sábado, 28 de enero de 2023

The about knowledge and the real knowledge

I was wondering about this topic. You see a lot of popular content, specially on social media, that is about a field of study. Essentially a generalised overview of different topics. I think a lot of my education including and up to highschool was this way.

Then (if) you hit university you realise you basically know nothing about the real deal which can lead to a crisis and/or a lot of trial and error switching.

Something similar happens if and when you (for example) start doing reseach or just simply use your education in a particular profesion outside academia. I guess this is why a lot of jobs require years of experience.

This is clearly problematic (yes, I know my personal experience may not generalise and there are a million different experiences depending on the nation, social class and institutions)

My question is: What is being done to change this and what you think should be done / is the best approach?

First thing that comes to mind is injecting real experiences as an important part of education.

Submitted January 28, 2023 at 06:45PM by Wrahms https://ift.tt/7mlQ52L

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