboard explainer video, and after trying several tools, I thought: why not try Apple's Swiss Army Knife (a.k.a. Keynote).

To my delight, I was able to create the video from beginning to end entirely in Keynote in less than a day using basic shapes, builds, soundtracks and even recording voice-over using live slideshow mode.

It turns out that if you add a stroke to any shape in Keynote, it makes it possible to add a "Line Draw" animation to that shape, which makes it look like it's been drawn by hand in real time (especially if you add a marker/pencil/chalk/ink border style to it).

And if you use Magic Move for slide transitions, it creates the illusion of a camera moving over the drawing surface and zooming in and out.

I was so impressed with the result that I decided to create a step-by-step tutorial for anyone else who wants to use it for the same purpose.

Keynote continues to amaze me with every update and feature release.

In the past, I have used it for UI design, print design, and for creating social media images and animated video overlays. Now, I can also use it as a whiteboard animation tool.

And I still can’t believe it’s a free tool. I would have gladly paid $100 for it.

Well done, Apple!

P.S. Let me know in the comments if you have any suggestions or questions.

Submitted January 28, 2022 at 04:07PM by amirkhella

is the any technology technicians in this sub ?. I'm feeling burnt out and struggling.b

I've been a technology technician for 6 years and with each year that's going by and finding it increasingly harder to do the job that I do. at times I feel like I'm the dog's body of the school. currently have 6 roles and two duties, ranging from from first aid to pat tester.

Submitted January 28, 2022 at 09:51AM by scalyhorizin92

Expectations vs reality of studying abroad

Going to a substitute country for school is 'the fantasy' for fundamentally every understudy. It is one of the key choices generally through ordinary day by day presence and genuinely one of the gutsiest additionally. Whenever things have set up and you get to know without a doubt, similar to a 100 per cent sure, that you are going for authentic, then, at that point, we should simply say your imaginative mind kicks into an overactive drive.

Expectations vs reality of studying abroad

Submitted January 27, 2022 at 11:38PM by elena1864

jueves, 27 de enero de 2022

How did you succeed in university when English is not your first language?

Hello guys, I am very depressed aka overwhelmed rn, I’m in university (should’ve gone to college but too late, already in second year). I enrolled in Business program, the most challenging courses for this term are Law and Communication courses, and the school works are just so effin overwhelming, not mentioning I still have trouble with high level academic English vocabulary. I came to Canada to start grade 11 four years ago, still, not used to all the words yet. My Law reading is horrible, just imagine if it takes a normal person to read a chapter an hour, it’d take me 2. Meaning it’s double stressful level. I don’t know what to do, drop out of school? Ye I’ve thought about it but def not a good idea. Thus I’m here for study advice, what did you do to do well at university when English is not your first language? You would understand when I say that in everything I read, there’ll be at least 1 word I don’t know in every sentence in the textbook. I tried everything, translated the whole paragraph to my mother tongue, or look up every word I don’t know in both English and my first language, didn’t really work, I don’t remember it afterwards, and this method takes tons of time.

Submitted January 27, 2022 at 09:28PM by Few_Mistake_4806

Income Share Agreements to Pay for Higher Education

What do you think of using income share agreements instead of traditional student loans? I will first mention that I do not believe tuition for higher education should be free and that students should have to pay for it. But I do believe the current system is flawed and interests are not properly aligned.

With income share agreements interests are properly aligned. Under this payment method, tuition for the student is free up front, but after graduation, the student pays a percentage of their salary to the school. This way, both the school and the student are more aligned; they both benefit by the student getting the highest paying job.

I also think depending on how it's implemented, would also result in a shrinkage of academic programs whose graduates have less average expected income (employment rate * average income). I think this would be a good thing to be honest.

Submitted January 27, 2022 at 08:37PM by enlightened_autist

Could a reward system increase student motivation?

I was thinking about creating an NGO, but as I will have little money in it, I can't make great efforts, so I was thinking about making a reward system for public school students in poverty, where I would give money to the students with the highest grades . Could this be a good stimulus?

Submitted January 27, 2022 at 06:09PM by Leuris_Khan

After 10 years away, I want to finish my degree (~30 credits left). Is it better to A.) finish ASAP, even if it means returning to the crappy for-profit school I got most of my credits from **or** B.) go to a more reputable online school, even if it extends my study time by several semesters?

I work full time and am in middle age. I’d like to just be done, but also don’t want to limit my future opportunities if I can help it.

Submitted January 27, 2022 at 04:16PM by _Th_ro_wa_wa_y

Is 3.77 a good gpa to enter university?

I am just wondering because I will probably be able to rise it up to 3.8 but I am so scared haha

Submitted January 27, 2022 at 02:44PM by One-Wave4537

I don’t know what to do.

I went to university for a year after high school. Didn’t know what faculty or program to pursue afterwards.

So I decided to go to college to do a year course that included practicum. During my practicum, I was hired by the manager and started working after I graduated from college.

With the help of covid, I realized that the job I am currently at isn’t a career I would like for the rest of my life. I have now been working here for 4 years but I still haven’t figured out what I want to do.

In my opinion, I have the potential to get a degree. BUT the question is…what faculty? Should I just choose a faculty and go with it? Or should I base my choice on my work/volunteering experience?

Submitted January 27, 2022 at 12:33PM by amxej

Uk school options

So i am currently 15 and attending a school in the uk and was wondering about something that my school did a while ago. So when i was choosing my GCSE options i was allowed to choose from one 'option block' because i was in top set for all of my classes which was fine with me because it was quite varied. But then, they said that top set and second set had to pick french as one of our options, it wasn't a core subject but one of the teachers decided that we should all be forced to take french at GCSE level because they thought it would benefit us all in the future. Are they allowed to do that? They literally in effect took away one of our GCSE choices and didn't let us choose wether we wanted to or not

Submitted January 27, 2022 at 11:47AM by utdutt

I want to get involved…

I am an ABA therapist who tends to work in the school setting a lot, primarily in early childhood. Because of my experience in behavioral analysis, I feel like I (sadly) have a leg up on many teachers and educators. I see how poorly the curriculums are geared to children, how little kids actually learn based on their developmental stage.

What are ways I can help make our education system better. I’m in Florida btw so it’s probably one of the worst states to feel any hope. Is it just voting? Is going out there and really trying to change how our system is done?

Submitted January 27, 2022 at 09:12AM by fibbonaccisun

miércoles, 26 de enero de 2022

What difference do increases in already-high grades make?

Let's say theoretically person A scored an average of 96.5% on his final year of school. Let's also say theoretically that person B was an exact replica of person A in every way, shape, form, except for his final year of school grades, which happen to be 98.5%. Scholarships for the most part only require about 95% or higher and at that point you can be accepted into any good college or university, whether you're person A or B, and would probably get a good scholarship at either grades. Then, what could motivate me to be more like person B than A?

Additionally, if anybody here knows about the British grading systems, where whether you get 96% or 100% you're marked as a 9 or A* based on board/location, do colleges, universities, and scholarship givers of all sorts care only about you being a 9 or A* or do they actually care about the somewhat major difference of 4% in grades?

Submitted January 26, 2022 at 03:47PM by pisscumpiss

University Advice For A Future Teacher

Hey there, I’m a first year student currently completing a BA in history. Afterwards I will be completing my BA in Teaching (1 year program) and go into teaching high school social studies.

I’m hoping to complete a minor alongside my major in history but I’m lost as to what to choose. Currently I’m thinking of either political science, philosophy or English literature.

What recommendations do you have for a minor that would compliment my degree as well as my work in education?


Submitted January 26, 2022 at 02:09PM by miichaeell

What is the Varicella zoster virus translational mechanism?

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Submitted January 26, 2022 at 10:34AM by Ok_Exercise3550

Workload too low...

I started the psychologist programme (5 years) in Sweden half a year ago, and I find the workload to be too low. There's no grades, only P/F, with a requirement of ~60% correct answers on the exams. During the last course, I studied a total of 10 hours and I passed the exam with no problems. I'm too conscientious for this... I feel as if I'm required to be working at only ~10% of my true capacity...

For this reason, I'm considering beginning the architect programme (also 5 years) alongside the psychologist programme. I reckon the workload would be close to my max (~80-90%) then. However, I'm thinking that this might be a stupid idea.

It would probably fix the too low workload issue, but the utility of having both of those majors would of course be questionable, but could perhaps turn out to be valuable in some way. I've previously been interested in pursuing architecture, but have put it off in favor of psychology, as architecture isn't directly related to people. I'm interested in people, but can't say I'm passionate about psychology, as only ~20% of the material we're reading has been interesting. This ratio might be normal, idk, but it feels as though I should at least be gripped/intrigued by at least the majority of the course material.

