jueves, 27 de enero de 2022

Income Share Agreements to Pay for Higher Education

What do you think of using income share agreements instead of traditional student loans? I will first mention that I do not believe tuition for higher education should be free and that students should have to pay for it. But I do believe the current system is flawed and interests are not properly aligned.

With income share agreements interests are properly aligned. Under this payment method, tuition for the student is free up front, but after graduation, the student pays a percentage of their salary to the school. This way, both the school and the student are more aligned; they both benefit by the student getting the highest paying job.

I also think depending on how it's implemented, would also result in a shrinkage of academic programs whose graduates have less average expected income (employment rate * average income). I think this would be a good thing to be honest.

Submitted January 27, 2022 at 08:37PM by enlightened_autist https://ift.tt/3AFurm1

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