Since Philosophy consists mainly of natural understanding, contemplation and reflection, and foreign languages are learnt by infants who barely know how to read and write, count to one hundred or do the most basic math... THEN what's the reason why I should waste 3 years of my precious life (many hours that I could use otherwise) in going through high school where I will hardly learn anything I am interested in or consider beautiful/fundamental for my being. I think you should be able to enter University without a high school degree for a good amount of careers if you are paying since no one's going to need every single (or even most) of the subjects treated there. As also because all knowledge constitutes the heritage of humanity and belongs to no one in particular but to all for we're beings capable of reflection and contemplation who therefore stand in need of acquiring knowledge and having the resources to do this in whatever area they desire. Aside from obvious fields and occasions, all knowledge should be an end in itself. At school we learned History, Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics, Literature and so on. Most of what we learned was neither beautiful nor useful. Instead of learning all those dreadful subjects, maybe I could have learnt Russian, German and Greek. But guess what, for some reason they have decided Physics, Chemistry and Trigonometry are much more important than anything else (even though I myself will not be in need of that knowledge when studying University) It is not fair to oblige someone to learn THIS, THIS in particular while at the same time disregarding and minizing the worth of that which cannot give you any or much material profit. The value of knowledge is not measured by its worldly utility. Only someone in serious need who cannot do other than study something useful to get out of his condition of poverty... Or a very narrow-minded and quite shallow person would think that way.
Submitted January 14, 2022 at 07:33AM by LifeAsAQuest
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