I'm apparently naturally talented at psychology, for better or worse. I barely have to study to pass the exams, but feel somewhat empty, as I want to push myself to find out where my workload limit is, but am not allowed to do so within the confines of the programme.

I want to find some concrete goal that I can strive to attain, some demanding endeavour that requires me to make an actual effort... Otherwise I feel like I'm just drifting and losing time... What do you think about all of this? Aside from starting another university education to fill the gap, what are some options? Would it be wiser to just discard architecture and double-down on psychology in some way? If so, what are some ways in which I could do so? Perhaps engaging seriously in a political party, specializing in some field of psychology, finding out which steps to take to become a professor in psychology as fast as possible, etc.

Any input would be much appreciated!

Thank you for reading.

Submitted January 26, 2022 at 09:16AM by hp19a

I Found A Book For Teachers on Survival/Prepping

So I am a teacher, administrator, and a survivalist.

So I picked up a few books recently on prepping because I like to have as much material in paper form as possible for referencing. One of the books I picked up was recommended by a friend:

Teach Like A Prepper by Donald Pierce: (9/10) Shows teachers how to be preppers in their classrooms and the rest of the school.

This book, Teach Like A Prepper, turned out to be better than I thought. I work in education and it really gave me some great ideas on how to implement some of my prepper skills and practices into the classroom that I didn't think about before. It even had some humor worked into it. I think every teacher should have a copy of the book. It even covers emergency procedures, finding materials for the classroom, and recommended gear you should keep in your classroom. I highly recommend this book.

Submitted January 26, 2022 at 07:04AM by Disgruntled_Veteran

I’m at college rn, and I feel like I’m not learning anything.

So hey guys I started university and this is my first semester, till now i passed all of my exams. But I feel like I’m not learning much to put me in the work industry? I am understanding it but after the exams the formals and math stuff I keep forgetting it. Is this normal thing? I feel like if i get a job I will disappoint them..

Btw: I’m studying business administration.

Submitted January 26, 2022 at 03:28AM by PawnToF2

martes, 25 de enero de 2022

Looking for teachers to interview regarding teacher leadership.

Im currently a university student at a De La Salle Institution nearing the end of my Secondary Education Program. And I am looking for teachers to interview (not more than 10mins) regarding teacher leadership such as experiences in leadership, school/administration policies that promote and or give chance for leadership.

For more information please do not hesitate to comment on this thread or message me privately.

Thank you in advance!

Submitted January 26, 2022 at 12:04AM by Eyrun

Admissions Advice


I am applying to Georgia Tech for Electrical Engineering and I have a 4.235 weighted gpa and a 3.9 unweighted gpa. I also have a 28 ACT.

My question is that I didn’t get a single C throughout high school but my senior year I took AP Calculus and because of the breach in learning I got a C the first quarter. But the second quarter I brought my grade up to a B. I have all A’s in my other classes.

Admission decisions come out in 4 days on January 29th for Georgia Tech.

Should I email admissions and update them about my improved grade in AP Calculus? Will this draw unwanted attention to my application? Is it too late for it to matter? Or will this possibly help me get in?

This is my dream school so any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you, Matthew!

Submitted January 25, 2022 at 02:55PM by mmarczak145

Public Elementary School Electives

I had a sudden moment of reflection, and then realization the other day that in 5th grade it was mandatory to choose between Orchestra or Chorus.

Is this the normal curriculum policy in most Public elementary schools? That a child must participate in either Chorus or Orchestra? Or possibly just a state policy?

I’m not arguing that there are not possible benefits of being introduced to both of these musical options. But it’s kind of interesting whenI think back on how the students/parents really had no say in the elective curriculum choice at my elementary school. Compared to Middle/High School where I remember being able to cherry pick/tailor my classes/electives to what interested me. I’m assuming private elementary schools offer a more tailor made curriculum? I imagine the concept of it being mandatory to sing or play a musical instrument for an entire year is foreign to most homeschooled children?

I ended up choosing Orchestra. I understand many people including me had some fond memories learning to pluck strings, and maybe even some went on to play in Middle/High school and on through college. However looking back at it now..I know for me and probably many others out there it seemed more of a waste of time when I could have been improving my math skills, working on homework etc.

Submitted January 25, 2022 at 11:31AM by Jackblack92

Research on teacher attitudes on at-home influences

It seems like teachers are discouraged from identifying any cause outside their control as to why education is what it is, why students struggle, etc. It’s not quite “no-excuses” because I think “no-excuses” is directed at kids. I’m looking for discussion of a similar idea but directed at teachers.

Submitted January 25, 2022 at 05:12AM by wasabicheesecake

lunes, 24 de enero de 2022

Should I switch from double majoring in ECON/FIN to ECON/ITS instead?

Guys I'm gonna be completedly honest, I only added Finance because I thought it would land me a job once I graduate. With the internships, I realized that finance is a really competitive field, like you have to bust your ass off and make some connections, start networking, and as an introvert I'm not really good with talking to people.

II really just want to work behind the scenes. I really just want to work in an office and not really interact with people too much. Something stable you know. I want to have more freedom and flexibility in case I need to jump ship from a company I don't like. And really just want to increase my chances of finding a job once I graduate.

Right now, I have an ECON class that focuses on programming with R and I'm sorta into coding and it just seems a little more to my speed.

Also when it comes to stocks, I legit DON'T KNOW squat about how they work. Like finance honeslty to me isn't all the interesting. I like Economics a little more because it gives me knowledge about how the world works. I really like just the social aspect of it, Finance has so much jargon I am not too familiar with.

Also ITS has a business analytics concentration which sounds interesting and appealing to me.

Just lemme know what do you guys think?

Submitted January 24, 2022 at 10:17PM by SXC365

Career ideas?

Careers dealing with education, children, and data? Trying to find a way to combine all 3!

Submitted January 24, 2022 at 08:08PM by sevenmerrill

My former professor is 40 years older than me and told me he loved me?

My former professor e-mailed me from his personal e-mail saying that he loved me. He is 40 years older than me.

He said, "Well. Since I am very much in love with you, and you have asked me honestly, I will reply honestly. I wish for the dream to become a reality, and a dream greater even than the one I had last night. I I fell for you hard. You are the most intensely beautiful woman I have ever met, and I say that on every level. What is your wish now that you know that I am totally smitten with you and adore you? I will honor every wish you could ever dream of, waking or asleep."

This just doesn't seem right. How can he love me when he doesn't even know me? Am I the only student he has ever done this to, in his many years of teaching? He kept on insisting for me to come to his house for our first meeting. He prefers that he would rather pick me up and drive me to his house, than me going to his house on my own. What is his agenda for me at his house? He doesn't even want to meet me at a public place and doesn't even want to talk me on the phone.

He is even married. I found it out when I looked him up and it says a woman with his last name lives at his house. He said his wife is a lesbian and it is only a business marriage for tax and mortgage purposes. He said it is only a legal marriage, not a true marriage because it is financially better and it is very common.

Should I go to his house or will this man ruin the life of a former student?

Submitted January 24, 2022 at 07:17PM by Flyaway_5

was i cultural appropriating/being racist?

so, i live here in austria and visited my family in germany when i was 13-14 and over there they have a day called narrentag, it’s basically a day where people dress up as witches come out and walked around the city/town, it’s a huge carnival and people dress up in costumes or as anything, i think in cultural outfits too for the carnival and... my dumb self choose to wear a sombrero and a poncho, back then when i wore it i absolutely didn’t mean it in a offensive manner what so ever, i wasn’t acting disrespectful or anything i was just having fun with my family, now that i’m looking back to it, it was completely wrong of me to dress up like that. i’m a pretty well known austrian tiktok star and i’m worried that my fans will think little of me, cancel me for doing something like that, i’m honestly the most nicest person, generous person, and i respect, love and treat everyone equally, no matter what race, sexuality or religion you have. imagine you guys were fans of mine and you saw a pic of my younger self dress up with the sombrero and a poncho would you guys think i am a racist?

Submitted January 24, 2022 at 02:42PM by Ok_Rock_8579

Opinion-The Historic Hard Reset for Newark Schools is an Opportunity

An article from The Newarker about opportunities for further reform in Newark, New Jersey's public school system by Colin Hennessy Elliott.

