domingo, 26 de enero de 2020

Can I Still Get a Reasonable Degree After Flunking College Years Ago, Multiple Times?

I had good grades in high school, and honestly very very good test scores. Depression made college misery, and I never went to classes and dropped out after my freshman year. Tried classes at community college because my parents forced me too. The classes I liked I did well at, other classes not so much. Then my parents told me one year they found out my insurance would make them pay back all my therapy appointments if I didn't enroll in a years worth of classes during the last 1/8 of the year. They talked to the counselors, which enrolled me in 10 or so classes, many of which had already started and I had no hope of passing by then even if I had been able to attend all of them and do all the work, so I gave up at that point. Zeros in that many classes... you can't really bring your GPA back from that.

I tried again a few years ago when I was maybe 25, just to see, and I did quite well until I found my fiancee and boyfriend of 7 years cheating on me in the middle of the semester, and unfortunately while I still got an A in one class, I slipped in the harder one and got a D+, barring me from taking classes for two years. Not trying to make excuses, but I still think if that hadn't happened I would have continued to do as well as I had before that, and gotten an A and a B.

I tried to succeed without a degree for two years, it's not going to happen. I have a high IQ, and I don't think I'll ever feel fulfilled without doing something with it. I want to try again, but is there really any hope? Even if I went back to community college, how many years before I could raise my GPA enough to transfer somewhere with a decent bachelor program?

Is there any way to find any of this out? Any advice is very much appreciated. I don't even know where to start.

Submitted January 26, 2020 at 03:47PM by melonchollyrain

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