martes, 6 de febrero de 2024

I get bored in class but study similar subjects at home with passion

I’m in my 2nd year of university (studying a very broad program that includes economy, law, sociology, history, management) and I don’t take pleasure in studying or working on those subjects for the most part (I like a few classes). When I’m sitting in a lecture or a more personal class I get bored and either start day dreaming or just doing something else on my computer. However, I’ve always been intellectually curious and actually really enjoy reading (fiction, non-fiction, articles, research papers), listening to history/scientific/philosophical podcasts, debating people about various subjects, doing research on subjects I find interesting (sometimes similar to the ones I’m studying in school).
I’m wondering if everyone feels like this and I just need to suck it up, I’m not as intellectually curious as I thought I was or maybe if the university ?

Submitted February 06, 2024 at 09:30AM by Alarmed_Effective_86

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