Submitted January 24, 2022 at 10:10AM by LateNightNewYork

Project Based Learning Done Right … 10 Misconceptions: Plus… 10 Resources to Raise Your PBL Bar

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Submitted January 24, 2022 at 05:59AM by SelbyEvans2

Reading resources

Are you a parent or teacher of a little one just learning to read? Good news! Charge Mommy Books has tons of FREE reading resources. New this week, our deep dive into the short I vowel sound, featuring short I word family lists, short I activities, and an article on teaching the short I sound. All the materials are free to download and print, so if this feels like something that would fit your curriculum, I hope you'll come check it out. (Also available short A and E, and CVC words.)

Submitted January 24, 2022 at 04:25AM by BrookeVitale

domingo, 23 de enero de 2022

How can I convince my parents that the education system is screwed up?

I keep trying to tell them how grades kill student's creativity and ability to think for themselves, and how school teaches us to be obedient robots. And while they agree with me, they still argue that how will they be able to tell someone learned something if they didn't get good marks. And would they let a doctor operate or a pilot fly a plane if they failed their assessments? While I understand that, I still try to tell them how fundamentally, the education system turns creative children into obedient adults. While they say they agree, I don't believe them because they tell me to just keep studying within the education system. While most everyone around me, my friends and family, just goes along with the way the system works, I'm the only one who actively questions it and tries to challenge the way it works. And no matter how much I try to convince them of how flawed the education system is, they just tell me "we know it's flawed but this is the way it is and you have to go along with it." I want to be educated, but I want to enjoy being educated and not worry about what grade I get. What do I do?

Submitted January 23, 2022 at 08:03PM by DeanSalichi

Custom Wordle - Make and share your own words, going viral amongst educators on Twitter

Hi all. I recently made a version of Wordle that lets you choose your own word to share with others. It turned out to be an extremely useful tool for educators who want to use it in the classroom. I thought I’d spread the word here too to get your thoughts on how I could help improve it for the classroom.


Submitted January 23, 2022 at 02:34PM by Applemoi

A-level exams

Does anyone know, do you need to give your school a confirmation about what A-level exams you’re willing to take?(like signing a blank with the list of subjects in January of your last year)

Submitted January 23, 2022 at 01:38PM by rolls-royceBT

Native American Lesson Plan. Cultural Appropriation

I was given a task for my second interview, which is to teach a Native American folklore through a creative way.

Being creative isn’t a huge problem for me but I’m white and these children are all probably white. (I live in a VERY WHITE AREA)

It’s 30 minutes for ages between 2nd and 4th grade. I really don’t want to be the next video of the idiot white woman that makes herself look like an ignorant fool.

Besides extensive research, what ideas or advice would you have for an appropriate lesson? I was thinking of finding a song based on a folklore and bringing in props that represent the characters in the song. Then after a few times of practice putting them in groups to make their own props.

I feel like that’s more for a 4th grade level to be put in groups but the point is I don’t want to offend the tribe the song/folklore comes from.

Thank you for reading.

Submitted January 23, 2022 at 11:46AM by Noyvas

sábado, 22 de enero de 2022

What career path can I most likely go down with my majors

I’m currently looking to major in Political Science and Economics, and minor in Statistics as well. I wanted to know what career paths I could go down if I’m looking to get a job right out of university . (My main focus on a good job would be a decent salary) thank you!

Submitted January 22, 2022 at 08:36PM by BeatriceNgsw

Advice for high achieving student

Not sure if this post is allowed here, I am an art teacher but this is regarding my own child.

She’s 7.5 and in 1st grade (could be in 2nd but we kept both our kids back so they’d be on the older side for their grade level). She was home 3/4 of the year last year with me due to the pandemic and just hasn’t slowed down with her learning since. She’s already beyond where the state’s expectations are for the end of 2nd grade. The problem is she is incredibly bored in class and doesn’t want to go to school anymore. Her teacher can’t seem to give her more challenging work. We’ve met with the school about moving her into 2nd grade asap and they’re pushing back (mostly because it’s work for them and then fell back on they might not even have space). They said some incredibly inappropriate things in the meeting and seemed to have no actual reasons for not allowing her to bump up. At one point the principal tried making a point that when she’s 15 she’ll be around 16 year old boys and we wouldn’t want that. I couldn’t even. And, setting aside all the layers of inappropriateness in that comment she would be the same age as half of them anyway. A counselor who doesn’t know her at all suggested maybe it’s ADD and that’s why she’s bored. My daughter absolutely doesn’t have ADD, we just thought it was wildly inappropriate to suggest that when her teacher, Peds doctor, physician father, and teacher mother have never been worried about it.

For reference, our older daughter also exceeded academic standards but she was so content to just hang back and help her classmates. I feel like they expect our 1st grade daughter to want to do that too and we’ve expressed our concern that it’s really more of a personality trait and we don’t expect her to always want to help her classmates learn so long as she’s kind and respectful (which she is). She does get frustrated with the younger kids in her class because she’s much more mature for her age in addition to being the oldest in her class.

So, we aren’t sure where to go from here. They suggested waiting until the end of 1st grade and then to skip 2nd grade and go straight to 3rd. That makes no sense to me for an array of reasons.

Should we push back to have her moved now? Request she’s given more challenging work and keep her where she is, skipping the following year altogether?

Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

Edit: added another inappropriate example from the school and corrected a word.

Submitted January 22, 2022 at 02:54PM by uhhidontcare

How do I tell my boss who I like that I want to go back to school in September

Ok, so I know generally you can just tell them and that's that although my situation is a little tricky.

I first started my job in 2019 as an internship for the program I was in college for. I took a 2 year baking program and had the internship at the start of my second year. I finished the internship, however a bit after that I hit a really big mental health rough patch and decided to drop out. Since then I got really good at my job and the turnover rate there is ridiculous We generally either have 4 or 5 bakers in total and I'm on of the 2 head bakers. The other head baker will most likely be leaving at some point after summer and another coworker will be leaving at the start of summer. I've grown a lot there and really do like the owner but at the same time I want to finish school and hopefully land a way better job some time after. I do plan on staying part time but it'd be damn near impossible to train someone to replace me and even if I were to do that it's unlikely that they'd stay. I get way too attached to people and places and I'm scared of putting the owner in a situation where he needs to get multiple good workers in a short time.

Submitted January 22, 2022 at 01:13PM by barwhalis

About capitalism, and the debate form in classrooms

ADF is a newsletter about education; this week we look at the question of capitalism and the form of debates.

We’d love to hear your thoughts!

Submitted January 22, 2022 at 11:51AM by mister-jep

viernes, 21 de enero de 2022

Help or hurt or delusional?

Many school systems are using a no zero policy. We are not allowed to fail a student. Still grades have to be given. So if a student does no work or is chronically absent, he or she can not earn a zero. What is the rationale behind this move? Are we side stepping an entire host of problems and sweeping them under the rug by doing this? What are your thoughts? Are teachers in your school system allowed to give zero or failing grades if that is what a kid earned? What is happening to our country? Are we becoming enablers in the name of (false) compassion? Please share your responses and thoughts regarding this matter. Thank you. Also, please let me know what state you are in if u are ok with doing so

Submitted January 21, 2022 at 04:12PM by Ok-Bluebird6933

Any educators with a PPS in California?

Hi everyone! This may be a long shot, but I’m looking to see if there are any educators/school staff with a Pupil Personnel Services credential in California, and especially those who may have transferred licenses from another state. I’m a school counselor in the process of transferring my PPS license from Virginia before I relocate this summer, and would love to DM a few questions to anyone who’d be willing to chat! Ty!

Submitted January 21, 2022 at 12:53PM by tiata247

Student loan payments resume in May. Here are 7 ways to prepare

Submitted January 21, 2022 at 10:35AM by Motor-Ad-8858

I'm writing an essay on transitional justice and symbolic policies but I'm really struggling and the deadline is around the corner. Could anyone help please ?

No text found

Submitted January 21, 2022 at 04:18AM by Pizzaiscool88

jueves, 20 de enero de 2022

Full Form of PR

what is the full form of PR

Its a new websites where i m trying to do full form series related to education

Submitted January 20, 2022 at 08:41AM by azminshaikh

Need help for Research class

Hi guys. I’m currently enrolled to get my Master of Occupational Therapy degree at CSU, and we are conducting survey research. The research question is, “What is the relationship between sleep, health literacy, environment, and occupational engagement (participation) in overweight or obese college students”? I am looking for 5 people between ages 18-30 who are willing to message me their emails to receive a short survey. Nothing else is required, just message me your email. It won’t be used for any other purposes other than for this study. Thank you.

Submitted January 20, 2022 at 05:54AM by jimmychooboo16

miércoles, 19 de enero de 2022

Please help me. Honor societies good or bad?

