domingo, 6 de diciembre de 2020

Im worried my learning disability will affect my apprenticeship application

Hello there. Im currently applying for a really important apprenticeship. Its extremely important, as its one of the top companies in the area I want to learn and work in. The deadline is tomorrow, and I have been struggling with the application. I have dyslexia, and it can get really bad sometimes. When trying to do applications my parents help, but my parents aren't allowed to help, or see this application. I emailed the apprenticeship organisers to see if they will give me what most apprenticeships offer: a confirmed interview, without having to do an extended application (aptitude tests, etc). They emailed back saying the application is based on how much you do. Even when I mentioned my dyslexia, they didn't say a word about equality and disability options. So I'm stuck here, on questions I can't complete. And I'm scared because I'm struggling, I won't be accepted.

If this doesn't make sense, I'll try to explain it better. Thanks

TL;DR: Dyslexic filling out a application with complicated questions, no offer of disability options so am worried about if I'll be accepted.

Submitted December 06, 2020 at 04:53PM by themessiahcomplex78

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