martes, 22 de octubre de 2024

Ours to Solve, Once – and for All

The Hoover Institution’s Education Futures Council (EFC) has released “Ours to Solve, Once – and for All,”  a new report that calls dramatic action in the US K-12 system a matter of public emergency for the health and security of American democracy, as well as the nation’s future prosperity. 

The council, which includes Hoover Institution director Condoleezza Rice and former Purdue University president Mitch Daniels, proposes a comprehensive new operating system for American public education – one that flips US K-12 education from top-down to the bottom-up, organizes for student-centered results, and provides a high-quality education for all students, especially those from disadvantaged populations. The report advances solutions that focus on, among other components, minimizing mandates and embracing incentives, as well as cultivating and rewarding professional mastery in the education workforce. You can read more about the EFC’s insights and recommendations here.

Submitted October 22, 2024 at 08:42AM by HooverInstitution

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