So I have a 4.0 and this is the first time in my life I have ever had above a 2.5. In graduate school I actually love the material I am learning so it comes easy, in no way do I think I have an above intelligence score. Iv been invited into honor societies due to nearing the end of my degree with my grades. Are these beneficial in any way??!!

Salute. Society for collegiate leadership and achievement. Epsilon Pi Phi.

They all have a one time application fee. Is the fee worth the name ? Or benefit ? Is this impressive to have on my resume ??

Thanks fellow friends !!!

Submitted January 20, 2022 at 12:00AM by FriendOrfoe1738

Looking to Interview Teachers about Their Subjects

Hi everyone.

I'm working on a series for my YouTube channel talking about the value of the subjects that we teach with a focus on secondary education.

I really want to share with my audience why it's important for students to learn science, math, history, English, etc. in school since there are so many people who seem to think that school is losing its focus on things that are important. I'm looking for science, math, P.E., art, theater/music/chorus, and foreign language teachers who are passionate about explaining WHY students need to study their subject in school.

I already did a video on history (I won't post the link here, but you can DM me if you want to watch it), and I think it turned out great. I'd love to get more teachers' input on their subjects. DM me if you're interested!

Thanks and make it a great day!

Submitted January 19, 2022 at 07:19PM by ajedwards0341

Received my GED decades ago, recently enrolled in college, and am completely in over my head. Can you recommend any reputable, good quality, *not for profit* programs to help me learn the fundamentals I missed out on in high school? (Online with live instructions preferred.)

Asking for a friend (who is not as Reddit savvy. Just didn’t want to add even more to the very long title). Online due to the pandemic, self-guided because it’s hard to build those fundamentals in a self-guided way.

Submitted January 19, 2022 at 07:20PM by Inattentiv_

What is the most versatile Associate's Degree in terms of transferring it into a 4+ year degree

I'm currently a high school student and recently found out that my high school introduced a program where you can simultaneously complete graduation requirements and earn an Associate's Degree at the local community college. I'm wondering what the most versatile Associate's Degree(s) are and how they would be applied to future higher level education. I'm currently very undecided on what to do with my life, and so getting something that can be transferred into most educational fields would be useful to me. Thank you!

Submitted January 19, 2022 at 04:23PM by Minedame

Recruiting Doctoral Students with Disabilities for Focus Group Research

Good afternoon folks,

My name is Jeff Edelstein and I am a 3rd year doctoral student studying higher education and disability at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. I am currently recruiting individuals for focus groups exploring the experiences of doctoral students with disabilities in the United States. Individuals who have been in a doctoral program for more than one year and who have disability diagnoses, chronic illnesses, or who self-identify as being disabled are welcome to take part.

These focus groups will take an estimated 90 Minutes to complete and will be audio and video recorded to ensure accuracy in transcription. Folks who complete the initial screener and the focus group will receive a $30 Amazon gift card in compensation for their time. Please note that participants will only receive the compensation after completing both the screener and participating in a focus group session.

If you, or others you know, might be interested in participating, please use this survey link for further information and, if you would like to participate, to fill out the initial consent form. The form also has space to provide information on any access needs and preferences, as well as availability.

In the meantime, if you have any questions, please send me an email at jedelstein (at) I’m more than happy to discuss any concerns and clarifications.

Submitted January 19, 2022 at 12:27PM by Neku88

martes, 18 de enero de 2022

Considering Skipping the rest of HS and Going Straight to University

Hey there, I’m a 16 year old currently and I personally feel that I should skip the rest of highschool and go straight to college.

The reason I think this is because I am already in a entry-level position, am a business founder with 3 employees, a national nonprofit founder that teaches finance, a publicist that discusses marketing and finance, and a personal avid investor.

I think I would benefit from going to college early because currently highschool is an extremely toxic environment with the worst/useless information, and excessive transportation/homework. I already maxed out on all the most advanced classes, which was torture.

I think getting a GED, and then going to Upenn Prove Your Way Program would be beneficial because it would allow me to cut down on unecessary school - 2.5 more years of taking courses just for the sake of it.

Please let me know of your thoughts.

Submitted January 18, 2022 at 10:59PM by Theguyrandom1

Join my new discord channel Assignment helper

Submitted January 18, 2022 at 07:55PM by Ephanntus

Q: Redirect an “I’m 18” Student

I just had my first “I’m 18, so I don’t actually have to do what you say” experience (I’m a 2nd year high school teacher).

It took me off guard so I just smiled and agreed, saying “Yeah, we all get to make our own decisions, but we have to deal with the consequences of those decisions too.”

What should I do, or what could I have done differently for next time?

Submitted January 18, 2022 at 06:02PM by Archetypix

Need Guidance - HS Dropout - How to fix my Education

Hello All,

I need some help on the educational front very desperately. Apologies for the long post. I have very severely neglected my education from an early age. I moved from Europe to Canada at an early age (around 6th/7th Grade) and I suppose not speaking English well, coupled with being raised by an extremely stressed and overwhelmed single mom got me on the wrong tracks of life.

I dropped out of High School around 9th Grade in Canada (now living in Illinois, USA) and began working instead. Fortunately or Unfortunately I landed a decent job and never went back to school.

As the years passed it became harder and harder to justify and increasingly became a great source of depression, anxiety and a feeling of being “lesser”.

I am 35 years old (nearly 36), living in Illinois and don’t have any education. I am employed and stable with a salary of $57,000 but feel like advancing my career prospects, income, job prospects is very difficult. Thinking about interviewing or even updating my resume makes me break out it nervous sweats.

How can I fix this? I want a College Degree desperately but have no idea how or where to begin. GED? High School?

Any help, tips, advice, pointing in the right direction is appreciated.

Submitted January 18, 2022 at 03:45PM by StockMarketThanos

Writing programs for Windows 10

Hey, my girlfriend just started her study and now we are looking for a better program for writing. She tested wordpad but it can suck gollums dwarf di*k. I'm reaching out to you guys and hoping you can help us get a better program

Submitted January 18, 2022 at 03:04PM by TheJoonto

transferring school

currently i am enrolled in a school district i do not like. and there are no other high schools in my district i could attend. is there anyway i can transfer without living in the other district. i just need options rather than having to attend face to face because i have a lot of issues w/ administration and how we see eye to eye. i am also transgender and how students at school react towards me makes my experience less than what ur should be. overall i don’t like it and want a new start. anyway to get help or go somewhere new? i live in central il, more east central though

Submitted January 18, 2022 at 11:58AM by _spilling__the__tea_

Could a silver lining of COVID school closures be a longer school year?

There’s lots of studies out there saying that a shorter summer break would be better for students. Could one possible silver lining to all these COVID related school closures be shorter summer breaks? Is this a discussion in education policy right now?

Submitted January 18, 2022 at 11:16AM by stayd03

lunes, 17 de enero de 2022

Anyone have any advice on passing the GED math?

Hello guys, I’m trying to come up with a study schedule. Sometimes I lose focus and lack discipline. I really need to finish this go I can move forward in life. Any advice?

Submitted January 17, 2022 at 11:20PM by DcAlex21

Tell me about it!

As a teacher, what are the difficultties you encountered as a teacher? And how did u resolve these problems??

Submitted January 17, 2022 at 06:10PM by DowntownLog5304

Undergraduate University - Warm Weather, Liberal

I am helping a friend choose a college for her bachelor's degree. She would like to pursue Psychology and minor/participate in performing arts. She is looking for a school in a location that is warm with mild winters. Spirituality, yoga, and open-mindedness are very important to her.

Please feel free to respond if any schools come to mind! She is open to anywhere in the United States.

Thank you in advance :)

Submitted January 17, 2022 at 04:58PM by Appropriate_Pilot450

Where to donate to help reduce cross-district educational inequality in the US through tax reform?

It has been more difficult than expected to find a place I can donate to advocate (either at state or federal level) for state-level reforms that reduce reliance on local property taxes to fund education / improve district to district equity in public school funding. I'm getting a lot of think tanks that tackle multiple issues, or educational advocacy groups that aren't centering this issue. Any recommendations? Who is pushing hardest for this right now? Thanks!

Submitted January 17, 2022 at 02:00PM by bluepapaya555

School ethos and values

Hi everyone. Our school is under new management and staff have been asked to jointly consider what our ethos/values should be. Have you found in your schools or workplaces that students or young people respond well to a particular set of values? Is it a sense of Community? Mutual respect? Thanks!

