martes, 8 de diciembre de 2020

The issue with exams and standardized testing

Ive been to a lot of schools, far too many actally

there is a common issue I run into, that nobody ever seems to mention, or even take seriously even

Lets say you receive history lessons. The book tells you that Napoleon was a short man.

The material is clearly wrong here, as by now its commonly known that this was propaganda and Napoleon was above average height in his time.

The exam shows up and asks you, was Napoleon a short stature man? (skip over how odd this question is, its just an example)

The factually correct answer is no, because he wasnt. But the book said yes, so probably the exams correct answer is, yes.

But what is more important here? Being able to give correct answers, and drawing from multiple sources, or being able to memorize a textbook?

And the main thing Ive learned is that most schools, and especially bad or average ones, will have exam sheets that reference the textbooks. While better, prestigious universities and colleges look more at the persons reasoning to get to that answer. Ie, if you mention the non french forces considered him short your answer would be correct, if you mention that he was above average height you would also be correct.

This means that a person who studied the material better than peers, could score lower because they know too much, in an average school on an average exam.

And if you question this, or "blame" the exam for being wrong and the material, most people just ignore it and think you just didnt study or are salty about the outcome, even though there is a real issue with the exams and reviews.

This has always bothered me, and it worries me that there is so much value on test scores when the tests themselves are far, far from perfect. This is a minor example, but imagine how this applies to cases where theories are misinterpreted by textbooks and examinators in universities. See the problem?

Submitted December 08, 2020 at 04:07AM by automod_genocide

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