martes, 25 de enero de 2022

Public Elementary School Electives

I had a sudden moment of reflection, and then realization the other day that in 5th grade it was mandatory to choose between Orchestra or Chorus.

Is this the normal curriculum policy in most Public elementary schools? That a child must participate in either Chorus or Orchestra? Or possibly just a state policy?

I’m not arguing that there are not possible benefits of being introduced to both of these musical options. But it’s kind of interesting whenI think back on how the students/parents really had no say in the elective curriculum choice at my elementary school. Compared to Middle/High School where I remember being able to cherry pick/tailor my classes/electives to what interested me. I’m assuming private elementary schools offer a more tailor made curriculum? I imagine the concept of it being mandatory to sing or play a musical instrument for an entire year is foreign to most homeschooled children?

I ended up choosing Orchestra. I understand many people including me had some fond memories learning to pluck strings, and maybe even some went on to play in Middle/High school and on through college. However looking back at it now..I know for me and probably many others out there it seemed more of a waste of time when I could have been improving my math skills, working on homework etc.

Submitted January 25, 2022 at 11:31AM by Jackblack92

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