Submitted January 17, 2022 at 03:16AM by hels13

domingo, 16 de enero de 2022

How can department of education fight systemic racism in K-12 schools

No text found

Submitted January 17, 2022 at 12:22AM by Taoeann617

Questions from a new teacher

I'm not an educator, but my partner is studying to become one and is graduating soon. I have some questions that hopefully some US teachers might be able to answer that'll help us plan our future.

How important are the first few years in terms of "establishing" yourself (for lack of better words)? He's going to be teaching secondary education-level science, is currently a building sub, coaches a STEM team/club, has a great relationship with teachers and administrators, does summer programs, etc. He has a job lined up for this school and district as soon as he graduates. However, I'm going to grad school and we're unsure of how important it is for him to stay in the district while he begins teaching, and if it's a bad idea for him to move when he's beginning as opposed to waiting and getting a little more established first.

I know it's going to vary widely by district, but it seems like a lot of teachers are leaving the profession or switching to a different sector of education. How are the jobs looking out there in the US? I've tried looking into it and there's a lot of conflicting information, so I was hoping to get some firsthand perspective on that as well.

Any advice from current or former teachers (especially those based in the US)?

Submitted January 16, 2022 at 05:22PM by trivialfrost

Would anyone be interested in taking part in my dissertation survey on ‘How Social Media Influences Body Image Perception’? (18-24yrs)

Hi everyone! I’m currently in my final university year and I desperately need participant for my dissertation survey. It should only take around 10minutes to complete and I’d be extremely grateful for any responses :) Thank you in advance!

Submitted January 16, 2022 at 05:30PM by CyranoJr

Hi! I’m a high school filmmaker who just finished a documentary on the National School Lunch Program, specifically the most recent amendment!

Feel free to give it a watch if you’re interested! Any comments and/or questions are appreciated!


Submitted January 16, 2022 at 09:16AM by alexszurkus

sábado, 15 de enero de 2022

So then what is the point of uniforms?…

I work at a public elementary school in CA, and both my kids attend; TK and K. In the lower grades maybe 80% of the kids wear school uniforms. In the upper grades 50% or less.

I found out all a parent has to do is sign a waiver and their child doesn’t have to wear uniforms. Even if the school can provide them at a low cost. It appears to be the trend that the ‘cool’ kids can convince their parents to sign the waiver, and those parents can afford ‘cool’ name brand non-uniform clothes.

When I was in middle and high school the purpose of uniforms was to prevent that. We had to wear the shirts the school provided, and the bottoms had to be Dickies or khakis that don’t show the name brand. The only thing we could get away with was having unique backpacks and shoes.

My kids have already been bugging me about not having to wear school uniforms. As a mom, uniforms are a godsend. They’re cheaper, easier to keep laundry sorted, faster to get ready in the morning. I can only imagine how much more they will pressure me once they get older. I don’t know why or when our district made a waiver possible to get out of uniforms, but I don’t really agree. The uniforms are really comfortable and come in a lot of different varieties, colors, and different blends of fiber so I don’t know what the opposition is.

What do your schools do?

Submitted January 15, 2022 at 11:42AM by Mystic-Magestic

I need help

Where do I go to ask about my education options, I'm looking to enter a Higher Education course next year but I have no idea where to look and UCAS doesn't really help.

Submitted January 15, 2022 at 08:05AM by endlessnotfriendless

Opinion: Take it from a high schooler who’s actually learned about CRT: Adults need to chill out

Christiane Calixte is a junior at the Berkeley Carroll School in Brooklyn.

Submitted January 15, 2022 at 04:41AM by zsreport

Do I lack confidence or is this just really wrong?

Currently, I am a home education staff, adviser or whatever you want to call it.

So one of our requirements is for the student to take a test before going into a new term. As far as we, the home schooling provider is concerned we really want to make sure that a student has really learnt something so we give out like a final term test.

My problem is, since we are a fairly new home schooling provider (we just turned one last year) is that I also create and check the term tests of our students in the higher grade, those who are in their igcse and as/a level. I find checking their papers odd because I am not a secondary education teacher, like, i feel I lack knowledge in subjects that cater to that level. Even if I have an answer key, i feel like im not really in the position to check the papers since my only experience in teaching is teaching in the elementary level.

What can you say about this? I need advice... and I am considering looking for another job because of this...

Submitted January 15, 2022 at 12:41AM by moomin_7

viernes, 14 de enero de 2022


Anyone take the PE CSETs and have any recommendations for study guides?

Submitted January 14, 2022 at 05:45PM by whomike

Malpractice situation. who is in the wrong?

In a situation where an invigilator let a student out of the room without an escort without telling the student it would be malpractice if they left without an escort is the student in the wrong and subsequently must have their paper invalidated or is the invigilator in the wrong? What is the outcome of the situation?

Submitted January 14, 2022 at 04:06PM by Guard1an_Angel0

Public Health degree to education career

I recently switched to being a public health major and wondered if it was possible to become a teacher (not as a public health educator but possibly middle school or high school?) Unfortunately I can’t switch my major again due to financial reasons/ the school prohibits switching bc they make all new transfers sign a contract that entails dismissal from the school if you try to switch again.

Is it possible to work at a school with a public health degree? Do I need to get my masters in education in order to teach or are there other ways around this?

Submitted January 14, 2022 at 03:28PM by petals99

Communications degree: Am I doomed?

I know this has been previously discussed, but I need some encouragement to keep going.

So long story short: I'm a Communications major entering my senior year. I have many regrets choosing this major and I'm extremely worried about my current and future career opportunities. I initially chose this major for two reasons: 1) I want to go to law school and 2) My professor for my first comm class was so captivating and actually convinced me to change my major from justice studies to comm. I loved this professor so much that I ended up taking her for two other comm classes.

After applying to dozens of internships, I just accepted a content/strategy marketing internship. My previous 3 jobs were working as a Paralegal, Legal Admin, and Administrative Assistant. I'm finding it really difficult to find a good paying job and I worry that I just generally lack "good enough" work experience. In the event that I do poorly on the LSAT or I just can't stomach taking out hundreds of thousands of dollars more in student loan debt for law school, what else can I do with a Communications degree?? I already took out $35k in student loans and I worry that I'll have to take out more in order to finish school. I'm currently living off these student loans and would be homeless (again) if I didn't take them out. I am estranged from my family and have no family support, so I can't go live with mommy or daddy. At this point, I'm already in too deep and I guess I just have to finish my degree in comm. Is this a worthless degree? Am I doomed? What did you do with your comm degree in terms of internships and post-grad employment?

Submitted January 14, 2022 at 02:06PM by dyingdeadenough

Why should I first go to High School in order to enroll to a University to study Philosophy and Languages.

Since Philosophy consists mainly of natural understanding, contemplation and reflection, and foreign languages are learnt by infants who barely know how to read and write, count to one hundred or do the most basic math... THEN what's the reason why I should waste 3 years of my precious life (many hours that I could use otherwise) in going through high school where I will hardly learn anything I am interested in or consider beautiful/fundamental for my being. I think you should be able to enter University without a high school degree for a good amount of careers if you are paying since no one's going to need every single (or even most) of the subjects treated there. As also because all knowledge constitutes the heritage of humanity and belongs to no one in particular but to all for we're beings capable of reflection and contemplation who therefore stand in need of acquiring knowledge and having the resources to do this in whatever area they desire. Aside from obvious fields and occasions, all knowledge should be an end in itself. At school we learned History, Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics, Literature and so on. Most of what we learned was neither beautiful nor useful. Instead of learning all those dreadful subjects, maybe I could have learnt Russian, German and Greek. But guess what, for some reason they have decided Physics, Chemistry and Trigonometry are much more important than anything else (even though I myself will not be in need of that knowledge when studying University) It is not fair to oblige someone to learn THIS, THIS in particular while at the same time disregarding and minizing the worth of that which cannot give you any or much material profit. The value of knowledge is not measured by its worldly utility. Only someone in serious need who cannot do other than study something useful to get out of his condition of poverty... Or a very narrow-minded and quite shallow person would think that way.

Submitted January 14, 2022 at 07:33AM by LifeAsAQuest

Can someone please help me find this audio book?

I have searched absolutely everywhere for the audio cd to “Shark in the Dark” by Peter Bently.

My students absolutely love this book and we have listened to it so many times that the cd has finally stopped working.

I have looked all over the internet. I’ve contacted the author and his agent and have not received any response. I’ve posted in 100s of groups and haven’t heard back from anyone. I even checked my local library and was unable to find the audio book.

Several readings have been posted on YouTube, but I’m looking for the original audio.

This book has several publishers to included Walker & Company, Pan Macmillan & Scholastic.

