domingo, 17 de noviembre de 2019

Do you think it would work to create a massive public education campaign using social media and traditional media, if we crowdfund enough money, to educate people about (scientifically-proven) government/state/local policies that would result in the most happiness and (more in post)

Adequate standards of living for everyone in the country, which could of course spread to the rest of the world? If this could be done, then there could be enough people-power/grassroots action to force all governments to do what we want them to do, so that the outrageous mess that most countries (including the U.S. to some degree (healthcare, affordable housing, public transit, immigration system, education system, etc.)) are in which contribute greatly to horrendous poverty and suffering?

Submitted November 17, 2019 at 09:17AM by jointventuredan

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