lunes, 31 de enero de 2022

I'm tired of being lied to, is this a good way to teach myself?

Like the titles says I'm tired of being lied to by political interests in our education system, and would like to reteach myself gen Ed.

My hypothetical process is as follows:

  1. Reddit wikis: read Reddit wiki's on subs like r/povertyfinance, r/weightlifting, and other lifestyle subs to gain a functional education on life skills.

  2. University: learning my courses to complete my degree

  3. Wikipedia: going from the Wikipedia index articles and following the page links two steps out. This is to get a very broad overview and working knowledge on things in a moderately unbiased source.

  4. Books: reading books from book lists on the science subreddits like r/history and r/physics to fill in gaps and to have exercises to do.

The goal is to first gain a functional education that corrects misconceptions I have been taught and then I can move into more specific areas as an ongoing learning hobby.

Submitted January 31, 2022 at 07:24PM by theboredbookworm

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