If someone could please help me.. I would be so grateful!

Submitted January 14, 2022 at 02:36AM by thatoneboiyoukno

jueves, 13 de enero de 2022

Why are admins so bad?

Basically the title.

Why are they the enemies of teachers?

There is no end to the amount of horror stories of admins not doing their jobs.

Submitted January 13, 2022 at 07:03PM by ArchdukeValeCortez

Teaching in Australia

Hello all, I'm a secondary science teacher (licensed chem/physics) and have been looking at teaching internationally. Recently I've been in contact with this New South Wales STEM Recruitment agency that seems to offer a good opportunity for living and teaching in Australia - I may make a post about them later to see if anybody has any experience working with them.

Anyway, my question is if anybody has experience teaching at the secondary level in Australia. I'm totally unfamiliar with the education standards, how the schools work, expectations, etc. I'm starting to look into it on my own in more detail, but I was hoping somebody here would be able to draw a comparison between working in the States vs. working in Australia. I currently live/work in the Southern part of the US.

Thank you for your time!

Submitted January 13, 2022 at 05:56PM by Theexilez

Best College to get a BS in Computer Science Online

Hello all,

I am looking to go back to school to upgrade my AS to a BS. I currently have an AS in database management, but am looking to further update my resume and skills to become a software developer. Specifically in C#, but am open to learn new languages along the way.

It has been a good decade since I went to school and I am out of the loop when it comes to what good schools are out there. I am looking for something for me to complete my BS online and that is affordable. I live in California as well. I don't know if out of state tuition is a thing for online classes, but I would not be surprised...

I don't want to ramble on too much, but please let me know if any of you have had good experiences with particular collages that could help me get my next bump in degree.

Thank you kindly!

Submitted January 13, 2022 at 04:28PM by OongBak

A proposal for a completely new education system.

First, discard our current system entirely. This post isn’t about tweaking what we have, it’s about a completely different system altogether.

  1. Customized- have each child take multiple psychometric tests- Big 5, MBTI, 16F, Clifton Strengths, as well as cognitive tests on logical reasoning, emotional intelligence, and so on. Use this to CUSTOMIZE curriculum so each child gets classes and teachers most suitable to their interests, strengths and temperaments. (Like an advanced version of Hogwarts houses)

  2. Apply mindset mastery, goal setting, positive thinking, law of attraction, style courses for all

  3. Increased emphasis on individualized tutors, mentors and counselors, not just lectures

  4. Courses on critical thinking, propaganda literacy, interpersonal conflict, self awareness, virtue and ethics

  5. Courses on practical life skills like personal finance

  6. Free boarding options for any parents who want to provide that option for their children (allowing disadvantaged kids to separate from poverty and danger into environments of high academic standards

  7. Philosophy of Ikegai and Maslow’s self actualization- the goal is to bring everyone to fulfillment, confidence, happiness and mastery over their passions

Imagine what would happen to society if every kid no matter what their background went through this program.

Submitted January 13, 2022 at 09:15AM by apotheotix

Most affordable and legitimate place to get GED

I am trying to find a place online where I can take my test to obtain my GED. Googling brings up a lot of options most of them are going back to school abd doing online classes which cost anywhere from $500-$2000 some look legit but some also look shady.. I heard that there are places where you don't take the classes you just take the test for the GED that's all I need. But I am not sure wher to go online to not get ripped off any suggestions

Submitted January 13, 2022 at 06:30AM by gjoakum221

Looking for your suggestion

Hello everyone.

I have a website called ScholarshipUnion where I am planning to provide all scholarship information for students. My main goal is to bring everything in one platform where students can get admission, scholarship, and how to apply information and knowledge. So far I implemented a prototype. Now my plan is to expand it.

Now I would like to request you to provide suggestions/advice to make this platform sharp. Are there any other things that I missed here that can be helpful for the student to study?

It would be really appreciated if you provide your valuable suggestion.

Looking forward to hearing from you.

Submitted January 13, 2022 at 01:09AM by sclrship

miércoles, 12 de enero de 2022

How much does Canvas LMS cost?

My district is looking into getting canvas (it’s a done deal mostly) but none of us know the cost of it. We have heard that it is a huge expense and we are a small district who uses google classroom just fine. Any help would be great if anyone knows!

Submitted January 12, 2022 at 05:44PM by Novel-Practice-4294

What do you think about Game-Based Learning?

You can learn so much through a structured Minecraft playthrough or sever. (example)

Do any of you ever try teaching concepts through games or gamify your assignments?

What do you think about Game-Based Learning?

Here's a much larger example

Submitted January 12, 2022 at 05:53PM by BuffaloDippingSauce

Can learning productivity be increased by watching lectures at double speed?

I found an article suggesting that watching videos at 2x speed doesn't hurt study comprehension.

To me this suggests that school / college productivity can be increased significantly.

Of course, most of the comprehension happens outside of the lecture hall, but this still seems like a large opportunity.

Submitted January 12, 2022 at 05:59PM by ConfidentSwing1694

Some questions about your experience as a teacher

Hello! I have an assignment due that requires me to interview a teacher and I did not get it done in time. If you guys could answer whatever questions you are able to, it would be a huge help! Thanks so much (:

What state standards or national standards do you use when planning instruction?

From your experience, how do state and national standards impact standards-based curriculum on students?

How do you incorporate content standards used in your state into your lessons?

Do you post standards or share them with students in some way? If so, how?

What is the impact of your student population in your current setting?

How does the use of state or national standards yearly assessment influence your teaching decisions?

How do you use data to drive instruction (e.g. day-to-day testing, state standardized testing)?

What are some ways your school or district work towards closing any achievement gaps?

What programs are in place to support sub-groups of students (ie gifted, special education, ELL)

How has your identity as a teacher developed over the course of your career?

What skills or practices do you feel are needed to be a successful teacher?

What is your role as a change agent in your school?

What are some ways that you have continued to grow in your practice or professional development?

What tools or resources do you most often use for continued growth?

What advice do you have for finding available professional development opportunities and paths?

What opportunities do you have for collaboration at your school?

Submitted January 12, 2022 at 11:59AM by Spicy_Eskimo

(US) If public school district funds are determined by how many students are enrolled & birth rates are declining…

Is this a fault in the system that administrators use to try to overcrowd classrooms in spite of overworked & underpaid teachers?

I’m having a hard time trying to figure out how we fix these massive issues. My fiancé is a primary Ed teacher and she deserves so much better for putting up with all the shortcomings.

Discussion, thoughts, and ramblings encouraged. Midwest USA btw

Submitted January 12, 2022 at 12:03PM by RedFlok

Evaluation method

Hi all! I have a job interview tomorrow and want to highlight a teacher evaluation method I have experienced but cannot for the life of me recall the author of the method. It is the method of teacher evaluation where the principal does regular walkthroughs to observe, rather than formal lesson observations. Can you help me out???

Submitted January 12, 2022 at 08:40AM by wheatking_mb

Chicago Teachers Confront Biden’s Omicron Negligence

The Omicron crisis is spreading to school systems around the country and exposing the total failure of the political establishment to make schools safe after nearly two years of the pandemic

The Omicron crisis is spreading to school systems around the United States and exposing the total failure of the political establishment to make schools safe after nearly two years of the pandemic. Educators, parents, and students overwhelmingly want in-person learning after experiencing the burden and inadequacy of remote learning. Because political leaders all the way up to Joe Biden have primarily viewed in-person classes as a means to ensure the economy is running and profits are flowing, they have failed to provide schools what they need to function without moving from crisis to crisis.

Meanwhile, billionaires have made many billions more during the pandemic — Elon Musk’s wealth is equivalent to over 28 Chicago Public Schools (CPS) budgets. Schools lack adequate staff, COVID-19 testing and protections, or modern ventilation. Schools communities are frustrated and educators are struggling to stay in the profession.

In Chicago, as Omicron gathered pace ahead of a 3 January winter break return date, the Democratic establishment led by Mayor Lori Lightfoot made clear that educators, students and parents should not expect anything new beyond the woefully inadequate responses already in place. After two days of in-person learning, and a few rounds of union meetings, educators in the Chicago Teachers Union (CTU) voted 73% to take a collective action to fight for the safety measures needed to respond to the Omicron surge and make Chicago in person learning safer in the long term. They left their buildings and planned to continue teaching remotely. This was not intended as a long-term closure of school buildings, but until necessary measures were put in place to keep students and educators safe. CTU’s action should be an inspiration for educators nationally.

