jueves, 20 de septiembre de 2018

Any educators who use the Second Step program?

Hello teachers!

I recently started a new position as a teaching assistant at a private school and one of the roles I do is teaching "Second Step" lessons to the Kindergarten classes (there are three). I'm curious for those of you who are familiar with this program, if you have any thoughts on how to make the lessons easier or more challenging. Two of my classes are right on point and every time we do a lesson, they have great responses, participate well, and they get a lot out of it. I do an assessment with the Puppy puppet at the end and ask them to tell me what they learned. Every single time they all have good responses. Anyway, the third class I'm really struggling with. There are at least three kids who attempt to derail the lesson every time and are completely disrespectful, every single time saying that Second Step is dumb and they don't need to learn about social skills. But mostly, I think the whole class seems disinterested because the first few lessons in Kindergarten are pretty simple. Any suggestions for how to make the activities more challenging or get kids more inspired to participate in something they may not necessarily think is that interesting?

Submitted September 20, 2018 at 09:04PM by missjayelle https://ift.tt/2poG2lG

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