Lightfoot responded heavy-handedly, canceling all classes and locking out educators from the CPS’ online portal, throwing working families’ lives into disarray. This vicious response was backed up by President Biden and the corporate media, which is why it’s going to require escalating the struggle to win. Socialist Alternative stands in solidarity with educators and we are mobilizing to support as community members and educators.

As we brought this piece to press, CTU leadership capitulated to Lightfoot by bringing a totally unsafe plan to the 800 member House of Delegates (HOD) that meets virtually none of educators’ demands. The vote passed 389 — 226 to send educators back to school Jan 11, and students back January 12. Members will have a final vote and should vote “No”, but the leadership set up this vote to take place after teachers have given up their leverage by returning to the buildings. This is highly demoralizing. Passing this deal would be a setback for the schools, and education and safety struggles around the country. In this situation, staying out and returning to the schools without a deal on the 18th when the union proposed to return to in-person learning would be preferable to passing a deal that locks educators, students, and families to a terrible plan.

CTU Members Fight for Safety, Lightfoot Lies

In Illinois, schools are the top source of known COVID transmission. In CPS, 20% of all COVID cases since the start of the pandemic were recorded in just the first two days back from break, Jan 3–4. On those days, student absences averaged around 30%. In the wider state, child COVID cases and hospitalizations are rising.

Many educators have experienced their classrooms “flipping to remote” and with this new surge, most dreaded an inevitable flip, which again requires teachers to simultaneously teach sick, quarantined, and unvaccinated kids remotely while the vaccinated kids are in person.

While teachers have been locked out, principals have gotten notice that regardless of negotiations, numerous classrooms around the city would be going into quarantining. With only a small percentage of CPS students being tested on Monday and Tuesday, 2,400 students have tested positive, resulting in over 9,000 students in quarantine.

In order to slow the spread of Omicron and effectively deliver instruction, a temporary switch to fully remote learning was necessary. Educators approached this crisis with a clear and correct formula. We should go remote for two weeks while the surge is expected to peak and then massively ramp up the in-person learning pandemic response. CTU’s action has undeniably slowed the spread of Omicron.

With her Lori Lockout, the mayor launched an attack on the whole of the school community with the hopes that she can successfully blame the outrageous burden of school cancellation on educators. Like Democratic mayors around the country, she is looking to deflect any blame from Omicron disruptions from herself and her corporate backers to educators who have been holding up the system for two years under incredible strain.

The key focus of CTU leadership’s safety proposals has been testing for all students except those opted out by their parents, mass distribution of KN95 masks, better contact tracing, and clear metrics for district wide and building closures. These are the minimum things we need to actually respond to the virus in the school and do everything we can to prevent transmission.

This past Saturday, the CTU leadership brought a concrete proposal to its 800 member House of Delegates that gave some concessions to Lightfoot but they said was aimed at bringing teachers and parents together. However, rather than offering a wider strategy to mobilize the whole power of the working class to defeat Lightfoot, CTU leadership offered concessions designed to seem reasonable in the court of “public opinion” by dropping the demand to test every student, instead calling for random tests of 10% of students per week, unless they opt-out (a step forward from the current opt-in program).

The problem with this PR-based negotiating strategy is that it told Lightfoot, who had made zero commitments, where negotiations might start. In reality, the CTU leadership’s Saturday maneuver only foreshadowed their total capitulation on Monday. At the Monday House of Delegates meeting, CTU leadership picked up where they left off on Saturday in lowering expectations. CTU Vice President Stacy Davis Gates was heard emphasizing how she never sells “dreams”.

There are lots of questions about whether or not the watered-down testing programs would actually protect against the spread of highly-transmissible variants like Omicron. An ineffective agreement with Lightfoot that threatens future workplace actions is worse in many ways than a showdown with Lightfoot that shows CTU is fighting as hard as possible for the policy that could actually protect educators, students and parents’ safely, and which could prepare the ground for future struggles. It’s better to return to work knowing educators took crucial steps to stop an out-of-control spread, with the prospect of staying mobilized to do it again, than it is to sign a rotten agreement with Lightfoot.

Lightfoot immediately rejected the Saturday proposal, except for the distribution of masks, and since Friday attempted to open schools wherever enough adults could be lured back into the building to watch students. Fundamentally, from the establishment’s point of view, more tests means more exposure of their failed approach to handling the pandemic, but publicly they claim it’s impossible to produce enough tests. It’s an incredible indictment of the political establishment and American capitalism that two years into a pandemic they still can’t produce adequate tests and PPE. Socialists call for using the Defense Production Act to immediately ramp up the production of testing kits and PPE, to the scale needed to protect health. If corporations are not able to fulfill the orders, they should be brought into public ownership.

Some CPS buildings remained nominally open, staffed by educators organized by Service Employees International union (SEIU) 73, whose leadership is far more timid and whose members enjoy lower pay and fewer protections. CTU needs to bring these educators into the fold, and develop a strategy to actually shut down the schools. Along these lines, rank-and-file members, including members of Socialist Alternative, launched their own petition calling for a more fighting approach rooted in solidarity with CTU, students and parents. Even 75% of principals have called on Lightfoot to stop these openings. Educators report widespread parent sympathy at working class schools, but Lightfoot is trying to build parent support around a vow to stop any move to temporary remote learning at any cost.

CTU Leaders Step out Front of the Fight For Safety, But Fail to Develop Escalation Strategy

More union leaders should be calling votes of their membership and taking action like CTU leaders have in this Omicron crisis. However, CTU leaders were blindsided by the lockout and they were unprepared for the type of rapid escalation needed to force Lightfoot to back down from a lockout. The ensuing confusion has led many educators and working class parents to question why these actions were not organized in anticipation for winter break and the looming Omicron surge. The chaos Lightfoot created has also allowed her to gain advantages in the struggle. Before Monday’s deal her strategy was simply to wait teachers out until Tuesday January 18th when the CTU action was set to end.

Rank and file educators’ actions in the face of all this have been heroic. Many CTU educators were demobilized and demoralized from the reopening struggle exactly one year ago when Lightfoot and CPS forced educators back into unsafe buildings under less than ideal hybrid instruction models and very little safety protocols. In 2021, CTU leaders backed down from struggle when educators were ready to fight. In 2022, they got out ahead of members and acted more decisively. Educators voted by the thousands on January 4 for safety action and are standing up to Lightfoot. Passive support for this action shifted to active engagement among more and more members.

Educators were ready for a larger mobilization, flyering their communities, disrupting downtown business as usual with car caravans, holding daily building union meetings, convincing members to come out of buildings, organizing school by school parent outreach, and setting up fundraising for members struggling with the potential lost pay in this struggle. Thousands of low-paid SEIU members are participating in the struggle, despite their union being woefully unprepared for it. CPS is trying to run the schools on the back of these workers. Hundreds of members are also not going into schools. SEIU leaders have given a work-to-rule order for those that are. Rank and file SEIU members have responded to the crisis by launching a public petition that has gotten hundreds of signatures.

Now members will need to vote “No” and build a rank and file centered struggle to escalate pressure on Lightfoot and win safe schools.

Mistakes that CTU leaders have made in the past and have contributed to the current crisis should be avoided. One of the most important reasons educators find themselves in such a terrible situation is the union leadership’s unwillingness to confront Democratic Party politicians, especially Biden. Randi Weingarten, the president of the American Federation of Teachers, brags about being inside Biden’s inner-circle. Even though she offered a statement of support to the CTU, she has not spoken out against Biden’s insistence that schools remain open (while failing to do anything to stop the Delta and Omicron variants, and abandoning meaningful policy proposals to help working families navigate the pandemic). In this context, it’s especially outrageous that CTU Vice President Stacy Davis Gates played further into this failed strategy, saying “the Biden administration has done everything that they were supposed to do”.

The way must be opened for wider parent and community support to enter this struggle. We cannot rely on “one day longer” strategies when Lightfoot is trying to wait us out. Safety struggles need to call on other unions around the city and nation to mobilize in support. The labor movement should mobilize against downtown corporate titans who profit off of this city while attacking public services. Literally quadrillions of dollars pass through the Lasalle street untaxed every year! We must disrupt business-as-usual for Lightfoot’s wealthy supporters to put pressure on her.

Organizing needs to be done to completely shut down the egregiously unplanned, unsupervised, and unsafe openings that Lightfoot is undertaking. First and foremost, this means voting down the rotten deal with the CPS. Then CTU members need to rapidly mobilize to force the leadership to authorize members to leave the buildings while working closely with SEIU to help its members stay out of the buildings until it’s safe to return.

National Stakes

One year ago, Lightfoot successfully forced an inadequate safety plan onto Chicago schools and emboldened the Democratic establishment nationally to continue their criminal negligence of schools. Working people, unions, and left elected officials must mobilize to win rank and file educators’ basic safety proposals and prevent another setback. By taking remote action, educators undoubtedly helped slow Omicron spread. But we must be clear that our demands to return to safe in-person learning and the original CTU proposals are really just a start.

We will need to be able to test students and staff district wide on a weekly basis, and schools need massively ramped up staffing, otherwise proposals like contact tracing or metrics become meaningless. The gross underfunding and understaffing of the return to in person learning this fall, the mishandling of the Omicron surge by the Democratic establishment have created chaos in schools nationally with school closures forced in many areas due to the massive number of infected teachers and other staff.

At the same time the establishment’s response to the pandemic in 2020–21 forcing remote learning rather than serious policies to reign in the pandemic and investing the resources to create safe in person learning environments, has been a disaster for kids. Now in the middle of the biggest COVID wave of all, they simply want school buildings to remain open no matter what. They have essentially abandoned any meaningful approach to public safety.

Unfortunately, the CTU leadership’s early capitulation will have a chilling effect on similar developing struggles across the country. We need to point out that Chicago educators are willing to fight, and their bold actions to shut down Lightfoot’s reckless reopening showed that solidarity in action is the way to fight. The Democratic establishment and the billionaire backers cannot and will not solve this crisis. Our safety fight is against the background of recent strikes in different industries, growing worker power due to the labor shortage, and anger at the establishment. We must connect these struggles together and build a class struggle response to COVID crisis, including a new party and rebuilt labor movement!

Submitted January 12, 2022 at 08:21AM by Patterson9191717

martes, 11 de enero de 2022

Admins, teachers complain about all the "extra work" you give them. Can you explain why you do that and why/why not you pass that explanation down to teachers?

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Submitted January 11, 2022 at 09:41PM by MrLuigiMario

Buying my first house as a Boise Teacher- Any good morgage programs for educators?

Super excited to buy my first house (even though the market is absolutely bonkers). House construction will be finished in August, so I have a few months to settle on a lender and find other deals to save money. I'd love any tips you have!

Submitted January 11, 2022 at 09:31PM by lone_observer

While in class have you ever feel the urge to be "the smartest person in the room" and start using necessary explanations as an excuse to show it? If so, how did you stop?

I think I have this problem and it needs to stop, since I have the gut feeling that it will bring the students (and me) nowhere. But also I think I saw that phenomenon on a lot of teachers, my own during my education years as well as my colleagues nowadays.

Submitted January 11, 2022 at 04:53PM by MeMaxCulpa

Anti-screen recording/download Teaching Platform

Hi! By any chance, do you know any sites that has anti-screen recording and anti-downloading at the time? I've visited a few options such as Teachable but the videos on the courses can be downloaded (through third party websites)/screen recorded.

Any recommendations?

Submitted January 11, 2022 at 04:54PM by hbxd

Counselor, parent say Denver schools no longer safe

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Submitted January 11, 2022 at 12:13PM by Ok-Possibility-5066

Chile's voucher experiment

Chile had a voucher system where parents could attend any approved school (not district, not private but in the middle of the two) and pay the difference between the school's fees and the voucher value. So if the fees were $8000 and the voucher was $5000, parents had to pay $3000. The government changed the rules so that schools had to be 100% voucher or 0% voucher, meaning no parent payments. Since school expenses keep going up, but not the value of the voucher, three things are happening. Teacher salaries (and infrastructure investment, sports, music etc) are being cut, class sizes are going up and these schools are closing or becoming 100% private.

I may have the details wrong, but the general picture is correct. Vouchers are not so simple.

Submitted January 11, 2022 at 09:46AM by liart_h

Is online education learning better than classroom?

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Submitted January 11, 2022 at 06:11AM by namanfarsoia

quick question

I'm a sophomore in high school, about half way through the year. hypothetically, if i dedicated 1 hour a day to studying for my SAT, is it reasonable to assume i would achieve a perfect score?

Submitted January 11, 2022 at 06:14AM by WarpStarrr

lunes, 10 de enero de 2022

Short 5-15 minute sessions of puzzles or educational games that cultivate critical thinking, logic, etc in children that can be played free+online?

Short 5-15 minute sessions of puzzles or educational games that cultivate critical thinking, logic, etc in children that can be played free+online?

Some examples include online sudoku, online boggle, online scrabble, online crosswords, and I'm looking for more ideas.

Submitted January 10, 2022 at 10:15PM by StarXedHero

South Carolina Aims To Join List Of States Ditching Public Education For School Vouchers

Submitted January 10, 2022 at 07:05PM by VehlaAdmi

First-year teacher needing some encouragement

First of all, I am grateful for my school. It is in a small town, so the students tend to get along better than some. Because it is small, there is often better community and parent buy-in than some bigger schools. The class sizes are small (12-17). Given all these good things, I just feel guilty for feeling overwhelmed. I have 6 different classes to prep for (8th, 10th, 12th grade English, Yearbook, and various electives) with no existing curriculum or admin support. I feel like a hot mess with all the planning. I'm trying to encourage myself by thinking "buck up, buddy -- sure you have more planning than most, but at least you don't have to grade 140 papers at once!" Still, it's easy to feel down. This first-year teacher thing gets easier, in many ways, right?

Submitted January 10, 2022 at 06:26PM by Vallena816

Educator Manga Book Rec

Hello! I'm a student teacher at a middle school and am looking to using manga as a means to get my students into reading. One of the titles that a student requested is Attack on Titan -- now while I am familiar with the title, I'm not entirely sure if it would be appropriate to put into a student's hands? I'm more concerned about parental disapproval and the backlash that could put on me than anything as far as the gore is concerned.

Basically: would the violence within Attack on Titan be too much for a 7th grade student?

Submitted January 10, 2022 at 10:37AM by RetroKambles

domingo, 9 de enero de 2022

अमर उजाला / शिक्षा समाचार - WeRIndia

Find the latest educational news in Hindi at WeRIndia from 500+ news sources at one place.

Submitted January 09, 2022 at 11:22PM by hindiwerindia

Books for School Requirements

I'm always puzzled with this idea. As someone taking a bachelor's degree in education, some of my professors provides us copy of books that will be used in future requirements. Meanwhile some tells us to go and find a copy of the book.

Of course those who gives book copies instantly looks good in our eyes. But is their a logical reason, like theory or idea, that supports the practice of some professors letting the students find a copy of book in their own?

Submitted January 09, 2022 at 09:38PM by kevinhughes12

Survey on Teacher Pay

Hi there!

I'm doing a research paper for my English Class and would appreciate if you would be willing to fill out this survey regarding Teacher Pay:

Survey Link

The beginning has optional questions regarding background, including your age range, degree type and state. If you aren't comfortable answer any of the beginning questions, please select "Prefer not to say" for that question.

Thank you in advance to those that fill the survey out!

Submitted January 09, 2022 at 08:11PM by mott_m

What are your opinions/thoughts on how special education is and how it could maybe be improved in your area or in general?

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Submitted January 09, 2022 at 10:03AM by franandwood

sábado, 8 de enero de 2022

US education budget- what are the biggest barriers against government from doing this: hire an army of kurzgesat style animators/teachers to make videos on lots of college course material

Ex: make it publicly available.

To help low income families with limited internet/device access, put it on special tablets that can do nothing else except play those videos, give those tablets to low income families

Like crash course youtube channel but on steroids

Submitted January 09, 2022 at 12:23AM by wallpapersdance

Hello everyone! What are some ways that we could improve online education in rural areas?

I wish to hear your opinions on this controversial topic. Thank you!

Submitted January 08, 2022 at 03:04PM by monster_magnet21

Support and Community for Teachers Considering Leaving the Profession

Reddit, social media, and the news has made it clear many educators are either leaving the profession or considering it. While I am still a teacher, I have seriously considered leaving of and on for years. My biggest struggle is simply how in the world to I do that? What are my next steps now that I have decided to leave? What has been clear to me is that many in education are overwhelmed at the prospect of trying to find a new career and there really isn't a lot of support out there. I have noticed a lot of posts about this topic on this subreddit and thought it might be nice to have a location dedicated to it.

I started r/teachersleaving (It is the first time creating a community so I am open to suggestions and help but please be kind.) My hopes for this community is that it becomes a place that people who have left can share their experience. A place to share resources that other have found helpful. I would love if we as teachers could perhaps help each other work on revamping our resumes and brainstorm what positions might be a good fit.

Submitted January 08, 2022 at 12:06PM by MsFay